# This file lists all individuals having contributed content to the repository. # If you're submitting a patch, please add your name here in alphabetical order as part of the patch. # # For a list of active project maintainers, see the MAINTAINERS file. # Al Tobey Alexey Shamrin Andrea Luzzardi Andy Rothfusz Andy Smith Antony Messerli Barry Allard Brandon Liu Brian McCallister Bruno Bigras Caleb Spare Charles Hooper Daniel Gasienica Daniel Mizyrycki Daniel Robinson Daniel Von Fange Dominik Honnef Don Spaulding Dr Nic Williams Evan Wies ezbercih Flavio Castelli Francisco Souza Frederick F. Kautz IV Guillaume J. Charmes Harley Laue Hunter Blanks Jeff Lindsay Jeremy Grosser Joffrey F John Costa Jonas Pfenniger Jonathan Rudenberg Julien Barbier Jérôme Petazzoni Ken Cochrane Kevin J. Lynagh Louis Opter Maxim Treskin Michael Crosby Mikhail Sobolev Nate Jones Nelson Chen Niall O'Higgins odk- Paul Bowsher Paul Hammond Piotr Bogdan Robert Obryk Sam Alba Shawn Siefkas Silas Sewell Solomon Hykes Sridhar Ratnakumar Thatcher Peskens Thomas Bikeev Tianon Gravi Tim Terhorst Troy Howard unclejack Victor Vieux Vivek Agarwal