# Note: right now we don't use go-specific features of travis.
# Later we might automate "go test" etc. (or do it inside a docker container...?)

language: go

# This should match the version in the Dockerfile.
  - 1.3.1
# Test against older versions too, just for a little extra retrocompat.
  - 1.2

# Let us have pretty experimental Docker-based Travis workers.
# (These spin up much faster than the VM-based ones.)
sudo: false

# Disable the normal go build.
  - export DOCKER_BUILDTAGS='exclude_graphdriver_btrfs exclude_graphdriver_devicemapper' # btrfs and devicemapper fail to compile thanks to a couple missing headers (which we can't install thanks to "sudo: false")
  - export AUTO_GOPATH=1
# some of Docker's unit tests don't work inside Travis (yet!), so we purge those test files for now
  - rm -f daemon/graphdriver/btrfs/*_test.go # fails to compile (missing header)
  - rm -f daemon/graphdriver/devmapper/*_test.go # fails to compile (missing header)
  - rm -f daemon/execdriver/lxc/*_test.go # fails to run (missing "lxc-start")
  - rm -f daemon/graphdriver/aufs/*_test.go # fails to run ("backing file system is unsupported for this graph driver")
  - rm -f daemon/graphdriver/vfs/*_test.go # fails to run (not root, which these tests assume "/var/tmp/... no owned by uid 0")
  - rm -f daemon/networkdriver/bridge/*_test.go # fails to run ("Failed to initialize network driver")
  - rm -f graph/*_test.go # fails to run ("mkdir /tmp/docker-test.../vfs/dir/foo/etc/postgres: permission denied")
  - rm -f pkg/mount/*_test.go # fails to run ("permission denied")

  - env | sort

  - hack/make.sh validate-dco
  - hack/make.sh validate-gofmt
  - DOCKER_CLIENTONLY=1 ./hack/make.sh dynbinary
  - ./hack/make.sh dynbinary dyntest-unit

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