package cmd

import (


	kapi ""
	kerrors ""
	kclientcmd ""
	kcmdutil ""

	buildapi ""
	osclient ""
	cmdutil ""
	oerrors ""

var (
	startBuildLong = templates.LongDesc(`
		Start a build

		This command starts a new build for the provided build config or copies an existing build using
		--from-build=<name>. Pass the --follow flag to see output from the build.

		In addition, you can pass a file, directory, or source code repository with the --from-file,
		--from-dir, or --from-repo flags directly to the build. The contents will be streamed to the build
		and override the current build source settings. When using --from-repo, the --commit flag can be
		used to control which branch, tag, or commit is sent to the server. If you pass --from-file, the
		file is placed in the root of an empty directory with the same filename. Note that builds
		triggered from binary input will not preserve the source on the server, so rebuilds triggered by
		base image changes will use the source specified on the build config.`)

	startBuildExample = templates.Examples(`
		# Starts build from build config "hello-world"
	  %[1]s start-build hello-world

	  # Starts build from a previous build "hello-world-1"
	  %[1]s start-build --from-build=hello-world-1

	  # Use the contents of a directory as build input
	  %[1]s start-build hello-world --from-dir=src/

	  # Send the contents of a Git repository to the server from tag 'v2'
	  %[1]s start-build hello-world --from-repo=../hello-world --commit=v2

	  # Start a new build for build config "hello-world" and watch the logs until the build
	  # completes or fails.
	  %[1]s start-build hello-world --follow

	  # Start a new build for build config "hello-world" and wait until the build completes. It
	  # exits with a non-zero return code if the build fails.
	  %[1]s start-build hello-world --wait`)

// NewCmdStartBuild implements the OpenShift cli start-build command
func NewCmdStartBuild(fullName string, f *clientcmd.Factory, in io.Reader, out, errout io.Writer) *cobra.Command {
	o := &StartBuildOptions{}

	cmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:        "start-build (BUILDCONFIG | --from-build=BUILD)",
		Short:      "Start a new build",
		Long:       startBuildLong,
		Example:    fmt.Sprintf(startBuildExample, fullName),
		SuggestFor: []string{"build", "builds"},
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			kcmdutil.CheckErr(o.Complete(f, in, out, errout, cmd, fullName, args))
	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&o.LogLevel, "build-loglevel", o.LogLevel, "Specify the log level for the build log output")
	cmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&o.Env, "env", "e", o.Env, "Specify key value pairs of environment variables to set for the build container.")
	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&o.FromBuild, "from-build", o.FromBuild, "Specify the name of a build which should be re-run")

	cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&o.Follow, "follow", "F", o.Follow, "Start a build and watch its logs until it completes or fails")
	cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&o.WaitForComplete, "wait", "w", o.WaitForComplete, "Wait for a build to complete and exit with a non-zero return code if the build fails")

	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&o.FromFile, "from-file", o.FromFile, "A file to use as the binary input for the build; example a pom.xml or Dockerfile. Will be the only file in the build source.")
	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&o.FromDir, "from-dir", o.FromDir, "A directory to archive and use as the binary input for a build.")
	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&o.FromRepo, "from-repo", o.FromRepo, "The path to a local source code repository to use as the binary input for a build.")
	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&o.Commit, "commit", o.Commit, "Specify the source code commit identifier the build should use; requires a build based on a Git repository")

	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&o.ListWebhooks, "list-webhooks", o.ListWebhooks, "List the webhooks for the specified build config or build; accepts 'all', 'generic', or 'github'")
	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&o.FromWebhook, "from-webhook", o.FromWebhook, "Specify a webhook URL for an existing build config to trigger")

	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&o.GitPostReceive, "git-post-receive", o.GitPostReceive, "The contents of the post-receive hook to trigger a build")
	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&o.GitRepository, "git-repository", o.GitRepository, "The path to the git repository for post-receive; defaults to the current directory")

	return cmd

type StartBuildOptions struct {
	In          io.Reader
	Out, ErrOut io.Writer
	Git         git.Repository

	FromBuild    string
	FromWebhook  string
	ListWebhooks string

	Commit   string
	FromFile string
	FromDir  string
	FromRepo string

	Env []string

	Follow          bool
	WaitForComplete bool
	LogLevel        string

	GitRepository  string
	GitPostReceive string

	Mapper       meta.RESTMapper
	Client       osclient.Interface
	ClientConfig kclientcmd.ClientConfig

