package useridentitymapping

import (

	kapi ""
	kerrs ""
	utilruntime ""


// REST implements the RESTStorage interface in terms of an image registry and
// image repository registry. It only supports the Create method and is used
// to simplify adding a new Image and tag to an ImageRepository.
type REST struct {
	userRegistry     user.Registry
	identityRegistry identity.Registry

// NewREST returns a new REST.
func NewREST(userRegistry user.Registry, identityRegistry identity.Registry) *REST {
	return &REST{userRegistry: userRegistry, identityRegistry: identityRegistry}

// New returns a new UserIdentityMapping for use with Create.
func (r *REST) New() runtime.Object {
	return &api.UserIdentityMapping{}

// Get returns the mapping for the named identity
func (s *REST) Get(ctx kapi.Context, name string) (runtime.Object, error) {
	_, _, _, _, mapping, err := s.getRelatedObjects(ctx, name)
	return mapping, err

// Create associates a user and identity if they both exist, and the identity is not already mapped to a user
func (s *REST) Create(ctx kapi.Context, obj runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, error) {
	mapping, ok := obj.(*api.UserIdentityMapping)
	if !ok {
		return nil, kerrs.NewBadRequest("invalid type")
	createdMapping, _, err := s.createOrUpdate(ctx, obj, true)
	return createdMapping, err

// Update associates an identity with a user.
// Both the identity and user must already exist.
// If the identity is associated with another user already, it is disassociated.
func (s *REST) Update(ctx kapi.Context, name string, objInfo rest.UpdatedObjectInfo) (runtime.Object, bool, error) {
	obj, err := objInfo.UpdatedObject(ctx, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, false, err
	mapping, ok := obj.(*api.UserIdentityMapping)
	if !ok {
		return nil, false, kerrs.NewBadRequest("invalid type")
	Strategy.PrepareForUpdate(mapping, nil)
	return s.createOrUpdate(ctx, mapping, false)

func (s *REST) createOrUpdate(ctx kapi.Context, obj runtime.Object, forceCreate bool) (runtime.Object, bool, error) {
	mapping := obj.(*api.UserIdentityMapping)
	identity, identityErr, oldUser, oldUserErr, oldMapping, oldMappingErr := s.getRelatedObjects(ctx, mapping.Name)

	// Ensure we didn't get any errors other than NotFound errors
	if !(oldMappingErr == nil || kerrs.IsNotFound(oldMappingErr)) {
		return nil, false, oldMappingErr
	if !(identityErr == nil || kerrs.IsNotFound(identityErr)) {
		return nil, false, identityErr
	if !(oldUserErr == nil || kerrs.IsNotFound(oldUserErr)) {
		return nil, false, oldUserErr

	// If we expect to be creating, fail if the mapping already existed
	if forceCreate && oldMappingErr == nil {
		return nil, false, kerrs.NewAlreadyExists(api.Resource("useridentitymapping"), oldMapping.Name)

	// Allow update to create if missing
	creating := forceCreate || kerrs.IsNotFound(oldMappingErr)
	if creating {
		// Pre-create checks with no access to oldMapping
		if err := rest.BeforeCreate(Strategy, ctx, mapping); err != nil {
			return nil, false, err

		// Ensure resource version is not specified
		if len(mapping.ResourceVersion) > 0 {
			return nil, false, kerrs.NewNotFound(api.Resource("useridentitymapping"), mapping.Name)
	} else {
		// Pre-update checks with access to oldMapping
		if err := rest.BeforeUpdate(Strategy, ctx, mapping, oldMapping); err != nil {
			return nil, false, err

		// Ensure resource versions match
		if len(mapping.ResourceVersion) > 0 && mapping.ResourceVersion != oldMapping.ResourceVersion {
			return nil, false, kerrs.NewConflict(api.Resource("useridentitymapping"), mapping.Name, fmt.Errorf("the resource was updated to %s", oldMapping.ResourceVersion))

		// If we're "updating" to the user we're already pointing to, we're already done
		if mapping.User.Name == oldMapping.User.Name {
			return oldMapping, false, nil

	// Validate identity
	if kerrs.IsNotFound(identityErr) {
		errs := field.ErrorList{field.Invalid(field.NewPath("identity", "name"), mapping.Identity.Name, "referenced identity does not exist")}
		return nil, false, kerrs.NewInvalid(api.Kind("UserIdentityMapping"), mapping.Name, errs)

