package cmd

import (

	kapi ""
	kerrors ""
	kclient ""

	authapi ""
	buildapi ""
	buildutil ""
	cmdutil ""
	imageapi ""
	outil ""

const (
	GeneratedByNamespace = ""
	GeneratedForJob      = ""
	GeneratedForJobFor   = ""
	GeneratedByNewApp    = "OpenShiftNewApp"
	GeneratedByNewBuild  = "OpenShiftNewBuild"

// ErrNoDockerfileDetected is the error returned when the requested build strategy is Docker
// and no Dockerfile is detected in the repository.
var ErrNoDockerfileDetected = fmt.Errorf("No Dockerfile was found in the repository and the requested build strategy is 'docker'")

// GenerationInputs control how new-app creates output
// TODO: split these into finer grained structs
type GenerationInputs struct {
	TemplateParameters []string
	Environment        []string
	Labels             map[string]string

	AddEnvironmentToBuild bool

	InsecureRegistry bool

	Strategy string

	Name     string
	To       string
	NoOutput bool

	OutputDocker  bool
	Dockerfile    string
	ExpectToBuild bool
	BinaryBuild   bool
	ContextDir    string

	SourceImage     string
	SourceImagePath string

	Secrets []string

	AllowMissingImageStreamTags bool

	Deploy           bool
	AsTestDeployment bool

	AllowGenerationErrors bool

// AppConfig contains all the necessary configuration for an application
type AppConfig struct {

	ResolvedComponents *ResolvedComponents

	SkipGeneration bool

	AllowSecretUse bool
	SecretAccessor app.SecretAccessor

	AsSearch bool
	AsList   bool
	DryRun   bool

	Out    io.Writer
	ErrOut io.Writer

	KubeClient kclient.Interface


	Typer        runtime.ObjectTyper
	Mapper       meta.RESTMapper
	ClientMapper resource.ClientMapper

	OSClient        client.Interface
	OriginNamespace string

// UsageError is an interface for printing usage errors
type UsageError interface {
	UsageError(commandName string) string

// TODO: replace with upstream converting [1]error to error
type errlist interface {
	Errors() []error

type ErrRequiresExplicitAccess struct {
	Match app.ComponentMatch
	Input app.GeneratorInput

func (e ErrRequiresExplicitAccess) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("the component %q is requesting access to run with your security credentials and install components - you must explicitly grant that access to continue", e.Match.String())

// ErrNoInputs is returned when no inputs are specified
var ErrNoInputs = fmt.Errorf("no inputs provided")

// AppResult contains the results of an application
type AppResult struct {
	List *kapi.List

	Name      string
	HasSource bool
	Namespace string

	GeneratedJobs bool

// QueryResult contains the results of a query (search or list)
type QueryResult struct {
	Matches app.ComponentMatches
	List    *kapi.List

// NewAppConfig returns a new AppConfig, but you must set your typer, mapper, and clientMapper after the command has been run
// and flags have been parsed.
func NewAppConfig() *AppConfig {
	return &AppConfig{
		Resolvers: Resolvers{
			Detector: app.SourceRepositoryEnumerator{
				Detectors: source.DefaultDetectors,
				Tester:    dockerfile.NewTester(),

func (c *AppConfig) DockerRegistrySearcher() app.Searcher {
	return app.DockerRegistrySearcher{
		Client:        dockerregistry.NewClient(30*time.Second, true),
		AllowInsecure: c.InsecureRegistry,

func (c *AppConfig) ensureDockerSearch() {
	if c.DockerSearcher == nil {
		c.DockerSearcher = c.DockerRegistrySearcher()

