package cmd

import (


	cmdutil ""
	utilerrors ""
	kcmdutil ""

	osclient ""
	deployapi ""
	deployclient ""
	unidlingapi ""
	utilunidling ""
	clientset ""

const (
	idleLong = `
Idle scalable resources.

Idling discovers the scalable resources (such as deployment configs and replication controllers)
associated with a series of services by examining the endpoints of the service.
Each service is then marked as idled, the associated resources are recorded, and the resources
are scaled down to zero replicas.

Upon receiving network traffic, the services (and any associated routes) will "wake up" the
associated resources by scaling them back up to their previous scale.`

	idleExample = `  # Idle the scalable controllers associated with the services listed in to-idle.txt
  $ %[1]s idle --resource-names-file to-idle.txt`

// NewCmdIdle implements the OpenShift cli idle command
func NewCmdIdle(fullName string, f *clientcmd.Factory, out, errOut io.Writer) *cobra.Command {
	o := &IdleOptions{
		out:         out,
		errOut:      errOut,
		cmdFullName: fullName,

	cmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:     "idle (SERVICE_ENDPOINTS... | -l label | --all | --resource-names-file FILENAME)",
		Short:   "Idle scalable resources",
		Long:    idleLong,
		Example: fmt.Sprintf(idleExample, fullName),
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			kcmdutil.CheckErr(o.Complete(f, cmd, args))
			err := o.RunIdle(f)
			if err == cmdutil.ErrExit {

	cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&o.dryRun, "dry-run", false, "If true, only print the annotations that would be written, without annotating or idling the relevant objects")
	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&o.filename, "resource-names-file", o.filename, "file containing list of services whose scalable resources to idle")
	cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&o.selector, "selector", "l", o.selector, "Selector (label query) to use to select services")
	cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&o.all, "all", o.all, "Select all services in the namespace")
	cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&o.allNamespaces, "all-namespaces", o.allNamespaces, "Select services across all namespaces")

	// TODO: take the `-o name` argument, and only print out names instead of the summary

	return cmd

type IdleOptions struct {
	out, errOut io.Writer

	dryRun bool

	filename      string
	all           bool
	selector      string
	allNamespaces bool
	resources     string

	cmdFullName string

	nowTime    time.Time
	svcBuilder *resource.Builder

func (o *IdleOptions) Complete(f *clientcmd.Factory, cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
	namespace, _, err := f.DefaultNamespace()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	o.nowTime = time.Now().UTC()

	// NB: our filename arg is different from usual, since it's just a list of service names
	if o.filename != "" && (o.selector != "" || len(args) > 0 || o.all) {
		return fmt.Errorf("resource names, selectors, and the all flag may not be be specified if a filename is specified")

	mapper, typer := f.Object(false)
	o.svcBuilder = resource.NewBuilder(mapper, typer, resource.ClientMapperFunc(f.ClientForMapping), api.Codecs.UniversalDecoder()).

	if o.filename != "" {
		targetServiceNames, err := scanLinesFromFile(o.filename)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		o.svcBuilder.ResourceNames("endpoints", targetServiceNames...)
	} else {
		// NB: this is a bit weird because the resource builder will complain if we use ResourceTypes and ResourceNames when len(args) > 0
		if o.selector != "" {

		o.svcBuilder.ResourceNames("endpoints", args...)

		if o.all {

	return nil

// scanLinesFromFile loads lines from either standard in or a file
func scanLinesFromFile(filename string) ([]string, error) {
	var targetsInput io.Reader
	if filename == "-" {
		targetsInput = os.Stdin
	} else if filename == "" {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("you must specify an list of resources to idle")
	} else {
		inputFile, err := os.Open(filename)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		defer inputFile.Close()
		targetsInput = inputFile

	lines := []string{}

	// grab the raw resources from the file
	lineScanner := bufio.NewScanner(targetsInput)
	for lineScanner.Scan() {
		line := lineScanner.Text()
		if line == "" {
			// skip empty lines
		lines = append(lines, line)
	if err := lineScanner.Err(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return lines, nil

// idleUpdateInfo contains the required info to annotate an endpoints object
// with the scalable resources that it should unidle
type idleUpdateInfo struct {
	obj       *api.Endpoints
	scaleRefs map[unidlingapi.CrossGroupObjectReference]struct{}

