  * Copyright (c) 2003 LeFunGus,
  * This file is part of FFmpeg
  * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  * (at your option) any later version.
  * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * GNU General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
  * with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 #include <float.h>
 #include "libavutil/imgutils.h"
 #include "libavutil/attributes.h"
 #include "libavutil/common.h"
 #include "libavutil/pixdesc.h"
 #include "libavutil/intreadwrite.h"
 #include "libavutil/opt.h"
 #include "avfilter.h"
 #include "formats.h"
 #include "internal.h"
 #include "video.h"
 typedef struct VagueDenoiserContext {
     const AVClass *class;
     float threshold;
     float percent;
     int method;
     int nsteps;
     int planes;
     int depth;
     int bpc;
     int peak;
     int nb_planes;
     int planeheight[4];
     int planewidth[4];
     float *block;
     float *in;
     float *out;
     float *tmp;
     int hlowsize[4][32];
     int hhighsize[4][32];
     int vlowsize[4][32];
     int vhighsize[4][32];
     void (*thresholding)(float *block, const int width, const int height,
                          const int stride, const float threshold,
                          const float percent, const int nsteps);
 } VagueDenoiserContext;
 #define OFFSET(x) offsetof(VagueDenoiserContext, x)
 static const AVOption vaguedenoiser_options[] = {
     { "threshold", "set filtering strength",   OFFSET(threshold), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=2.},  0,DBL_MAX, FLAGS },
     { "method",    "set filtering method",     OFFSET(method),    AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,   {.i64=2 },  0, 2,      FLAGS, "method" },
         { "hard",   "hard thresholding",       0,                 AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, {.i64=0},   0, 0,      FLAGS, "method" },
         { "soft",   "soft thresholding",       0,                 AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, {.i64=1},   0, 0,      FLAGS, "method" },
         { "garrote", "garotte thresholding",   0,                 AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, {.i64=2},   0, 0,      FLAGS, "method" },
     { "nsteps",    "set number of steps",      OFFSET(nsteps),    AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,   {.i64=6 },  1, 32,     FLAGS },
     { "percent", "set percent of full denoising", OFFSET(percent),AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, {.dbl=85},  0,100,     FLAGS },
     { "planes",    "set planes to filter",     OFFSET(planes),    AV_OPT_TYPE_INT,   {.i64=15 }, 0, 15,     FLAGS },
     { NULL }
 #define NPAD 10
 static const float analysis_low[9] = {
     0.037828455506995f, -0.023849465019380f, -0.110624404418423f, 0.377402855612654f,
     0.852698679009403f, 0.377402855612654f, -0.110624404418423f, -0.023849465019380f, 0.037828455506995f
 static const float analysis_high[7] = {
     -0.064538882628938f, 0.040689417609558f, 0.418092273222212f, -0.788485616405664f,
     0.418092273222212f, 0.040689417609558f, -0.064538882628938f
 static const float synthesis_low[7] = {
     -0.064538882628938f, -0.040689417609558f, 0.418092273222212f, 0.788485616405664f,
     0.418092273222212f, -0.040689417609558f, -0.064538882628938f
 static const float synthesis_high[9] = {
     -0.037828455506995f, -0.023849465019380f, 0.110624404418423f, 0.377402855612654f,
     -0.852698679009403f, 0.377402855612654f, 0.110624404418423f, -0.023849465019380f, -0.037828455506995f
 static int query_formats(AVFilterContext *ctx)
     static const enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmts[] = {
         AV_PIX_FMT_YUV410P, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV411P,
         AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P,
         AV_PIX_FMT_YUV440P, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P,
         AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P10, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P10, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P10,
         AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P12, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P12, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P12,
         AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P14, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P14, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P14,
         AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P16, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P16, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P16,
     AVFilterFormats *fmts_list = ff_make_format_list(pix_fmts);
     if (!fmts_list)
         return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
     return ff_set_common_formats(ctx, fmts_list);
 static int config_input(AVFilterLink *inlink)
