package kubernetes

import (

	dockertypes ""
	dockerclient ""

	kubeletapp ""
	kapi ""
	cadvisortesting ""
	proxy ""
	pconfig ""
	utildbus ""
	kexec ""
	utiliptables ""
	utilnet ""

	configapi ""
	cmdutil ""
	dockerutil ""

type commandExecutor interface {
	LookPath(executable string) (string, error)
	Run(command string, args ...string) error

type defaultCommandExecutor struct{}

func (ce defaultCommandExecutor) LookPath(executable string) (string, error) {
	return exec.LookPath(executable)

func (ce defaultCommandExecutor) Run(command string, args ...string) error {
	c := exec.Command(command, args...)
	return c.Run()

const minimumDockerAPIVersionWithPullByID = "1.18"

// EnsureKubeletAccess performs a number of test operations that the Kubelet requires to properly function.
// All errors here are fatal.
func (c *NodeConfig) EnsureKubeletAccess() {
	if _, err := os.Stat("/var/lib/docker"); os.IsPermission(err) {
		c.HandleDockerError("Unable to view the /var/lib/docker directory - are you running as root?")
	if c.Containerized {
		if _, err := os.Stat("/rootfs"); os.IsPermission(err) || os.IsNotExist(err) {
			glog.Fatal("error: Running in containerized mode, but cannot find the /rootfs directory - be sure to mount the host filesystem at /rootfs (read-only) in the container.")
		if !sameFileStat(true, "/rootfs/sys", "/sys") {
			glog.Fatal("error: Running in containerized mode, but the /sys directory in the container does not appear to match the host /sys directory - be sure to mount /sys into the container.")
		if !sameFileStat(true, "/rootfs/var/run", "/var/run") {
			glog.Fatal("error: Running in containerized mode, but the /var/run directory in the container does not appear to match the host /var/run directory - be sure to mount /var/run (read-write) into the container.")
	// TODO: check whether we can mount disks (for volumes)
	// TODO: check things cAdvisor needs to properly function
	// TODO: test a cGroup move?

// sameFileStat checks whether the provided paths are the same file, to verify that a user has correctly
// mounted those binaries
func sameFileStat(requireMode bool, src, dst string) bool {
	srcStat, err := os.Stat(src)
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Unable to stat %q: %v", src, err)
		return false
	dstStat, err := os.Stat(dst)
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Unable to stat %q: %v", dst, err)
		return false
	if requireMode && srcStat.Mode() != dstStat.Mode() {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Mode mismatch between %q (%s) and %q (%s)", src, srcStat.Mode(), dst, dstStat.Mode())
		return false
	if !os.SameFile(srcStat, dstStat) {
		glog.V(4).Infof("inode and device mismatch between %q (%s) and %q (%s)", src, srcStat, dst, dstStat)
		return false
	return true

// EnsureDocker attempts to connect to the Docker daemon defined by the helper,
// and if it is unable to it will print a warning.
func (c *NodeConfig) EnsureDocker(docker *dockerutil.Helper) {
	dockerClient, dockerAddr, err := docker.GetKubeClient()
	if err != nil {
		c.HandleDockerError(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to create a Docker client for %s - Docker must be installed and running to start containers.\n%v", dockerAddr, err))
	if url, err := url.Parse(dockerAddr); err == nil && url.Scheme == "unix" && len(url.Path) > 0 {
		s, err := os.Stat(url.Path)
		switch {
		case os.IsNotExist(err):
			c.HandleDockerError(fmt.Sprintf("No Docker socket found at %s. Have you started the Docker daemon?", url.Path))
		case os.IsPermission(err):
			c.HandleDockerError(fmt.Sprintf("You do not have permission to connect to the Docker daemon (via %s). This process requires running as the root user.", url.Path))
		case err == nil && s.IsDir():
			c.HandleDockerError(fmt.Sprintf("The Docker socket at %s is a directory instead of a unix socket - check that you have configured your connection to the Docker daemon properly.", url.Path))
	if err := dockerClient.Ping(); err != nil {
		c.HandleDockerError(fmt.Sprintf("Docker could not be reached at %s.  Docker must be installed and running to start containers.\n%v", dockerAddr, err))

	glog.Infof("Connecting to Docker at %s", dockerAddr)

	version, err := dockerClient.Version()
	if err != nil {
		c.HandleDockerError(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to check for Docker server version.\n%v", err))

	serverVersion, err := dockerclient.NewAPIVersion(version.APIVersion)
	if err != nil {
		c.HandleDockerError(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to determine Docker server version from %q.\n%v", version.APIVersion, err))

	minimumPullByIDVersion, err := dockerclient.NewAPIVersion(minimumDockerAPIVersionWithPullByID)
	if err != nil {
		c.HandleDockerError(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to check for Docker server version.\n%v", err))

	if serverVersion.LessThan(minimumPullByIDVersion) {
		c.HandleDockerError(fmt.Sprintf("Docker 1.6 or later (server API version 1.18 or later) required."))