// calculateIdlableAnnotationsByService calculates the list of objects involved in the idling process from a list of services in a file.
// Using the list of services, it figures out the associated scalable objects, and returns a map from the endpoints object for the services to
// the list of scalable resources associated with that endpoints object, as well as a map from CrossGroupObjectReferences to scale to 0 to the
// name of the associated service.
func (o *IdleOptions) calculateIdlableAnnotationsByService(f *clientcmd.Factory) (map[types.NamespacedName]idleUpdateInfo, map[unidlingapi.CrossGroupObjectReference]types.NamespacedName, error) {
	// load our set of services
	client, err := f.Client()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	mapper, _ := f.Object(false)

	podsLoaded := make(map[api.ObjectReference]*api.Pod)
	getPod := func(ref api.ObjectReference) (*api.Pod, error) {
		if pod, ok := podsLoaded[ref]; ok {
			return pod, nil
		pod, err := client.Pods(ref.Namespace).Get(ref.Name)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		podsLoaded[ref] = pod

		return pod, nil

	controllersLoaded := make(map[api.ObjectReference]runtime.Object)
	helpers := make(map[unversioned.GroupKind]*resource.Helper)
	getController := func(ref api.ObjectReference) (runtime.Object, error) {
		if controller, ok := controllersLoaded[ref]; ok {
			return controller, nil
		gv, err := unversioned.ParseGroupVersion(ref.APIVersion)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		// just get the unversioned version of this
		gk := unversioned.GroupKind{Group: gv.Group, Kind: ref.Kind}
		helper, ok := helpers[gk]
		if !ok {
			var mapping *meta.RESTMapping
			mapping, err = mapper.RESTMapping(unversioned.GroupKind{Group: gv.Group, Kind: ref.Kind}, "")
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			var client resource.RESTClient
			client, err = f.ClientForMapping(mapping)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			helper = resource.NewHelper(client, mapping)
			helpers[gk] = helper

		var controller runtime.Object
		controller, err = helper.Get(ref.Namespace, ref.Name, false)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		controllersLoaded[ref] = controller

		return controller, nil

	targetScaleRefs := make(map[unidlingapi.CrossGroupObjectReference]types.NamespacedName)
	endpointsInfo := make(map[types.NamespacedName]idleUpdateInfo)

	decoder := f.Decoder(true)
	err = o.svcBuilder.Do().Visit(func(info *resource.Info, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
			return err

		endpoints, isEndpoints := info.Object.(*api.Endpoints)
		if !isEndpoints {
			return fmt.Errorf("you must specify endpoints, not %v (view available endpoints with \"%s get endpoints\").", info.Mapping.Resource, o.cmdFullName)

		endpointsName := types.NamespacedName{
			Namespace: endpoints.Namespace,
			Name:      endpoints.Name,
		scaleRefs, err := findScalableResourcesForEndpoints(endpoints, decoder, getPod, getController)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("unable to calculate scalable resources for service %s/%s: %v", endpoints.Namespace, endpoints.Name, err)

		for ref := range scaleRefs {
			targetScaleRefs[ref] = endpointsName

		idleInfo := idleUpdateInfo{
			obj:       endpoints,
			scaleRefs: scaleRefs,

		endpointsInfo[endpointsName] = idleInfo

		return nil

	return endpointsInfo, targetScaleRefs, err

// getControllerRef returns a subresource reference to the owning controller of the given object.
// It will use both the CreatedByAnnotation from Kubernetes, as well as the DeploymentConfigAnnotation
// from Origin to look this up.  If neither are found, it will return nil.
func getControllerRef(obj runtime.Object, decoder runtime.Decoder) (*api.ObjectReference, error) {
	objMeta, err := meta.Accessor(obj)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	annotations := objMeta.GetAnnotations()

	creatorRefRaw, creatorListed := annotations[controller.CreatedByAnnotation]
	if !creatorListed {
		// if we don't have a creator listed, try the openshift-specific Deployment annotation
		dcName, dcNameListed := annotations[deployapi.DeploymentConfigAnnotation]
		if !dcNameListed {
			return nil, nil