// SetOpenShiftClient sets the passed OpenShift client in the application configuration
func (c *AppConfig) SetOpenShiftClient(osclient client.Interface, OriginNamespace string, dockerclient *docker.Client) {
	c.OSClient = osclient
	c.OriginNamespace = OriginNamespace
	namespaces := []string{OriginNamespace}
	if openshiftNamespace := "openshift"; OriginNamespace != openshiftNamespace {
		namespaces = append(namespaces, openshiftNamespace)
	c.ImageStreamSearcher = app.ImageStreamSearcher{
		Client:            osclient,
		ImageStreamImages: osclient,
		Namespaces:        namespaces,
		AllowMissingTags:  c.AllowMissingImageStreamTags,
	c.ImageStreamByAnnotationSearcher = app.NewImageStreamByAnnotationSearcher(osclient, osclient, namespaces)
	c.TemplateSearcher = app.TemplateSearcher{
		Client: osclient,
		TemplateConfigsNamespacer: osclient,
		Namespaces:                namespaces,
	c.TemplateFileSearcher = &app.TemplateFileSearcher{
		Typer:        c.Typer,
		Mapper:       c.Mapper,
		ClientMapper: c.ClientMapper,
		Namespace:    OriginNamespace,
	// the hierarchy of docker searching is:
	// 1) if we have an openshift client - query docker registries via openshift,
	// if we're unable to query via openshift, query the docker registries directly(fallback),
	// if we don't find a match there and a local docker daemon exists, look in the local registry.
	// 2) if we don't have an openshift client - query the docker registries directly,
	// if we don't find a match there and a local docker daemon exists, look in the local registry.
	c.DockerSearcher = app.DockerClientSearcher{
		Client:             dockerclient,
		Insecure:           c.InsecureRegistry,
		AllowMissingImages: c.AllowMissingImages,
		RegistrySearcher: app.ImageImportSearcher{
			Client:        osclient.ImageStreams(OriginNamespace),
			AllowInsecure: c.InsecureRegistry,
			Fallback:      c.DockerRegistrySearcher(),

// AddArguments converts command line arguments into the appropriate bucket based on what they look like
func (c *AppConfig) AddArguments(args []string) []string {
	unknown := []string{}
	for _, s := range args {
		switch {
		case cmdutil.IsEnvironmentArgument(s):
			c.Environment = append(c.Environment, s)
		case app.IsPossibleSourceRepository(s):
			c.SourceRepositories = append(c.SourceRepositories, s)
		case app.IsComponentReference(s):
			c.Components = append(c.Components, s)
		case app.IsPossibleTemplateFile(s):
			c.Components = append(c.Components, s)
			if len(s) == 0 {
			unknown = append(unknown, s)
	return unknown

// validateBuilders confirms that all images associated with components that are to be built,
// are builders (or we're using a docker strategy).
func (c *AppConfig) validateBuilders(components app.ComponentReferences) error {
	if len(c.Strategy) != 0 {
		return nil
	errs := []error{}
	for _, ref := range components {
		input := ref.Input()
		// if we're supposed to build this thing, and the image/imagestream we've matched it to did not come from an explicit CLI argument,
		// and the image/imagestream we matched to is not explicitly an s2i builder, and we're not doing a docker-type build, warn the user
		// that this probably won't work and force them to declare their intention explicitly.
		if input.ExpectToBuild && input.ResolvedMatch != nil && !app.IsBuilderMatch(input.ResolvedMatch) && input.Uses != nil && !input.Uses.IsDockerBuild() {
			errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("the image match %q for source repository %q does not appear to be a source-to-image builder.\n\n- to attempt to use this image as a source builder, pass \"--strategy=source\"\n- to use it as a base image for a Docker build, pass \"--strategy=docker\"", input.ResolvedMatch.Name, input.Uses))
	return errors.NewAggregate(errs)

func validateEnforcedName(name string) error {
	if reasons := validation.ValidateServiceName(name, false); len(reasons) != 0 && !app.IsParameterizableValue(name) {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid name: %s. Must be an a lower case alphanumeric (a-z, and 0-9) string with a maximum length of 24 characters, where the first character is a letter (a-z), and the '-' character is allowed anywhere except the first or last character.", name)
	return nil

func validateOutputImageReference(ref string) error {
	if _, err := imageapi.ParseDockerImageReference(ref); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid output image reference: %s", ref)
	return nil