	AsBinary    bool
	ShortOutput bool
	EnvVar      []kapi.EnvVar
	Name        string
	Namespace   string

func (o *StartBuildOptions) Complete(f *clientcmd.Factory, in io.Reader, out, errout io.Writer, cmd *cobra.Command, cmdFullName string, args []string) error {
	o.In = in
	o.Out = out
	o.ErrOut = errout
	o.Git = git.NewRepository()
	o.ClientConfig = f.OpenShiftClientConfig
	o.Mapper, _ = f.Object(false)

	webhook := o.FromWebhook
	buildName := o.FromBuild
	fromFile := o.FromFile
	fromDir := o.FromDir
	fromRepo := o.FromRepo
	buildLogLevel := o.LogLevel

	outputFormat := kcmdutil.GetFlagString(cmd, "output")
	if outputFormat != "name" && outputFormat != "" {
		return kcmdutil.UsageError(cmd, "Unsupported output format: %s", outputFormat)
	o.ShortOutput = outputFormat == "name"

	switch {
	case len(webhook) > 0:
		if len(args) > 0 || len(buildName) > 0 || len(fromFile) > 0 || len(fromDir) > 0 || len(fromRepo) > 0 {
			return kcmdutil.UsageError(cmd, "The '--from-webhook' flag is incompatible with arguments and all '--from-*' flags")
		return nil

	case len(args) != 1 && len(buildName) == 0:
		return kcmdutil.UsageError(cmd, "Must pass a name of a build config or specify build name with '--from-build' flag.\nUse \"%s get bc\" to list all available build configs.", cmdFullName)

	if len(buildName) != 0 && (len(fromFile) != 0 || len(fromDir) != 0 || len(fromRepo) != 0) {
		// TODO: we should support this, it should be possible to clone a build to run again with new uploaded artifacts.
		// Doing so requires introducing a new clonebinary endpoint.
		return kcmdutil.UsageError(cmd, "Cannot use '--from-build' flag with binary builds")
	o.AsBinary = len(fromFile) > 0 || len(fromDir) > 0 || len(fromRepo) > 0

	namespace, _, err := f.DefaultNamespace()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	client, _, err := f.Clients()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	o.Client = client

	var (
		name     = buildName
		resource = buildapi.Resource("builds")

	if len(name) == 0 && len(args) > 0 && len(args[0]) > 0 {
		mapper, _ := f.Object(false)
		resource, name, err = cmdutil.ResolveResource(buildapi.Resource("buildconfigs"), args[0], mapper)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		switch resource {
		case buildapi.Resource("buildconfigs"):
			// no special handling required
		case buildapi.Resource("builds"):
			if len(o.ListWebhooks) == 0 {
				return fmt.Errorf("use --from-build to rerun your builds")
			return fmt.Errorf("invalid resource provided: %v", resource)
	// when listing webhooks, allow --from-build to lookup a build config
	if resource == buildapi.Resource("builds") && len(o.ListWebhooks) > 0 {
		build, err := client.Builds(namespace).Get(name)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		ref := build.Status.Config
		if ref == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("the provided Build %q was not created from a BuildConfig and cannot have webhooks", name)
		if len(ref.Namespace) > 0 {
			namespace = ref.Namespace
		name = ref.Name

	if len(name) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("a resource name is required either as an argument or by using --from-build")

	o.Namespace = namespace
	o.Name = name

	env, _, err := cmdutil.ParseEnv(o.Env, in)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if len(buildLogLevel) > 0 {
		env = append(env, kapi.EnvVar{Name: "BUILD_LOGLEVEL", Value: buildLogLevel})
	o.EnvVar = env

	return nil

// Run contains all the necessary functionality for the OpenShift cli start-build command
func (o *StartBuildOptions) Run() error {
	if len(o.FromWebhook) > 0 {
		return o.RunStartBuildWebHook()
	if len(o.ListWebhooks) > 0 {
		return o.RunListBuildWebHooks()

	buildRequestCauses := []buildapi.BuildTriggerCause{}
	request := &buildapi.BuildRequest{
		TriggeredBy: append(buildRequestCauses,
				Message: "Manually triggered",
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: o.Name},
	if len(o.EnvVar) > 0 {
		request.Env = o.EnvVar
	if len(o.Commit) > 0 {
		request.Revision = &buildapi.SourceRevision{
			Git: &buildapi.GitSourceRevision{
				Commit: o.Commit,