		return &api.ObjectReference{
			Name:      dcName,
			Namespace: objMeta.GetNamespace(),
			Kind:      "DeploymentConfig",
		}, nil

	serializedRef := &api.SerializedReference{}
	if err := runtime.DecodeInto(decoder, []byte(creatorRefRaw), serializedRef); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not decoded pod's creator reference: %v", err)

	return &serializedRef.Reference, nil

func makeCrossGroupObjRef(ref *api.ObjectReference) (unidlingapi.CrossGroupObjectReference, error) {
	gv, err := unversioned.ParseGroupVersion(ref.APIVersion)
	if err != nil {
		return unidlingapi.CrossGroupObjectReference{}, err

	return unidlingapi.CrossGroupObjectReference{
		Kind:  ref.Kind,
		Name:  ref.Name,
		Group: gv.Group,
	}, nil

// findScalableResourcesForEndpoints takes an Endpoints object and looks for the associated
// scalable objects by checking each address in each subset to see if it has a pod
// reference, and the following that pod reference to find the owning controller,
// and returning the unique set of controllers found this way.
func findScalableResourcesForEndpoints(endpoints *api.Endpoints, decoder runtime.Decoder, getPod func(api.ObjectReference) (*api.Pod, error), getController func(api.ObjectReference) (runtime.Object, error)) (map[unidlingapi.CrossGroupObjectReference]struct{}, error) {
	// To find all RCs and DCs for an endpoint, we first figure out which pods are pointed to by that endpoint...
	podRefs := map[api.ObjectReference]*api.Pod{}
	for _, subset := range endpoints.Subsets {
		for _, addr := range subset.Addresses {
			if addr.TargetRef != nil && addr.TargetRef.Kind == "Pod" {
				pod, err := getPod(*addr.TargetRef)
				if utilerrors.TolerateNotFoundError(err) != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find controller for pod %s/%s: %v", addr.TargetRef.Namespace, addr.TargetRef.Name, err)

				if pod != nil {
					podRefs[*addr.TargetRef] = pod

	// ... then, for each pod, we check the controller, and find the set of unique controllers...
	immediateControllerRefs := make(map[api.ObjectReference]struct{})
	for _, pod := range podRefs {
		controllerRef, err := getControllerRef(pod, decoder)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find controller for pod %s/%s: %v", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, err)
		} else if controllerRef == nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find controller for pod %s/%s: no creator reference listed", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)

		immediateControllerRefs[*controllerRef] = struct{}{}

	// ... finally, for each controller, we load it, and see if there is a corresponding owner (to cover cases like DCs, Deployments, etc)
	controllerRefs := make(map[unidlingapi.CrossGroupObjectReference]struct{})
	for controllerRef := range immediateControllerRefs {
		controller, err := getController(controllerRef)
		if utilerrors.TolerateNotFoundError(err) != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to load %s %q: %v", controllerRef.Kind, controllerRef.Name, err)

		if controller != nil {
			var parentControllerRef *api.ObjectReference
			parentControllerRef, err = getControllerRef(controller, decoder)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to load the creator of %s %q: %v", controllerRef.Kind, controllerRef.Name, err)

			var crossGroupObjRef unidlingapi.CrossGroupObjectReference
			if parentControllerRef == nil {
				// if this is just a plain RC, use it
				crossGroupObjRef, err = makeCrossGroupObjRef(&controllerRef)
			} else {
				crossGroupObjRef, err = makeCrossGroupObjRef(parentControllerRef)

			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to load the creator of %s %q: %v", controllerRef.Kind, controllerRef.Name, err)
			controllerRefs[crossGroupObjRef] = struct{}{}

	return controllerRefs, nil

// pairScalesWithScaleRefs takes some subresource references, a map of new scales for those subresource references,
// and annotations from an existing object.  It merges the scales and references found in the existing annotations
// with the new data (using the new scale in case of conflict if present and not 0, and the old scale otherwise),
// and returns a slice of RecordedScaleReferences suitable for using as the new annotation value.
func pairScalesWithScaleRefs(serviceName types.NamespacedName, annotations map[string]string, rawScaleRefs map[unidlingapi.CrossGroupObjectReference]struct{}, scales map[unidlingapi.CrossGroupObjectReference]int32) ([]unidlingapi.RecordedScaleReference, error) {
	oldTargetsRaw, hasOldTargets := annotations[unidlingapi.UnidleTargetAnnotation]

	scaleRefs := make([]unidlingapi.RecordedScaleReference, 0, len(rawScaleRefs))