     VagueDenoiserContext *s = inlink->dst->priv;
     const AVPixFmtDescriptor *desc = av_pix_fmt_desc_get(inlink->format);
     int p, i, nsteps_width, nsteps_height, nsteps_max;
     s->depth = desc->comp[0].depth;
     s->bpc = (s->depth + 7) / 8;
     s->nb_planes = desc->nb_components;
     s->planeheight[1] = s->planeheight[2] = AV_CEIL_RSHIFT(inlink->h, desc->log2_chroma_h);
     s->planeheight[0] = s->planeheight[3] = inlink->h;
     s->planewidth[1]  = s->planewidth[2]  = AV_CEIL_RSHIFT(inlink->w, desc->log2_chroma_w);
     s->planewidth[0]  = s->planewidth[3]  = inlink->w;
     s->block = av_malloc_array(inlink->w * inlink->h, sizeof(*s->block));
     s->in    = av_malloc_array(32 + FFMAX(inlink->w, inlink->h), sizeof(*s->in));
     s->out   = av_malloc_array(32 + FFMAX(inlink->w, inlink->h), sizeof(*s->out));
     s->tmp   = av_malloc_array(32 + FFMAX(inlink->w, inlink->h), sizeof(*s->tmp));
     if (!s->block || !s->in || !s->out || !s->tmp)
         return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
     s->threshold *= 1 << (s->depth - 8);
     s->peak = (1 << s->depth) - 1;
     nsteps_width  = ((s->planes & 2 || s->planes & 4) && s->nb_planes > 1) ? s->planewidth[1] : s->planewidth[0];
     nsteps_height = ((s->planes & 2 || s->planes & 4) && s->nb_planes > 1) ? s->planeheight[1] : s->planeheight[0];
     for (nsteps_max = 1; nsteps_max < 15; nsteps_max++) {
         if (pow(2, nsteps_max) >= nsteps_width || pow(2, nsteps_max) >= nsteps_height)
     s->nsteps = FFMIN(s->nsteps, nsteps_max - 2);
     for (p = 0; p < 4; p++) {
         s->hlowsize[p][0]  = (s->planewidth[p] + 1) >> 1;
         s->hhighsize[p][0] =  s->planewidth[p] >> 1;
         s->vlowsize[p][0]  = (s->planeheight[p] + 1) >> 1;
         s->vhighsize[p][0] =  s->planeheight[p] >> 1;
         for (i = 1; i < s->nsteps; i++) {
             s->hlowsize[p][i]  = (s->hlowsize[p][i - 1] + 1) >> 1;
             s->hhighsize[p][i] =  s->hlowsize[p][i - 1] >> 1;
             s->vlowsize[p][i]  = (s->vlowsize[p][i - 1] + 1) >> 1;
             s->vhighsize[p][i] =  s->vlowsize[p][i - 1] >> 1;
     return 0;
 static inline void copy(const float *p1, float *p2, const int length)
     memcpy(p2, p1, length * sizeof(float));
 static inline void copyv(const float *p1, const int stride1, float *p2, const int length)
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
         p2[i] = *p1;
         p1 += stride1;
 static inline void copyh(const float *p1, float *p2, const int stride2, const int length)
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
         *p2 = p1[i];
         p2 += stride2;
 // Do symmetric extension of data using prescribed symmetries
 // Original values are in output[npad] through output[npad+size-1]
 // New values will be placed in output[0] through output[npad] and in output[npad+size] through output[2*npad+size-1] (note: end values may not be filled in)
 // extension at left bdry is ... 3 2 1 0 | 0 1 2 3 ...
 // same for right boundary
 // if right_ext=1 then ... 3 2 1 0 | 1 2 3
 static void symmetric_extension(float *output, const int size, const int left_ext, const int right_ext)
     int first = NPAD;
     int last = NPAD - 1 + size;
     const int originalLast = last;
     int i, nextend, idx;
     if (left_ext == 2)
         output[--first] = output[NPAD];
     if (right_ext == 2)
         output[++last] = output[originalLast];
     // extend left end
     nextend = first;
     for (i = 0; i < nextend; i++)
         output[--first] = output[NPAD + 1 + i];
     idx = NPAD + NPAD - 1 + size;
     // extend right end
     nextend = idx - last;
     for (i = 0; i < nextend; i++)
         output[++last] = output[originalLast - 1 - i];
 static void transform_step(float *input, float *output, const int size, const int low_size, VagueDenoiserContext *s)
     int i;
     symmetric_extension(input, size, 1, 1);
     for (i = NPAD; i < NPAD + low_size; i++) {
         const float a = input[2 * i - 14] * analysis_low[0];
         const float b = input[2 * i - 13] * analysis_low[1];
         const float c = input[2 * i - 12] * analysis_low[2];
         const float d = input[2 * i - 11] * analysis_low[3];
         const float e = input[2 * i - 10] * analysis_low[4];
         const float f = input[2 * i -  9] * analysis_low[3];
         const float g = input[2 * i -  8] * analysis_low[2];
         const float h = input[2 * i -  7] * analysis_low[1];
         const float k = input[2 * i -  6] * analysis_low[0];
         output[i] = a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + k;
     for (i = NPAD; i < NPAD + low_size; i++) {
         const float a = input[2 * i - 12] * analysis_high[0];
         const float b = input[2 * i - 11] * analysis_high[1];
         const float c = input[2 * i - 10] * analysis_high[2];
         const float d = input[2 * i -  9] * analysis_high[3];
