package delegated

import (


	kapi ""
	kapierror ""
	kclient ""
	utilerrors ""

	authorizationapi ""
	configcmd ""
	projectapi ""
	projectrequestregistry ""
	templateapi ""

type REST struct {
	message           string
	templateNamespace string
	templateName      string

	openshiftClient *client.Client
	kubeClient      *kclient.Client

	// policyBindings is an auth cache that is shared with the authorizer for the API server.
	// we use this cache to detect when the authorizer has observed the change for the auth rules
	policyBindings client.PolicyBindingsListerNamespacer

func NewREST(message, templateNamespace, templateName string, openshiftClient *client.Client, kubeClient *kclient.Client, policyBindingCache client.PolicyBindingsListerNamespacer) *REST {
	return &REST{
		message:           message,
		templateNamespace: templateNamespace,
		templateName:      templateName,
		openshiftClient:   openshiftClient,
		kubeClient:        kubeClient,
		policyBindings:    policyBindingCache,

func (r *REST) New() runtime.Object {
	return &projectapi.ProjectRequest{}

func (r *REST) NewList() runtime.Object {
	return &unversioned.Status{}

var _ = rest.Creater(&REST{})

func (r *REST) Create(ctx kapi.Context, obj runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, error) {

	if err := rest.BeforeCreate(projectrequestregistry.Strategy, ctx, obj); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	projectRequest := obj.(*projectapi.ProjectRequest)

	if _, err := r.openshiftClient.Projects().Get(projectRequest.Name); err == nil {
		return nil, kapierror.NewAlreadyExists(projectapi.Resource("project"), projectRequest.Name)

	projectName := projectRequest.Name
	projectAdmin := ""
	projectRequester := ""
	if userInfo, exists := kapi.UserFrom(ctx); exists {
		projectAdmin = userInfo.GetName()
		projectRequester = userInfo.GetName()

	template, err := r.getTemplate()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	for i := range template.Parameters {
		switch template.Parameters[i].Name {
		case ProjectAdminUserParam:
			template.Parameters[i].Value = projectAdmin
		case ProjectDescriptionParam:
			template.Parameters[i].Value = projectRequest.Description
		case ProjectDisplayNameParam:
			template.Parameters[i].Value = projectRequest.DisplayName
		case ProjectNameParam:
			template.Parameters[i].Value = projectName
		case ProjectRequesterParam:
			template.Parameters[i].Value = projectRequester

	list, err := r.openshiftClient.TemplateConfigs(kapi.NamespaceDefault).Create(template)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := utilerrors.NewAggregate(runtime.DecodeList(list.Objects, kapi.Codecs.UniversalDecoder())); err != nil {
		return nil, kapierror.NewInternalError(err)

	// one of the items in this list should be the project.  We are going to locate it, remove it from the list, create it separately
	var projectFromTemplate *projectapi.Project
	var lastRoleBinding *authorizationapi.RoleBinding
	objectsToCreate := &kapi.List{}
	for i := range list.Objects {
		if templateProject, ok := list.Objects[i].(*projectapi.Project); ok {
			projectFromTemplate = templateProject
			// don't add this to the list to create.  We'll create the project separately.

		if roleBinding, ok := list.Objects[i].(*authorizationapi.RoleBinding); ok {
			// keep track of the rolebinding, but still add it to the list
			lastRoleBinding = roleBinding

		objectsToCreate.Items = append(objectsToCreate.Items, list.Objects[i])
	if projectFromTemplate == nil {
		return nil, kapierror.NewInternalError(fmt.Errorf("the project template (%s/%s) is not correctly configured: must contain a project resource", r.templateNamespace, r.templateName))

	// we split out project creation separately so that in a case of racers for the same project, only one will win and create the rest of their template objects
	if _, err := r.openshiftClient.Projects().Create(projectFromTemplate); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	bulk := configcmd.Bulk{
		Mapper: &resource.Mapper{
			RESTMapper:  client.DefaultMultiRESTMapper(),
			ObjectTyper: kapi.Scheme,
			ClientMapper: resource.ClientMapperFunc(func(mapping *meta.RESTMapping) (resource.RESTClient, error) {
				if latest.OriginKind(mapping.GroupVersionKind) {
					return r.openshiftClient, nil
				return r.kubeClient, nil
		Op: configcmd.Create,
	if err := utilerrors.NewAggregate(bulk.Run(objectsToCreate, projectName)); err != nil {
		return nil, kapierror.NewInternalError(err)

	// wait for a rolebinding if we created one
	if lastRoleBinding != nil {
		r.waitForRoleBinding(projectName, lastRoleBinding.Name)

	return r.openshiftClient.Projects().Get(projectName)

func (r *REST) waitForRoleBinding(namespace, name string) {
	// we have a rolebinding, the we check the cache we have to see if its been updated with this rolebinding
	// if you share a cache with our authorizer (you should), then this will let you know when the authorizer is ready.
	// doesn't matter if this failed.  When the call returns, return.  If we have access great.  If not, oh well.
	backoff := kclient.DefaultBackoff
	backoff.Steps = 6 // this effectively waits for 6-ish seconds
	err := wait.ExponentialBackoff(backoff, func() (bool, error) {
		policyBindingList, _ := r.policyBindings.PolicyBindings(namespace).List(kapi.ListOptions{})
		for _, policyBinding := range policyBindingList.Items {
			for roleBindingName := range policyBinding.RoleBindings {
				if roleBindingName == name {
					return true, nil

		return false, nil

	if err != nil {
		glog.V(4).Infof("authorization cache failed to update for %v %v: %v", namespace, name, err)

func (r *REST) getTemplate() (*templateapi.Template, error) {
	if len(r.templateNamespace) == 0 || len(r.templateName) == 0 {
		return DefaultTemplate(), nil

	return r.openshiftClient.Templates(r.templateNamespace).Get(r.templateName)

var _ = rest.Lister(&REST{})

func (r *REST) List(ctx kapi.Context, options *kapi.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
	userInfo, exists := kapi.UserFrom(ctx)
	if !exists {
		return nil, errors.New("a user must be provided")

	// the caller might not have permission to run a subject access review (he has it by default, but it could have been removed).
	// So we'll escalate for the subject access review to determine rights
	accessReview := authorizationapi.AddUserToSAR(userInfo,
			Action: authorizationapi.AuthorizationAttributes{
				Verb:     "create",
				Group:    projectapi.GroupName,
				Resource: "projectrequests",
	accessReviewResponse, err := r.openshiftClient.SubjectAccessReviews().Create(accessReview)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if accessReviewResponse.Allowed {
		return &unversioned.Status{Status: unversioned.StatusSuccess}, nil

	forbiddenError := kapierror.NewForbidden(projectapi.Resource("projectrequest"), "", errors.New("you may not request a new project via this API."))
	if len(r.message) > 0 {
		forbiddenError.ErrStatus.Message = r.message
		forbiddenError.ErrStatus.Details = &unversioned.StatusDetails{
			Kind: "ProjectRequest",
			Causes: []unversioned.StatusCause{
				{Message: r.message},
	} else {
		forbiddenError.ErrStatus.Message = "You may not request a new project via this API."
	return nil, forbiddenError