 package set
 import (
 	kapi ""
 	kcmdutil ""
 	cmdutil ""
 	routeapi ""
 var (
 	backendsLong = templates.LongDesc(`
 		Set and adjust route backends
 		Routes may have one or more optional backend services with weights controlling how much
 		traffic flows to each service. Traffic is assigned proportional to the combined weights
 		of each backend. A weight of zero means that the backend will receive no traffic. If all
 		weights are zero the route will not send traffic to any backends.
 		When setting backends, the first backend is the primary and the other backends are
 		considered alternates. For example:
 		    $ %[1]s route-backends web prod=99 canary=1
 		will set the primary backend to service "prod" with a weight of 99 and the first
 		alternate backend to service "canary" with a weight of 1. This means 99%% of traffic will
 		be sent to the service "prod".
 		The --adjust flag allows you to alter the weight of an individual service relative to
 		itself or to the primary backend. Specifying a percentage will adjust the backend
 		relative to either the primary or the first alternate (if you specify the primary).
 		If there are other backends their weights will be kept proportional to the changed.
 		Not all routers may support multiple or weighted backends.`)
 	backendsExample = templates.Examples(`
 		# Print the backends on the route 'web'
 	  %[1]s route-backends web
 	  # Set two backend services on route 'web' with 2/3rds of traffic going to 'a'
 	  %[1]s route-backends web a=2 b=1
 	  # Increase the traffic percentage going to b by 10%% relative to a
 	  %[1]s route-backends web --adjust b=+10%%
 	  # Set traffic percentage going to b to 10%% of the traffic going to a
 	  %[1]s route-backends web --adjust b=10%%
 	  # Set weight of b to 10
 	  %[1]s route-backends web --adjust b=10
 	  # Set the weight to all backends to zero
 	  %[1]s route-backends web --zero`)
 type BackendsOptions struct {
 	Out io.Writer
 	Err io.Writer
 	Filenames []string
 	Selector  string
 	All       bool
 	Builder *resource.Builder
 	Infos   []*resource.Info
 	Encoder runtime.Encoder
 	ShortOutput   bool
 	Mapper        meta.RESTMapper
 	OutputVersion unversioned.GroupVersion
 	PrintTable  bool
 	PrintObject func(runtime.Object) error
 	Transform BackendTransform
 // NewCmdRouteBackends implements the set route-backends command
 func NewCmdRouteBackends(fullName string, f *clientcmd.Factory, out, errOut io.Writer) *cobra.Command {
 	options := &BackendsOptions{
 		Out: out,
 		Err: errOut,
 	cmd := &cobra.Command{
 		Use:     "route-backends ROUTENAME [--zero|--equal] [--adjust] SERVICE=WEIGHT[%] [...]",
 		Short:   "Update the backends for a route",
 		Long:    fmt.Sprintf(backendsLong, fullName),
 		Example: fmt.Sprintf(backendsExample, fullName),
 		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
 			kcmdutil.CheckErr(options.Complete(f, cmd, args))
 			err := options.Run()
 			// TODO: move me to kcmdutil
 			if err == cmdutil.ErrExit {
 	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&options.Selector, "selector", "l", options.Selector, "Selector (label query) to filter on")
 	cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&options.All, "all", options.All, "If true, select all resources in the namespace of the specified resource types")
 	cmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&options.Filenames, "filename", "f", options.Filenames, "Filename, directory, or URL to file to use to edit the resource.")
 	cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&options.Transform.Adjust, "adjust", options.Transform.Adjust, "Adjust a single backend using an absolute or relative weight. If the primary backend is selected and there is more than one alternate an error will be returned.")
 	cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&options.Transform.Zero, "zero", options.Transform.Zero, "If true, set the weight of all backends to zero.")
 	cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&options.Transform.Equal, "equal", options.Transform.Equal, "If true, set the weight of all backends to 100.")
 	cmd.MarkFlagFilename("filename", "yaml", "yml", "json")
 	return cmd
 // Complete takes command line information to fill out BackendOptions or returns an error.
 func (o *BackendsOptions) Complete(f *clientcmd.Factory, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
 	cmdNamespace, explicit, err := f.DefaultNamespace()
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
 	clientConfig, err := f.ClientConfig()
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
 	o.OutputVersion, err = kcmdutil.OutputVersion(cmd, clientConfig.GroupVersion)
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
 	var resources []string
 	for _, arg := range args {
 		if !strings.Contains(arg, "=") {
 			resources = append(resources, arg)
 		input, err := ParseBackendInput(arg)
 		if err != nil {
 			return fmt.Errorf("invalid argument %q: %v", arg, err)
 		o.Transform.Inputs = append(o.Transform.Inputs, *input)
 	o.PrintTable = o.Transform.Empty()
 	mapper, typer := f.Object(false)
 	o.Builder = resource.NewBuilder(mapper, typer, resource.ClientMapperFunc(f.ClientForMapping), kapi.Codecs.UniversalDecoder()).
