package client

import (


	Cli ""
	flag ""
	runconfigopts ""

type translatorFunc func(reference.NamedTagged) (reference.Canonical, error)

// CmdBuild builds a new image from the source code at a given path.
// If '-' is provided instead of a path or URL, Docker will build an image from either a Dockerfile or tar archive read from STDIN.
// Usage: docker build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | -
func (cli *DockerCli) CmdBuild(args ...string) error {
	cmd := Cli.Subcmd("build", []string{"PATH | URL | -"}, Cli.DockerCommands["build"].Description, true)
	flTags := opts.NewListOpts(validateTag)
	cmd.Var(&flTags, []string{"t", "-tag"}, "Name and optionally a tag in the 'name:tag' format")
	suppressOutput := cmd.Bool([]string{"q", "-quiet"}, false, "Suppress the build output and print image ID on success")
	noCache := cmd.Bool([]string{"-no-cache"}, false, "Do not use cache when building the image")
	rm := cmd.Bool([]string{"-rm"}, true, "Remove intermediate containers after a successful build")
	forceRm := cmd.Bool([]string{"-force-rm"}, false, "Always remove intermediate containers")
	pull := cmd.Bool([]string{"-pull"}, false, "Always attempt to pull a newer version of the image")
	dockerfileName := cmd.String([]string{"f", "-file"}, "", "Name of the Dockerfile (Default is 'PATH/Dockerfile')")
	flMemoryString := cmd.String([]string{"m", "-memory"}, "", "Memory limit")
	flMemorySwap := cmd.String([]string{"-memory-swap"}, "", "Swap limit equal to memory plus swap: '-1' to enable unlimited swap")
	flShmSize := cmd.String([]string{"-shm-size"}, "", "Size of /dev/shm, default value is 64MB")
	flCPUShares := cmd.Int64([]string{"#c", "-cpu-shares"}, 0, "CPU shares (relative weight)")
	flCPUPeriod := cmd.Int64([]string{"-cpu-period"}, 0, "Limit the CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period")
	flCPUQuota := cmd.Int64([]string{"-cpu-quota"}, 0, "Limit the CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota")
	flCPUSetCpus := cmd.String([]string{"-cpuset-cpus"}, "", "CPUs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)")
	flCPUSetMems := cmd.String([]string{"-cpuset-mems"}, "", "MEMs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)")
	flCgroupParent := cmd.String([]string{"-cgroup-parent"}, "", "Optional parent cgroup for the container")
	flBuildArg := opts.NewListOpts(runconfigopts.ValidateEnv)
	cmd.Var(&flBuildArg, []string{"-build-arg"}, "Set build-time variables")
	isolation := cmd.String([]string{"-isolation"}, "", "Container isolation technology")

	flLabels := opts.NewListOpts(nil)
	cmd.Var(&flLabels, []string{"-label"}, "Set metadata for an image")

	ulimits := make(map[string]*units.Ulimit)
	flUlimits := runconfigopts.NewUlimitOpt(&ulimits)
	cmd.Var(flUlimits, []string{"-ulimit"}, "Ulimit options")

	cmd.Require(flag.Exact, 1)

	// For trusted pull on "FROM <image>" instruction.
	addTrustedFlags(cmd, true)

	cmd.ParseFlags(args, true)

	var (
		ctx io.ReadCloser
		err error

	specifiedContext := cmd.Arg(0)

	var (
		contextDir    string
		tempDir       string
		relDockerfile string
		progBuff      io.Writer
		buildBuff     io.Writer

	progBuff = cli.out
	buildBuff = cli.out
	if *suppressOutput {
		progBuff = bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
		buildBuff = bytes.NewBuffer(nil)

	switch {
	case specifiedContext == "-":
		ctx, relDockerfile, err = builder.GetContextFromReader(, *dockerfileName)
	case urlutil.IsGitURL(specifiedContext):
		tempDir, relDockerfile, err = builder.GetContextFromGitURL(specifiedContext, *dockerfileName)
	case urlutil.IsURL(specifiedContext):
		ctx, relDockerfile, err = builder.GetContextFromURL(progBuff, specifiedContext, *dockerfileName)
		contextDir, relDockerfile, err = builder.GetContextFromLocalDir(specifiedContext, *dockerfileName)

	if err != nil {
		if *suppressOutput && urlutil.IsURL(specifiedContext) {
			fmt.Fprintln(cli.err, progBuff)
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to prepare context: %s", err)

