 package diagnostics
 import (
 	kcmdutil ""
 	kutilerrors ""
 	poddiag ""
 // PodDiagnosticsOptions holds values received from environment variables
 // for the command to operate.
 type PodDiagnosticsOptions struct {
 	// list of diagnostic names to limit what is run
 	RequestedDiagnostics []string
 	// LogOptions determine globally what the user wants to see and how.
 	LogOptions *log.LoggerOptions
 	// The Logger is built with the options and should be used for all diagnostic output.
 	Logger *log.Logger
 const (
 	// Standard locations for the secrets mounted in pods
 	StandardMasterCaPath = "/var/run/secrets/"
 	StandardTokenPath    = "/var/run/secrets/"
 	StandardMasterUrl    = "https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local"
 var longPodDiagDescription = templates.LongDesc(`
 	This utility is intended to run diagnostics inside a container and
 	log the results so that the calling diagnostic can report them.`)
 // NewCommandPodDiagnostics is the command for running pod diagnostics.
 func NewCommandPodDiagnostics(name string, out io.Writer) *cobra.Command {
 	o := &PodDiagnosticsOptions{
 		RequestedDiagnostics: []string{},
 		LogOptions:           &log.LoggerOptions{Out: out},
 	cmd := &cobra.Command{
 		Use:   name,
 		Short: "Within a pod, run pod diagnostics",
 		Long:  fmt.Sprintf(longPodDiagDescription),
 		Run: func(c *cobra.Command, args []string) {
 			failed, err, warnCount, errorCount := o.BuildAndRunDiagnostics()
 			o.Logger.Summary(warnCount, errorCount)
 			if failed {
 	cmd.SetOutput(out) // for output re: usage / help
 	options.BindLoggerOptionFlags(cmd.Flags(), o.LogOptions, options.RecommendedLoggerOptionFlags())
 	return cmd
 // Complete fills in PodDiagnosticsOptions needed if the command is actually invoked.
 func (o *PodDiagnosticsOptions) Complete(args []string) error {
 	var err error
 	o.Logger, err = o.LogOptions.NewLogger()
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
 	o.RequestedDiagnostics = append(o.RequestedDiagnostics, args...)
 	if len(o.RequestedDiagnostics) == 0 {
 		o.RequestedDiagnostics = availablePodDiagnostics.List()
 	return nil
 // BuildAndRunDiagnostics builds diagnostics based on the options and executes them, returning a summary.
 func (o PodDiagnosticsOptions) BuildAndRunDiagnostics() (bool, error, int, int) {
 	failed := false
 	errors := []error{}
 	diagnostics := []types.Diagnostic{}
 	func() { // don't trust discovery/build of diagnostics; wrap panic nicely in case of developer error
 		defer func() {
 			if r := recover(); r != nil {
 				failed = true
 				stack := debug.Stack()
 				errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf("While building the diagnostics, a panic was encountered.\nThis is a bug in diagnostics. Error and stack trace follow: \n%v\n%s", r, stack))
 		}() // deferred panic handler
 		podDiags, ok, err := o.buildPodDiagnostics()
 		failed = failed || !ok
 		if ok {
 			diagnostics = append(diagnostics, podDiags...)
 		if err != nil {
 			errors = append(errors, err...)
 	if failed {
 		return failed, kutilerrors.NewAggregate(errors), 0, len(errors)
 	failed, err, numWarnings, numErrors := runDiagnostics(o.Logger, diagnostics, 0, len(errors))
 	return failed, err, numWarnings, numErrors
 var (
 	// availablePodDiagnostics contains the names of host diagnostics that can be executed
 	// during a single run of diagnostics. Add more diagnostics to the list as they are defined.
 	availablePodDiagnostics = sets.NewString(poddiag.PodCheckDnsName, poddiag.PodCheckAuthName)
 // buildPodDiagnostics builds host Diagnostic objects based on the host environment.
