package cmd

import (

	kapi ""
	kerrors ""
	kclient ""
	kutilerrors ""

	dockerfileparser ""
	authapi ""
	buildapi ""
	buildutil ""
	cmdutil ""
	imageapi ""
	outil ""
	dockerfileutil ""

const (
	GeneratedByNamespace = ""
	GeneratedForJob      = ""
	GeneratedForJobFor   = ""
	GeneratedByNewApp    = "OpenShiftNewApp"
	GeneratedByNewBuild  = "OpenShiftNewBuild"

// ErrNoDockerfileDetected is the error returned when the requested build strategy is Docker
// and no Dockerfile is detected in the repository.
var ErrNoDockerfileDetected = errors.New("No Dockerfile was found in the repository and the requested build strategy is 'docker'")

// GenerationInputs control how new-app creates output
// TODO: split these into finer grained structs
type GenerationInputs struct {
	TemplateParameters []string
	Environment        []string
	Labels             map[string]string

	AddEnvironmentToBuild bool

	InsecureRegistry bool

	Strategy string

	Name     string
	To       string
	NoOutput bool

	OutputDocker  bool
	Dockerfile    string
	ExpectToBuild bool
	BinaryBuild   bool
	ContextDir    string

	SourceImage     string
	SourceImagePath string

	Secrets []string

	AllowMissingImageStreamTags bool

	Deploy           bool
	AsTestDeployment bool

	AllowGenerationErrors bool

// AppConfig contains all the necessary configuration for an application
type AppConfig struct {

	ResolvedComponents *ResolvedComponents

	SkipGeneration bool

	AllowSecretUse              bool
	AllowNonNumericExposedPorts bool
	SecretAccessor              app.SecretAccessor

	AsSearch bool
	AsList   bool
	DryRun   bool

	Out    io.Writer
	ErrOut io.Writer

	KubeClient kclient.Interface


	Typer        runtime.ObjectTyper
	Mapper       meta.RESTMapper
	ClientMapper resource.ClientMapper

	OSClient        client.Interface
	OriginNamespace string

// UsageError is an interface for printing usage errors
type UsageError interface {
	UsageError(commandName string) string

// TODO: replace with upstream converting [1]error to error
type errlist interface {
	Errors() []error

type ErrRequiresExplicitAccess struct {
	Match app.ComponentMatch
	Input app.GeneratorInput

func (e ErrRequiresExplicitAccess) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("the component %q is requesting access to run with your security credentials and install components - you must explicitly grant that access to continue", e.Match.String())

// ErrNoInputs is returned when no inputs are specified
var ErrNoInputs = errors.New("no inputs provided")

// AppResult contains the results of an application
type AppResult struct {
	List *kapi.List

	Name      string
	HasSource bool
	Namespace string

	GeneratedJobs bool

// QueryResult contains the results of a query (search or list)
type QueryResult struct {
	Matches app.ComponentMatches
	List    *kapi.List

// NewAppConfig returns a new AppConfig, but you must set your typer, mapper, and clientMapper after the command has been run
// and flags have been parsed.
func NewAppConfig() *AppConfig {
	return &AppConfig{
		Resolvers: Resolvers{
			Detector: app.SourceRepositoryEnumerator{
				Detectors: source.DefaultDetectors,
				Tester:    dockerfile.NewTester(),

func (c *AppConfig) DockerRegistrySearcher() app.Searcher {
	return app.DockerRegistrySearcher{
		Client:        dockerregistry.NewClient(30*time.Second, true),
		AllowInsecure: c.InsecureRegistry,

func (c *AppConfig) ensureDockerSearch() {
	if c.DockerSearcher == nil {
		c.DockerSearcher = c.DockerRegistrySearcher()

