package cmd

import (

	kapi ""

	buildapi ""

// TestCancelBuildDefaultFlags ensures that flags default values are set.
func TestCancelBuildDefaultFlags(t *testing.T) {
	o := CancelBuildOptions{}

	tests := map[string]struct {
		flagName   string
		defaultVal string
		"state": {
			flagName:   "state",
			defaultVal: "[" + strings.Join(o.States, ",") + "]",
		"dump-logs": {
			flagName:   "dump-logs",
			defaultVal: strconv.FormatBool(o.DumpLogs),
		"restart": {
			flagName:   "restart",
			defaultVal: strconv.FormatBool(o.Restart),

	cmd := NewCmdCancelBuild("oc", CancelBuildRecommendedCommandName, nil, nil, nil, nil)

	for _, v := range tests {
		f := cmd.Flag(v.flagName)
		if f == nil {
			t.Fatalf("expected flag %s to be registered but found none", v.flagName)

		if f.DefValue != v.defaultVal {
			t.Errorf("expected default value of %s for %s but found %s", v.defaultVal, v.flagName, f.DefValue)

// TestCancelBuildRun ensures that RunCancelBuild command calls the right actions.
func TestCancelBuildRun(t *testing.T) {
	tests := map[string]struct {
		opts            *CancelBuildOptions
		phase           buildapi.BuildPhase
		expectedActions []testAction
		expectedErr     error
		"cancelled": {
			opts: &CancelBuildOptions{
				Out:       ioutil.Discard,
				Namespace: "test",
				States:    []string{"new", "pending", "running"},
			phase: buildapi.BuildPhaseCancelled,
			expectedActions: []testAction{
				{verb: "get", resource: "builds"},
			expectedErr: nil,
		"complete": {
			opts: &CancelBuildOptions{
				Out:       ioutil.Discard,
				Namespace: "test",
			phase: buildapi.BuildPhaseComplete,
			expectedActions: []testAction{
				{verb: "get", resource: "builds"},
			expectedErr: nil,
		"new": {
			opts: &CancelBuildOptions{
				Out:       ioutil.Discard,
				Namespace: "test",
			phase: buildapi.BuildPhaseNew,
			expectedActions: []testAction{
				{verb: "get", resource: "builds"},
				{verb: "update", resource: "builds"},
				{verb: "get", resource: "builds"},
			expectedErr: nil,
		"pending": {
			opts: &CancelBuildOptions{
				Out:       ioutil.Discard,
				Namespace: "test",
			phase: buildapi.BuildPhaseNew,
			expectedActions: []testAction{
				{verb: "get", resource: "builds"},
				{verb: "update", resource: "builds"},
				{verb: "get", resource: "builds"},
			expectedErr: nil,
		"running and restart": {
			opts: &CancelBuildOptions{
				Out:       ioutil.Discard,
				Namespace: "test",
				Restart:   true,
			phase: buildapi.BuildPhaseNew,
			expectedActions: []testAction{
				{verb: "get", resource: "builds"},
				{verb: "update", resource: "builds"},
				{verb: "get", resource: "builds"},
				{verb: "create", resource: "builds"},
			expectedErr: nil,

	for _, test := range tests {
		client := testclient.NewSimpleFake(genBuild(test.phase))
		buildClient := NewFakeTestBuilds(client, test.opts.Namespace)

		test.opts.Client = client
		test.opts.BuildClient = buildClient
		test.opts.ReportError = func(err error) {
			test.opts.HasError = true
		test.opts.Mapper = registered.RESTMapper()
		test.opts.BuildNames = []string{"ruby-ex"}
		test.opts.States = []string{"new", "pending", "running"}

		if err := test.opts.RunCancelBuild(); err != test.expectedErr {
			t.Fatalf("error mismatch: expected %v, got %v", test.expectedErr, err)

		got := test.opts.Client.(*testclient.Fake).Actions()
		if len(test.expectedActions) != len(got) {
			t.Fatalf("action length mismatch: expected %d, got %d", len(test.expectedActions), len(got))

		for i, action := range test.expectedActions {
			if !got[i].Matches(action.verb, action.resource) {
				t.Errorf("action mismatch: expected %s %s, got %s %s", action.verb, action.resource, got[i].GetVerb(), got[i].GetResource())


type FakeTestBuilds struct {
	Obj *buildapi.Build

func NewFakeTestBuilds(c *testclient.Fake, ns string) *FakeTestBuilds {
	f := FakeTestBuilds{}
	f.FakeBuilds = &testclient.FakeBuilds{}
	f.Fake = c
	f.Namespace = ns

	return &f

func (c *FakeTestBuilds) Get(name string) (*buildapi.Build, error) {
	obj, err := c.FakeBuilds.Get(name)
	if c.Obj == nil {
		c.Obj = obj

	return c.Obj, err

func (c *FakeTestBuilds) Update(inObj *buildapi.Build) (*buildapi.Build, error) {
	_, err := c.FakeBuilds.Update(inObj)
	if inObj.Status.Cancelled == true {
		inObj.Status.Phase = buildapi.BuildPhaseCancelled

	c.Obj = inObj
	return c.Obj, err

func genBuild(phase buildapi.BuildPhase) *buildapi.Build {
	build := buildapi.Build{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      "ruby-ex",
			Namespace: "test",
		Status: buildapi.BuildStatus{
			Phase: phase,
	return &build