 		FilenameParam(explicit, false, o.Filenames...).
 		ResourceNames("route", resources...).
 	if len(resources) == 0 {
 	output := kcmdutil.GetFlagString(cmd, "output")
 	if len(output) != 0 {
 		o.PrintObject = func(obj runtime.Object) error { return f.PrintObject(cmd, mapper, obj, o.Out) }
 	o.Encoder = f.JSONEncoder()
 	o.ShortOutput = kcmdutil.GetFlagString(cmd, "output") == "name"
 	o.Mapper = mapper
 	return nil
 // Validate verifies the provided options are valid or returns an error.
 func (o *BackendsOptions) Validate() error {
 	return o.Transform.Validate()
 // Run executes the BackendOptions or returns an error.
 func (o *BackendsOptions) Run() error {
 	infos := o.Infos
 	singular := len(o.Infos) <= 1
 	if o.Builder != nil {
 		loaded, err := o.Builder.Do().IntoSingular(&singular).Infos()
 		if err != nil {
 			return err
 		infos = loaded
 	if o.PrintTable && o.PrintObject == nil {
 		return o.printBackends(infos)
 	patches := CalculatePatches(infos, o.Encoder, func(info *resource.Info) (bool, error) {
 		return UpdateBackendsForObject(info.Object, o.Transform.Apply)
 	if singular && len(patches) == 0 {
 		return fmt.Errorf("%s/%s is not a deployment config or build config", infos[0].Mapping.Resource, infos[0].Name)
 	if o.PrintObject != nil {
 		object, err := resource.AsVersionedObject(infos, !singular, o.OutputVersion, kapi.Codecs.LegacyCodec(o.OutputVersion))
 		if err != nil {
 			return err
 		return o.PrintObject(object)
 	failed := false
 	for _, patch := range patches {
 		info := patch.Info
 		if patch.Err != nil {
 			failed = true
 			fmt.Fprintf(o.Err, "error: %s/%s %v\n", info.Mapping.Resource, info.Name, patch.Err)
 		if string(patch.Patch) == "{}" || len(patch.Patch) == 0 {
 			fmt.Fprintf(o.Err, "info: %s %q was not changed\n", info.Mapping.Resource, info.Name)
 		glog.V(4).Infof("Calculated patch %s", patch.Patch)
 		obj, err := resource.NewHelper(info.Client, info.Mapping).Patch(info.Namespace, info.Name, kapi.StrategicMergePatchType, patch.Patch)
 		if err != nil {
 			handlePodUpdateError(o.Err, err, "altered")
 			failed = true
 		info.Refresh(obj, true)
 		kcmdutil.PrintSuccess(o.Mapper, o.ShortOutput, o.Out, info.Mapping.Resource, info.Name, false, "updated")
 	if failed {
 		return cmdutil.ErrExit
 	return nil
 // printBackends displays a tabular output of the backends for each object.
 func (o *BackendsOptions) printBackends(infos []*resource.Info) error {
 	w := tabwriter.NewWriter(o.Out, 0, 2, 2, ' ', 0)
 	defer w.Flush()
 	fmt.Fprintf(w, "NAME\tKIND\tTO\tWEIGHT\n")
 	for _, info := range infos {
 		_, err := UpdateBackendsForObject(info.Object, func(backends *Backends) error {
 			totalWeight := int32(0)
 			for _, b := range backends.Backends {
 				if b.Weight != nil {
 					totalWeight += *b.Weight
 			for _, b := range backends.Backends {
 				switch {
 				case b.Weight == nil:
 					fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s/%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", info.Mapping.Resource, info.Name, b.Kind, b.Name, "")
 				case totalWeight == 0, len(backends.Backends) == 1 && totalWeight != 0:
 					fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s/%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\n", info.Mapping.Resource, info.Name, b.Kind, b.Name, totalWeight)
 					fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s/%s\t%s\t%s\t%d (%d%%)\n", info.Mapping.Resource, info.Name, b.Kind, b.Name, *b.Weight, *b.Weight*100/totalWeight)
 			return nil
 		if err != nil {
 			fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s/%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\n", info.Mapping.Resource, info.Name, "", "<error>", 0)
 	return nil
 // BackendTransform describes the desired transformation of backends.
 type BackendTransform struct {
 	// Adjust expects a single Input to transform, relative to other backends.