	// initialize the list of new annotations
	for rawScaleRef := range rawScaleRefs {
		scaleRefs = append(scaleRefs, unidlingapi.RecordedScaleReference{
			CrossGroupObjectReference: rawScaleRef,
			Replicas:                  0,

	// if the new preserved scale would be 0, see if we have an old scale that we can use instead
	if hasOldTargets {
		var oldTargets []unidlingapi.RecordedScaleReference
		oldTargetsSet := make(map[unidlingapi.CrossGroupObjectReference]int)
		if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(oldTargetsRaw), &oldTargets); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to extract existing scale information from endpoints %s: %v", serviceName.String(), err)

		for i, target := range oldTargets {
			oldTargetsSet[target.CrossGroupObjectReference] = i

		// figure out which new targets were already present...
		for _, newScaleRef := range scaleRefs {
			if oldTargetInd, ok := oldTargetsSet[newScaleRef.CrossGroupObjectReference]; ok {
				if newScale, ok := scales[newScaleRef.CrossGroupObjectReference]; !ok || newScale == 0 {
					scales[newScaleRef.CrossGroupObjectReference] = oldTargets[oldTargetInd].Replicas
				delete(oldTargetsSet, newScaleRef.CrossGroupObjectReference)

		// ...and add in any existing targets not already on the new list to the new list
		for _, ind := range oldTargetsSet {
			scaleRefs = append(scaleRefs, oldTargets[ind])

	for i := range scaleRefs {
		scaleRef := &scaleRefs[i]
		newScale, ok := scales[scaleRef.CrossGroupObjectReference]
		if !ok || newScale == 0 {
			newScale = 1
			if scaleRef.Replicas != 0 {
				newScale = scaleRef.Replicas

		scaleRef.Replicas = newScale

	return scaleRefs, nil

// setIdleAnnotations sets the given annotation on the given object to the marshaled list of CrossGroupObjectReferences
func setIdleAnnotations(serviceName types.NamespacedName, annotations map[string]string, scaleRefs []unidlingapi.RecordedScaleReference, nowTime time.Time) error {
	var scaleRefsBytes []byte
	var err error
	if scaleRefsBytes, err = json.Marshal(scaleRefs); err != nil {
		return err

	annotations[unidlingapi.UnidleTargetAnnotation] = string(scaleRefsBytes)
	annotations[unidlingapi.IdledAtAnnotation] = nowTime.Format(time.RFC3339)

	return nil

// patchObj patches calculates a patch between the given new object and the existing marshaled object
func patchObj(obj runtime.Object, metadata meta.Object, oldData []byte, mapping *meta.RESTMapping, f *clientcmd.Factory) (runtime.Object, error) {
	newData, err := json.Marshal(obj)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	patchBytes, err := strategicpatch.CreateTwoWayMergePatch(oldData, newData, obj)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	client, err := f.ClientForMapping(mapping)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	helper := resource.NewHelper(client, mapping)

	return helper.Patch(metadata.GetNamespace(), metadata.GetName(), api.StrategicMergePatchType, patchBytes)

type scaleInfo struct {
	namespace string
	scale     *extensions.Scale
	obj       runtime.Object

// RunIdle runs the idling command logic, taking a list of resources or services in a file, scaling the associated
// scalable resources to zero, and annotating the associated endpoints objects with the scalable resources to unidle
// when they receive traffic.
func (o *IdleOptions) RunIdle(f *clientcmd.Factory) error {
	hadError := false
	nowTime := time.Now().UTC()