// buildPipelines converts a set of resolved, valid references into pipelines.
func (c *AppConfig) buildPipelines(components app.ComponentReferences, environment app.Environment) (app.PipelineGroup, error) {
	pipelines := app.PipelineGroup{}
	pipelineBuilder := app.NewPipelineBuilder(c.Name, c.GetBuildEnvironment(environment), c.OutputDocker).To(c.To)
	for _, group := range components.Group() {
		glog.V(4).Infof("found group: %v", group)
		common := app.PipelineGroup{}
		for _, ref := range group {
			refInput := ref.Input()
			from := refInput.String()
			var pipeline *app.Pipeline

			switch {
			case refInput.ExpectToBuild:
				glog.V(4).Infof("will add %q secrets into a build for a source build of %q", strings.Join(c.Secrets, ","), refInput.Uses)
				if err := refInput.Uses.AddBuildSecrets(c.Secrets, refInput.Uses.IsDockerBuild()); err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to add build secrets %q: %v", strings.Join(c.Secrets, ","), err)

				var (
					image *app.ImageRef
					err   error
				if refInput.ResolvedMatch != nil {
					inputImage, err := app.InputImageFromMatch(refInput.ResolvedMatch)
					if err != nil {
						return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't build %q: %v", from, err)
					if !inputImage.AsImageStream && from != "scratch" {
						msg := "Could not find an image stream match for %q. Make sure that a Docker image with that tag is available on the node for the build to succeed."
						glog.Warningf(msg, from)
					image = inputImage

				glog.V(4).Infof("will use %q as the base image for a source build of %q", ref, refInput.Uses)
				if pipeline, err = pipelineBuilder.NewBuildPipeline(from, image, refInput.Uses); err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't build %q: %v", refInput.Uses, err)
				inputImage, err := app.InputImageFromMatch(refInput.ResolvedMatch)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't include %q: %v", from, err)
				if !inputImage.AsImageStream {
					msg := "Could not find an image stream match for %q. Make sure that a Docker image with that tag is available on the node for the deployment to succeed."
					glog.Warningf(msg, from)

				glog.V(4).Infof("will include %q", ref)
				if pipeline, err = pipelineBuilder.NewImagePipeline(from, inputImage); err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't include %q: %v", refInput, err)
			if c.Deploy {
				if err := pipeline.NeedsDeployment(environment, c.Labels, c.AsTestDeployment); err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't set up a deployment for %q: %v", refInput, err)
			if c.NoOutput {
				pipeline.Build.Output = nil
			common = append(common, pipeline)
			if err := common.Reduce(); err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't create a pipeline from %s: %v", common, err)
			describeBuildPipelineWithImage(c.Out, ref, pipeline, c.OriginNamespace)
		pipelines = append(pipelines, common...)
	return pipelines, nil

// buildTemplates converts a set of resolved, valid references into references to template objects.
func (c *AppConfig) buildTemplates(components app.ComponentReferences, environment app.Environment) ([]runtime.Object, error) {
	objects := []runtime.Object{}

	for _, ref := range components {
		tpl := ref.Input().ResolvedMatch.Template

		glog.V(4).Infof("processing template %s/%s", c.OriginNamespace, tpl.Name)
		result, err := TransformTemplate(tpl, c.OSClient, c.OriginNamespace, environment)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		objects = append(objects, result.Objects...)

		DescribeGeneratedTemplate(c.Out, ref.Input().String(), result, c.OriginNamespace)
	return objects, nil

// fakeSecretAccessor is used during dry runs of installation
type fakeSecretAccessor struct {
	token string

func (a *fakeSecretAccessor) Token() (string, error) {
	return a.token, nil
func (a *fakeSecretAccessor) CACert() (string, error) {
	return "", nil

// installComponents attempts to create pods to run installable images identified by the user. If an image
// is installable, we check whether it requires access to the user token. If so, the caller must have
// explicitly granted that access (because the token may be the user's).
func (c *AppConfig) installComponents(components app.ComponentReferences, env app.Environment) ([]runtime.Object, string, error) {
	if c.SkipGeneration {
		return nil, "", nil

	jobs := components.InstallableComponentRefs()
	switch {
	case len(jobs) > 1:
		return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("only one installable component may be provided: %s", jobs.HumanString(", "))
	case len(jobs) == 0:
		return nil, "", nil

	job := jobs[0]
	if len(components) > 1 {
		return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("%q is installable and may not be specified with other components", job.Input().Value)
	input := job.Input()

	imageRef, err := app.InputImageFromMatch(input.ResolvedMatch)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("can't include %q: %v", input, err)
	glog.V(4).Infof("Resolved match for installer %#v", input.ResolvedMatch)

	imageRef.AsImageStream = false
	imageRef.AsResolvedImage = true
	imageRef.Env = env

