package controller

import (

	kapi ""
	ktestclient ""

	routeapi ""

type fakePlugin struct {
	t     watch.EventType
	route *routeapi.Route
	err   error

func (p *fakePlugin) HandleRoute(t watch.EventType, route *routeapi.Route) error {
	p.t, p.route = t, route
	return p.err
func (p *fakePlugin) HandleEndpoints(watch.EventType, *kapi.Endpoints) error {
	return fmt.Errorf("not expected")
func (p *fakePlugin) HandleNamespaces(namespaces sets.String) error {
	return fmt.Errorf("not expected")
func (p *fakePlugin) SetLastSyncProcessed(processed bool) error {
	return fmt.Errorf("not expected")

func TestStatusNoOp(t *testing.T) {
	now := nowFn()
	touched := unversioned.Time{Time: now.Add(-time.Minute)}
	p := &fakePlugin{}
	c := testclient.NewSimpleFake()
	admitter := NewStatusAdmitter(p, c, "test")
	err := admitter.HandleRoute(watch.Added, &routeapi.Route{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "route1", Namespace: "default", UID: types.UID("uid1")},
		Spec:       routeapi.RouteSpec{Host: "route1.test.local"},
		Status: routeapi.RouteStatus{
			Ingress: []routeapi.RouteIngress{
					Host:       "route1.test.local",
					RouterName: "test",
					Conditions: []routeapi.RouteIngressCondition{
							Type:               routeapi.RouteAdmitted,
							Status:             kapi.ConditionTrue,
							LastTransitionTime: &touched,
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)
	if len(c.Actions()) > 0 {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected actions: %#v", c.Actions())

func checkResult(t *testing.T, err error, c *testclient.Fake, admitter *StatusAdmitter, targetHost string, targetObjTime unversioned.Time, targetCachedTime *time.Time, ingressInd int, actionInd int) *routeapi.Route {
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)
	if len(c.Actions()) != actionInd+1 {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected actions: %#v", c.Actions())
	action := c.Actions()[actionInd]
	if action.GetVerb() != "update" || action.GetResource() != "routes" || action.GetSubresource() != "status" {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected action: %#v", action)
	obj := c.Actions()[actionInd].(ktestclient.UpdateAction).GetObject().(*routeapi.Route)
	if len(obj.Status.Ingress) != ingressInd+1 || obj.Status.Ingress[ingressInd].Host != targetHost {
		t.Fatalf("expected route reset: expected %q / actual %q -- %#v", targetHost, obj.Status.Ingress[ingressInd].Host, obj)
	condition := obj.Status.Ingress[ingressInd].Conditions[0]
	if condition.LastTransitionTime == nil || *condition.LastTransitionTime != targetObjTime || condition.Status != kapi.ConditionTrue || condition.Reason != "" {
		t.Fatalf("%s: unexpected condition: %#v", targetHost, condition)

	if targetCachedTime == nil {
		if v, ok := admitter.expected.Peek(types.UID("uid1")); ok {
			t.Fatalf("expected empty time: %#v", v)
	} else {
		if v, ok := admitter.expected.Peek(types.UID("uid1")); !ok || !reflect.DeepEqual(v, *targetCachedTime) {
			t.Fatalf("did not record last modification time: %#v %#v", admitter.expected, v)

	return obj

func TestStatusResetsHost(t *testing.T) {
	now := unversioned.Now()
	nowFn = func() unversioned.Time { return now }
	touched := unversioned.Time{Time: now.Add(-time.Minute)}
	p := &fakePlugin{}
	c := testclient.NewSimpleFake(&routeapi.Route{})
	admitter := NewStatusAdmitter(p, c, "test")
	err := admitter.HandleRoute(watch.Added, &routeapi.Route{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "route1", Namespace: "default", UID: types.UID("uid1")},
		Spec:       routeapi.RouteSpec{Host: "route1.test.local"},
		Status: routeapi.RouteStatus{
			Ingress: []routeapi.RouteIngress{
					Host:       "route2.test.local",
					RouterName: "test",
					Conditions: []routeapi.RouteIngressCondition{
							Type:               routeapi.RouteAdmitted,
							Status:             kapi.ConditionTrue,
							LastTransitionTime: &touched,

	checkResult(t, err, c, admitter, "route1.test.local", now, &now.Time, 0, 0)