         const float e = input[2 * i -  8] * analysis_high[2];
         const float f = input[2 * i -  7] * analysis_high[1];
         const float g = input[2 * i -  6] * analysis_high[0];
         output[i + low_size] = a + b + c + d + e + f + g;
 static void invert_step(const float *input, float *output, float *temp, const int size, VagueDenoiserContext *s)
     const int low_size = (size + 1) >> 1;
     const int high_size = size >> 1;
     int left_ext = 1, right_ext, i;
     int findex;
     memcpy(temp + NPAD, input + NPAD, low_size * sizeof(float));
     right_ext = (size % 2 == 0) ? 2 : 1;
     symmetric_extension(temp, low_size, left_ext, right_ext);
     memset(output, 0, (NPAD + NPAD + size) * sizeof(float));
     findex = (size + 2) >> 1;
     for (i = 9; i < findex + 11; i++) {
         const float a = temp[i] * synthesis_low[0];
         const float b = temp[i] * synthesis_low[1];
         const float c = temp[i] * synthesis_low[2];
         const float d = temp[i] * synthesis_low[3];
         output[2 * i - 13] += a;
         output[2 * i - 12] += b;
         output[2 * i - 11] += c;
         output[2 * i - 10] += d;
         output[2 * i -  9] += c;
         output[2 * i -  8] += b;
         output[2 * i -  7] += a;
     memcpy(temp + NPAD, input + NPAD + low_size, high_size * sizeof(float));
     left_ext = 2;
     right_ext = (size % 2 == 0) ? 1 : 2;
     symmetric_extension(temp, high_size, left_ext, right_ext);
     for (i = 8; i < findex + 11; i++) {
         const float a = temp[i] * synthesis_high[0];
         const float b = temp[i] * synthesis_high[1];
         const float c = temp[i] * synthesis_high[2];
         const float d = temp[i] * synthesis_high[3];
         const float e = temp[i] * synthesis_high[4];
         output[2 * i - 13] += a;
         output[2 * i - 12] += b;
         output[2 * i - 11] += c;
         output[2 * i - 10] += d;
         output[2 * i -  9] += e;
         output[2 * i -  8] += d;
         output[2 * i -  7] += c;
         output[2 * i -  6] += b;
         output[2 * i -  5] += a;
 static void hard_thresholding(float *block, const int width, const int height,
                               const int stride, const float threshold,
                               const float percent, const int unused)
     const float frac = 1.f - percent * 0.01f;
     int y, x;
     for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
         for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
             if (FFABS(block[x]) <= threshold)
                 block[x] *= frac;
         block += stride;
 static void soft_thresholding(float *block, const int width, const int height, const int stride,
                               const float threshold, const float percent, const int nsteps)
     const float frac = 1.f - percent * 0.01f;
     const float shift = threshold * 0.01f * percent;
     int w = width;
     int h = height;
     int y, x, l;
     for (l = 0; l < nsteps; l++) {
         w = (w + 1) >> 1;
         h = (h + 1) >> 1;
     for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
         const int x0 = (y < h) ? w : 0;
         for (x = x0; x < width; x++) {
             const float temp = FFABS(block[x]);
             if (temp <= threshold)
                 block[x] *= frac;
                 block[x] = (block[x] < 0.f ? -1.f : (block[x] > 0.f ? 1.f : 0.f)) * (temp - shift);
         block += stride;
 static void qian_thresholding(float *block, const int width, const int height,
                               const int stride, const float threshold,
                               const float percent, const int unused)
     const float percent01 = percent * 0.01f;
     const float tr2 = threshold * threshold * percent01;
     const float frac = 1.f - percent01;
     int y, x;
     for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
         for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
             const float temp = FFABS(block[x]);
             if (temp <= threshold) {
                 block[x] *= frac;
             } else {
                 const float tp2 = temp * temp;
                 block[x] *= (tp2 - tr2) / tp2;
         block += stride;
 static void filter(VagueDenoiserContext *s, AVFrame *in, AVFrame *out)
     int p, y, x, i, j;
     for (p = 0; p < s->nb_planes; p++) {
         const int height = s->planeheight[p];
         const int width = s->planewidth[p];
         const uint8_t *srcp8 = in->data[p];
         const uint16_t *srcp16 = (const uint16_t *)in->data[p];
         uint8_t *dstp8 = out->data[p];
         uint16_t *dstp16 = (uint16_t *)out->data[p];
         float *output = s->block;
         int h_low_size0 = width;
         int v_low_size0 = height;
         int nsteps_transform = s->nsteps;
         int nsteps_invert = s->nsteps;
         const float *input = s->block;
         if (!((1 << p) & s->planes)) {