	var err error
	var newBuild *buildapi.Build
	switch {
	case o.AsBinary:
		request := &buildapi.BinaryBuildRequestOptions{
			ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
				Name:      o.Name,
				Namespace: o.Namespace,
			Commit: o.Commit,
		if len(o.EnvVar) > 0 {
			fmt.Fprintf(o.ErrOut, "WARNING: Specifying environment variables with binary builds is not supported.\n")
		if newBuild, err = streamPathToBuild(o.Git, o.In, o.ErrOut, o.Client.BuildConfigs(o.Namespace), o.FromDir, o.FromFile, o.FromRepo, request); err != nil {
			return err
	case len(o.FromBuild) > 0:
		if newBuild, err = o.Client.Builds(o.Namespace).Clone(request); err != nil {
			if isInvalidSourceInputsError(err) {
				return fmt.Errorf("Build %s/%s has no valid source inputs and '--from-build' cannot be used for binary builds", o.Namespace, o.Name)
			return err
		if newBuild, err = o.Client.BuildConfigs(o.Namespace).Instantiate(request); err != nil {
			if isInvalidSourceInputsError(err) {
				return fmt.Errorf("Build configuration %s/%s has no valid source inputs, if this is a binary build you must specify one of '--from-dir', '--from-repo', or '--from-file'", o.Namespace, o.Name)
			return err

	kcmdutil.PrintSuccess(o.Mapper, o.ShortOutput, o.Out, "build", newBuild.Name, false, "started")

	// Stream the logs from the build
	if o.Follow {
		opts := buildapi.BuildLogOptions{
			Follow: true,
			NoWait: false,
		for {
			rd, err := o.Client.BuildLogs(o.Namespace).Get(newBuild.Name, opts).Stream()
			if err != nil {
				// retry the connection to build logs when we hit the timeout.
				if oerrors.IsTimeoutErr(err) {
					fmt.Fprintf(o.ErrOut, "timed out getting logs, retrying\n")
				fmt.Fprintf(o.ErrOut, "error getting logs (%v), waiting for build to complete\n", err)
			defer rd.Close()
			if _, err = io.Copy(o.Out, rd); err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintf(o.ErrOut, "error streaming logs (%v), waiting for build to complete\n", err)

	if o.Follow || o.WaitForComplete {
		return WaitForBuildComplete(o.Client.Builds(o.Namespace), newBuild.Name)

	return nil

// RunListBuildWebHooks prints the webhooks for the provided build config.
func (o *StartBuildOptions) RunListBuildWebHooks() error {
	generic, github := false, false
	prefix := false
	switch o.ListWebhooks {
	case "all":
		generic, github = true, true
		prefix = true
	case "generic":
		generic = true
	case "github":
		github = true
		return fmt.Errorf("--list-webhooks must be 'all', 'generic', or 'github'")
	client := o.Client

	config, err := client.BuildConfigs(o.Namespace).Get(o.Name)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for _, t := range config.Spec.Triggers {
		hookType := ""
		switch {
		case t.GenericWebHook != nil && generic:
			if prefix {
				hookType = "generic "
		case t.GitHubWebHook != nil && github:
			if prefix {
				hookType = "github "
		url, err := client.BuildConfigs(o.Namespace).WebHookURL(o.Name, &t)
		if err != nil {
			if err != osclient.ErrTriggerIsNotAWebHook {
				fmt.Fprintf(o.ErrOut, "error: unable to get webhook for %s: %v", o.Name, err)
		fmt.Fprintf(o.Out, "%s%s\n", hookType, url.String())
	return nil

func streamPathToBuild(repo git.Repository, in io.Reader, out io.Writer, client osclient.BuildConfigInterface, fromDir, fromFile, fromRepo string, options *buildapi.BinaryBuildRequestOptions) (*buildapi.Build, error) {
	count := 0
	asDir, asFile, asRepo := len(fromDir) > 0, len(fromFile) > 0, len(fromRepo) > 0
	if asDir {
	if asFile {
	if asRepo {
	if count > 1 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("only one of --from-file, --from-repo, or --from-dir may be specified")

	if asRepo && !git.IsGitInstalled() {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot find git. Git is required to start a build from a repository. If git is not available, use --from-dir instead.")