func TestStatusAdmitsRouteOnForbidden(t *testing.T) {
	now := nowFn()
	nowFn = func() unversioned.Time { return now }
	touched := unversioned.Time{Time: now.Add(-time.Minute)}
	p := &fakePlugin{}
	c := testclient.NewSimpleFake(&(errors.NewForbidden(kapi.Resource("Route"), "route1", nil).ErrStatus))
	admitter := NewStatusAdmitter(p, c, "test")
	err := admitter.HandleRoute(watch.Added, &routeapi.Route{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "route1", Namespace: "default", UID: types.UID("uid1")},
		Spec:       routeapi.RouteSpec{Host: "route1.test.local"},
		Status: routeapi.RouteStatus{
			Ingress: []routeapi.RouteIngress{
					Host:       "route2.test.local",
					RouterName: "test",
					Conditions: []routeapi.RouteIngressCondition{
							Type:               routeapi.RouteAdmitted,
							Status:             kapi.ConditionTrue,
							LastTransitionTime: &touched,
	checkResult(t, err, c, admitter, "route1.test.local", now, &touched.Time, 0, 0)

func TestStatusBackoffOnConflict(t *testing.T) {
	now := nowFn()
	nowFn = func() unversioned.Time { return now }
	touched := unversioned.Time{Time: now.Add(-time.Minute)}
	p := &fakePlugin{}
	c := testclient.NewSimpleFake(&(errors.NewConflict(kapi.Resource("Route"), "route1", nil).ErrStatus))
	admitter := NewStatusAdmitter(p, c, "test")
	err := admitter.HandleRoute(watch.Added, &routeapi.Route{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "route1", Namespace: "default", UID: types.UID("uid1")},
		Spec:       routeapi.RouteSpec{Host: "route1.test.local"},
		Status: routeapi.RouteStatus{
			Ingress: []routeapi.RouteIngress{
					Host:       "route2.test.local",
					RouterName: "test",
					Conditions: []routeapi.RouteIngressCondition{
							Type:               routeapi.RouteAdmitted,
							Status:             kapi.ConditionFalse,
							LastTransitionTime: &touched,
	checkResult(t, err, c, admitter, "route1.test.local", now, nil, 0, 0)

func TestStatusRecordRejection(t *testing.T) {
	now := nowFn()
	nowFn = func() unversioned.Time { return now }
	p := &fakePlugin{}
	c := testclient.NewSimpleFake(&routeapi.Route{})
	admitter := NewStatusAdmitter(p, c, "test")
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "route1", Namespace: "default", UID: types.UID("uid1")},
		Spec:       routeapi.RouteSpec{Host: "route1.test.local"},
	}, "Failed", "generic error")

	if len(c.Actions()) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected actions: %#v", c.Actions())
	action := c.Actions()[0]
	if action.GetVerb() != "update" || action.GetResource() != "routes" || action.GetSubresource() != "status" {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected action: %#v", action)
	obj := c.Actions()[0].(ktestclient.UpdateAction).GetObject().(*routeapi.Route)
	if len(obj.Status.Ingress) != 1 || obj.Status.Ingress[0].Host != "route1.test.local" {
		t.Fatalf("expected route reset: %#v", obj)
	condition := obj.Status.Ingress[0].Conditions[0]
	if condition.LastTransitionTime == nil || *condition.LastTransitionTime != now || condition.Status != kapi.ConditionFalse || condition.Reason != "Failed" || condition.Message != "generic error" {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected condition: %#v", condition)
	if v, ok := admitter.expected.Peek(types.UID("uid1")); !ok || !reflect.DeepEqual(v, now.Time) {
		t.Fatalf("expected empty time: %#v", v)

func TestStatusRecordRejectionNoChange(t *testing.T) {
	now := nowFn()
	nowFn = func() unversioned.Time { return now }
	touched := unversioned.Time{Time: now.Add(-time.Minute)}
	p := &fakePlugin{}
	c := testclient.NewSimpleFake(&routeapi.Route{})
	admitter := NewStatusAdmitter(p, c, "test")
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "route1", Namespace: "default", UID: types.UID("uid1")},
		Spec:       routeapi.RouteSpec{Host: "route1.test.local"},
		Status: routeapi.RouteStatus{
			Ingress: []routeapi.RouteIngress{
					Host:       "route1.test.local",
					RouterName: "test",
					Conditions: []routeapi.RouteIngressCondition{
							Type:               routeapi.RouteAdmitted,
							Status:             kapi.ConditionFalse,
							Reason:             "Failed",
							Message:            "generic error",
							LastTransitionTime: &touched,
	}, "Failed", "generic error")