	c.DockerClient = dockerClient

// HandleDockerError handles an an error from the docker daemon
func (c *NodeConfig) HandleDockerError(message string) {
	if !c.AllowDisabledDocker {
		glog.Fatalf("error: %s", message)
	glog.Errorf("WARNING: %s", message)
	c.DockerClient = &dockertools.FakeDockerClient{VersionInfo: dockertypes.Version{APIVersion: "1.18"}}

// EnsureVolumeDir attempts to convert the provided volume directory argument to
// an absolute path and create the directory if it does not exist. Will exit if
// an error is encountered.
func (c *NodeConfig) EnsureVolumeDir() {
	if volumeDir, err := c.initializeVolumeDir(&defaultCommandExecutor{}, c.VolumeDir); err != nil {
	} else {
		c.VolumeDir = volumeDir

func (c *NodeConfig) initializeVolumeDir(ce commandExecutor, path string) (string, error) {
	rootDirectory, err := filepath.Abs(path)
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Error converting volume directory to an absolute path: %v", err)

	if _, err := os.Stat(rootDirectory); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		if err := os.MkdirAll(rootDirectory, 0750); err != nil {
			return "", fmt.Errorf("Couldn't create kubelet volume root directory '%s': %s", rootDirectory, err)
	// always try to chcon, in case the volume dir existed prior to the node starting
	if chconPath, err := ce.LookPath("chcon"); err != nil {
		glog.V(2).Infof("Couldn't locate 'chcon' to set the kubelet volume root directory SELinux context: %s", err)
	} else {
		if err := ce.Run(chconPath, "-t", "svirt_sandbox_file_t", rootDirectory); err != nil {
			glog.Warningf("Error running 'chcon' to set the kubelet volume root directory SELinux context: %s", err)
	return rootDirectory, nil

// EnsureLocalQuota checks if the node config specifies a local storage
// perFSGroup quota, and if so will test that the volumeDirectory is on a
// filesystem suitable for quota enforcement. If checks pass the k8s emptyDir
// volume plugin will be replaced with a wrapper version which adds quota
// functionality.
func (c *NodeConfig) EnsureLocalQuota(nodeConfig configapi.NodeConfig) {
	if nodeConfig.VolumeConfig.LocalQuota.PerFSGroup == nil {
	glog.V(4).Info("Replacing empty-dir volume plugin with quota wrapper")
	wrappedEmptyDirPlugin := false

	quotaApplicator, err := emptydir.NewQuotaApplicator(nodeConfig.VolumeDirectory)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("Could not set up local quota, %s", err)

	// Create a volume spec with emptyDir we can use to search for the
	// emptyDir plugin with CanSupport:
	emptyDirSpec := &volume.Spec{
		Volume: &kapi.Volume{
			VolumeSource: kapi.VolumeSource{
				EmptyDir: &kapi.EmptyDirVolumeSource{},

	for idx, plugin := range c.KubeletConfig.VolumePlugins {
		// Can't really do type checking or use a constant here as they are not exported:
		if plugin.CanSupport(emptyDirSpec) {
			wrapper := emptydir.EmptyDirQuotaPlugin{
				VolumePlugin:    plugin,
				Quota:           *nodeConfig.VolumeConfig.LocalQuota.PerFSGroup,
				QuotaApplicator: quotaApplicator,
			c.KubeletConfig.VolumePlugins[idx] = &wrapper
			wrappedEmptyDirPlugin = true
	// Because we can't look for the k8s emptyDir plugin by any means that would
	// survive a refactor, error out if we couldn't find it:
	if !wrappedEmptyDirPlugin {
		glog.Fatal(errors.New("No plugin handling EmptyDir was found, unable to apply local quotas"))

// RunServiceStores retrieves service info from the master, and closes the
// ServicesReady channel when done.
func (c *NodeConfig) RunServiceStores(enableProxy, enableDNS bool) {
	if !enableProxy && !enableDNS {

	serviceList := cache.NewListWatchFromClient(c.Client, "services", kapi.NamespaceAll, fields.Everything())
	serviceReflector := cache.NewReflector(serviceList, &kapi.Service{}, c.ServiceStore, c.ProxyConfig.ConfigSyncPeriod)

	if enableProxy {
		endpointList := cache.NewListWatchFromClient(c.Client, "endpoints", kapi.NamespaceAll, fields.Everything())
		endpointReflector := cache.NewReflector(endpointList, &kapi.Endpoints{}, c.EndpointsStore, c.ProxyConfig.ConfigSyncPeriod)

		for len(endpointReflector.LastSyncResourceVersion()) == 0 {
			time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
	for len(serviceReflector.LastSyncResourceVersion()) == 0 {
		time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

