 Filter design
 This document explains guidelines that should be observed (or ignored with
 good reason) when writing filters for libavfilter.
 In this document, the word “frame” indicates either a video frame or a group
 of audio samples, as stored in an AVFilterBuffer structure.
 Format negotiation
   The query_formats method should set, for each input and each output links,
   the list of supported formats.
   For video links, that means pixel format. For audio links, that means
   channel layout, and sample format (the sample packing is implied by the
   sample format).
   The lists are not just lists, they are references to shared objects. When
   the negotiation mechanism computes the intersection of the formats
   supported at each ends of a link, all references to both lists are
   replaced with a reference to the intersection. And when a single format is
   eventually chosen for a link amongst the remaining list, again, all
   references to the list are updated.
   That means that if a filter requires that its input and output have the
   same format amongst a supported list, all it has to do is use a reference
   to the same list of formats.
 Buffer references ownership and permissions
     Audio and video data are voluminous; the buffer and buffer reference
     mechanism is intended to avoid, as much as possible, expensive copies of
     that data while still allowing the filters to produce correct results.
     The data is stored in buffers represented by AVFilterBuffer structures.
     They must not be accessed directly, but through references stored in
     AVFilterBufferRef structures. Several references can point to the
     same buffer; the buffer is automatically deallocated once all
     corresponding references have been destroyed.
     The characteristics of the data (resolution, sample rate, etc.) are
     stored in the reference; different references for the same buffer can
     show different characteristics. In particular, a video reference can
     point to only a part of a video buffer.
     A reference is usually obtained as input to the start_frame or
     filter_samples method or requested using the ff_get_video_buffer or
     ff_get_audio_buffer functions. A new reference on an existing buffer can
     be created with the avfilter_ref_buffer. A reference is destroyed using
     the avfilter_unref_bufferp function.
   Reference ownership
     At any time, a reference “belongs” to a particular piece of code,
     usually a filter. With a few caveats that will be explained below, only
     that piece of code is allowed to access it. It is also responsible for
     destroying it, although this is sometimes done automatically (see the
     section on link reference fields).
     Here are the (fairly obvious) rules for reference ownership:
     * A reference received by the start_frame or filter_samples method
       belong to the corresponding filter.
       Special exception: for video references: the reference may be used
       internally for automatic copying and must not be destroyed before
       end_frame; it can be given away to ff_start_frame.
     * A reference passed to ff_start_frame or ff_filter_samples is given
       away and must no longer be used.
     * A reference created with avfilter_ref_buffer belongs to the code that
       created it.
     * A reference obtained with ff_get_video_buffer or ff_get_audio_buffer
       belongs to the code that requested it.
     * A reference given as return value by the get_video_buffer or
       get_audio_buffer method is given away and must no longer be used.
   Link reference fields
     The AVFilterLink structure has a few AVFilterBufferRef fields. Here are
     the rules to handle them:
     * cur_buf is set before the start_frame and filter_samples methods to
       the same reference given as argument to the methods and belongs to the
       destination filter of the link. If it has not been cleared after
       end_frame or filter_samples, libavfilter will automatically destroy
       the reference; therefore, any filter that needs to keep the reference
       for longer must set cur_buf to NULL.
     * out_buf belongs to the source filter of the link and can be used to
       store a reference to the buffer that has been sent to the destination.
       If it is not NULL after end_frame or filter_samples, libavfilter will
       automatically destroy the reference.
       If a video input pad does not have a start_frame method, the default
       method will request a buffer on the first output of the filter, store
       the reference in out_buf and push a second reference to the output.
     * src_buf, cur_buf_copy and partial_buf are used by libavfilter
       internally and must not be accessed by filters.
   Reference permissions
     The AVFilterBufferRef structure has a perms field that describes what
     the code that owns the reference is allowed to do to the buffer data.
     Different references for the same buffer can have different permissions.
     For video filters, the permissions only apply to the parts of the buffer
     that have already been covered by the draw_slice method.
     The value is a binary OR of the following constants:
     * AV_PERM_READ: the owner can read the buffer data; this is essentially
       always true and is there for self-documentation.
     * AV_PERM_WRITE: the owner can modify the buffer data.
     * AV_PERM_PRESERVE: the owner can rely on the fact that the buffer data
       will not be modified by previous filters.
