package authorizer

import (

	kapi ""
	kapiserver ""

type Authorizer interface {
	Authorize(ctx kapi.Context, a AuthorizationAttributes) (allowed bool, reason string, err error)
	GetAllowedSubjects(ctx kapi.Context, attributes AuthorizationAttributes) (sets.String, sets.String, error)

type AuthorizationAttributeBuilder interface {
	GetAttributes(request *http.Request) (AuthorizationAttributes, error)

type RequestInfoResolver interface {
	GetRequestInfo(req *http.Request) (kapiserver.RequestInfo, error)

type AuthorizationAttributes interface {
	GetVerb() string
	GetAPIVersion() string
	GetAPIGroup() string
	// GetResource returns the resource type.  If IsNonResourceURL() is true, then GetResource() is "".
	GetResource() string
	GetResourceName() string
	// GetRequestAttributes is of type interface{} because different verbs and different Authorizer/AuthorizationAttributeBuilder pairs may have different contract requirements.
	GetRequestAttributes() interface{}
	// IsNonResourceURL returns true if this is not an action performed against the resource API
	IsNonResourceURL() bool
	// GetURL returns the URL path being requested, including the leading '/'
	GetURL() string

// ForbiddenMessageMaker creates a forbidden message from a MessageContext
type ForbiddenMessageMaker interface {
	MakeMessage(ctx MessageContext) (string, error)

// MessageContext contains sufficient information to create a forbidden message.  It is bundled in this one object to make it easy and obvious how to build a golang template
type MessageContext struct {
	User       user.Info
	Namespace  string
	Attributes AuthorizationAttributes