// RunKubelet starts the Kubelet.
func (c *NodeConfig) RunKubelet() {
	if c.KubeletConfig.ClusterDNS == nil {
		if service, err := c.Client.Services(kapi.NamespaceDefault).Get("kubernetes"); err == nil {
			if includesServicePort(service.Spec.Ports, 53, "dns") {
				// Use master service if service includes "dns" port 53.
				c.KubeletConfig.ClusterDNS = net.ParseIP(service.Spec.ClusterIP)
	if c.KubeletConfig.ClusterDNS == nil {
		if endpoint, err := c.Client.Endpoints(kapi.NamespaceDefault).Get("kubernetes"); err == nil {
			if endpointIP, ok := firstEndpointIPWithNamedPort(endpoint, 53, "dns"); ok {
				// Use first endpoint if endpoint includes "dns" port 53.
				c.KubeletConfig.ClusterDNS = net.ParseIP(endpointIP)
			} else if endpointIP, ok := firstEndpointIP(endpoint, 53); ok {
				// Test and use first endpoint if endpoint includes any port 53.
				if err := cmdutil.WaitForSuccessfulDial(false, "tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", endpointIP, 53), 50*time.Millisecond, 0, 2); err == nil {
					c.KubeletConfig.ClusterDNS = net.ParseIP(endpointIP)

	c.KubeletConfig.DockerClient = c.DockerClient
	// updated by NodeConfig.EnsureVolumeDir
	c.KubeletConfig.RootDirectory = c.VolumeDir

	// hook for overriding the cadvisor interface for integration tests
	c.KubeletConfig.CAdvisorInterface = defaultCadvisorInterface
	// hook for overriding the container manager interface for integration tests
	c.KubeletConfig.ContainerManager = defaultContainerManagerInterface

	go func() {
		glog.Fatal(kubeletapp.Run(c.KubeletServer, c.KubeletConfig))

// defaultCadvisorInterface holds the overridden default interface
// exists only to allow stubbing integration tests, should always be nil in production
var defaultCadvisorInterface cadvisor.Interface = nil

// SetFakeCadvisorInterfaceForIntegrationTest sets a fake cadvisor implementation to allow the node to run in integration tests
func SetFakeCadvisorInterfaceForIntegrationTest() {
	defaultCadvisorInterface = &cadvisortesting.Fake{}

// defaultContainerManagerInterface holds the overridden default interface
// exists only to allow stubbing integration tests, should always be nil in production
var defaultContainerManagerInterface cm.ContainerManager = nil

// SetFakeContainerManagerInterfaceForIntegrationTest sets a fake container manager implementation to allow the node to run in integration tests
func SetFakeContainerManagerInterfaceForIntegrationTest() {
	defaultContainerManagerInterface = cm.NewStubContainerManager()

// RunPlugin starts the local SDN plugin, if enabled in configuration.
func (c *NodeConfig) RunPlugin() {
	if c.SDNPlugin == nil {
	if err := c.SDNPlugin.Start(); err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("error: SDN node startup failed: %v", err)

// RunDNS starts the DNS server as soon as services are loaded.
func (c *NodeConfig) RunDNS() {
	go func() {
		glog.Infof("Starting DNS on %s", c.DNSServer.Config.DnsAddr)
		err := c.DNSServer.ListenAndServe()
		glog.Fatalf("DNS server failed to start: %v", err)

// RunProxy starts the proxy
func (c *NodeConfig) RunProxy() {
	protocol := utiliptables.ProtocolIpv4
	bindAddr := net.ParseIP(c.ProxyConfig.BindAddress)
	if bindAddr.To4() == nil {
		protocol = utiliptables.ProtocolIpv6

	portRange := utilnet.ParsePortRangeOrDie(c.ProxyConfig.PortRange)

	eventBroadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster()
	recorder := eventBroadcaster.NewRecorder(kapi.EventSource{Component: "kube-proxy", Host: c.KubeletConfig.NodeName})

	execer := kexec.New()
	dbus := utildbus.New()
	iptInterface := utiliptables.New(execer, dbus, protocol)

	var proxier proxy.ProxyProvider
	var endpointsHandler pconfig.EndpointsConfigHandler

