package validate

import (


	cmdutil ""

	configapilatest ""

const (
	ValidateNodeConfigRecommendedName    = "node-config"
	validateNodeConfigDeprecationMessage = `This command is deprecated and will be removed. Use 'oadm diagnostics NodeConfigCheck --node-config=path/to/config.yaml' instead.`

var (
	validateNodeConfigLong = templates.LongDesc(`
		Validate the configuration file for a node.

		This command validates that a configuration file intended to be used for a node is valid.`)

	validateNodeConfigExample = templates.Examples(`
		# Validate node configuration file
  	%s openshift.local.config/master/node-config.yaml`)

type ValidateNodeConfigOptions struct {
	// NodeConfigFile is the location of the config file to be validated
	NodeConfigFile string

	// Out is the writer to write output to
	Out io.Writer

// NewCommandValidateMasterConfig provides a CLI handler for the `validate all-in-one` command
func NewCommandValidateNodeConfig(name, fullName string, out io.Writer) *cobra.Command {
	options := &ValidateNodeConfigOptions{
		Out: out,

	cmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:        fmt.Sprintf("%s SOURCE", name),
		Short:      "Validate the configuration file for a node",
		Long:       validateNodeConfigLong,
		Example:    fmt.Sprintf(validateNodeConfigExample, fullName),
		Deprecated: validateNodeConfigDeprecationMessage,
		Run: func(c *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			if err := options.Complete(args); err != nil {
				cmdutil.CheckErr(cmdutil.UsageError(c, err.Error()))

			ok, err := options.Run()
			if !ok {
				fmt.Fprintf(options.Out, "FAILURE: Validation failed for file: %s\n", options.NodeConfigFile)

			fmt.Fprintf(options.Out, "SUCCESS: Validation succeded for file: %s\n", options.NodeConfigFile)

	return cmd

func (o *ValidateNodeConfigOptions) Complete(args []string) error {
	if len(args) != 1 {
		return errors.New("exactly one source file is required")
	o.NodeConfigFile = args[0]
	return nil

// Run runs the node config validation and returns the result of the validation as a boolean as well as any errors
// that occurred trying to validate the file
func (o *ValidateNodeConfigOptions) Run() (ok bool, err error) {
	nodeConfig, err := configapilatest.ReadAndResolveNodeConfig(o.NodeConfigFile)
	if err != nil {
		return true, err

	results := validation.ValidateNodeConfig(nodeConfig, nil)
	writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(o.Out, minColumnWidth, tabWidth, padding, padchar, flags)
	err = prettyPrintValidationResults(results, writer)
	if err != nil {
		return len(results.Errors) == 0, fmt.Errorf("could not print results: %v", err)
	return len(results.Errors) == 0, nil