	// figure out which endpoints and resources we need to idle
	byService, byScalable, err := o.calculateIdlableAnnotationsByService(f)

	if err != nil {
		if len(byService) == 0 || len(byScalable) == 0 {
			return fmt.Errorf("no valid scalable resources found to idle: %v", err)
		fmt.Fprintf(o.errOut, "warning: continuing on for valid scalable resources, but an error occured while finding scalable resources to idle: %v", err)

	oclient, kclient, err := f.Clients()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	delegScaleGetter := osclient.NewDelegatingScaleNamespacer(oclient, kclient)
	dcGetter := deployclient.New(oclient.RESTClient)
	rcGetter := clientset.FromUnversionedClient(kclient)

	scaleAnnotater := utilunidling.NewScaleAnnotater(delegScaleGetter, dcGetter, rcGetter, func(currentReplicas int32, annotations map[string]string) {
		annotations[unidlingapi.IdledAtAnnotation] = nowTime.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
		annotations[unidlingapi.PreviousScaleAnnotation] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", currentReplicas)

	replicas := make(map[unidlingapi.CrossGroupObjectReference]int32, len(byScalable))
	toScale := make(map[unidlingapi.CrossGroupObjectReference]scaleInfo)

	mapper, typer := f.Object(false)

	// first, collect the scale info
	for scaleRef, svcName := range byScalable {
		obj, scale, err := scaleAnnotater.GetObjectWithScale(svcName.Namespace, scaleRef)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(o.errOut, "error: unable to get scale for %s %s/%s, not marking that scalable as idled\n", scaleRef.Kind, svcName.Namespace, scaleRef.Name)
			svcInfo := byService[svcName]
			delete(svcInfo.scaleRefs, scaleRef)
			hadError = true
		replicas[scaleRef] = scale.Spec.Replicas
		toScale[scaleRef] = scaleInfo{scale: scale, obj: obj, namespace: svcName.Namespace}

	// annotate the endpoints objects to indicate which scalable resources need to be unidled on traffic
	for serviceName, info := range byService {
		if info.obj.Annotations == nil {
			info.obj.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
		refsWithScale, err := pairScalesWithScaleRefs(serviceName, info.obj.Annotations, info.scaleRefs, replicas)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(o.errOut, "error: unable to mark service %s as idled: %v", serviceName.String(), err)

		if !o.dryRun {
			if len(info.scaleRefs) == 0 {
				fmt.Fprintf(o.errOut, "error: no scalable resources marked as idled for service %s, not marking as idled\n", serviceName.String())
				hadError = true

			metadata, err := meta.Accessor(info.obj)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintf(o.errOut, "error: unable to mark service %s as idled: %v", serviceName.String(), err)
				hadError = true
			gvks, _, err := typer.ObjectKinds(info.obj)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintf(o.errOut, "error: unable to mark service %s as idled: %v", serviceName.String(), err)
				hadError = true
			oldData, err := json.Marshal(info.obj)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintf(o.errOut, "error: unable to mark service %s as idled: %v", serviceName.String(), err)
				hadError = true

			mapping, err := mapper.RESTMapping(gvks[0].GroupKind(), gvks[0].Version)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintf(o.errOut, "error: unable to mark service %s as idled: %v", serviceName.String(), err)
				hadError = true

			if err = setIdleAnnotations(serviceName, info.obj.Annotations, refsWithScale, nowTime); err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintf(o.errOut, "error: unable to mark service %s as idled: %v", serviceName.String(), err)
				hadError = true
			if _, err := patchObj(info.obj, metadata, oldData, mapping, f); err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintf(o.errOut, "error: unable to mark service %s as idled: %v", serviceName.String(), err)
				hadError = true

		for _, scaleRef := range refsWithScale {
			fmt.Fprintf(o.out, "Marked service %s to unidle resource %s %s/%s (unidle to %v replicas)\n", serviceName.String(), scaleRef.Kind, serviceName.Namespace, scaleRef.Name, scaleRef.Replicas)

	// actually "idle" the scalable resources by scaling them down to zero
	// (scale down to zero *after* we've applied the annotation so that we don't miss any traffic)
	for scaleRef, info := range toScale {
		if !o.dryRun {
			info.scale.Spec.Replicas = 0
			if err := scaleAnnotater.UpdateObjectScale(info.namespace, scaleRef, info.obj, info.scale); err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintf(o.errOut, "error: unable to scale %s %s/%s to 0, but still listed as target for unidling\n", scaleRef.Kind, info.namespace, scaleRef.Name)
				hadError = true

		fmt.Fprintf(o.out, "Idled %s %s/%s\n", scaleRef.Kind, info.namespace, scaleRef.Name)

	if hadError {
		return cmdutil.ErrExit

	return nil