	switch c.ProxyConfig.Mode {
	case componentconfig.ProxyModeIPTables:
		glog.V(0).Info("Using iptables Proxier.")
		if c.ProxyConfig.IPTablesMasqueradeBit == nil {
			// IPTablesMasqueradeBit must be specified or defaulted.
			glog.Fatalf("Unable to read IPTablesMasqueradeBit from config")
		proxierIptables, err := iptables.NewProxier(iptInterface, execer, c.ProxyConfig.IPTablesSyncPeriod.Duration, c.ProxyConfig.MasqueradeAll, int(*c.ProxyConfig.IPTablesMasqueradeBit), c.ProxyConfig.ClusterCIDR)
		if err != nil {
			if c.Containerized {
				glog.Fatalf("error: Could not initialize Kubernetes Proxy: %v\n When running in a container, you must run the container in the host network namespace with --net=host and with --privileged", err)
			} else {
				glog.Fatalf("error: Could not initialize Kubernetes Proxy. You must run this process as root to use the service proxy: %v", err)
		proxier = proxierIptables
		endpointsHandler = proxierIptables
		// No turning back. Remove artifacts that might still exist from the userspace Proxier.
		glog.V(0).Info("Tearing down userspace rules.")
	case componentconfig.ProxyModeUserspace:
		glog.V(0).Info("Using userspace Proxier.")
		// This is a proxy.LoadBalancer which NewProxier needs but has methods we don't need for
		// our config.EndpointsConfigHandler.
		loadBalancer := userspace.NewLoadBalancerRR()
		// set EndpointsConfigHandler to our loadBalancer
		endpointsHandler = loadBalancer

		proxierUserspace, err := userspace.NewProxier(
		if err != nil {
			if c.Containerized {
				glog.Fatalf("error: Could not initialize Kubernetes Proxy: %v\n When running in a container, you must run the container in the host network namespace with --net=host and with --privileged", err)
			} else {
				glog.Fatalf("error: Could not initialize Kubernetes Proxy. You must run this process as root to use the service proxy: %v", err)
		proxier = proxierUserspace
		// Remove artifacts from the pure-iptables Proxier.
		glog.V(0).Info("Tearing down pure-iptables proxy rules.")
		glog.Fatalf("Unknown proxy mode %q", c.ProxyConfig.Mode)

	// Create configs (i.e. Watches for Services and Endpoints)
	// Note: RegisterHandler() calls need to happen before creation of Sources because sources
	// only notify on changes, and the initial update (on process start) may be lost if no handlers
	// are registered yet.
	serviceConfig := pconfig.NewServiceConfig()

	endpointsConfig := pconfig.NewEndpointsConfig()
	// customized handling registration that inserts a filter if needed
	if c.FilteringEndpointsHandler != nil {
		if err := c.FilteringEndpointsHandler.Start(endpointsHandler); err != nil {
			glog.Fatalf("error: node proxy plugin startup failed: %v", err)
		endpointsHandler = c.FilteringEndpointsHandler

	c.ServiceStore = pconfig.NewServiceStore(c.ServiceStore, serviceConfig.Channel("api"))
	c.EndpointsStore = pconfig.NewEndpointsStore(c.EndpointsStore, endpointsConfig.Channel("api"))
	// will be started by RunServiceStores

	recorder.Eventf(c.ProxyConfig.NodeRef, kapi.EventTypeNormal, "Starting", "Starting kube-proxy.")
	glog.Infof("Started Kubernetes Proxy on %s", c.ProxyConfig.BindAddress)

// TODO: more generic location
func includesServicePort(ports []kapi.ServicePort, port int, portName string) bool {
	for _, p := range ports {
		if p.Port == int32(port) && p.Name == portName {
			return true
	return false

// TODO: more generic location
func includesEndpointPort(ports []kapi.EndpointPort, port int) bool {
	for _, p := range ports {
		if p.Port == int32(port) {
			return true
	return false

// TODO: more generic location
func firstEndpointIP(endpoints *kapi.Endpoints, port int) (string, bool) {
	for _, s := range endpoints.Subsets {
		if !includesEndpointPort(s.Ports, port) {
		for _, a := range s.Addresses {
			return a.IP, true
	return "", false

// TODO: more generic location
func firstEndpointIPWithNamedPort(endpoints *kapi.Endpoints, port int, portName string) (string, bool) {
	for _, s := range endpoints.Subsets {
		if !includesNamedEndpointPort(s.Ports, port, portName) {
		for _, a := range s.Addresses {
			return a.IP, true
	return "", false

// TODO: more generic location
func includesNamedEndpointPort(ports []kapi.EndpointPort, port int, portName string) bool {
	for _, p := range ports {
		if p.Port == int32(port) && p.Name == portName {
			return true
	return false