  * This file is part of FFmpeg.
  * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
 // The intended target is OpenCL 1.2, so disable warnings for APIs
 // deprecated after that.  This primarily applies to clCreateCommandQueue(),
 // we can't use the replacement clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties() because
 // it was introduced in OpenCL 2.0.
 #include "libavutil/bprint.h"
 #include "libavutil/buffer.h"
 #include "libavutil/hwcontext.h"
 #include "libavutil/hwcontext_opencl.h"
 #include "libavutil/pixfmt.h"
 #include "avfilter.h"
 typedef struct OpenCLFilterContext {
     const AVClass     *class;
     AVBufferRef       *device_ref;
     AVHWDeviceContext *device;
     AVOpenCLDeviceContext *hwctx;
     cl_program         program;
     enum AVPixelFormat output_format;
     int                output_width;
     int                output_height;
 } OpenCLFilterContext;
 // Groups together information about a kernel argument
 typedef struct OpenCLKernelArg {
     size_t arg_size;
     const void *arg_val;
 } OpenCLKernelArg;
  * set argument to specific Kernel.
  * This macro relies on usage of local label "fail" and variables:
  * avctx, cle and err.
 #define CL_SET_KERNEL_ARG(kernel, arg_num, type, arg)          \
     cle = clSetKernelArg(kernel, arg_num, sizeof(type), arg);  \
     if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) {                                   \
         av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to set kernel "    \
                "argument %d: error %d.\n", arg_num, cle);      \
         err = AVERROR(EIO);                                    \
         goto fail;                                             \
  * A helper macro to handle OpenCL errors. It will assign errcode to
  * variable err, log error msg, and jump to fail label on error.
 #define CL_FAIL_ON_ERROR(errcode, ...) do {                    \
         if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) {                               \
             av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, __VA_ARGS__);          \
             err = errcode;                                     \
             goto fail;                                         \
         }                                                      \
     } while(0)
  * Create a kernel with the given name.
  * The kernel variable in the context structure must have a name of the form
  * kernel_<kernel_name>.
  * The OpenCLFilterContext variable in the context structure must be named ocf.
  * Requires the presence of a local cl_int variable named cle and a fail label for error
  * handling.
 #define CL_CREATE_KERNEL(ctx, kernel_name) do {                                                 \
     ctx->kernel_ ## kernel_name = clCreateKernel(ctx->ocf.program, #kernel_name, &cle);         \
     CL_FAIL_ON_ERROR(AVERROR(EIO), "Failed to create %s kernel: %d.\n", #kernel_name, cle);     \
 } while(0)
  * release an OpenCL Kernel
 #define CL_RELEASE_KERNEL(k)                                  \
 do {                                                          \
     if (k) {                                                  \
         cle = clReleaseKernel(k);                             \
         if (cle != CL_SUCCESS)                                \
             av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to release "  \
                    "OpenCL kernel: %d.\n", cle);              \
     }                                                         \
 } while(0)
  * release an OpenCL Memory Object
 #define CL_RELEASE_MEMORY(m)                                  \
 do {                                                          \
     if (m) {                                                  \
         cle = clReleaseMemObject(m);                          \
         if (cle != CL_SUCCESS)                                \
             av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to release "  \
                    "OpenCL memory: %d.\n", cle);              \
     }                                                         \
 } while(0)
  * release an OpenCL Command Queue
 #define CL_RELEASE_QUEUE(q)                                   \
 do {                                                          \
     if (q) {                                                  \
         cle = clReleaseCommandQueue(q);                       \
         if (cle != CL_SUCCESS)                                \
             av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to release "  \
                    "OpenCL command queue: %d.\n", cle);       \
     }                                                         \
 } while(0)
  * Enqueue a kernel with the given information.
  * Kernel arguments are provided as KernelArg structures and are set in the order
  * that they are passed.
  * Requires the presence of a local cl_int variable named cle and a fail label for error
  * handling.
 #define CL_ENQUEUE_KERNEL_WITH_ARGS(queue, kernel, global_work_size, local_work_size, event, ...)   \
 do {                                                                                                \
     OpenCLKernelArg args[] = {__VA_ARGS__};                                                         \
     for (int i = 0; i < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(args); i++) {                                                \
         cle = clSetKernelArg(kernel, i, args[i].arg_size, args[i].arg_val);                         \
         if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) {                                                                    \
             av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to set kernel "                                     \
                 "argument %d: error %d.\n", i, cle);                                                \
             err = AVERROR(EIO);                                                                     \
             goto fail;                                                                              \
         }                                                                                           \
     }                                                                                               \
     cle = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(                                                                   \
         queue,                                                                                      \
         kernel,                                                                                     \
         FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(global_work_size),                                                           \
         NULL,                                                                                       \
         global_work_size,                                                                           \
         local_work_size,                                                                            \
         0,                                                                                          \
         NULL,                                                                                       \
         event                                                                                       \
     );                                                                                              \
     CL_FAIL_ON_ERROR(AVERROR(EIO), "Failed to enqueue kernel: %d.\n", cle);                         \
 } while (0)
  * Uses the above macro to enqueue the given kernel and then additionally runs it to
  * completion via clFinish.