 // Returns the Diagnostics built, "ok" bool for whether to proceed or abort, and an error if any was encountered during the building of diagnostics.
 func (o PodDiagnosticsOptions) buildPodDiagnostics() ([]types.Diagnostic, bool, []error) {
 	diagnostics := []types.Diagnostic{}
 	err, requestedDiagnostics := determineRequestedDiagnostics(availablePodDiagnostics.List(), o.RequestedDiagnostics, o.Logger)
 	if err != nil {
 		return diagnostics, false, []error{err} // don't waste time on discovery
 	// TODO: check we're actually in a container
 	for _, diagnosticName := range requestedDiagnostics {
 		switch diagnosticName {
 		case poddiag.PodCheckDnsName:
 			diagnostics = append(diagnostics, poddiag.PodCheckDns{})
 		case poddiag.PodCheckAuthName:
 			diagnostics = append(diagnostics, poddiag.PodCheckAuth{
 				MasterCaPath: StandardMasterCaPath,
 				TokenPath:    StandardTokenPath,
 				MasterUrl:    StandardMasterUrl,
 			return diagnostics, false, []error{fmt.Errorf("unknown diagnostic: %v", diagnosticName)}
 	return diagnostics, true, nil
 // runDiagnostics performs the actual execution of diagnostics once they're built.
 func runDiagnostics(logger *log.Logger, diagnostics []types.Diagnostic, warnCount int, errorCount int) (bool, error, int, int) {
 	for _, diagnostic := range diagnostics {
 		func() { // wrap diagnostic panic nicely in case of developer error
 			defer func() {
 				if r := recover(); r != nil {
 					errorCount += 1
 					stack := debug.Stack()
 						fmt.Sprintf("While running the %s diagnostic, a panic was encountered.\nThis is a bug in diagnostics. Error and stack trace follow: \n%s\n%s",
 							diagnostic.Name(), fmt.Sprintf("%v", r), stack))
 			if canRun, reason := diagnostic.CanRun(); !canRun {
 				if reason == nil {
 					logger.Notice("CED5002", fmt.Sprintf("Skipping diagnostic: %s\nDescription: %s", diagnostic.Name(), diagnostic.Description()))
 				} else {
 					logger.Notice("CED5003", fmt.Sprintf("Skipping diagnostic: %s\nDescription: %s\nBecause: %s", diagnostic.Name(), diagnostic.Description(), reason.Error()))
 			logger.Notice("CED5004", fmt.Sprintf("Running diagnostic: %s\nDescription: %s", diagnostic.Name(), diagnostic.Description()))
 			r := diagnostic.Check()
 			for _, entry := range r.Logs() {
 			warnCount += len(r.Warnings())
 			errorCount += len(r.Errors())
 	return errorCount > 0, nil, warnCount, errorCount
 // determineRequestedDiagnostics determines which diagnostic the user wants to run
 // based on the -d list and the available diagnostics.
 // returns error or diagnostic names
 func determineRequestedDiagnostics(available []string, requested []string, logger *log.Logger) (error, []string) {
 	diagnostics := []string{}
 	if len(requested) == 0 { // not specified, use the available list
 		diagnostics = available
 	} else if diagnostics = sets.NewString(requested...).Intersection(sets.NewString(available...)).List(); len(diagnostics) == 0 {
 		logger.Error("CED6001", log.EvalTemplate("CED6001", "None of the requested diagnostics are available:\n  {{.requested}}\nPlease try from the following:\n  {{.available}}",
 			log.Hash{"requested": requested, "available": available}))
 		return fmt.Errorf("No requested diagnostics available"), diagnostics
 	} else if len(diagnostics) < len(requested) {
 		logger.Error("CED6002", log.EvalTemplate("CED6002", "Of the requested diagnostics:\n    {{.requested}}\nonly these are available:\n    {{.diagnostics}}\nThe list of all possible is:\n    {{.available}}",
 			log.Hash{"requested": requested, "diagnostics": diagnostics, "available": available}))
 		return fmt.Errorf("Not all requested diagnostics are available"), diagnostics
 	} // else it's a valid list.
 	return nil, diagnostics