 - how is router configuration visualized from a user perspective
 - how is router configuration visualized from an admin perspective
 - how is a user notified of a route route binding and final dns
 - how does a user request default dns name vs custom dns name
 - router fronting with DNS, how are entries created
 ## Description
 As an application administrator, I would like my routes to be configured with shards so they can
 grow beyond a single active/active or active/passive setup.  I should be able to configure many
 routers to allocate user requested routes to and be able to visualize the configuration.  
 ## Use Cases
 The following use cases should be satisfied by this proposal:
 1.  Configure routers as OpenShift resources and let the platform keep the specified configuration
 1.  Create a single, unsharded router
 1.  Create multiple routers with shards corresponding to a resource label
 1.  Allow any router to run in an HA configuration
 1.  User requests default route for application
 1.  User requests custom route for application
 1.  Create DNS (or other front end entry points) for routers
 ## Existing Artifacts
 1.  Routing:
 1.  HA Routing:
 1.  DNS Round Robin:
 ## Configuring Routers
 Administering routers as a top level object allows administrators to use custom commands specific
 to routers.  This provides a more use friendly mechanism of configuration and customizing routers.
 However, this also introduces more code for an object that will likely be dealt with as a pod
 anyway.  Routers should be a low touch configuration item that do not require many custom commands
 for daily administration.
 - Configuration lives in etcd, just like any other resource
 - Shards are configured via custom commands and `json` syntax
 - Routers are known to OpenShift; the system ensures the proper configuration is running
 - Custom administration syntax
 - Deal with routers as infra
 - The system knows about routers for route route binding and visualization with no extra effort
 - More divergent from Kubernetes codebase initially, though we may be able to generalize parts of
   this approach to sharding to other resources and controllers which allow sharding
 ## Route Scheduling
 Route scheduling is the process of assigning a `Route` record to a specific `Router` and setting up
 DNS for routes.  We will treat the problem of route scheduling similarly to the problem of
 pod scheduling.  There will be a new state reconciler to schedule Routes after they are created
 and a new field to express route binding status in the `Route` resource.
 ### Proposed Implementation
 #### The `Router` Resource
 There should be a new OpenShift resource called `Router`.  Its fields include:
 1.  `Name`: the router's name
 2.  `Description`: a description of the Router
 3.  `DNS`: the public DNS name of the Router
 3.  `Label`: the label that associates resources (Endpoints, Routes, Services) with this router
 #### Changes to the `Route` resource
 The `Route` resource should have a new field added:
     type Route {
         // other fields not shown
         Status RouteStatus
     type RouteStatus struct {
         Phase RoutePhase
         DNS   string
     type RoutePhase string
     const (
         RoutePhaseNew       RoutePhase = "new"
         RoutePhaseScheduled RoutePhase = "scheduled"
 The `RouteStatus` type represents the overall status of a `Route`. The `RoutePhase` type
 represents the phase of a route; it can be valued `new` or `scheduled`.
 #### Changes to the `Route` REST API
 The `Route` REST API will be changed to validate that:
 1.  The `DNS` and `Phase` fields of a `Route` are not set during create
 2.  The value of `DNS` and `Phase` fields do not change during update
 3.  The `RouteDNS` represents the final DNS name that will be used for the requested route.  For example
 if the user requests the route `test` for their app in namespace `myapp` they will be allocted to a shard 
 and given a name in the form of ``.  This field may only change during
 router allocation or reallocation and is only changed by the system.  If the user owns their own
 domain then this field will be populated from `Route.Host` and remain unchanged during allocation.
 #### The `RouteBinding` Resource
 The `RouteBinding` resource describes the association of a `Route` with a `Router`.  Its fields
 1.  `RouteNamespace`: The namespace of the route being scheduled
 2.  `RouteName`: The name of the route being scheduled
 3.  `DNS`: The DNS of the router serving the route
 The `RouteBinding` REST API will be the only path that is allowed to update the values of the
 `DNS` and `Phase` fields.  The REST API will apply the route binding to the `Route`
 record during `Create`.
 #### The `RouteScheduler` state reconciler
 We will introduce `RouteScheduler`, a state reconciler that watches the `Route` resource and
 schedules new routes.  The route scheduler will use a pluggable sheduling strategy, allowing users
 to author their own strategies.  Our initial strategy implementation will be a simple round-robin
 The `RouteScheduler` processes `Route` resources as follows:
 1.  The `RouteScheduler` watches for newly created (and thus unscheduled) `Route`s and
     periodically list the unscheduled `Route`s to retry
 2.  The scheduler passes unscheduled `Route` records to the `RouteSchedulerStrategy` interface
 3.  If the scheduling strategy is able to schedule the route, the scheduler creates a
     `RouteBinding` for the route and router by calling the `RouteBinding` REST API
 4.  The `RouteBinding` REST API `Create` call applies the route binding to the `Route`'s status
     field, setting the `DNS` and `Phase` fields
 5.  The `Router` instance the `Route` is scheduled to receives an update event for the route
     and applies it to the router backend configuration
 Errors scheduling routes are assumed to be transient and actionable by administrators.  The
 scheduling will continue reprocessing a `Route` until route binding succeeds.
 #### The `RouteSchedulerStrategy` interface
 The `RouteSchedulerStrategy` expresses something that can allocate routes amongst the available
     type RouteSchedulerStrategy interface {
         func Schedule(*routeapi.Route) (*routerapi.Router, error)
 ## User Requests a Route
 Requesting a route is a multi-step process that includes the initial user request, router
 allocation, and router configuration.  OpenShift does not provide DNS services for users who own
 their own domain, users who own their own domain should point their domain name to the allocated
 shard(s) for resolution.
 When requesting a route the user has two options.  
 1.  Requesting a specific route name in `Route.Host`: This indicates that the user owns the domain.
     The system should not manipulate the requested name but should ensure uniqueness against the
     existing routes.
 2.  Requesting a route with no name specified in `Route.Host`: This indicates that the user would
     like to have system provided DNS.  The `RouteScheduler` will create a name in the format of 
     `<namespace>-<Host>.<shard>` and populate the `DNS` field of the route upon 
 ## DNS
 OpenShift will not provide custom DNS to clients.  System provided DNS will be achieved by using a
 DNS plugin or manual setup that is aware of the configured router shards.  The DNS implementation
 will be set up with a wild card DNS zone for each router shard.  Below is an example of the zone
 files of a router configuration with two shards.
 If a plugin infrastructure is created it will be able to watch the `router` configuration to 
 determine the correct zone files to set up with wildcard entries.
     @       IN      SOA     . (
                          2009092001         ; Serial
                              604800         ; Refresh
                               86400         ; Retry
                             1206900         ; Expire
                                 300 )       ; Negative Cache TTL
             IN      NS
     ns1     IN      A
     *       IN      A      ; active/active DNS round robin
             IN      A      ; active/active DNS round robin
     @       IN      SOA     . (
                          2009092001         ; Serial
                              604800         ; Refresh
                               86400         ; Retry
                             1206900         ; Expire
                                 300 )       ; Negative Cache TTL
             IN      NS
     ns1     IN      A
     *       IN      A      ; active/active DNS round robin
             IN      A      ; active/active DNS round robin 