     * AV_PERM_REUSE: the owner can output the buffer several times, without
       modifying the data in between.
     * AV_PERM_REUSE2: the owner can output the buffer several times and
       modify the data in between (useless without the WRITE permissions).
     * AV_PERM_ALIGN: the owner can access the data using fast operations
       that require data alignment.
     The READ, WRITE and PRESERVE permissions are about sharing the same
     buffer between several filters to avoid expensive copies without them
     doing conflicting changes on the data.
     The REUSE and REUSE2 permissions are about special memory for direct
     rendering. For example a buffer directly allocated in video memory must
     not modified once it is displayed on screen, or it will cause tearing;
     it will therefore not have the REUSE2 permission.
     The ALIGN permission is about extracting part of the buffer, for
     copy-less padding or cropping for example.
     References received on input pads are guaranteed to have all the
     permissions stated in the min_perms field and none of the permissions
     stated in the rej_perms.
     References obtained by ff_get_video_buffer and ff_get_audio_buffer are
     guaranteed to have at least all the permissions requested as argument.
     References created by avfilter_ref_buffer have the same permissions as
     the original reference minus the ones explicitly masked; the mask is
     usually ~0 to keep the same permissions.
     Filters should remove permissions on reference they give to output
     whenever necessary. It can be automatically done by setting the
     rej_perms field on the output pad.
     Here are a few guidelines corresponding to common situations:
     * Filters that modify and forward their frame (like drawtext) need the
       WRITE permission.
     * Filters that read their input to produce a new frame on output (like
       scale) need the READ permission on input and and must request a buffer
       with the WRITE permission.
     * Filters that intend to keep a reference after the filtering process
       is finished (after end_frame or filter_samples returns) must have the
       PRESERVE permission on it and remove the WRITE permission if they
       create a new reference to give it away.
     * Filters that intend to modify a reference they have kept after the end
       of the filtering process need the REUSE2 permission and must remove
       the PRESERVE permission if they create a new reference to give it
 Frame scheduling
   The purpose of these rules is to ensure that frames flow in the filter
   graph without getting stuck and accumulating somewhere.
   Simple filters that output one frame for each input frame should not have
   to worry about it.
   start_frame / filter_samples
     These methods are called when a frame is pushed to the filter's input.
     They can be called at any time except in a reentrant way.
     If the input frame is enough to produce output, then the filter should
     push the output frames on the output link immediately.
     As an exception to the previous rule, if the input frame is enough to
     produce several output frames, then the filter needs output only at
     least one per link. The additional frames can be left buffered in the
     filter; these buffered frames must be flushed immediately if a new input
     produces new output.
     (Example: framerate-doubling filter: start_frame must (1) flush the
     second copy of the previous frame, if it is still there, (2) push the
     first copy of the incoming frame, (3) keep the second copy for later.)
     If the input frame is not enough to produce output, the filter must not
     call request_frame to get more. It must just process the frame or queue
     it. The task of requesting more frames is left to the filter's
     request_frame method or the application.
     If a filter has several inputs, the filter must be ready for frames
     arriving randomly on any input. Therefore, any filter with several inputs
     will most likely require some kind of queuing mechanism. It is perfectly
     acceptable to have a limited queue and to drop frames when the inputs
     are too unbalanced.
     This method is called when a frame is wanted on an output.
     For an input, it should directly call start_frame or filter_samples on
     the corresponding output.
     For a filter, if there are queued frames already ready, one of these
     frames should be pushed. If not, the filter should request a frame on
     one of its inputs, repeatedly until at least one frame has been pushed.
     Return values:
     if request_frame could produce a frame, it should return 0;
     if it could not for temporary reasons, it should return AVERROR(EAGAIN);
     if it could not because there are no more frames, it should return
     The typical implementation of request_frame for a filter with several
     inputs will look like that:
         if (frames_queued) {
             return 0;
         while (!frame_pushed) {
             input = input_where_a_frame_is_most_needed();
             ret = avfilter_request_frame(input);
             if (ret == AVERROR_EOF) {
             } else if (ret < 0) {
                 return ret;
         return 0;
     Note that, except for filters that can have queued frames, request_frame
     does not push frames: it requests them to its input, and as a reaction,
     the start_frame / filter_samples method will be called and do the work.