package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strings" "time" "" "" "" ) // TestPullFromCentralRegistry pulls an image from the central registry and verifies that the client // prints all expected output. func (s *DockerHubPullSuite) TestPullFromCentralRegistry(c *check.C) { testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux) out := s.Cmd(c, "pull", "hello-world") defer deleteImages("hello-world") c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "Using default tag: latest", check.Commentf("expected the 'latest' tag to be automatically assumed")) c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "Pulling from library/hello-world", check.Commentf("expected the 'library/' prefix to be automatically assumed")) c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "Downloaded newer image for hello-world:latest") matches := regexp.MustCompile(`Digest: (.+)\n`).FindAllStringSubmatch(out, -1) c.Assert(len(matches), checker.Equals, 1, check.Commentf("expected exactly one image digest in the output")) c.Assert(len(matches[0]), checker.Equals, 2, check.Commentf("unexpected number of submatches for the digest")) _, err := digest.ParseDigest(matches[0][1]) c.Check(err, checker.IsNil, check.Commentf("invalid digest %q in output", matches[0][1])) // We should have a single entry in images. img := strings.TrimSpace(s.Cmd(c, "images")) if splitImg := strings.Split(img, "\n"); len(splitImg) != 2 { c.Fatalf("expected only two lines in the output of `docker images`, got %d", len(splitImg)) } else if re := regexp.MustCompile(`^hello-world\s+latest`); !re.Match([]byte(splitImg[1])) { c.Fatal("invalid output for `docker images` (expected image and tag name") } } // TestPullNonExistingImage pulls non-existing images from the central registry, with different // combinations of implicit tag and library prefix. func (s *DockerHubPullSuite) TestPullNonExistingImage(c *check.C) { testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux) for _, e := range []struct { Image string Alias string }{ {"library/asdfasdf:foobar", "asdfasdf:foobar"}, {"library/asdfasdf:foobar", "library/asdfasdf:foobar"}, {"library/asdfasdf:latest", "asdfasdf"}, {"library/asdfasdf:latest", "asdfasdf:latest"}, {"library/asdfasdf:latest", "library/asdfasdf"}, {"library/asdfasdf:latest", "library/asdfasdf:latest"}, } { out, err := s.CmdWithError("pull", e.Alias) c.Assert(err, checker.NotNil, check.Commentf("expected non-zero exit status when pulling non-existing image: %s", out)) c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, fmt.Sprintf("Error: image %s not found", e.Image), check.Commentf("expected image not found error messages")) } } // TestPullFromCentralRegistryImplicitRefParts pulls an image from the central registry and verifies // that pulling the same image with different combinations of implicit elements of the the image // reference (tag, repository, central registry url, ...) doesn't trigger a new pull nor leads to // multiple images. func (s *DockerHubPullSuite) TestPullFromCentralRegistryImplicitRefParts(c *check.C) { testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux) s.Cmd(c, "pull", "hello-world") defer deleteImages("hello-world") for _, i := range []string{ "hello-world", "hello-world:latest", "library/hello-world", "library/hello-world:latest", "", "", } { out := s.Cmd(c, "pull", i) c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "Image is up to date for hello-world:latest") } // We should have a single entry in images. img := strings.TrimSpace(s.Cmd(c, "images")) if splitImg := strings.Split(img, "\n"); len(splitImg) != 2 { c.Fatalf("expected only two lines in the output of `docker images`, got %d", len(splitImg)) } else if re := regexp.MustCompile(`^hello-world\s+latest`); !re.Match([]byte(splitImg[1])) { c.Fatal("invalid output for `docker images` (expected image and tag name") } } // TestPullScratchNotAllowed verifies that pulling 'scratch' is rejected. func (s *DockerHubPullSuite) TestPullScratchNotAllowed(c *check.C) { testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux) out, err := s.CmdWithError("pull", "scratch") c.Assert(err, checker.NotNil, check.Commentf("expected pull of scratch to fail")) c.Assert(out, checker.Contains, "'scratch' is a reserved name") c.Assert(out, checker.Not(checker.Contains), "Pulling repository scratch") } // TestPullAllTagsFromCentralRegistry pulls using `all-tags` for a given image and verifies that it // results in more images than a naked pull. func (s *DockerHubPullSuite) TestPullAllTagsFromCentralRegistry(c *check.C) { testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux) s.Cmd(c, "pull", "busybox") outImageCmd := s.Cmd(c, "images", "busybox") splitOutImageCmd := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(outImageCmd), "\n") c.Assert(splitOutImageCmd, checker.HasLen, 2, check.Commentf("expected a single entry in images\n%v", outImageCmd)) s.Cmd(c, "pull", "--all-tags=true", "busybox") outImageAllTagCmd := s.Cmd(c, "images", "busybox") if linesCount := strings.Count(outImageAllTagCmd, "\n"); linesCount <= 2 { c.Fatalf("pulling all tags should provide more images, got %d", linesCount-1) } // Verify that the line for 'busybox:latest' is left unchanged. var latestLine string for _, line := range strings.Split(outImageAllTagCmd, "\n") { if strings.HasPrefix(line, "busybox") && strings.Contains(line, "latest") { latestLine = line break } } c.Assert(latestLine, checker.Not(checker.Equals), "", check.Commentf("no entry for busybox:latest found after pulling all tags")) splitLatest := strings.Fields(latestLine) splitCurrent := strings.Fields(splitOutImageCmd[1]) c.Assert(splitLatest, checker.DeepEquals, splitCurrent, check.Commentf("busybox:latest was changed after pulling all tags")) } // TestPullClientDisconnect kills the client during a pull operation and verifies that the operation // still succesfully completes on the daemon side. // // Ref: docker/docker#15589 func (s *DockerHubPullSuite) TestPullClientDisconnect(c *check.C) { testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux) repoName := "hello-world:latest" pullCmd := s.MakeCmd("pull", repoName) stdout, err := pullCmd.StdoutPipe() c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) err = pullCmd.Start() c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) // Cancel as soon as we get some output. buf := make([]byte, 10) _, err = stdout.Read(buf) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) err = pullCmd.Process.Kill() c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) maxAttempts := 20 for i := 0; ; i++ { if _, err := s.CmdWithError("inspect", repoName); err == nil { break } if i >= maxAttempts { c.Fatal("timeout reached: image was not pulled after client disconnected") } time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond) } } type idAndParent struct { ID string Parent string } func inspectImage(c *check.C, imageRef string) idAndParent { out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "inspect", imageRef) var inspectOutput []idAndParent err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(out), &inspectOutput) if err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } return inspectOutput[0] } func imageID(c *check.C, imageRef string) string { return inspectImage(c, imageRef).ID } func imageParent(c *check.C, imageRef string) string { return inspectImage(c, imageRef).Parent } // TestPullMigration verifies that pulling an image based on layers // that already exists locally will reuse those existing layers. func (s *DockerRegistrySuite) TestPullMigration(c *check.C) { repoName := privateRegistryURL + "/dockercli/migration" baseImage := repoName + ":base" _, err := buildImage(baseImage, fmt.Sprintf(` FROM scratch ENV IMAGE base CMD echo %s `, baseImage), true) if err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } baseIDBeforePush := imageID(c, baseImage) baseParentBeforePush := imageParent(c, baseImage) derivedImage := repoName + ":derived" _, err = buildImage(derivedImage, fmt.Sprintf(` FROM %s CMD echo %s `, baseImage, derivedImage), true) if err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } derivedIDBeforePush := imageID(c, derivedImage) dockerCmd(c, "push", derivedImage) // Remove derived image from the local store dockerCmd(c, "rmi", derivedImage) // Repull dockerCmd(c, "pull", derivedImage) // Check that the parent of this pulled image is the original base // image derivedIDAfterPull1 := imageID(c, derivedImage) derivedParentAfterPull1 := imageParent(c, derivedImage) if derivedIDAfterPull1 == derivedIDBeforePush { c.Fatal("image's ID should have changed on after deleting and pulling") } if derivedParentAfterPull1 != baseIDBeforePush { c.Fatalf("pulled image's parent ID (%s) does not match base image's ID (%s)", derivedParentAfterPull1, baseIDBeforePush) } // Confirm that repushing and repulling does not change the computed ID dockerCmd(c, "push", derivedImage) dockerCmd(c, "rmi", derivedImage) dockerCmd(c, "pull", derivedImage) derivedIDAfterPull2 := imageID(c, derivedImage) derivedParentAfterPull2 := imageParent(c, derivedImage) if derivedIDAfterPull2 != derivedIDAfterPull1 { c.Fatal("image's ID unexpectedly changed after a repush/repull") } if derivedParentAfterPull2 != baseIDBeforePush { c.Fatalf("pulled image's parent ID (%s) does not match base image's ID (%s)", derivedParentAfterPull2, baseIDBeforePush) } // Remove everything, repull, and make sure everything uses computed IDs