	var r io.Reader
	switch {
	case fromFile == "-":
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("--from-file=- is not supported")

	case fromDir == "-":
		br := bufio.NewReaderSize(in, 4096)
		r = br
		if !isArchive(br) {
			fmt.Fprintf(out, "WARNING: the provided file may not be an archive (tar, tar.gz, or zip), use --from-file=- instead\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(out, "Uploading archive file from STDIN as binary input for the build ...\n")

		var fromPath string
		switch {
		case asDir:
			fromPath = fromDir
		case asFile:
			fromPath = fromFile
		case asRepo:
			fromPath = fromRepo

		clean := filepath.Clean(fromPath)
		path, err := filepath.Abs(fromPath)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		stat, err := os.Stat(path)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if stat.IsDir() {
			commit := "HEAD"
			if len(options.Commit) > 0 {
				commit = options.Commit
			info, gitErr := gitRefInfo(repo, clean, commit)
			if gitErr == nil {
				options.Commit = info.GitSourceRevision.Commit
				options.Message = info.GitSourceRevision.Message
				options.AuthorName = info.GitSourceRevision.Author.Name
				options.AuthorEmail = info.GitSourceRevision.Author.Email
				options.CommitterName = info.GitSourceRevision.Committer.Name
				options.CommitterEmail = info.GitSourceRevision.Committer.Email
			} else {
				glog.V(6).Infof("Unable to read Git info from %q: %v", clean, gitErr)

			if asRepo {
				fmt.Fprintf(out, "Uploading %q at commit %q as binary input for the build ...\n", clean, commit)
				if gitErr != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("the directory %q is not a valid Git repository: %v", clean, gitErr)
				pr, pw := io.Pipe()
				go func() {
					if err := repo.Archive(clean, options.Commit, "tar.gz", pw); err != nil {
						pw.CloseWithError(fmt.Errorf("unable to create Git archive of %q for build: %v", clean, err))
					} else {
				r = pr

			} else {
				fmt.Fprintf(out, "Uploading directory %q as binary input for the build ...\n", clean)

				pr, pw := io.Pipe()
				go func() {
					w := gzip.NewWriter(pw)
					if err := tar.New().CreateTarStream(path, false, w); err != nil {
					} else {
				r = pr
		} else {
			f, err := os.Open(path)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			defer f.Close()

			r = f

			if asFile {
				options.AsFile = filepath.Base(path)
				fmt.Fprintf(out, "Uploading file %q as binary input for the build ...\n", clean)
			} else {
				br := bufio.NewReaderSize(f, 4096)
				r = br
				if !isArchive(br) {
					fmt.Fprintf(out, "WARNING: the provided file may not be an archive (tar, tar.gz, or zip), use --as-file\n")
				fmt.Fprintf(out, "Uploading archive file %q as binary input for the build ...\n", clean)
	return client.InstantiateBinary(options, r)

func isArchive(r *bufio.Reader) bool {
	data, err := r.Peek(280)
	if err != nil {
		return false
	for _, b := range [][]byte{
		{0x50, 0x4B, 0x03, 0x04}, // zip
		{0x1F, 0x9D},             // tar.z
		{0x1F, 0xA0},             // tar.z
		{0x42, 0x5A, 0x68},       // bz2
		{0x1F, 0x8B, 0x08},       // gzip
	} {
		if bytes.HasPrefix(data, b) {
			return true
	switch {
	// Unified TAR files have this magic number
	case len(data) > 257+5 && bytes.Equal(data[257:257+5], []byte{0x75, 0x73, 0x74, 0x61, 0x72}):
		return true
		return false

// RunStartBuildWebHook tries to trigger the provided webhook. It will attempt to utilize the current client
// configuration if the webhook has the same URL.
func (o *StartBuildOptions) RunStartBuildWebHook() error {
	repo := o.Git
	hook, err := url.Parse(o.FromWebhook)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	event, err := hookEventFromPostReceive(repo, o.GitRepository, o.GitPostReceive)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// TODO: should be a versioned struct
	var data []byte
	if event != nil {
		data, err = json.Marshal(event)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	httpClient := http.DefaultClient
	// when using HTTPS, try to reuse the local config transport if possible to get a client cert
	// TODO: search all configs
	if hook.Scheme == "https" {
		config, err := o.ClientConfig.ClientConfig()
		if err == nil {
			if url, _, err := restclient.DefaultServerURL(config.Host, "", unversioned.GroupVersion{}, true); err == nil {
				if netutil.CanonicalAddr(url) == netutil.CanonicalAddr(hook) && url.Scheme == hook.Scheme {
					if rt, err := restclient.TransportFor(config); err == nil {
						httpClient = &http.Client{Transport: rt}
	glog.V(4).Infof("Triggering hook %s\n%s", hook, string(data))
	resp, err := httpClient.Post(hook.String(), "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(data))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer resp.Body.Close()
	switch {
	case resp.StatusCode == 301 || resp.StatusCode == 302:
		// TODO: follow redirect and display output
	case resp.StatusCode < 200 || resp.StatusCode >= 300:
		body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
		return fmt.Errorf("server rejected our request %d\nremote: %s", resp.StatusCode, string(body))
	return nil