// SetOpenShiftClient sets the passed OpenShift client in the application configuration
func (c *AppConfig) SetOpenShiftClient(osclient client.Interface, OriginNamespace string, dockerclient *docker.Client) {
	c.OSClient = osclient
	c.OriginNamespace = OriginNamespace
	namespaces := []string{OriginNamespace}
	if openshiftNamespace := "openshift"; OriginNamespace != openshiftNamespace {
		namespaces = append(namespaces, openshiftNamespace)
	c.ImageStreamSearcher = app.ImageStreamSearcher{
		Client:            osclient,
		ImageStreamImages: osclient,
		Namespaces:        namespaces,
		AllowMissingTags:  c.AllowMissingImageStreamTags,
	c.ImageStreamByAnnotationSearcher = app.NewImageStreamByAnnotationSearcher(osclient, osclient, namespaces)
	c.TemplateSearcher = app.TemplateSearcher{
		Client: osclient,
		TemplateConfigsNamespacer: osclient,
		Namespaces:                namespaces,
	c.TemplateFileSearcher = &app.TemplateFileSearcher{
		Typer:        c.Typer,
		Mapper:       c.Mapper,
		ClientMapper: c.ClientMapper,
		Namespace:    OriginNamespace,
	// the hierarchy of docker searching is:
	// 1) if we have an openshift client - query docker registries via openshift,
	// if we're unable to query via openshift, query the docker registries directly(fallback),
	// if we don't find a match there and a local docker daemon exists, look in the local registry.
	// 2) if we don't have an openshift client - query the docker registries directly,
	// if we don't find a match there and a local docker daemon exists, look in the local registry.
	c.DockerSearcher = app.DockerClientSearcher{
		Client:             dockerclient,
		Insecure:           c.InsecureRegistry,
		AllowMissingImages: c.AllowMissingImages,
		RegistrySearcher: app.ImageImportSearcher{
			Client:        osclient.ImageStreams(OriginNamespace),
			AllowInsecure: c.InsecureRegistry,
			Fallback:      c.DockerRegistrySearcher(),

// AddArguments converts command line arguments into the appropriate bucket based on what they look like
func (c *AppConfig) AddArguments(args []string) []string {
	unknown := []string{}
	for _, s := range args {
		switch {
		case cmdutil.IsEnvironmentArgument(s):
			c.Environment = append(c.Environment, s)
		case app.IsPossibleSourceRepository(s):
			c.SourceRepositories = append(c.SourceRepositories, s)
		case app.IsComponentReference(s):
			c.Components = append(c.Components, s)
		case app.IsPossibleTemplateFile(s):
			c.Components = append(c.Components, s)
			if len(s) == 0 {
			unknown = append(unknown, s)
	return unknown

// validateBuilders confirms that all images associated with components that are to be built,
// are builders (or we're using a docker strategy).
func (c *AppConfig) validateBuilders(components app.ComponentReferences) error {
	if len(c.Strategy) != 0 {
		return nil
	errs := []error{}
	for _, ref := range components {
		input := ref.Input()
		// if we're supposed to build this thing, and the image/imagestream we've matched it to did not come from an explicit CLI argument,
		// and the image/imagestream we matched to is not explicitly an s2i builder, and we're not doing a docker-type build, warn the user
		// that this probably won't work and force them to declare their intention explicitly.
		if input.ExpectToBuild && input.ResolvedMatch != nil && !app.IsBuilderMatch(input.ResolvedMatch) && input.Uses != nil && !input.Uses.IsDockerBuild() {
			errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("the image match %q for source repository %q does not appear to be a source-to-image builder.\n\n- to attempt to use this image as a source builder, pass \"--strategy=source\"\n- to use it as a base image for a Docker build, pass \"--strategy=docker\"", input.ResolvedMatch.Name, input.Uses))
	return kutilerrors.NewAggregate(errs)

func validateEnforcedName(name string) error {
	if reasons := validation.ValidateServiceName(name, false); len(reasons) != 0 && !app.IsParameterizableValue(name) {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid name: %s. Must be an a lower case alphanumeric (a-z, and 0-9) string with a maximum length of 24 characters, where the first character is a letter (a-z), and the '-' character is allowed anywhere except the first or last character.", name)
	return nil

func validateStrategyName(name string) error {
	if name != "docker" && name != "source" {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid strategy: %s. Must be 'docker' or 'source'.", name)
	return nil

func validateOutputImageReference(ref string) error {
	if _, err := imageapi.ParseDockerImageReference(ref); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid output image reference: %s", ref)
	return nil