	if tempDir != "" {
		defer os.RemoveAll(tempDir)
		contextDir = tempDir

	if ctx == nil {
		// And canonicalize dockerfile name to a platform-independent one
		relDockerfile, err = archive.CanonicalTarNameForPath(relDockerfile)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("cannot canonicalize dockerfile path %s: %v", relDockerfile, err)

		f, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(contextDir, ".dockerignore"))
		if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			return err

		var excludes []string
		if err == nil {
			excludes, err = dockerignore.ReadAll(f)
			if err != nil {
				return err

		if err := builder.ValidateContextDirectory(contextDir, excludes); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error checking context: '%s'.", err)

		// If .dockerignore mentions .dockerignore or the Dockerfile
		// then make sure we send both files over to the daemon
		// because Dockerfile is, obviously, needed no matter what, and
		// .dockerignore is needed to know if either one needs to be
		// removed. The daemon will remove them for us, if needed, after it
		// parses the Dockerfile. Ignore errors here, as they will have been
		// caught by validateContextDirectory above.
		var includes = []string{"."}
		keepThem1, _ := fileutils.Matches(".dockerignore", excludes)
		keepThem2, _ := fileutils.Matches(relDockerfile, excludes)
		if keepThem1 || keepThem2 {
			includes = append(includes, ".dockerignore", relDockerfile)

		ctx, err = archive.TarWithOptions(contextDir, &archive.TarOptions{
			Compression:     archive.Uncompressed,
			ExcludePatterns: excludes,
			IncludeFiles:    includes,
		if err != nil {
			return err

	var resolvedTags []*resolvedTag
	if isTrusted() {
		// Wrap the tar archive to replace the Dockerfile entry with the rewritten
		// Dockerfile which uses trusted pulls.
		ctx = replaceDockerfileTarWrapper(ctx, relDockerfile, cli.trustedReference, &resolvedTags)

	// Setup an upload progress bar
	progressOutput := streamformatter.NewStreamFormatter().NewProgressOutput(progBuff, true)

	var body io.Reader = progress.NewProgressReader(ctx, progressOutput, 0, "", "Sending build context to Docker daemon")

	var memory int64
	if *flMemoryString != "" {
		parsedMemory, err := units.RAMInBytes(*flMemoryString)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		memory = parsedMemory

	var memorySwap int64
	if *flMemorySwap != "" {
		if *flMemorySwap == "-1" {
			memorySwap = -1
		} else {
			parsedMemorySwap, err := units.RAMInBytes(*flMemorySwap)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			memorySwap = parsedMemorySwap

	var shmSize int64
	if *flShmSize != "" {
		shmSize, err = units.RAMInBytes(*flShmSize)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	options := types.ImageBuildOptions{
		Context:        body,
		Memory:         memory,
		MemorySwap:     memorySwap,
		Tags:           flTags.GetAll(),
		SuppressOutput: *suppressOutput,
		NoCache:        *noCache,
		Remove:         *rm,
		ForceRemove:    *forceRm,
		PullParent:     *pull,
		Isolation:      container.Isolation(*isolation),
		CPUSetCPUs:     *flCPUSetCpus,
		CPUSetMems:     *flCPUSetMems,
		CPUShares:      *flCPUShares,
		CPUQuota:       *flCPUQuota,
		CPUPeriod:      *flCPUPeriod,
		CgroupParent:   *flCgroupParent,
		Dockerfile:     relDockerfile,
		ShmSize:        shmSize,
		Ulimits:        flUlimits.GetList(),
		BuildArgs:      runconfigopts.ConvertKVStringsToMap(flBuildArg.GetAll()),
		AuthConfigs:    cli.retrieveAuthConfigs(),
		Labels:         runconfigopts.ConvertKVStringsToMap(flLabels.GetAll()),

	response, err := cli.client.ImageBuild(context.Background(), options)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer response.Body.Close()

	err = jsonmessage.DisplayJSONMessagesStream(response.Body, buildBuff, cli.outFd, cli.isTerminalOut, nil)
	if err != nil {
		if jerr, ok := err.(*jsonmessage.JSONError); ok {
			// If no error code is set, default to 1
			if jerr.Code == 0 {
				jerr.Code = 1
			if *suppressOutput {
				fmt.Fprintf(cli.err, "%s%s", progBuff, buildBuff)
			return Cli.StatusError{Status: jerr.Message, StatusCode: jerr.Code}

