  * DirectShow capture interface
  * Copyright (c) 2010 Ramiro Polla
  * This file is part of FFmpeg.
  * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
 #include "dshow.h"
 #include <stddef.h>
 #define imemoffset offsetof(libAVPin, imemvtbl)
     { {&IID_IUnknown,0}, {&IID_IPin,0}, {&IID_IMemInputPin,imemoffset} })
 long WINAPI
 libAVPin_Connect(libAVPin *this, IPin *pin, const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *type)
     dshowdebug("libAVPin_Connect(%p, %p, %p)\n", this, pin, type);
     /* Input pins receive connections. */
     return S_FALSE;
 long WINAPI
 libAVPin_ReceiveConnection(libAVPin *this, IPin *pin,
                            const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *type)
     enum dshowDeviceType devtype = this->filter->type;
     dshowdebug("libAVPin_ReceiveConnection(%p)\n", this);
     if (!pin)
         return E_POINTER;
     if (this->connectedto)
         return VFW_E_ALREADY_CONNECTED;
     if (devtype == VideoDevice) {
         if (!IsEqualGUID(&type->majortype, &MEDIATYPE_Video))
             return VFW_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED;
     } else {
         if (!IsEqualGUID(&type->majortype, &MEDIATYPE_Audio))
             return VFW_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED;
     this->connectedto = pin;
     ff_copy_dshow_media_type(&this->type, type);
     return S_OK;
 long WINAPI
 libAVPin_Disconnect(libAVPin *this)
     dshowdebug("libAVPin_Disconnect(%p)\n", this);
     if (this->filter->state != State_Stopped)
         return VFW_E_NOT_STOPPED;
     if (!this->connectedto)
         return S_FALSE;
     this->connectedto = NULL;
     return S_OK;
 long WINAPI
 libAVPin_ConnectedTo(libAVPin *this, IPin **pin)
     dshowdebug("libAVPin_ConnectedTo(%p)\n", this);
     if (!pin)
         return E_POINTER;
     if (!this->connectedto)
         return VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED;
     *pin = this->connectedto;
     return S_OK;
 long WINAPI
 libAVPin_ConnectionMediaType(libAVPin *this, AM_MEDIA_TYPE *type)
     dshowdebug("libAVPin_ConnectionMediaType(%p)\n", this);
     if (!type)
         return E_POINTER;
     if (!this->connectedto)
         return VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED;
     return ff_copy_dshow_media_type(type, &this->type);
 long WINAPI
 libAVPin_QueryPinInfo(libAVPin *this, PIN_INFO *info)
     dshowdebug("libAVPin_QueryPinInfo(%p)\n", this);
     if (!info)
         return E_POINTER;
     if (this->filter)
     info->pFilter = (IBaseFilter *) this->filter;
     info->dir     = PINDIR_INPUT;
     wcscpy(info->achName, L"Capture");
     return S_OK;
 long WINAPI
 libAVPin_QueryDirection(libAVPin *this, PIN_DIRECTION *dir)
     dshowdebug("libAVPin_QueryDirection(%p)\n", this);
     if (!dir)
         return E_POINTER;
     *dir = PINDIR_INPUT;
     return S_OK;
 long WINAPI
 libAVPin_QueryId(libAVPin *this, wchar_t **id)
     dshowdebug("libAVPin_QueryId(%p)\n", this);
     if (!id)
         return E_POINTER;
     *id = wcsdup(L"libAV Pin");
     return S_OK;
 long WINAPI
 libAVPin_QueryAccept(libAVPin *this, const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *type)