	name := c.Name
	if len(name) == 0 {
		var ok bool
		name, ok = imageRef.SuggestName()
		if !ok {
			return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("can't suggest a valid name, please specify a name with --name")
	imageRef.ObjectName = name
	glog.V(4).Infof("Proposed installable image %#v", imageRef)

	secretAccessor := c.SecretAccessor
	generatorInput := input.ResolvedMatch.GeneratorInput
	token := generatorInput.Token
	if token != nil && !c.AllowSecretUse || secretAccessor == nil {
		if !c.DryRun {
			return nil, "", ErrRequiresExplicitAccess{Match: *input.ResolvedMatch, Input: generatorInput}
		secretAccessor = &fakeSecretAccessor{token: "FAKE_TOKEN"}

	objects := []runtime.Object{}

	serviceAccountName := "installer"
	if token != nil && token.ServiceAccount {
		if _, err := c.KubeClient.ServiceAccounts(c.OriginNamespace).Get(serviceAccountName); err != nil {
			if kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
				objects = append(objects,
					// create a new service account
					&kapi.ServiceAccount{ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: serviceAccountName}},
					// grant the service account the edit role on the project (TODO: installer)
						ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "installer-role-binding"},
						Subjects:   []kapi.ObjectReference{{Kind: "ServiceAccount", Name: serviceAccountName}},
						RoleRef:    kapi.ObjectReference{Name: "edit"},

	pod, secret, err := imageRef.InstallablePod(generatorInput, secretAccessor, serviceAccountName)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", err
	objects = append(objects, pod)
	if secret != nil {
		objects = append(objects, secret)
	for i := range objects {
		outil.AddObjectAnnotations(objects[i], map[string]string{
			GeneratedForJob:    "true",
			GeneratedForJobFor: input.String(),

	describeGeneratedJob(c.Out, job, pod, secret, c.OriginNamespace)

	return objects, name, nil

// RunQuery executes the provided config and returns the result of the resolution.
func (c *AppConfig) RunQuery() (*QueryResult, error) {
	environment, parameters, err := c.validate()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// TODO: I don't belong here

	if c.AsList {
		if c.AsSearch {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("--list and --search can't be used together")
		if c.HasArguments() {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("--list can't be used with arguments")
		c.Components = append(c.Components, "*")

	b := &app.ReferenceBuilder{}
	if err := AddComponentInputsToRefBuilder(b, &c.Resolvers, &c.ComponentInputs, &c.GenerationInputs); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	components, repositories, errs := b.Result()
	if len(errs) > 0 {
		return nil, errors.NewAggregate(errs)

	if len(components) == 0 && !c.AsList {
		return nil, ErrNoInputs

	if len(repositories) > 0 {
		errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("--search can't be used with source code"))
	if len(environment) > 0 {
		errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("--search can't be used with --env"))
	if len(parameters) > 0 {
		errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("--search can't be used with --param"))
	if len(errs) > 0 {
		return nil, errors.NewAggregate(errs)

	if err := components.Search(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	glog.V(4).Infof("Code %v", repositories)
	glog.V(4).Infof("Components %v", components)

	matches := app.ComponentMatches{}
	objects := app.Objects{}
	for _, ref := range components {
		for _, match := range ref.Input().SearchMatches {
			matches = append(matches, match)
			if match.IsTemplate() {
				objects = append(objects, match.Template)
			} else if match.IsImage() {
				if match.ImageStream != nil {
					objects = append(objects, match.ImageStream)
				if match.Image != nil {
					objects = append(objects, match.Image)
	return &QueryResult{
		Matches: matches,
		List:    &kapi.List{Items: objects},
	}, nil

func (c *AppConfig) validate() (cmdutil.Environment, cmdutil.Environment, error) {
	var errs []error

	env, duplicateEnv, envErrs := cmdutil.ParseEnvironmentArguments(c.Environment)
	for _, s := range duplicateEnv {
		fmt.Fprintf(c.ErrOut, "warning: The environment variable %q was overwritten", s)
	errs = append(errs, envErrs...)

	params, duplicateParams, paramsErrs := cmdutil.ParseEnvironmentArguments(c.TemplateParameters)
	for _, s := range duplicateParams {
		fmt.Fprintf(c.ErrOut, "warning: The template parameter %q was overwritten", s)
	errs = append(errs, paramsErrs...)