	if len(c.Actions()) != 0 {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected actions: %#v", c.Actions())
	if v, ok := admitter.expected.Peek(types.UID("uid1")); ok {
		t.Fatalf("expected empty time: %#v", v)

func TestStatusRecordRejectionWithStatus(t *testing.T) {
	now := nowFn()
	nowFn = func() unversioned.Time { return now }
	touched := unversioned.Time{Time: now.Add(-time.Minute)}
	p := &fakePlugin{}
	c := testclient.NewSimpleFake(&routeapi.Route{})
	admitter := NewStatusAdmitter(p, c, "test")
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "route1", Namespace: "default", UID: types.UID("uid1")},
		Spec:       routeapi.RouteSpec{Host: "route1.test.local"},
		Status: routeapi.RouteStatus{
			Ingress: []routeapi.RouteIngress{
					Host:       "route2.test.local",
					RouterName: "test",
					Conditions: []routeapi.RouteIngressCondition{
							Type:               routeapi.RouteAdmitted,
							Status:             kapi.ConditionFalse,
							LastTransitionTime: &touched,
	}, "Failed", "generic error")

	if len(c.Actions()) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected actions: %#v", c.Actions())
	action := c.Actions()[0]
	if action.GetVerb() != "update" || action.GetResource() != "routes" || action.GetSubresource() != "status" {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected action: %#v", action)
	obj := c.Actions()[0].(ktestclient.UpdateAction).GetObject().(*routeapi.Route)
	if len(obj.Status.Ingress) != 1 || obj.Status.Ingress[0].Host != "route1.test.local" {
		t.Fatalf("expected route reset: %#v", obj)
	condition := obj.Status.Ingress[0].Conditions[0]
	if condition.LastTransitionTime == nil || *condition.LastTransitionTime != now || condition.Status != kapi.ConditionFalse || condition.Reason != "Failed" || condition.Message != "generic error" {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected condition: %#v", condition)
	if v, ok := admitter.expected.Peek(types.UID("uid1")); !ok || !reflect.DeepEqual(v, now.Time) {
		t.Fatalf("expected empty time: %#v", v)

func TestStatusRecordRejectionOnHostUpdateOnly(t *testing.T) {
	now := nowFn()
	nowFn = func() unversioned.Time { return now }
	touched := unversioned.Time{Time: now.Add(-time.Minute)}
	p := &fakePlugin{}
	c := testclient.NewSimpleFake(&routeapi.Route{})
	admitter := NewStatusAdmitter(p, c, "test")
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "route1", Namespace: "default", UID: types.UID("uid1")},
		Spec:       routeapi.RouteSpec{Host: "route1.test.local"},
		Status: routeapi.RouteStatus{
			Ingress: []routeapi.RouteIngress{
					Host:       "route2.test.local",
					RouterName: "test",
					Conditions: []routeapi.RouteIngressCondition{
							Type:               routeapi.RouteAdmitted,
							Status:             kapi.ConditionFalse,
							LastTransitionTime: &touched,
							Reason:             "Failed",
							Message:            "generic error",
	}, "Failed", "generic error")

	if len(c.Actions()) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected actions: %#v", c.Actions())
	action := c.Actions()[0]
	if action.GetVerb() != "update" || action.GetResource() != "routes" || action.GetSubresource() != "status" {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected action: %#v", action)
	obj := c.Actions()[0].(ktestclient.UpdateAction).GetObject().(*routeapi.Route)
	if len(obj.Status.Ingress) != 1 || obj.Status.Ingress[0].Host != "route1.test.local" {
		t.Fatalf("expected route reset: %#v", obj)
	condition := obj.Status.Ingress[0].Conditions[0]
	if condition.LastTransitionTime == nil || *condition.LastTransitionTime != now || condition.Status != kapi.ConditionFalse || condition.Reason != "Failed" || condition.Message != "generic error" {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected condition: %#v", condition)
	if v, ok := admitter.expected.Peek(types.UID("uid1")); !ok || !reflect.DeepEqual(v, now.Time) {
		t.Fatalf("expected empty time: %#v", v)