     dshowdebug("libAVPin_QueryAccept(%p)\n", this);
     return S_FALSE;
 long WINAPI
 libAVPin_EnumMediaTypes(libAVPin *this, IEnumMediaTypes **enumtypes)
     const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *type = NULL;
     libAVEnumMediaTypes *new;
     dshowdebug("libAVPin_EnumMediaTypes(%p)\n", this);
     if (!enumtypes)
         return E_POINTER;
     new = libAVEnumMediaTypes_Create(type);
     if (!new)
         return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
     *enumtypes = (IEnumMediaTypes *) new;
     return S_OK;
 long WINAPI
 libAVPin_QueryInternalConnections(libAVPin *this, IPin **pin,
                                   unsigned long *npin)
     dshowdebug("libAVPin_QueryInternalConnections(%p)\n", this);
     return E_NOTIMPL;
 long WINAPI
 libAVPin_EndOfStream(libAVPin *this)
     dshowdebug("libAVPin_EndOfStream(%p)\n", this);
     /* I don't care. */
     return S_OK;
 long WINAPI
 libAVPin_BeginFlush(libAVPin *this)
     dshowdebug("libAVPin_BeginFlush(%p)\n", this);
     /* I don't care. */
     return S_OK;
 long WINAPI
 libAVPin_EndFlush(libAVPin *this)
     dshowdebug("libAVPin_EndFlush(%p)\n", this);
     /* I don't care. */
     return S_OK;
 long WINAPI
 libAVPin_NewSegment(libAVPin *this, REFERENCE_TIME start, REFERENCE_TIME stop,
                     double rate)
     dshowdebug("libAVPin_NewSegment(%p)\n", this);
     /* I don't care. */
     return S_OK;
 static int
 libAVPin_Setup(libAVPin *this, libAVFilter *filter)
     IPinVtbl *vtbl = this->vtbl;
     IMemInputPinVtbl *imemvtbl;
     if (!filter)
         return 0;
     imemvtbl = av_malloc(sizeof(IMemInputPinVtbl));
     if (!imemvtbl)
         return 0;
     SETVTBL(imemvtbl, libAVMemInputPin, QueryInterface);
     SETVTBL(imemvtbl, libAVMemInputPin, AddRef);
     SETVTBL(imemvtbl, libAVMemInputPin, Release);
     SETVTBL(imemvtbl, libAVMemInputPin, GetAllocator);
     SETVTBL(imemvtbl, libAVMemInputPin, NotifyAllocator);
     SETVTBL(imemvtbl, libAVMemInputPin, GetAllocatorRequirements);
     SETVTBL(imemvtbl, libAVMemInputPin, Receive);
     SETVTBL(imemvtbl, libAVMemInputPin, ReceiveMultiple);
     SETVTBL(imemvtbl, libAVMemInputPin, ReceiveCanBlock);
     this->imemvtbl = imemvtbl;
     SETVTBL(vtbl, libAVPin, QueryInterface);
     SETVTBL(vtbl, libAVPin, AddRef);
     SETVTBL(vtbl, libAVPin, Release);
     SETVTBL(vtbl, libAVPin, Connect);
     SETVTBL(vtbl, libAVPin, ReceiveConnection);
     SETVTBL(vtbl, libAVPin, Disconnect);
     SETVTBL(vtbl, libAVPin, ConnectedTo);
     SETVTBL(vtbl, libAVPin, ConnectionMediaType);
     SETVTBL(vtbl, libAVPin, QueryPinInfo);
     SETVTBL(vtbl, libAVPin, QueryDirection);
     SETVTBL(vtbl, libAVPin, QueryId);
     SETVTBL(vtbl, libAVPin, QueryAccept);
     SETVTBL(vtbl, libAVPin, EnumMediaTypes);
     SETVTBL(vtbl, libAVPin, QueryInternalConnections);
     SETVTBL(vtbl, libAVPin, EndOfStream);
     SETVTBL(vtbl, libAVPin, BeginFlush);
     SETVTBL(vtbl, libAVPin, EndFlush);
     SETVTBL(vtbl, libAVPin, NewSegment);
     this->filter = filter;
     return 1;
 DECLARE_CREATE(libAVPin, libAVPin_Setup(this, filter), libAVFilter *filter)
 DECLARE_DESTROY(libAVPin, nothing)
  * libAVMemInputPin
 long WINAPI
