// +build windows

package daemon

import (

	derr "github.com/docker/docker/errors"

// DefaultPathEnv is deliberately empty on Windows as the default path will be set by
// the container. Docker has no context of what the default path should be.
const DefaultPathEnv = ""

// Container holds fields specific to the Windows implementation. See
// CommonContainer for standard fields common to all containers.
type Container struct {

	// Fields below here are platform specific.

func killProcessDirectly(container *Container) error {
	return nil

func (container *Container) setupLinkedContainers() ([]string, error) {
	return nil, nil

func (container *Container) createDaemonEnvironment(linkedEnv []string) []string {
	// On Windows, nothing to link. Just return the container environment.
	return container.Config.Env

func (container *Container) initializeNetworking() error {
	return nil

// ConnectToNetwork connects a container to the network
func (container *Container) ConnectToNetwork(idOrName string) error {
	return nil

// DisconnectFromNetwork disconnects a container from, the network
func (container *Container) DisconnectFromNetwork(n libnetwork.Network) error {
	return nil

func (container *Container) setupWorkingDirectory() error {
	return nil

func populateCommand(c *Container, env []string) error {
	en := &execdriver.Network{
		Interface: nil,

	parts := strings.SplitN(string(c.hostConfig.NetworkMode), ":", 2)
	switch parts[0] {
	case "none":
	case "default", "": // empty string to support existing containers
		if !c.Config.NetworkDisabled {
			en.Interface = &execdriver.NetworkInterface{
				MacAddress:   c.Config.MacAddress,
				Bridge:       c.daemon.configStore.Bridge.VirtualSwitchName,
				PortBindings: c.hostConfig.PortBindings,

				// TODO Windows. Include IPAddress. There already is a
				// property IPAddress on execDrive.CommonNetworkInterface,
				// but there is no CLI option in docker to pass through
				// an IPAddress on docker run.
		return derr.ErrorCodeInvalidNetworkMode.WithArgs(c.hostConfig.NetworkMode)

	pid := &execdriver.Pid{}

	// TODO Windows. This can probably be factored out.
	pid.HostPid = c.hostConfig.PidMode.IsHost()

	// TODO Windows. More resource controls to be implemented later.
	resources := &execdriver.Resources{
		CPUShares: c.hostConfig.CPUShares,

	// TODO Windows. Further refactoring required (privileged/user)
	processConfig := execdriver.ProcessConfig{
		Privileged:  c.hostConfig.Privileged,
		Entrypoint:  c.Path,
		Arguments:   c.Args,
		Tty:         c.Config.Tty,
		User:        c.Config.User,
		ConsoleSize: c.hostConfig.ConsoleSize,

	processConfig.Env = env

	var layerPaths []string
	img, err := c.daemon.graph.Get(c.ImageID)
	if err != nil {
		return derr.ErrorCodeGetGraph.WithArgs(c.ImageID, err)
	for i := img; i != nil && err == nil; i, err = c.daemon.graph.GetParent(i) {
		lp, err := c.daemon.driver.Get(i.ID, "")
		if err != nil {
			return derr.ErrorCodeGetLayer.WithArgs(c.daemon.driver.String(), i.ID, err)
		layerPaths = append(layerPaths, lp)
		err = c.daemon.driver.Put(i.ID)
		if err != nil {
			return derr.ErrorCodePutLayer.WithArgs(c.daemon.driver.String(), i.ID, err)
	m, err := c.daemon.driver.GetMetadata(c.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return derr.ErrorCodeGetLayerMetadata.WithArgs(err)
	layerFolder := m["dir"]

	// TODO Windows: Factor out remainder of unused fields.
	c.command = &execdriver.Command{
		ID:             c.ID,
		Rootfs:         c.rootfsPath(),
		ReadonlyRootfs: c.hostConfig.ReadonlyRootfs,
		InitPath:       "/.dockerinit",
		WorkingDir:     c.Config.WorkingDir,
		Network:        en,
		Pid:            pid,
		Resources:      resources,
		CapAdd:         c.hostConfig.CapAdd.Slice(),
		CapDrop:        c.hostConfig.CapDrop.Slice(),
		ProcessConfig:  processConfig,
		ProcessLabel:   c.getProcessLabel(),
		MountLabel:     c.getMountLabel(),
		FirstStart:     !c.HasBeenStartedBefore,
		LayerFolder:    layerFolder,
		LayerPaths:     layerPaths,
		Hostname:       c.Config.Hostname,

	return nil

// GetSize returns real size & virtual size
func (container *Container) getSize() (int64, int64) {
	// TODO Windows
	return 0, 0

// setNetworkNamespaceKey is a no-op on Windows.
func (container *Container) setNetworkNamespaceKey(pid int) error {
	return nil

// allocateNetwork is a no-op on Windows.
func (container *Container) allocateNetwork() error {
	return nil

func (container *Container) updateNetwork() error {
	return nil

func (container *Container) releaseNetwork() {

func (container *Container) unmountVolumes(forceSyscall bool) error {
	return nil

// prepareMountPoints is a no-op on Windows
func (container *Container) prepareMountPoints() error {
	return nil

// removeMountPoints is a no-op on Windows.
func (container *Container) removeMountPoints(_ bool) error {
	return nil

func (container *Container) setupIpcDirs() error {
	return nil

func (container *Container) unmountIpcMounts() error {
	return nil

func (container *Container) ipcMounts() []execdriver.Mount {
	return nil

func getDefaultRouteMtu() (int, error) {
	return -1, errSystemNotSupported