dockerCmd(c, "rmi", baseImage, derivedImage) dockerCmd(c, "pull", derivedImage) derivedIDAfterPull3 := imageID(c, derivedImage) derivedParentAfterPull3 := imageParent(c, derivedImage) derivedGrandparentAfterPull3 := imageParent(c, derivedParentAfterPull3) if derivedIDAfterPull3 != derivedIDAfterPull1 { c.Fatal("image's ID unexpectedly changed after a second repull") } if derivedParentAfterPull3 == baseIDBeforePush { c.Fatalf("pulled image's parent ID (%s) should not match base image's original ID (%s)", derivedParentAfterPull3, derivedIDBeforePush) } if derivedGrandparentAfterPull3 == baseParentBeforePush { c.Fatal("base image's parent ID should have been rewritten on pull") } } // TestPullMigrationRun verifies that pulling an image based on layers // that already exists locally will result in an image that runs properly. func (s *DockerRegistrySuite) TestPullMigrationRun(c *check.C) { type idAndParent struct { ID string Parent string } derivedImage := privateRegistryURL + "/dockercli/migration-run" baseImage := "busybox" _, err := buildImage(derivedImage, fmt.Sprintf(` FROM %s RUN dd if=/dev/zero of=/file bs=1024 count=1024 CMD echo %s `, baseImage, derivedImage), true) if err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } baseIDBeforePush := imageID(c, baseImage) derivedIDBeforePush := imageID(c, derivedImage) dockerCmd(c, "push", derivedImage) // Remove derived image from the local store dockerCmd(c, "rmi", derivedImage) // Repull dockerCmd(c, "pull", derivedImage) // Check that this pulled image is based on the original base image derivedIDAfterPull1 := imageID(c, derivedImage) derivedParentAfterPull1 := imageParent(c, imageParent(c, derivedImage)) if derivedIDAfterPull1 == derivedIDBeforePush { c.Fatal("image's ID should have changed on after deleting and pulling") } if derivedParentAfterPull1 != baseIDBeforePush { c.Fatalf("pulled image's parent ID (%s) does not match base image's ID (%s)", derivedParentAfterPull1, baseIDBeforePush) } // Make sure the image runs correctly out, _ := dockerCmd(c, "run", "--rm", derivedImage) if strings.TrimSpace(out) != derivedImage { c.Fatalf("expected %s; got %s", derivedImage, out) } // Confirm that repushing and repulling does not change the computed ID dockerCmd(c, "push", derivedImage) dockerCmd(c, "rmi", derivedImage) dockerCmd(c, "pull", derivedImage) derivedIDAfterPull2 := imageID(c, derivedImage) derivedParentAfterPull2 := imageParent(c, imageParent(c, derivedImage)) if derivedIDAfterPull2 != derivedIDAfterPull1 { c.Fatal("image's ID unexpectedly changed after a repush/repull") } if derivedParentAfterPull2 != baseIDBeforePush { c.Fatalf("pulled image's parent ID (%s) does not match base image's ID (%s)", derivedParentAfterPull2, baseIDBeforePush) } // Make sure the image still runs out, _ = dockerCmd(c, "run", "--rm", derivedImage) if strings.TrimSpace(out) != derivedImage { c.Fatalf("expected %s; got %s", derivedImage, out) } } // TestPullConflict provides coverage of the situation where a computed // strongID conflicts with some unverifiable data in the graph. func (s *DockerRegistrySuite) TestPullConflict(c *check.C) { repoName := privateRegistryURL + "/dockercli/conflict" _, err := buildImage(repoName, ` FROM scratch ENV IMAGE conflict CMD echo conflict `, true) if err != nil { c.Fatal(err) } dockerCmd(c, "push", repoName) // Pull to make it content-addressable dockerCmd(c, "rmi", repoName) dockerCmd(c, "pull", repoName) IDBeforeLoad := imageID(c, repoName) // Load/save to turn this into an unverified image with the same ID tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "conflict-save-output") if err != nil { c.Errorf("failed to create temporary directory: %s", err) } defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir) tarFile := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "repo.tar") dockerCmd(c, "save", "-o", tarFile, repoName) dockerCmd(c, "rmi", repoName) dockerCmd(c, "load", "-i", tarFile) // Check that the the ID is the same after save/load. IDAfterLoad := imageID(c, repoName) if IDAfterLoad != IDBeforeLoad { c.Fatal("image's ID should be the same after save/load") } // Repull dockerCmd(c, "pull", repoName) // Check that the ID is now different because of the conflict. IDAfterPull1 := imageID(c, repoName) // Expect the new ID to be SHA256(oldID) expectedIDDigest, err := digest.FromBytes([]byte(IDBeforeLoad)) if err != nil { c.Fatalf("digest error: %v", err) } expectedID := expectedIDDigest.Hex() if IDAfterPull1 != expectedID { c.Fatalf("image's ID should have changed on pull to %s (got %s)", expectedID, IDAfterPull1) } // A second pull should use the new ID again. dockerCmd(c, "pull", repoName) IDAfterPull2 := imageID(c, repoName) if IDAfterPull2 != IDAfterPull1 { c.Fatal("image's ID unexpectedly changed after a repull") } }