// +build !windows package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/http" "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/integration/checker" "github.com/go-check/check" ) // #16665 func (s *DockerSuite) TestInspectApiCpusetInConfigPre120(c *check.C) { testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux) testRequires(c, cgroupCpuset) name := "cpusetinconfig-pre120" dockerCmd(c, "run", "--name", name, "--cpuset-cpus", "0", "busybox", "true") status, body, err := sockRequest("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/v1.19/containers/%s/json", name), nil) c.Assert(status, check.Equals, http.StatusOK) c.Assert(err, check.IsNil) var inspectJSON map[string]interface{} err = json.Unmarshal(body, &inspectJSON) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("unable to unmarshal body for version 1.19")) config, ok := inspectJSON["Config"] c.Assert(ok, checker.True, check.Commentf("Unable to find 'Config'")) cfg := config.(map[string]interface{}) _, ok = cfg["Cpuset"] c.Assert(ok, checker.True, check.Commentf("Api version 1.19 expected to include Cpuset in 'Config'")) }