.TH "OADM MIGRATE" "1" " Openshift CLI User Manuals" "Openshift" "June 2016"  ""

oadm migrate image\-references \- Update embedded Docker image references

\fBoadm migrate image\-references\fP [OPTIONS]

Migrate references to Docker images

This command updates embedded Docker image references on the server in place. By default it will update image streams and images, and may be used to update resources with a pod template (deployments, replication controllers, daemon sets).

References are changed by providing a mapping between a source registry and name and the desired registry and name. Either name or registry can be set to ' *' to change all values. The registry value "docker.io" is special and will handle any image reference that refers to the DockerHub. You may pass multiple mappings \- the first matching mapping will be applied per resource.

The following resource types may be migrated by this command:

\(bu buildconfigs
\(bu daemonsets
\(bu deploymentconfigs
\(bu images
\(bu imagestreams
\(bu jobs
\(bu pods
\(bu replicationcontrollers
\(bu secrets (docker)
Only images, imagestreams, and secrets are updated by default. Updating images and image streams requires administrative privileges.

    Migrate objects in all namespaces. Defaults to true.

    If true, all requested objects will be migrated. Defaults to false.

\fB\-f\fP, \fB\-\-filename\fP=[]
    Filename, directory, or URL to docker\-compose.yml file to use

    If specified, only migrate items with a key (namespace/name or name) greater than or equal to this value

    Resource types to migrate. Passing \-\-filename will override this flag.

\fB\-o\fP, \fB\-\-output\fP=""
    Output the modified objects instead of saving them, valid values are 'yaml' or 'json'

    If specified, only migrate items with a key (namespace/name or name) less than this value

    DEPRECATED: The API version to use when talking to the server

    Username to impersonate for the operation

    Path to a cert. file for the certificate authority

    Path to a client certificate file for TLS

    Path to a client key file for TLS

    The name of the kubeconfig cluster to use

    Path to the config file to use for CLI requests.

    The name of the kubeconfig context to use

    The Google Cloud Platform Service Account JSON Key to use for authentication.

    If true, the server's certificate will not be checked for validity. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure

    Maximum number of seconds between log flushes

    Require server version to match client version

\fB\-n\fP, \fB\-\-namespace\fP=""
    If present, the namespace scope for this CLI request

    The length of time to wait before giving up on a single server request. Non\-zero values should contain a corresponding time unit (e.g. 1s, 2m, 3h). A value of zero means don't timeout requests.

    The address and port of the Kubernetes API server

    Bearer token for authentication to the API server

    The name of the kubeconfig user to use


  # Perform a dry\-run of migrating all "docker.io" references to "myregistry.com"
  oadm migrate image\-references docker.io/*=myregistry.com/*
  # To actually perform the migration, the confirm flag must be appended
  oadm migrate image\-references docker.io/*=myregistry.com/* \-\-confirm
  # To see more details of what will be migrated, use the loglevel and output flags
  oadm migrate image\-references docker.io/*=myregistry.com/* \-\-loglevel=2 \-o yaml
  # Migrate from a service IP to an internal service DNS name
  oadm migrate image\-references*=registry.openshift.svc.cluster.local/*
  # Migrate from a service IP to an internal service DNS name for all deployment configs and builds
  oadm migrate image\-references*=registry.openshift.svc.cluster.local/* \-\-include=buildconfigs,deploymentconfigs



June 2016, Ported from the Kubernetes man\-doc generator