// buildPipelines converts a set of resolved, valid references into pipelines.
func (c *AppConfig) buildPipelines(components app.ComponentReferences, environment app.Environment) (app.PipelineGroup, error) {
	pipelines := app.PipelineGroup{}
	pipelineBuilder := app.NewPipelineBuilder(c.Name, c.GetBuildEnvironment(environment), c.OutputDocker).To(c.To)
	for _, group := range components.Group() {
		glog.V(4).Infof("found group: %v", group)
		common := app.PipelineGroup{}
		for _, ref := range group {
			refInput := ref.Input()
			from := refInput.String()
			var pipeline *app.Pipeline

			switch {
			case refInput.ExpectToBuild:
				glog.V(4).Infof("will add %q secrets into a build for a source build of %q", strings.Join(c.Secrets, ","), refInput.Uses)
				if err := refInput.Uses.AddBuildSecrets(c.Secrets, refInput.Uses.IsDockerBuild()); err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to add build secrets %q: %v", strings.Join(c.Secrets, ","), err)

				var (
					image *app.ImageRef
					err   error
				if refInput.ResolvedMatch != nil {
					inputImage, err := app.InputImageFromMatch(refInput.ResolvedMatch)
					if err != nil {
						return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't build %q: %v", from, err)
					if !inputImage.AsImageStream && from != "scratch" {
						msg := "Could not find an image stream match for %q. Make sure that a Docker image with that tag is available on the node for the build to succeed."
						glog.Warningf(msg, from)
					image = inputImage

				glog.V(4).Infof("will use %q as the base image for a source build of %q", ref, refInput.Uses)
				if pipeline, err = pipelineBuilder.NewBuildPipeline(from, image, refInput.Uses); err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't build %q: %v", refInput.Uses, err)
				inputImage, err := app.InputImageFromMatch(refInput.ResolvedMatch)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't include %q: %v", from, err)
				if !inputImage.AsImageStream {
					msg := "Could not find an image stream match for %q. Make sure that a Docker image with that tag is available on the node for the deployment to succeed."
					glog.Warningf(msg, from)

				glog.V(4).Infof("will include %q", ref)
				if pipeline, err = pipelineBuilder.NewImagePipeline(from, inputImage); err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't include %q: %v", refInput, err)
			if c.Deploy {
				if err := pipeline.NeedsDeployment(environment, c.Labels, c.AsTestDeployment); err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't set up a deployment for %q: %v", refInput, err)
			if c.NoOutput {
				pipeline.Build.Output = nil
			common = append(common, pipeline)
			if err := common.Reduce(); err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't create a pipeline from %s: %v", common, err)
			describeBuildPipelineWithImage(c.Out, ref, pipeline, c.OriginNamespace)
		pipelines = append(pipelines, common...)
	return pipelines, nil

// buildTemplates converts a set of resolved, valid references into references to template objects.
func (c *AppConfig) buildTemplates(components app.ComponentReferences, environment app.Environment) (string, []runtime.Object, error) {
	objects := []runtime.Object{}
	name := ""
	for _, ref := range components {
		tpl := ref.Input().ResolvedMatch.Template

		glog.V(4).Infof("processing template %s/%s", c.OriginNamespace, tpl.Name)
		result, err := TransformTemplate(tpl, c.OSClient, c.OriginNamespace, environment)
		if err != nil {
			return name, nil, err
		if len(name) == 0 {
			name = tpl.Name
		objects = append(objects, result.Objects...)