 	Adjust bool
 	// Zero sets all backend weights to zero.
 	Zero bool
 	// Equal means backends will be set to equal weights.
 	Equal bool
 	// Inputs is the desired backends.
 	Inputs []BackendInput
 // Empty returns true if no transformations have been specified.
 func (t BackendTransform) Empty() bool {
 	return !(t.Zero || t.Equal || len(t.Inputs) > 0)
 // Validate returns an error if the transformations are not internally consistent.
 func (t BackendTransform) Validate() error {
 	switch {
 	case t.Adjust:
 		if t.Zero {
 			return fmt.Errorf("--adjust and --zero may not be specified together")
 		if t.Equal {
 			return fmt.Errorf("--adjust and --equal may not be specified together")
 		if len(t.Inputs) != 1 {
 			return fmt.Errorf("only one backend may be specified when adjusting")
 	case t.Zero, t.Equal:
 		if t.Equal && t.Zero {
 			return fmt.Errorf("--zero and --equal may not be specified together")
 		if len(t.Inputs) > 0 {
 			return fmt.Errorf("arguments may not be provided when --zero or --equal is specified")
 		percent := false
 		names := sets.NewString()
 		for i, input := range t.Inputs {
 			if names.Has(input.Name) {
 				return fmt.Errorf("backend name %q may only be specified once", input.Name)
 			if input.Percentage {
 				if !percent && i != 0 {
 					return fmt.Errorf("all backends must either be percentages or weights")
 				percent = true
 			if input.Value < 0 {
 				return fmt.Errorf("negative percentages are not allowed")
 	return nil
 // Apply transforms the provided backends or returns an error.
 func (t BackendTransform) Apply(b *Backends) error {
 	switch {
 	case t.Zero:
 		zero := int32(0)
 		for i := range b.Backends {
 			b.Backends[i].Weight = &zero
 	case t.Equal:
 		equal := int32(100)
 		for i := range b.Backends {
 			b.Backends[i].Weight = &equal
 	case t.Adjust:
 		input := t.Inputs[0]
 		switch {
 		case len(b.Backends) == 0:
 			return fmt.Errorf("no backends can be adjusted")
 		case len(b.Backends) == 1:
 			// treat adjusting primary specially
 			backend := &b.Backends[0]
 			if backend.Name != input.Name {
 				return fmt.Errorf("backend %q is not in the list of backends (%s)", input.Name, strings.Join(b.Names(), ", "))
 			if input.Relative {
 				return fmt.Errorf("cannot adjust a single backend by relative weight")
 			// ignore distinction between percentage and weight for single backend
 			backend.Weight = &input.Value
 		case b.Backends[0].Name == input.Name:
 			// changing the primary backend, multiple available
 			if len(b.Backends) == 1 {
 				input.Apply(&b.Backends[0], nil, b.Backends)
 				return nil
 			input.Apply(&b.Backends[0], &b.Backends[1], b.Backends)
 			// changing an alternate backend, multiple available
 			for i := range b.Backends {
 				if b.Backends[i].Name != input.Name {
 				input.Apply(&b.Backends[i], &b.Backends[0], b.Backends)
 				return nil
 			return fmt.Errorf("backend %q is not in the list of backends (%s)", input.Name, strings.Join(b.Names(), ", "))
 		b.Backends = nil
 		for _, input := range t.Inputs {
 			weight := input.Value
 			b.Backends = append(b.Backends, routeapi.RouteTargetReference{
 				Kind:   "Service",
 				Name:   input.Name,
 				Weight: &weight,
 	return nil
 // BackendInput describes a change to a named service.
 type BackendInput struct {
 	// Name is the name of a service.
 	Name string
 	// Value is the amount to change.
 	Value int32
 	// Percentage means value should be interpreted as a percentage between -100 and 100, inclusive.
 	Percentage bool
 	// Relative means value is applied relative to the current values.
