libavutil is a small lightweight library of generally useful functions.
It is not a library for code needed by both libavcodec and libavformat.

adler32.c               adler32 checksum
aes.c                   AES encryption and decryption
fifo.c                  resizeable first in first out buffer
intfloat_readwrite.c    portable reading and writing of floating point values
log.c                   "printf" with context and level
md5.c                   MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm
rational.c              code to perform exact calculations with rational numbers
tree.c                  generic AVL tree
crc.c                   generic CRC checksumming code
integer.c               128-bit integer math
mathematics.c           greatest common divisor, integer sqrt, integer log2, ...
mem.c                   memory allocation routines with guaranteed alignment

bswap.h                 big/little/native-endian conversion code
x86_cpu.h               a few useful macros for unifying x86-64 and x86-32 code
intreadwrite.h          reading and writing of unaligned big/little/native-endian integers

* Modular (few interdependencies and the possibility of disabling individual parts during ./configure)
* Small (source and object)
* Efficient (low CPU and memory usage)
* Useful (avoid useless features almost no one needs)