		DescribeGeneratedTemplate(c.Out, ref.Input().String(), result, c.OriginNamespace)
	return name, objects, nil

// fakeSecretAccessor is used during dry runs of installation
type fakeSecretAccessor struct {
	token string

func (a *fakeSecretAccessor) Token() (string, error) {
	return a.token, nil
func (a *fakeSecretAccessor) CACert() (string, error) {
	return "", nil

// installComponents attempts to create pods to run installable images identified by the user. If an image
// is installable, we check whether it requires access to the user token. If so, the caller must have
// explicitly granted that access (because the token may be the user's).
func (c *AppConfig) installComponents(components app.ComponentReferences, env app.Environment) ([]runtime.Object, string, error) {
	if c.SkipGeneration {
		return nil, "", nil

	jobs := components.InstallableComponentRefs()
	switch {
	case len(jobs) > 1:
		return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("only one installable component may be provided: %s", jobs.HumanString(", "))
	case len(jobs) == 0:
		return nil, "", nil

	job := jobs[0]
	if len(components) > 1 {
		return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("%q is installable and may not be specified with other components", job.Input().Value)
	input := job.Input()

	imageRef, err := app.InputImageFromMatch(input.ResolvedMatch)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("can't include %q: %v", input, err)
	glog.V(4).Infof("Resolved match for installer %#v", input.ResolvedMatch)

	imageRef.AsImageStream = false
	imageRef.AsResolvedImage = true
	imageRef.Env = env

	name := c.Name
	if len(name) == 0 {
		var ok bool
		name, ok = imageRef.SuggestName()
		if !ok {
			return nil, "", errors.New("can't suggest a valid name, please specify a name with --name")
	imageRef.ObjectName = name
	glog.V(4).Infof("Proposed installable image %#v", imageRef)

	secretAccessor := c.SecretAccessor
	generatorInput := input.ResolvedMatch.GeneratorInput
	token := generatorInput.Token
	if token != nil && !c.AllowSecretUse || secretAccessor == nil {
		if !c.DryRun {
			return nil, "", ErrRequiresExplicitAccess{Match: *input.ResolvedMatch, Input: generatorInput}
		secretAccessor = &fakeSecretAccessor{token: "FAKE_TOKEN"}

	objects := []runtime.Object{}

	serviceAccountName := "installer"
	if token != nil && token.ServiceAccount {
		if _, err := c.KubeClient.ServiceAccounts(c.OriginNamespace).Get(serviceAccountName); err != nil {
			if kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
				objects = append(objects,
					// create a new service account
					&kapi.ServiceAccount{ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: serviceAccountName}},
					// grant the service account the edit role on the project (TODO: installer)
						ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "installer-role-binding"},
						Subjects:   []kapi.ObjectReference{{Kind: "ServiceAccount", Name: serviceAccountName}},
						RoleRef:    kapi.ObjectReference{Name: "edit"},

	pod, secret, err := imageRef.InstallablePod(generatorInput, secretAccessor, serviceAccountName)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", err
	objects = append(objects, pod)
	if secret != nil {
		objects = append(objects, secret)
	for i := range objects {
		outil.AddObjectAnnotations(objects[i], map[string]string{
			GeneratedForJob:    "true",
			GeneratedForJobFor: input.String(),

	describeGeneratedJob(c.Out, job, pod, secret, c.OriginNamespace)

	return objects, name, nil

// RunQuery executes the provided config and returns the result of the resolution.
func (c *AppConfig) RunQuery() (*QueryResult, error) {
	environment, parameters, err := c.validate()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// TODO: I don't belong here

	if c.AsList {
		if c.AsSearch {
			return nil, errors.New("--list and --search can't be used together")
		if c.HasArguments() {
			return nil, errors.New("--list can't be used with arguments")
		c.Components = append(c.Components, "*")