	// Windows: show error message about modified file permissions if the
	// daemon isn't running Windows.
	if response.OSType != "windows" && runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
		fmt.Fprintln(cli.err, `SECURITY WARNING: You are building a Docker image from Windows against a non-Windows Docker host. All files and directories added to build context will have '-rwxr-xr-x' permissions. It is recommended to double check and reset permissions for sensitive files and directories.`)

	// Everything worked so if -q was provided the output from the daemon
	// should be just the image ID and we'll print that to stdout.
	if *suppressOutput {
		fmt.Fprintf(cli.out, "%s", buildBuff)

	if isTrusted() {
		// Since the build was successful, now we must tag any of the resolved
		// images from the above Dockerfile rewrite.
		for _, resolved := range resolvedTags {
			if err := cli.tagTrusted(resolved.digestRef, resolved.tagRef); err != nil {
				return err

	return nil

// validateTag checks if the given image name can be resolved.
func validateTag(rawRepo string) (string, error) {
	_, err := reference.ParseNamed(rawRepo)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	return rawRepo, nil

var dockerfileFromLinePattern = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)^[\s]*FROM[ \f\r\t\v]+(?P<image>[^ \f\r\t\v\n#]+)`)

// resolvedTag records the repository, tag, and resolved digest reference
// from a Dockerfile rewrite.
type resolvedTag struct {
	digestRef reference.Canonical
	tagRef    reference.NamedTagged

// rewriteDockerfileFrom rewrites the given Dockerfile by resolving images in
// "FROM <image>" instructions to a digest reference. `translator` is a
// function that takes a repository name and tag reference and returns a
// trusted digest reference.
func rewriteDockerfileFrom(dockerfile io.Reader, translator translatorFunc) (newDockerfile []byte, resolvedTags []*resolvedTag, err error) {
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(dockerfile)
	buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)

	// Scan the lines of the Dockerfile, looking for a "FROM" line.
	for scanner.Scan() {
		line := scanner.Text()

		matches := dockerfileFromLinePattern.FindStringSubmatch(line)
		if matches != nil && matches[1] != api.NoBaseImageSpecifier {
			// Replace the line with a resolved "FROM repo@digest"
			ref, err := reference.ParseNamed(matches[1])
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, err
			ref = reference.WithDefaultTag(ref)
			if ref, ok := ref.(reference.NamedTagged); ok && isTrusted() {
				trustedRef, err := translator(ref)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, nil, err

				line = dockerfileFromLinePattern.ReplaceAllLiteralString(line, fmt.Sprintf("FROM %s", trustedRef.String()))
				resolvedTags = append(resolvedTags, &resolvedTag{
					digestRef: trustedRef,
					tagRef:    ref,

		_, err := fmt.Fprintln(buf, line)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err

	return buf.Bytes(), resolvedTags, scanner.Err()

// replaceDockerfileTarWrapper wraps the given input tar archive stream and
// replaces the entry with the given Dockerfile name with the contents of the
// new Dockerfile. Returns a new tar archive stream with the replaced
// Dockerfile.
func replaceDockerfileTarWrapper(inputTarStream io.ReadCloser, dockerfileName string, translator translatorFunc, resolvedTags *[]*resolvedTag) io.ReadCloser {
	pipeReader, pipeWriter := io.Pipe()
	go func() {
		tarReader := tar.NewReader(inputTarStream)
		tarWriter := tar.NewWriter(pipeWriter)

		defer inputTarStream.Close()

		for {
			hdr, err := tarReader.Next()
			if err == io.EOF {
				// Signals end of archive.
			if err != nil {

			var content io.Reader = tarReader
			if hdr.Name == dockerfileName {
				// This entry is the Dockerfile. Since the tar archive was
				// generated from a directory on the local filesystem, the
				// Dockerfile will only appear once in the archive.
				var newDockerfile []byte
				newDockerfile, *resolvedTags, err = rewriteDockerfileFrom(content, translator)
				if err != nil {
				hdr.Size = int64(len(newDockerfile))
				content = bytes.NewBuffer(newDockerfile)

			if err := tarWriter.WriteHeader(hdr); err != nil {

			if _, err := io.Copy(tarWriter, content); err != nil {

	return pipeReader