func TestStatusRecordRejectionConflict(t *testing.T) {
	now := nowFn()
	nowFn = func() unversioned.Time { return now }
	touched := unversioned.Time{Time: now.Add(-time.Minute)}
	p := &fakePlugin{}
	c := testclient.NewSimpleFake(&(errors.NewConflict(kapi.Resource("Route"), "route1", nil).ErrStatus))
	admitter := NewStatusAdmitter(p, c, "test")
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "route1", Namespace: "default", UID: types.UID("uid1")},
		Spec:       routeapi.RouteSpec{Host: "route1.test.local"},
		Status: routeapi.RouteStatus{
			Ingress: []routeapi.RouteIngress{
					Host:       "route2.test.local",
					RouterName: "test",
					Conditions: []routeapi.RouteIngressCondition{
							Type:               routeapi.RouteAdmitted,
							Status:             kapi.ConditionFalse,
							LastTransitionTime: &touched,
	}, "Failed", "generic error")

	if len(c.Actions()) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected actions: %#v", c.Actions())
	action := c.Actions()[0]
	if action.GetVerb() != "update" || action.GetResource() != "routes" || action.GetSubresource() != "status" {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected action: %#v", action)
	obj := c.Actions()[0].(ktestclient.UpdateAction).GetObject().(*routeapi.Route)
	if len(obj.Status.Ingress) != 1 || obj.Status.Ingress[0].Host != "route1.test.local" {
		t.Fatalf("expected route reset: %#v", obj)
	condition := obj.Status.Ingress[0].Conditions[0]
	if condition.LastTransitionTime == nil || *condition.LastTransitionTime != now || condition.Status != kapi.ConditionFalse || condition.Reason != "Failed" || condition.Message != "generic error" {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected condition: %#v", condition)
	if v, ok := admitter.expected.Peek(types.UID("uid1")); ok {
		t.Fatalf("expected empty time: %#v", v)

func TestStatusFightBetweenReplicas(t *testing.T) {
	p := &fakePlugin{}

	// the initial pre-population
	now1 := unversioned.Now()
	nowFn = func() unversioned.Time { return now1 }
	c1 := testclient.NewSimpleFake(&routeapi.Route{})
	admitter1 := NewStatusAdmitter(p, c1, "test")
	err := admitter1.HandleRoute(watch.Added, &routeapi.Route{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "route1", Namespace: "default", UID: types.UID("uid1")},
		Spec:       routeapi.RouteSpec{Host: "route1.test.local"},
		Status:     routeapi.RouteStatus{},

	outObj1 := checkResult(t, err, c1, admitter1, "route1.test.local", now1, &now1.Time, 0, 0)

	// the new deployment's replica
	now2 := unversioned.Time{Time: now1.Time.Add(time.Minute)}
	nowFn = func() unversioned.Time { return now2 }
	c2 := testclient.NewSimpleFake(&routeapi.Route{})
	admitter2 := NewStatusAdmitter(p, c2, "test")
	outObj1.Spec.Host = "route1.test-new.local"
	err = admitter2.HandleRoute(watch.Added, outObj1)

	outObj2 := checkResult(t, err, c2, admitter2, "route1.test-new.local", now2, &now2.Time, 0, 0)

	now3 := unversioned.Time{Time: now1.Time.Add(time.Minute)}
	nowFn = func() unversioned.Time { return now3 }
	outObj2.Spec.Host = "route1.test.local"
	err = admitter1.HandleRoute(watch.Modified, outObj2)

	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)