	b := &app.ReferenceBuilder{}
	if err := AddComponentInputsToRefBuilder(b, &c.Resolvers, &c.ComponentInputs, &c.GenerationInputs); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	components, repositories, errs := b.Result()
	if len(errs) > 0 {
		return nil, kutilerrors.NewAggregate(errs)

	if len(components) == 0 && !c.AsList {
		return nil, ErrNoInputs

	if len(repositories) > 0 {
		errs = append(errs, errors.New("--search can't be used with source code"))
	if len(environment) > 0 {
		errs = append(errs, errors.New("--search can't be used with --env"))
	if len(parameters) > 0 {
		errs = append(errs, errors.New("--search can't be used with --param"))
	if len(errs) > 0 {
		return nil, kutilerrors.NewAggregate(errs)

	if err := components.Search(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	glog.V(4).Infof("Code %v", repositories)
	glog.V(4).Infof("Components %v", components)

	matches := app.ComponentMatches{}
	objects := app.Objects{}
	for _, ref := range components {
		for _, match := range ref.Input().SearchMatches {
			matches = append(matches, match)
			if match.IsTemplate() {
				objects = append(objects, match.Template)
			} else if match.IsImage() {
				if match.ImageStream != nil {
					objects = append(objects, match.ImageStream)
				if match.Image != nil {
					objects = append(objects, match.Image)
	return &QueryResult{
		Matches: matches,
		List:    &kapi.List{Items: objects},
	}, nil

func (c *AppConfig) validate() (cmdutil.Environment, cmdutil.Environment, error) {
	var errs []error

	env, duplicateEnv, envErrs := cmdutil.ParseEnvironmentArguments(c.Environment)
	for _, s := range duplicateEnv {
		fmt.Fprintf(c.ErrOut, "warning: The environment variable %q was overwritten", s)
	errs = append(errs, envErrs...)

	params, duplicateParams, paramsErrs := cmdutil.ParseEnvironmentArguments(c.TemplateParameters)
	for _, s := range duplicateParams {
		fmt.Fprintf(c.ErrOut, "warning: The template parameter %q was overwritten", s)
	errs = append(errs, paramsErrs...)

	return env, params, kutilerrors.NewAggregate(errs)

// Run executes the provided config to generate objects.
func (c *AppConfig) Run() (*AppResult, error) {
	environment, parameters, err := c.validate()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// TODO: I don't belong here

	resolved, err := Resolve(&c.Resolvers, &c.ComponentInputs, &c.GenerationInputs)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	repositories := resolved.Repositories
	components := resolved.Components

	if err := c.validateBuilders(components); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if len(repositories) == 0 && len(components) == 0 {
		return nil, ErrNoInputs

	if len(c.Name) > 0 {
		if err := validateEnforcedName(c.Name); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	if len(c.Strategy) > 0 {
		if err := validateStrategyName(c.Strategy); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	if err := optionallyValidateExposedPorts(c, repositories); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if len(c.To) > 0 {
		if err := validateOutputImageReference(c.To); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	if len(components.ImageComponentRefs().Group()) > 1 && len(c.Name) > 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("only one component or source repository can be used when specifying a name")
	if len(components.UseSource()) > 1 && len(c.To) > 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("only one component with source can be used when specifying an output image reference")

	env := app.Environment(environment)

	// identify if there are installable components in the input provided by the user
	installables, name, err := c.installComponents(components, env)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if len(installables) > 0 {
		return &AppResult{
			List:      &kapi.List{Items: installables},
			Name:      name,
			Namespace: c.OriginNamespace,

			GeneratedJobs: true,
		}, nil

	pipelines, err := c.buildPipelines(components.ImageComponentRefs(), env)
	if err != nil {
		if err == app.ErrNameRequired {
			return nil, errors.New("can't suggest a valid name, please specify a name with --name")
		return nil, err

	acceptors := app.Acceptors{app.NewAcceptUnique(c.Typer), app.AcceptNew}
	objects := app.Objects{}
	accept := app.NewAcceptFirst()
	for _, p := range pipelines {
		accepted, err := p.Objects(accept, acceptors)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't setup %q: %v", p.From, err)
		objects = append(objects, accepted...)

