package graph

import (


type v1Pusher struct {
	endpoint  registry.APIEndpoint
	localRepo Repository
	repoInfo  *registry.RepositoryInfo
	config    *ImagePushConfig
	sf        *streamformatter.StreamFormatter
	session   *registry.Session

	out io.Writer

func (p *v1Pusher) Push() (fallback bool, err error) {
	tlsConfig, err := p.registryService.TLSConfig(p.repoInfo.Index.Name)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	// Adds Docker-specific headers as well as user-specified headers (metaHeaders)
	tr := transport.NewTransport(
		// TODO(tiborvass): was NoTimeout
	client := registry.HTTPClient(tr)
	v1Endpoint, err := p.endpoint.ToV1Endpoint(p.config.MetaHeaders)
	if err != nil {
		logrus.Debugf("Could not get v1 endpoint: %v", err)
		return true, err
	p.session, err = registry.NewSession(client, p.config.AuthConfig, v1Endpoint)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO(dmcgowan): Check if should fallback
		return true, err
	if err := p.pushRepository(p.config.Tag); err != nil {
		// TODO(dmcgowan): Check if should fallback
		return false, err
	return false, nil

// Retrieve the all the images to be uploaded in the correct order
func (p *v1Pusher) getImageList(requestedTag string) ([]string, map[string][]string, error) {
	var (
		imageList   []string
		imagesSeen  = make(map[string]bool)
		tagsByImage = make(map[string][]string)

	for tag, id := range p.localRepo {
		if requestedTag != "" && requestedTag != tag {
			// Include only the requested tag.

		if utils.DigestReference(tag) {
			// Ignore digest references.

		var imageListForThisTag []string

		tagsByImage[id] = append(tagsByImage[id], tag)

		for img, err := p.graph.Get(id); img != nil; img, err = p.graph.GetParent(img) {
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, err

			if imagesSeen[img.ID] {
				// This image is already on the list, we can ignore it and all its parents

			imagesSeen[img.ID] = true
			imageListForThisTag = append(imageListForThisTag, img.ID)

		// reverse the image list for this tag (so the "most"-parent image is first)
		for i, j := 0, len(imageListForThisTag)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
			imageListForThisTag[i], imageListForThisTag[j] = imageListForThisTag[j], imageListForThisTag[i]

		// append to main image list
		imageList = append(imageList, imageListForThisTag...)
	if len(imageList) == 0 {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("No images found for the requested repository / tag")
	logrus.Debugf("Image list: %v", imageList)
	logrus.Debugf("Tags by image: %v", tagsByImage)

	return imageList, tagsByImage, nil

// createImageIndex returns an index of an image's layer IDs and tags.
func (s *TagStore) createImageIndex(images []string, tags map[string][]string) []*registry.ImgData {
	var imageIndex []*registry.ImgData
	for _, id := range images {
		if tags, hasTags := tags[id]; hasTags {
			// If an image has tags you must add an entry in the image index
			// for each tag
			for _, tag := range tags {
				imageIndex = append(imageIndex, &registry.ImgData{
					ID:  id,
					Tag: tag,
		// If the image does not have a tag it still needs to be sent to the
		// registry with an empty tag so that it is associated with the repository
		imageIndex = append(imageIndex, &registry.ImgData{
			ID:  id,
			Tag: "",
	return imageIndex

type imagePushData struct {
	id              string
	compatibilityID string
	endpoint        string
	tokens          []string

// lookupImageOnEndpoint checks the specified endpoint to see if an image exists
// and if it is absent then it sends the image id to the channel to be pushed.
func (p *v1Pusher) lookupImageOnEndpoint(wg *sync.WaitGroup, images chan imagePushData, imagesToPush chan string) {
	defer wg.Done()
	for image := range images {
		if err := p.session.LookupRemoteImage(image.compatibilityID, image.endpoint); err != nil {
			logrus.Errorf("Error in LookupRemoteImage: %s", err)
			imagesToPush <-
		p.out.Write(p.sf.FormatStatus("", "Image %s already pushed, skipping", stringid.TruncateID(

func (p *v1Pusher) pushImageToEndpoint(endpoint string, imageIDs []string, tags map[string][]string, repo *registry.RepositoryData) error {
	workerCount := len(imageIDs)
	// start a maximum of 5 workers to check if images exist on the specified endpoint.
	if workerCount > 5 {
		workerCount = 5
	var (
		wg           = &sync.WaitGroup{}
		imageData    = make(chan imagePushData, workerCount*2)
		imagesToPush = make(chan string, workerCount*2)
		pushes       = make(chan map[string]struct{}, 1)
	for i := 0; i < workerCount; i++ {
		go p.lookupImageOnEndpoint(wg, imageData, imagesToPush)
	// start a go routine that consumes the images to push
	go func() {
		shouldPush := make(map[string]struct{})
		for id := range imagesToPush {
			shouldPush[id] = struct{}{}
		pushes <- shouldPush
	for _, id := range imageIDs {
		compatibilityID, err := p.getV1ID(id)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		imageData <- imagePushData{
			id:              id,
			compatibilityID: compatibilityID,
			endpoint:        endpoint,
			tokens:          repo.Tokens,
	// close the channel to notify the workers that there will be no more images to check.
	// wait for all the images that require pushes to be collected into a consumable map.
	shouldPush := <-pushes
	// finish by pushing any images and tags to the endpoint.  The order that the images are pushed
	// is very important that is why we are still iterating over the ordered list of imageIDs.
	for _, id := range imageIDs {
		if _, push := shouldPush[id]; push {
			if _, err := p.pushImage(id, endpoint, repo.Tokens); err != nil {
				// FIXME: Continue on error?
				return err
		for _, tag := range tags[id] {
			p.out.Write(p.sf.FormatStatus("", "Pushing tag for rev [%s] on {%s}", stringid.TruncateID(id), endpoint+"repositories/"+p.repoInfo.RemoteName+"/tags/"+tag))
			compatibilityID, err := p.getV1ID(id)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if err := p.session.PushRegistryTag(p.repoInfo.RemoteName, compatibilityID, tag, endpoint); err != nil {
				return err
	return nil