// hookEventFromPostReceive creates a GenericWebHookEvent from the provided git repository and
// post receive input. If no inputs are available, it will return nil.
func hookEventFromPostReceive(repo git.Repository, path, postReceivePath string) (*buildapi.GenericWebHookEvent, error) {
	// TODO: support other types of refs
	event := &buildapi.GenericWebHookEvent{
		Git: &buildapi.GitInfo{},

	// attempt to extract a post receive body
	refs := []git.ChangedRef{}
	switch receive := postReceivePath; {
	case receive == "-":
		r, err := git.ParsePostReceive(os.Stdin)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		refs = r
	case len(receive) > 0:
		file, err := os.Open(receive)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to open --git-post-receive argument as a file: %v", err)
		defer file.Close()
		r, err := git.ParsePostReceive(file)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		refs = r
	if len(refs) == 0 {
		return nil, nil
	for _, ref := range refs {
		if len(ref.New) == 0 || ref.New == ref.Old {
		info, err := gitRefInfo(repo, path, ref.New)
		if err != nil {
			glog.V(4).Infof("Could not retrieve info for %s:%s: %v", ref.Ref, ref.New, err)
		info.Ref = ref.Ref
		info.Commit = ref.New
		event.Git.Refs = append(event.Git.Refs, info)
	return event, nil

// gitRefInfo extracts a buildapi.GitRefInfo from the specified repository or returns
// an error.
func gitRefInfo(repo git.Repository, dir, ref string) (buildapi.GitRefInfo, error) {
	info := buildapi.GitRefInfo{}
	if repo == nil {
		return info, nil
	out, err := repo.ShowFormat(dir, ref, "%H%n%an%n%ae%n%cn%n%ce%n%B")
	if err != nil {
		return info, err
	lines := strings.SplitN(out, "\n", 6)
	if len(lines) != 6 {
		full := make([]string, 6)
		copy(full, lines)
		lines = full
	info.Commit = lines[0]
	info.Author.Name = lines[1]
	info.Author.Email = lines[2]
	info.Committer.Name = lines[3]
	info.Committer.Email = lines[4]
	info.Message = lines[5]
	return info, nil

// WaitForBuildComplete waits for a build identified by the name to complete
func WaitForBuildComplete(c osclient.BuildInterface, name string) error {
	isOK := func(b *buildapi.Build) bool {
		return b.Status.Phase == buildapi.BuildPhaseComplete
	isFailed := func(b *buildapi.Build) bool {
		return b.Status.Phase == buildapi.BuildPhaseFailed ||
			b.Status.Phase == buildapi.BuildPhaseCancelled ||
			b.Status.Phase == buildapi.BuildPhaseError
	for {
		list, err := c.List(kapi.ListOptions{FieldSelector: fields.Set{"name": name}.AsSelector()})
		if err != nil {
			return err
		for i := range list.Items {
			if name == list.Items[i].Name && isOK(&list.Items[i]) {
				return nil
			if name != list.Items[i].Name || isFailed(&list.Items[i]) {
				return fmt.Errorf("the build %s/%s status is %q", list.Items[i].Namespace, list.Items[i].Name, list.Items[i].Status.Phase)

		rv := list.ResourceVersion
		w, err := c.Watch(kapi.ListOptions{FieldSelector: fields.Set{"name": name}.AsSelector(), ResourceVersion: rv})
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer w.Stop()

		for {
			val, ok := <-w.ResultChan()
			if !ok {
				// reget and re-watch
			if e, ok := val.Object.(*buildapi.Build); ok {
				if name == e.Name && isOK(e) {
					return nil
				if name != e.Name || isFailed(e) {
					return fmt.Errorf("The build %s/%s status is %q", e.Namespace, name, e.Status.Phase)

func isInvalidSourceInputsError(err error) bool {
	if err != nil {
		if statusErr, ok := err.(*kerrors.StatusError); ok {
			if kerrors.IsInvalid(statusErr) {
				for _, cause := range statusErr.ErrStatus.Details.Causes {
					if cause.Field == "spec.source" {
						return true
	return false