	objects = app.AddServices(objects, false)

	templateName, templateObjects, err := c.buildTemplates(components.TemplateComponentRefs(), app.Environment(parameters))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	objects = append(objects, templateObjects...)

	name = c.Name
	if len(name) == 0 {
		name = templateName
	if len(name) == 0 {
		for _, pipeline := range pipelines {
			if pipeline.Deployment != nil {
				name = pipeline.Deployment.Name
	if len(name) == 0 {
		for _, obj := range objects {
			if bc, ok := obj.(*buildapi.BuildConfig); ok {
				name = bc.Name

	// Only check circular references for `oc new-build`.
	if c.ExpectToBuild {
		err = c.checkCircularReferences(objects)
		if err != nil {
			if err, ok := err.(app.CircularOutputReferenceError); ok {
				if len(c.To) == 0 {
					// Output reference was generated, return error.
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v, set a different tag with --to", err)
				// Output reference was explicitly provided, print warning.
				fmt.Fprintf(c.ErrOut, "--> WARNING: %v\n", err)
			} else {
				return nil, err

	return &AppResult{
		List:      &kapi.List{Items: objects},
		Name:      name,
		HasSource: len(repositories) != 0,
		Namespace: c.OriginNamespace,
	}, nil

// followRefToDockerImage follows a buildconfig...To/From reference until it
// terminates in docker image information. This can include dereferencing chains
// of ImageStreamTag references that already exist or which are being created.
// ref is the reference to To/From to follow. If ref is an ImageStreamTag
// that is following another ImageStreamTag, isContext should be set to the
// parent IS. Finally, objects is the list of objects that new-app is creating
// to support the buildconfig. It returns a reference to a terminal DockerImage
// or nil if one could not be determined (a valid, non-error outcome). err
// is only used to indicate that the follow encountered a severe error
// (e.g malformed data).
func (c *AppConfig) followRefToDockerImage(ref *kapi.ObjectReference, isContext *imageapi.ImageStream, objects app.Objects) (*kapi.ObjectReference, error) {

	if ref == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("Unable to follow nil")

	if ref.Kind == "DockerImage" {
		// Make a shallow copy so we don't modify the ObjectReference properties that
		// new-app/build created.
		copy := *ref
		// Namespace should not matter here. The DockerImage URL will include project
		// information if it is relevant.
		copy.Namespace = ""

		// DockerImage names may or may not have a tag suffix. Add :latest if there
		// is no tag so that string comparison will behave as expected.
		if !strings.Contains(copy.Name, ":") {
			copy.Name += ":" + imageapi.DefaultImageTag
		return &copy, nil

	if ref.Kind != "ImageStreamTag" {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to follow reference type: %q", ref.Kind)

	isNS := ref.Namespace
	if len(isNS) == 0 {
		isNS = c.OriginNamespace

	// Otherwise, we are tracing an IST reference
	isName, isTag, ok := imageapi.SplitImageStreamTag(ref.Name)
	if !ok {
		if isContext == nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse ImageStreamTag reference: %q", ref.Name)
		// Otherwise, we are following a tag that references another tag in the same ImageStream.
		isName = isContext.Name
		isTag = ref.Name
	} else {
		// The imagestream is usually being created alongside the buildconfig
		// when new-build is being used, so scan objects being created for it.
		for _, check := range objects {
			if is2, ok := check.(*imageapi.ImageStream); ok {
				if is2.Name == isName {
					isContext = is2

		if isContext == nil {
			var err error
			isContext, err = c.OSClient.ImageStreams(isNS).Get(isName)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to check for circular build input/outputs: %v", err)