	// expect the last HandleRoute not to have performed any actions
	if len(c1.Actions()) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected actions: %#v", c1.Actions())


func TestStatusFightBetweenRouters(t *testing.T) {
	p := &fakePlugin{}

	// initial try, results in conflict
	now1 := unversioned.Now()
	nowFn = func() unversioned.Time { return now1 }
	touched1 := unversioned.Time{Time: now1.Add(-time.Minute)}
	c1 := testclient.NewSimpleFake(&(errors.NewConflict(kapi.Resource("Route"), "route1", nil).ErrStatus), &routeapi.Route{})
	admitter1 := NewStatusAdmitter(p, c1, "test2")
	err := admitter1.HandleRoute(watch.Added, &routeapi.Route{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "route1", Namespace: "default", UID: types.UID("uid1")},
		Spec:       routeapi.RouteSpec{Host: "route2.test-new.local"},
		Status: routeapi.RouteStatus{
			Ingress: []routeapi.RouteIngress{
					Host:       "route1.test.local",
					RouterName: "test1",
					Conditions: []routeapi.RouteIngressCondition{
							Type:               routeapi.RouteAdmitted,
							Status:             kapi.ConditionFalse,
							LastTransitionTime: &touched1,
					Host:       "route1.test-new.local",
					RouterName: "test2",
					Conditions: []routeapi.RouteIngressCondition{
							Type:               routeapi.RouteAdmitted,
							Status:             kapi.ConditionFalse,
							LastTransitionTime: &touched1,

	checkResult(t, err, c1, admitter1, "route2.test-new.local", now1, nil, 1, 0)

	// second try, result should be ok
	now2 := unversioned.Now()
	nowFn = func() unversioned.Time { return now2 }
	touched2 := unversioned.Time{Time: now2.Add(-time.Minute)}
	//c2 := testclient.NewSimpleFake(&routeapi.Route{})
	err = admitter1.HandleRoute(watch.Added, &routeapi.Route{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "route1", Namespace: "default", UID: types.UID("uid1")},
		Spec:       routeapi.RouteSpec{Host: "route2.test-new.local"},
		Status: routeapi.RouteStatus{
			Ingress: []routeapi.RouteIngress{
					Host:       "route2.test.local",
					RouterName: "test1",
					Conditions: []routeapi.RouteIngressCondition{
							Type:               routeapi.RouteAdmitted,
							Status:             kapi.ConditionFalse,
							LastTransitionTime: &touched2,
					Host:       "route1.test-new.local",
					RouterName: "test2",
					Conditions: []routeapi.RouteIngressCondition{
							Type:               routeapi.RouteAdmitted,
							Status:             kapi.ConditionFalse,
							LastTransitionTime: &touched1,

	checkResult(t, err, c1, admitter1, "route2.test-new.local", now2, &now2.Time, 1, 1)

func makePass(t *testing.T, host string, admitter *StatusAdmitter, srcObj *routeapi.Route, expectUpdate bool, conflict bool) *routeapi.Route {
	// initialize a new client
	var c *testclient.Fake
	if conflict {
		c = testclient.NewSimpleFake(&(errors.NewConflict(kapi.Resource("Route"), "route1", nil).ErrStatus))
	} else {
		c = testclient.NewSimpleFake(&routeapi.Route{})

	admitter.client = c

	inputObjRaw, err := kapi.Scheme.DeepCopy(srcObj)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)

	inputObj := inputObjRaw.(*routeapi.Route)
	inputObj.Spec.Host = host

	err = admitter.HandleRoute(watch.Modified, inputObj)

	if expectUpdate {
		now := nowFn()
		var nowTime *time.Time
		if !conflict {
			nowTime = &now.Time
		return checkResult(t, err, c, admitter, inputObj.Spec.Host, now, nowTime, 0, 0)
	} else {
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)

		// expect the last HandleRoute not to have performed any actions
		if len(c.Actions()) != 0 {
			t.Fatalf("unexpected actions: %#v", c)

		return nil

// This test tries an extended interaction between two "old" and two "new"
// router replicas.
func TestProtractedStatusFightBetweenRouters(t *testing.T) {
	p := &fakePlugin{}

	oldHost := "route1.test.local"
	newHost := "route1.test-new.local"
	oldHost2 := "route2.test.local"
	newHost2 := "route2.test-new.local"
	newHost3 := "route3.test-new.local"

	now := unversioned.Now()
	nowFn = func() unversioned.Time { return now }

	initObj := &routeapi.Route{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "route1", Namespace: "default", UID: types.UID("uid1")},
		Spec:       routeapi.RouteSpec{Host: newHost},
		Status:     routeapi.RouteStatus{},