 	Relative bool
 // Apply alters the weights of two services.
 func (input *BackendInput) Apply(ref, to *routeapi.RouteTargetReference, backends []routeapi.RouteTargetReference) {
 	weight := int32(100)
 	if ref.Weight != nil {
 		weight = *ref.Weight
 	switch {
 	case input.Percentage:
 		if to == nil {
 			weight += (weight * input.Value) / 100
 			ref.Weight = &weight
 		otherWeight := int32(0)
 		if to.Weight != nil {
 			otherWeight = *to.Weight
 		previousWeight := weight + otherWeight
 		// rebalance all other backends to be relative in weight to the current
 		for i, other := range backends {
 			if previousWeight == 0 || other.Weight == nil || other.Name == ref.Name || other.Name == to.Name {
 			adjusted := *other.Weight * 100 / previousWeight
 			backends[i].Weight = &adjusted
 		// adjust the weight between ref and to
 		target := float32(input.Value) / 100
 		if input.Relative {
 			if previousWeight != 0 {
 				percent := float32(weight) / float32(previousWeight)
 				target = percent + target
 		switch {
 		case target < 0:
 			target = 0
 		case target > 1:
 			target = 1
 		weight = int32(target * 100)
 		otherWeight = int32((1 - target) * 100)
 		ref.Weight = &weight
 		to.Weight = &otherWeight
 		// rescale the max to 200 in case we are dealing with very small percentages
 		max := int32(0)
 		for _, other := range backends {
 			if other.Weight == nil {
 			if *other.Weight > max {
 				max = *other.Weight
 		if max > 256 {
 			for i, other := range backends {
 				if other.Weight == nil || *other.Weight == 0 {
 				adjusted := 200 * *other.Weight / max
 				if adjusted < 1 {
 					adjusted = 1
 				backends[i].Weight = &adjusted
 	case input.Relative:
 		weight += input.Value
 		if weight < 0 {
 			weight = 0
 		ref.Weight = &weight
 		ref.Weight = &input.Value
 // ParseBackendInput turns the provided input into a BackendInput or returns an error.
 func ParseBackendInput(s string) (*BackendInput, error) {
 	parts := strings.SplitN(s, "=", 2)
 	switch {
 	case len(parts) != 2, len(parts[0]) == 0, len(parts[1]) == 0:
 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected NAME=WEIGHT")
 	if strings.Contains(parts[0], "/") {
 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("only NAME=WEIGHT may be specified")
 	input := &BackendInput{}
 	input.Name = parts[0]
 	if strings.HasSuffix(parts[1], "%") {
 		input.Percentage = true
 		parts[1] = strings.TrimSuffix(parts[1], "%")
 	if strings.HasPrefix(parts[1], "+") {
 		input.Relative = true
 		parts[1] = strings.TrimPrefix(parts[1], "+")
 	value, err := strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("WEIGHT must be a number: %v", err)
 	input.Value = int32(value)
 	if input.Value < 0 {
 		input.Relative = true
 	return input, nil
 // Backends is a struct that represents the backends to be transformed.
 type Backends struct {
 	Backends []routeapi.RouteTargetReference
 // Names returns the referenced backend service names, in the order they appear.
 func (b *Backends) Names() []string {
 	var names []string
 	for _, backend := range b.Backends {
 		names = append(names, backend.Name)
 	return names
 // UpdateBackendsForObject extracts a backend definition array from the provided object, passes it to fn,
 // and then applies the backend on the object. It returns true if the object was mutated and an optional error
 // if any part of the flow returns error.
 func UpdateBackendsForObject(obj runtime.Object, fn func(*Backends) error) (bool, error) {
 	// TODO: replace with a swagger schema based approach (identify pod template via schema introspection)
 	switch t := obj.(type) {
 	case *routeapi.Route:
 		b := &Backends{
 			Backends: []routeapi.RouteTargetReference{t.Spec.To},
 		for _, backend := range t.Spec.AlternateBackends {
 			b.Backends = append(b.Backends, backend)
 		if err := fn(b); err != nil {
 			return true, err
 		if len(b.Backends) == 0 {
 			t.Spec.To = routeapi.RouteTargetReference{}
 		} else {
 			t.Spec.To = b.Backends[0]
 		if len(b.Backends) > 1 {
 			t.Spec.AlternateBackends = b.Backends[1:]
 		} else {
 			t.Spec.AlternateBackends = nil
 		return true, nil
 		return false, fmt.Errorf("the object is not a route")