	// Dereference ImageStreamTag to see what it is pointing to
	target := isContext.Spec.Tags[isTag].From

	if target == nil {
		if isContext.Spec.DockerImageRepository == "" {
			// Otherwise, this appears to be a new IS, created by new-app, with very little information
			// populated. We cannot resolve a DockerImage.
			return nil, nil
		// Legacy InputStream without tag support? Spoof what we need.
		imageName := isContext.Spec.DockerImageRepository + ":" + isTag
		return &kapi.ObjectReference{
			Kind: "DockerImage",
			Name: imageName,
		}, nil

	return c.followRefToDockerImage(target, isContext, objects)

// checkCircularReferences ensures there are no builds that can trigger themselves
// due to an imagechangetrigger that matches the output destination of the image.
// objects is a list of api objects produced by new-app.
func (c *AppConfig) checkCircularReferences(objects app.Objects) error {
	for i, obj := range objects {

		if glog.V(5) {
			json, _ := json.MarshalIndent(obj, "", "\t")
			glog.Infof("\n\nCycle check input object %v:\n%v\n", i, string(json))

		if bc, ok := obj.(*buildapi.BuildConfig); ok {
			input := buildutil.GetInputReference(bc.Spec.Strategy)
			output := bc.Spec.Output.To

			if output == nil || input == nil {
				return nil

			dockerInput, err := c.followRefToDockerImage(input, nil, objects)
			if err != nil {
				glog.Warningf("Unable to check for circular build input: %v", err)
				return nil
			glog.V(5).Infof("Post follow input:\n%#v\n", dockerInput)

			dockerOutput, err := c.followRefToDockerImage(output, nil, objects)
			if err != nil {
				glog.Warningf("Unable to check for circular build output: %v", err)
				return nil
			glog.V(5).Infof("Post follow:\n%#v\n", dockerOutput)

			if dockerInput != nil && dockerOutput != nil {
				if reflect.DeepEqual(dockerInput, dockerOutput) {
					return app.CircularOutputReferenceError{Reference: fmt.Sprintf("%s", dockerInput.Name)}

			// If it is not possible to follow input and output out to DockerImages,
			// it is likely they are referencing newly created ImageStreams. Just
			// make sure they are not the same image stream.
			inCopy := *input
			outCopy := *output
			for _, ref := range []*kapi.ObjectReference{&inCopy, &outCopy} {
				// Some code paths add namespace and others don't. Make things
				// consistent.
				if len(ref.Namespace) == 0 {
					ref.Namespace = c.OriginNamespace

			if reflect.DeepEqual(inCopy, outCopy) {
				return app.CircularOutputReferenceError{Reference: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", inCopy.Namespace, inCopy.Name)}
	return nil

func (c *AppConfig) Querying() bool {
	return c.AsList || c.AsSearch

func (c *AppConfig) HasArguments() bool {
	return len(c.Components) > 0 ||
		len(c.ImageStreams) > 0 ||
		len(c.DockerImages) > 0 ||
		len(c.Templates) > 0 ||
		len(c.TemplateFiles) > 0

func (c *AppConfig) GetBuildEnvironment(environment app.Environment) app.Environment {
	if c.AddEnvironmentToBuild {
		return environment
	return app.Environment{}

func optionallyValidateExposedPorts(config *AppConfig, repositories app.SourceRepositories) error {
	if config.AllowNonNumericExposedPorts {
		return nil

	if config.Strategy != "docker" {
		return nil

	for _, repo := range repositories {
		if repoInfo := repo.Info(); repoInfo != nil && repoInfo.Dockerfile != nil {
			node := repoInfo.Dockerfile.AST()
			if err := exposedPortsAreNumeric(node); err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("the Dockerfile has an invalid EXPOSE instruction: %v", err)

	return nil

func exposedPortsAreNumeric(node *dockerfileparser.Node) error {
	for _, port := range dockerfileutil.LastExposedPorts(node) {
		if _, err := strconv.ParseInt(port, 10, 32); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("could not parse %q: must be numeric", port)
	return nil