             av_image_copy_plane(out->data[p], out->linesize[p], in->data[p], in->linesize[p],
                                 s->planewidth[p] * s->bpc, s->planeheight[p]);
         if (s->depth <= 8) {
             for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
                 for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
                     output[x] = srcp8[x];
                 srcp8 += in->linesize[p];
                 output += width;
         } else {
             for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
                 for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
                     output[x] = srcp16[x];
                 srcp16 += in->linesize[p] / 2;
                 output += width;
         while (nsteps_transform--) {
             int low_size = (h_low_size0 + 1) >> 1;
             float *input = s->block;
             for (j = 0; j < v_low_size0; j++) {
                 copy(input, s->in + NPAD, h_low_size0);
                 transform_step(s->in, s->out, h_low_size0, low_size, s);
                 copy(s->out + NPAD, input, h_low_size0);
                 input += width;
             low_size = (v_low_size0 + 1) >> 1;
             input = s->block;
             for (j = 0; j < h_low_size0; j++) {
                 copyv(input, width, s->in + NPAD, v_low_size0);
                 transform_step(s->in, s->out, v_low_size0, low_size, s);
                 copyh(s->out + NPAD, input, width, v_low_size0);
             h_low_size0 = (h_low_size0 + 1) >> 1;
             v_low_size0 = (v_low_size0 + 1) >> 1;
         s->thresholding(s->block, width, height, width, s->threshold, s->percent, s->nsteps);
         while (nsteps_invert--) {
             const int idx = s->vlowsize[p][nsteps_invert]  + s->vhighsize[p][nsteps_invert];
             const int idx2 = s->hlowsize[p][nsteps_invert] + s->hhighsize[p][nsteps_invert];
             float * idx3 = s->block;
             for (i = 0; i < idx2; i++) {
                 copyv(idx3, width, s->in + NPAD, idx);
                 invert_step(s->in, s->out, s->tmp, idx, s);
                 copyh(s->out + NPAD, idx3, width, idx);
             idx3 = s->block;
             for (i = 0; i < idx; i++) {
                 copy(idx3, s->in + NPAD, idx2);
                 invert_step(s->in, s->out, s->tmp, idx2, s);
                 copy(s->out + NPAD, idx3, idx2);
                 idx3 += width;
         if (s->depth <= 8) {
             for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
                 for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
                     dstp8[x] = av_clip_uint8(input[x] + 0.5f);
                 input += width;
                 dstp8 += out->linesize[p];
         } else {
             for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
                 for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
                     dstp16[x] = av_clip(input[x] + 0.5f, 0, s->peak);
                 input += width;
                 dstp16 += out->linesize[p] / 2;
 static int filter_frame(AVFilterLink *inlink, AVFrame *in)
     AVFilterContext *ctx  = inlink->dst;
     VagueDenoiserContext *s = ctx->priv;
     AVFilterLink *outlink = ctx->outputs[0];
     AVFrame *out;
     int direct = av_frame_is_writable(in);
     if (direct) {
         out = in;
     } else {
         out = ff_get_video_buffer(outlink, outlink->w, outlink->h);
         if (!out) {
             return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
         av_frame_copy_props(out, in);
     filter(s, in, out);
     if (!direct)
     return ff_filter_frame(outlink, out);
 static av_cold int init(AVFilterContext *ctx)
     VagueDenoiserContext *s = ctx->priv;
     switch (s->method) {
     case 0:
         s->thresholding = hard_thresholding;
     case 1:
         s->thresholding = soft_thresholding;
     case 2:
         s->thresholding = qian_thresholding;
     return 0;
 static av_cold void uninit(AVFilterContext *ctx)
     VagueDenoiserContext *s = ctx->priv;
 static const AVFilterPad vaguedenoiser_inputs[] = {
         .name         = "default",
         .type         = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,
         .config_props = config_input,
         .filter_frame = filter_frame,
     { NULL }
 static const AVFilterPad vaguedenoiser_outputs[] = {
         .name = "default",
         .type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO
     { NULL }
 AVFilter ff_vf_vaguedenoiser = {
     .name          = "vaguedenoiser",
     .description   = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("Apply a Wavelet based Denoiser."),
     .priv_size     = sizeof(VagueDenoiserContext),
     .priv_class    = &vaguedenoiser_class,
     .init          = init,
     .uninit        = uninit,
     .query_formats = query_formats,
     .inputs        = vaguedenoiser_inputs,
     .outputs       = vaguedenoiser_outputs,