 libAVMemInputPin_QueryInterface(libAVMemInputPin *this, const GUID *riid,
                                 void **ppvObject)
     libAVPin *pin = (libAVPin *) ((uint8_t *) this - imemoffset);
     dshowdebug("libAVMemInputPin_QueryInterface(%p)\n", this);
     return libAVPin_QueryInterface(pin, riid, ppvObject);
 unsigned long WINAPI
 libAVMemInputPin_AddRef(libAVMemInputPin *this)
     libAVPin *pin = (libAVPin *) ((uint8_t *) this - imemoffset);
     dshowdebug("libAVMemInputPin_AddRef(%p)\n", this);
     return libAVPin_AddRef(pin);
 unsigned long WINAPI
 libAVMemInputPin_Release(libAVMemInputPin *this)
     libAVPin *pin = (libAVPin *) ((uint8_t *) this - imemoffset);
     dshowdebug("libAVMemInputPin_Release(%p)\n", this);
     return libAVPin_Release(pin);
 long WINAPI
 libAVMemInputPin_GetAllocator(libAVMemInputPin *this, IMemAllocator **alloc)
     dshowdebug("libAVMemInputPin_GetAllocator(%p)\n", this);
     return VFW_E_NO_ALLOCATOR;
 long WINAPI
 libAVMemInputPin_NotifyAllocator(libAVMemInputPin *this, IMemAllocator *alloc,
                                  WINBOOL rdwr)
     dshowdebug("libAVMemInputPin_NotifyAllocator(%p)\n", this);
     return S_OK;
 long WINAPI
 libAVMemInputPin_GetAllocatorRequirements(libAVMemInputPin *this,
                                           ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *props)
     dshowdebug("libAVMemInputPin_GetAllocatorRequirements(%p)\n", this);
     return E_NOTIMPL;
 long WINAPI
 libAVMemInputPin_Receive(libAVMemInputPin *this, IMediaSample *sample)
     libAVPin *pin = (libAVPin *) ((uint8_t *) this - imemoffset);
     enum dshowDeviceType devtype = pin->filter->type;
     void *priv_data;
     uint8_t *buf;
     int buf_size;
     int index;
     int64_t curtime;
     dshowdebug("libAVMemInputPin_Receive(%p)\n", this);
     if (!sample)
         return E_POINTER;
     if (devtype == VideoDevice) {
         /* PTS from video devices is unreliable. */
         IReferenceClock *clock = pin->filter->clock;
         IReferenceClock_GetTime(clock, &curtime);
     } else {
         int64_t dummy;
         IMediaSample_GetTime(sample, &curtime, &dummy);
         curtime += pin->filter->start_time;
     buf_size = IMediaSample_GetActualDataLength(sample);
     IMediaSample_GetPointer(sample, &buf);
     priv_data = pin->filter->priv_data;
     index = pin->filter->stream_index;
     pin->filter->callback(priv_data, index, buf, buf_size, curtime);
     return S_OK;
 long WINAPI
 libAVMemInputPin_ReceiveMultiple(libAVMemInputPin *this,
                                  IMediaSample **samples, long n, long *nproc)
     int i;
     dshowdebug("libAVMemInputPin_ReceiveMultiple(%p)\n", this);
     for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
         libAVMemInputPin_Receive(this, samples[i]);
     *nproc = n;
     return S_OK;
 long WINAPI
 libAVMemInputPin_ReceiveCanBlock(libAVMemInputPin *this)
     dshowdebug("libAVMemInputPin_ReceiveCanBlock(%p)\n", this);
     /* I swear I will not block. */
     return S_FALSE;
 libAVMemInputPin_Destroy(libAVMemInputPin *this)
     libAVPin *pin = (libAVPin *) ((uint8_t *) this - imemoffset);
     dshowdebug("libAVMemInputPin_Destroy(%p)\n", this);
     return libAVPin_Destroy(pin);