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package persistentvolume

import (


// persistentvolumeStrategy implements behavior for PersistentVolume objects
type persistentvolumeStrategy struct {

// Strategy is the default logic that applies when creating and updating PersistentVolume
// objects via the REST API.
var Strategy = persistentvolumeStrategy{api.Scheme, api.SimpleNameGenerator}

func (persistentvolumeStrategy) NamespaceScoped() bool {
	return false

// ResetBeforeCreate clears the Status field which is not allowed to be set by end users on creation.
func (persistentvolumeStrategy) PrepareForCreate(obj runtime.Object) {
	pv := obj.(*api.PersistentVolume)
	pv.Status = api.PersistentVolumeStatus{}

func (persistentvolumeStrategy) Validate(ctx api.Context, obj runtime.Object) field.ErrorList {
	persistentvolume := obj.(*api.PersistentVolume)
	return validation.ValidatePersistentVolume(persistentvolume)

// Canonicalize normalizes the object after validation.
func (persistentvolumeStrategy) Canonicalize(obj runtime.Object) {

func (persistentvolumeStrategy) AllowCreateOnUpdate() bool {
	return false

// PrepareForUpdate sets the Status fields which is not allowed to be set by an end user updating a PV
func (persistentvolumeStrategy) PrepareForUpdate(obj, old runtime.Object) {
	newPv := obj.(*api.PersistentVolume)
	oldPv := old.(*api.PersistentVolume)
	newPv.Status = oldPv.Status

func (persistentvolumeStrategy) ValidateUpdate(ctx api.Context, obj, old runtime.Object) field.ErrorList {
	errorList := validation.ValidatePersistentVolume(obj.(*api.PersistentVolume))
	return append(errorList, validation.ValidatePersistentVolumeUpdate(obj.(*api.PersistentVolume), old.(*api.PersistentVolume))...)

func (persistentvolumeStrategy) AllowUnconditionalUpdate() bool {
	return true

type persistentvolumeStatusStrategy struct {

var StatusStrategy = persistentvolumeStatusStrategy{Strategy}

// PrepareForUpdate sets the Spec field which is not allowed to be changed when updating a PV's Status
func (persistentvolumeStatusStrategy) PrepareForUpdate(obj, old runtime.Object) {
	newPv := obj.(*api.PersistentVolume)
	oldPv := old.(*api.PersistentVolume)
	newPv.Spec = oldPv.Spec

func (persistentvolumeStatusStrategy) ValidateUpdate(ctx api.Context, obj, old runtime.Object) field.ErrorList {
	return validation.ValidatePersistentVolumeStatusUpdate(obj.(*api.PersistentVolume), old.(*api.PersistentVolume))

// MatchPersistentVolume returns a generic matcher for a given label and field selector.
func MatchPersistentVolumes(label labels.Selector, field fields.Selector) generic.Matcher {
	return generic.MatcherFunc(func(obj runtime.Object) (bool, error) {
		persistentvolumeObj, ok := obj.(*api.PersistentVolume)
		if !ok {
			return false, fmt.Errorf("not a persistentvolume")
		fields := PersistentVolumeToSelectableFields(persistentvolumeObj)
		return label.Matches(labels.Set(persistentvolumeObj.Labels)) && field.Matches(fields), nil

// PersistentVolumeToSelectableFields returns a label set that represents the object
func PersistentVolumeToSelectableFields(persistentvolume *api.PersistentVolume) labels.Set {
	objectMetaFieldsSet := generic.ObjectMetaFieldsSet(persistentvolume.ObjectMeta, false)
	specificFieldsSet := fields.Set{
		// This is a bug, but we need to support it for backward compatibility.
		"name": persistentvolume.Name,
	return labels.Set(generic.MergeFieldsSets(objectMetaFieldsSet, specificFieldsSet))