// pushRepository pushes layers that do not already exist on the registry.
func (p *v1Pusher) pushRepository(tag string) error {
	logrus.Debugf("Local repo: %s", p.localRepo)
	p.out = ioutils.NewWriteFlusher(p.config.OutStream)
	imgList, tags, err := p.getImageList(tag)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	p.out.Write(p.sf.FormatStatus("", "Sending image list"))

	imageIndex := p.createImageIndex(imgList, tags)
	logrus.Debugf("Preparing to push %s with the following images and tags", p.localRepo)
	for _, data := range imageIndex {
		logrus.Debugf("Pushing ID: %s with Tag: %s", data.ID, data.Tag)

		// convert IDs to compatibilityIDs, imageIndex only used in registry calls
		data.ID, err = p.getV1ID(data.ID)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	if _, err := p.poolAdd("push", p.repoInfo.LocalName); err != nil {
		return err
	defer p.poolRemove("push", p.repoInfo.LocalName)

	// Register all the images in a repository with the registry
	// If an image is not in this list it will not be associated with the repository
	repoData, err := p.session.PushImageJSONIndex(p.repoInfo.RemoteName, imageIndex, false, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	nTag := 1
	if tag == "" {
		nTag = len(p.localRepo)
	p.out.Write(p.sf.FormatStatus("", "Pushing repository %s (%d tags)", p.repoInfo.CanonicalName, nTag))
	// push the repository to each of the endpoints only if it does not exist.
	for _, endpoint := range repoData.Endpoints {
		if err := p.pushImageToEndpoint(endpoint, imgList, tags, repoData); err != nil {
			return err
	_, err = p.session.PushImageJSONIndex(p.repoInfo.RemoteName, imageIndex, true, repoData.Endpoints)
	return err

func (p *v1Pusher) pushImage(imgID, ep string, token []string) (checksum string, err error) {
	jsonRaw, err := p.getV1Config(imgID)
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Cannot retrieve the path for {%s}: %s", imgID, err)
	p.out.Write(p.sf.FormatProgress(stringid.TruncateID(imgID), "Pushing", nil))

	compatibilityID, err := p.getV1ID(imgID)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	// General rule is to use ID for graph accesses and compatibilityID for
	// calls to session.registry()
	imgData := &registry.ImgData{
		ID: compatibilityID,

	// Send the json
	if err := p.session.PushImageJSONRegistry(imgData, jsonRaw, ep); err != nil {
		if err == registry.ErrAlreadyExists {
			p.out.Write(p.sf.FormatProgress(stringid.TruncateID(imgID), "Image already pushed, skipping", nil))
			return "", nil
		return "", err

	layerData, err := p.graph.TempLayerArchive(imgID, p.sf, p.out)
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to generate layer archive: %s", err)
	defer os.RemoveAll(layerData.Name())

	// Send the layer
	logrus.Debugf("rendered layer for %s of [%d] size", imgID, layerData.Size)

	checksum, checksumPayload, err := p.session.PushImageLayerRegistry(imgData.ID,
			In:        layerData,
			Out:       p.out,
			Formatter: p.sf,
			Size:      int(layerData.Size),
			NewLines:  false,
			ID:        stringid.TruncateID(imgID),
			Action:    "Pushing",
		}), ep, jsonRaw)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	imgData.Checksum = checksum
	imgData.ChecksumPayload = checksumPayload
	// Send the checksum
	if err := p.session.PushImageChecksumRegistry(imgData, ep); err != nil {
		return "", err

	p.out.Write(p.sf.FormatProgress(stringid.TruncateID(imgID), "Image successfully pushed", nil))
	return imgData.Checksum, nil

// getV1ID returns the compatibilityID for the ID in the graph. compatibilityID
// is read from from the v1Compatibility config file in the disk.
func (p *v1Pusher) getV1ID(id string) (string, error) {
	jsonData, err := p.getV1Config(id)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	img, err := image.NewImgJSON(jsonData)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	return img.ID, nil

// getV1Config returns v1Compatibility config for the image in the graph. If
// there is no v1Compatibility file on disk for the image
func (p *v1Pusher) getV1Config(id string) ([]byte, error) {
	jsonData, err := p.graph.GenerateV1CompatibilityChain(id)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return jsonData, nil