	// NB: contention period is 1 minute

	newAdmitter1 := NewStatusAdmitter(p, nil, "test")
	newAdmitter2 := NewStatusAdmitter(p, nil, "test")

	oldAdmitter1 := NewStatusAdmitter(p, nil, "test")
	oldAdmitter2 := NewStatusAdmitter(p, nil, "test")

	t.Logf("Setup up the two 'old' routers")
	currObj := makePass(t, oldHost, oldAdmitter1, initObj, true, false)
	makePass(t, oldHost, oldAdmitter2, currObj, false, false)

	t.Logf("Phase in the two 'new' routers (with the second getting a conflict)...")
	now = unversioned.Time{Time: now.Add(10 * time.Minute)}
	nowFn = func() unversioned.Time { return now }

	makePass(t, newHost, newAdmitter2, currObj, true, true)
	currObj = makePass(t, newHost, newAdmitter1, currObj, true, false)

	t.Logf("...which should cause 'new' router #2 to receive an update and ignore it...")
	now = unversioned.Time{Time: now.Add(1 * time.Second)}
	nowFn = func() unversioned.Time { return now }

	makePass(t, newHost, newAdmitter2, currObj, false, false)

	t.Logf("...and cause the two 'old' routers to react (#2 conflicts)...")
	makePass(t, oldHost, oldAdmitter2, currObj, true, true)
	currObj = makePass(t, oldHost, oldAdmitter1, currObj, true, false)

	t.Logf("...causing 'old' #2 and 'new' #1 and #2 to receive updates...")
	now = unversioned.Time{Time: now.Add(1 * time.Second)}
	nowFn = func() unversioned.Time { return now }

	t.Logf("...where none of them react (leaving the 'old' status during the rolling update)")
	makePass(t, newHost, newAdmitter1, currObj, false, false)
	makePass(t, oldHost, oldAdmitter2, currObj, false, false)
	makePass(t, newHost, newAdmitter2, currObj, false, false)

	t.Logf("If we now send out a route update, 'old' router #1 should update the status...")
	now = unversioned.Time{Time: now.Add(4 * time.Second)}
	nowFn = func() unversioned.Time { return now }

	currObj = makePass(t, oldHost2, oldAdmitter1, currObj, true, false)

	t.Logf("...and the other routers should ignore the update...")
	makePass(t, newHost2, newAdmitter1, currObj, false, false)
	makePass(t, newHost2, newAdmitter2, currObj, false, false)
	makePass(t, oldHost2, oldAdmitter2, currObj, false, false)

	t.Logf("...and should receive an second update due to 'old' router #1, and ignore that as well")
	now = unversioned.Time{Time: now.Add(1 * time.Second)}
	nowFn = func() unversioned.Time { return now }

	makePass(t, newHost2, newAdmitter2, currObj, false, false)
	makePass(t, oldHost2, oldAdmitter1, currObj, false, false)
	makePass(t, oldHost2, oldAdmitter2, currObj, false, false)

	t.Logf("If an update occurs after the contention period has elapsed...")
	now = unversioned.Time{Time: now.Add(1 * time.Minute)}
	nowFn = func() unversioned.Time { return now }

	t.Logf("both of the 'new' routers should try to update the status, since the cache has expired")
	makePass(t, newHost3, newAdmitter1, currObj, true, true)
	currObj = makePass(t, newHost3, newAdmitter2, currObj, true, false)

	makePass(t, newHost3, newAdmitter1, currObj, false, false)

func TestFindOrCreateIngress(t *testing.T) {
	route := &routeapi.Route{
		Status: routeapi.RouteStatus{
			Ingress: []routeapi.RouteIngress{
					RouterName: "bar",
					Conditions: []routeapi.RouteIngressCondition{
							Reason: "bar",
					RouterName: "foo",
					Conditions: []routeapi.RouteIngressCondition{
							Reason: "foo1",
					RouterName: "baz",
					Conditions: []routeapi.RouteIngressCondition{
							Reason: "baz",
					RouterName: "foo",
					Conditions: []routeapi.RouteIngressCondition{
							Reason: "foo2",

	routerName := "foo"
	ingress, changed := findOrCreateIngress(route, routerName)
	if !changed {
		t.Errorf("expected the route list to be changed: %#v", route.Status.Ingress)
	if ingress.RouterName != routerName {
		t.Errorf("returned ingress had router name %s but expected %s", ingress.RouterName, routerName)
	t.Logf("routes: %#v", route.Status.Ingress)