  * Requires the presence of a local cl_int variable named cle and a fail label for error
  * handling.
 #define CL_RUN_KERNEL_WITH_ARGS(queue, kernel, global_work_size, local_work_size, event, ...) do {  \
     CL_ENQUEUE_KERNEL_WITH_ARGS(                                                                    \
         queue, kernel, global_work_size, local_work_size, event, __VA_ARGS__                        \
     );                                                                                              \
     cle = clFinish(queue);                                                                          \
     CL_FAIL_ON_ERROR(AVERROR(EIO), "Failed to finish command queue: %d.\n", cle);                   \
 } while (0)
  * Create a buffer with the given information.
  * The buffer variable in the context structure must be named <buffer_name>.
  * Requires the presence of a local cl_int variable named cle and a fail label for error
  * handling.
 #define CL_CREATE_BUFFER_FLAGS(ctx, buffer_name, flags, size, host_ptr) do {                    \
     ctx->buffer_name = clCreateBuffer(                                                          \
         ctx->ocf.hwctx->context,                                                                \
         flags,                                                                                  \
         size,                                                                                   \
         host_ptr,                                                                               \
         &cle                                                                                    \
     );                                                                                          \
     CL_FAIL_ON_ERROR(AVERROR(EIO), "Failed to create buffer %s: %d.\n", #buffer_name, cle);     \
 } while(0)
  * Perform a blocking write to a buffer.
  * Requires the presence of a local cl_int variable named cle and a fail label for error
  * handling.
 #define CL_BLOCKING_WRITE_BUFFER(queue, buffer, size, host_ptr, event) do {                     \
     cle = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(                                                                 \
         queue,                                                                                  \
         buffer,                                                                                 \
         CL_TRUE,                                                                                \
         0,                                                                                      \
         size,                                                                                   \
         host_ptr,                                                                               \
         0,                                                                                      \
         NULL,                                                                                   \
         event                                                                                   \
     );                                                                                          \
     CL_FAIL_ON_ERROR(AVERROR(EIO), "Failed to write buffer to device: %d.\n", cle);             \
 } while(0)
  * Create a buffer with the given information.
  * The buffer variable in the context structure must be named <buffer_name>.
  * Requires the presence of a local cl_int variable named cle and a fail label for error
  * handling.
 #define CL_CREATE_BUFFER(ctx, buffer_name, size) CL_CREATE_BUFFER_FLAGS(ctx, buffer_name, 0, size, NULL)
  * Return that all inputs and outputs support only AV_PIX_FMT_OPENCL.
 int ff_opencl_filter_query_formats(AVFilterContext *avctx);
  * Check that the input link contains a suitable hardware frames
  * context and extract the device from it.
 int ff_opencl_filter_config_input(AVFilterLink *inlink);
  * Create a suitable hardware frames context for the output.
 int ff_opencl_filter_config_output(AVFilterLink *outlink);
  * Initialise an OpenCL filter context.
 int ff_opencl_filter_init(AVFilterContext *avctx);
  * Uninitialise an OpenCL filter context.
 void ff_opencl_filter_uninit(AVFilterContext *avctx);
  * Load a new OpenCL program from strings in memory.
  * Creates a new program and compiles it for the current device.
  * Will log any build errors if compilation fails.
 int ff_opencl_filter_load_program(AVFilterContext *avctx,
                                   const char **program_source_array,
                                   int nb_strings);
  * Load a new OpenCL program from a file.
  * Same as ff_opencl_filter_load_program(), but from a file.
 int ff_opencl_filter_load_program_from_file(AVFilterContext *avctx,
                                             const char *filename);
  * Find the work size needed needed for a given plane of an image.
 int ff_opencl_filter_work_size_from_image(AVFilterContext *avctx,
                                           size_t *work_size,
                                           AVFrame *frame, int plane,
                                           int block_alignment);
  * Print a 3x3 matrix into a buffer as __constant array, which could
  * be included in an OpenCL program.
 void ff_opencl_print_const_matrix_3x3(AVBPrint *buf, const char *name_str,
                                       double mat[3][3]);
  * Gets the command start and end times for the given event and returns the
  * difference (the time that the event took).
 cl_ulong ff_opencl_get_event_time(cl_event event);
 #endif /* AVFILTER_OPENCL_H */