	return env, params, errors.NewAggregate(errs)

// Run executes the provided config to generate objects.
func (c *AppConfig) Run() (*AppResult, error) {
	environment, parameters, err := c.validate()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// TODO: I don't belong here

	resolved, err := Resolve(&c.Resolvers, &c.ComponentInputs, &c.GenerationInputs)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	repositories := resolved.Repositories
	components := resolved.Components

	if err := c.validateBuilders(components); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if len(repositories) == 0 && len(components) == 0 {
		return nil, ErrNoInputs

	if len(c.Name) > 0 {
		if err := validateEnforcedName(c.Name); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	if len(c.To) > 0 {
		if err := validateOutputImageReference(c.To); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	if len(components.ImageComponentRefs().Group()) > 1 && len(c.Name) > 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("only one component or source repository can be used when specifying a name")
	if len(components.UseSource()) > 1 && len(c.To) > 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("only one component with source can be used when specifying an output image reference")

	env := app.Environment(environment)

	// identify if there are installable components in the input provided by the user
	installables, name, err := c.installComponents(components, env)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if len(installables) > 0 {
		return &AppResult{
			List:      &kapi.List{Items: installables},
			Name:      name,
			Namespace: c.OriginNamespace,

			GeneratedJobs: true,
		}, nil

	pipelines, err := c.buildPipelines(components.ImageComponentRefs(), env)
	if err != nil {
		if err == app.ErrNameRequired {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't suggest a valid name, please specify a name with --name")
		return nil, err

	acceptors := app.Acceptors{app.NewAcceptUnique(c.Typer), app.AcceptNew}
	objects := app.Objects{}
	accept := app.NewAcceptFirst()
	for _, p := range pipelines {
		accepted, err := p.Objects(accept, acceptors)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't setup %q: %v", p.From, err)
		objects = append(objects, accepted...)

	objects = app.AddServices(objects, false)

	templateObjects, err := c.buildTemplates(components.TemplateComponentRefs(), app.Environment(parameters))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	objects = append(objects, templateObjects...)

	name = c.Name
	if len(name) == 0 {
		for _, pipeline := range pipelines {
			if pipeline.Deployment != nil {
				name = pipeline.Deployment.Name
	if len(name) == 0 {
		for _, obj := range objects {
			if bc, ok := obj.(*buildapi.BuildConfig); ok {
				name = bc.Name

	// Only check circular references for `oc new-build`.
	if c.ExpectToBuild {
		err = c.checkCircularReferences(objects)
		if err != nil {
			if err, ok := err.(app.CircularOutputReferenceError); ok {
				if len(c.To) == 0 {
					// Output reference was generated, return error.
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v, set a different tag with --to", err)
				// Output reference was explicitly provided, print warning.
				fmt.Fprintf(c.ErrOut, "--> WARNING: %v\n", err)
			} else {
				return nil, err

	return &AppResult{
		List:      &kapi.List{Items: objects},
		Name:      name,
		HasSource: len(repositories) != 0,
		Namespace: c.OriginNamespace,
	}, nil

// checkCircularReferences ensures there are no builds that can trigger themselves
// due to an imagechangetrigger that matches the output destination of the image.
// objects is a list of api objects produced by new-app.
func (c *AppConfig) checkCircularReferences(objects app.Objects) error {
	for _, obj := range objects {
		if bc, ok := obj.(*buildapi.BuildConfig); ok {
			input := buildutil.GetInputReference(bc.Spec.Strategy)
			if bc.Spec.Output.To != nil && input != nil &&
				reflect.DeepEqual(input, bc.Spec.Output.To) {
				ns := input.Namespace
				if len(ns) == 0 {
					ns = c.OriginNamespace
				return app.CircularOutputReferenceError{Reference: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", ns, input.Name)}
	return nil

func (c *AppConfig) Querying() bool {
	return c.AsList || c.AsSearch

func (c *AppConfig) HasArguments() bool {
	return len(c.Components) > 0 ||
		len(c.ImageStreams) > 0 ||
		len(c.DockerImages) > 0 ||
		len(c.Templates) > 0 ||
		len(c.TemplateFiles) > 0

func (c *AppConfig) GetBuildEnvironment(environment app.Environment) app.Environment {
	if c.AddEnvironmentToBuild {
		return environment
	return app.Environment{}