	// Get new user
	newUser, err := s.userRegistry.GetUser(ctx, mapping.User.Name)
	if kerrs.IsNotFound(err) {
		errs := field.ErrorList{field.Invalid(field.NewPath("user", "name"), mapping.User.Name, "referenced user does not exist")}
		return nil, false, kerrs.NewInvalid(api.Kind("UserIdentityMapping"), mapping.Name, errs)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, false, err

	// Update the new user to point at the identity. If this fails, Update is re-entrant
	if addIdentityToUser(identity, newUser) {
		if _, err := s.userRegistry.UpdateUser(ctx, newUser); err != nil {
			return nil, false, err

	// Update the identity to point at the new user. If this fails. Update is re-entrant
	if setIdentityUser(identity, newUser) {
		if updatedIdentity, err := s.identityRegistry.UpdateIdentity(ctx, identity); err != nil {
			return nil, false, err
		} else {
			identity = updatedIdentity

	// At this point, the mapping for the identity has been updated to the new user
	// Everything past this point is cleanup

	// Update the old user to no longer point at the identity.
	// If this fails, log the error, but continue, because Update is no longer re-entrant
	if oldUser != nil && removeIdentityFromUser(identity, oldUser) {
		if _, err := s.userRegistry.UpdateUser(ctx, oldUser); err != nil {
			utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("error removing identity reference %s from user %s: %v", identity.Name, oldUser.Name, err))

	updatedMapping, err := mappingFor(newUser, identity)
	return updatedMapping, creating, err

// Delete deletes the user association for the named identity
func (s *REST) Delete(ctx kapi.Context, name string) (runtime.Object, error) {
	identity, _, user, _, _, mappingErr := s.getRelatedObjects(ctx, name)

	if mappingErr != nil {
		return nil, mappingErr

	// Disassociate the identity with the user first
	// If this fails, Delete is re-entrant
	if removeIdentityFromUser(identity, user) {
		if _, err := s.userRegistry.UpdateUser(ctx, user); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	// Remove the user association from the identity last.
	// If this fails, log the error, but continue, because Delete is no longer re-entrant
	// At this point, the mapping for the identity no longer exists
	if unsetIdentityUser(identity) {
		if _, err := s.identityRegistry.UpdateIdentity(ctx, identity); err != nil {
			utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("error removing user reference %s from identity %s: %v", user.Name, identity.Name, err))

	return &unversioned.Status{Status: unversioned.StatusSuccess}, nil

// getRelatedObjects returns the identity, user, and mapping for the named identity
// a nil mappingErr means all objects were retrieved without errors, and correctly reference each other
func (s *REST) getRelatedObjects(ctx kapi.Context, name string) (
	identity *api.Identity, identityErr error,
	user *api.User, userErr error,
	mapping *api.UserIdentityMapping, mappingErr error,
) {
	// Initialize errors to NotFound
	identityErr = kerrs.NewNotFound(api.Resource("identity"), name)
	userErr = kerrs.NewNotFound(api.Resource("user"), "")
	mappingErr = kerrs.NewNotFound(api.Resource("useridentitymapping"), name)

	// Get identity
	identity, identityErr = s.identityRegistry.GetIdentity(ctx, name)
	if identityErr != nil {
	if !hasUserMapping(identity) {

	// Get user
	user, userErr = s.userRegistry.GetUser(ctx, identity.User.Name)
	if userErr != nil {

	// Ensure relational integrity
	if !identityReferencesUser(identity, user) {
	if !userReferencesIdentity(user, identity) {

	mapping, mappingErr = mappingFor(user, identity)


// hasUserMapping returns true if the given identity references a user
func hasUserMapping(identity *api.Identity) bool {
	return len(identity.User.Name) > 0

// identityReferencesUser returns true if the identity's user name and uid match the given user
func identityReferencesUser(identity *api.Identity, user *api.User) bool {
	return identity.User.Name == user.Name && identity.User.UID == user.UID

// userReferencesIdentity returns true if the user's identity list contains the given identity
func userReferencesIdentity(user *api.User, identity *api.Identity) bool {
	return sets.NewString(user.Identities...).Has(identity.Name)

// addIdentityToUser adds the given identity to the user's list of identities
// returns true if the user's identity list was modified
func addIdentityToUser(identity *api.Identity, user *api.User) bool {
	identities := sets.NewString(user.Identities...)
	if identities.Has(identity.Name) {
		return false
	user.Identities = identities.List()
	return true

// removeIdentityFromUser removes the given identity from the user's list of identities
// returns true if the user's identity list was modified
func removeIdentityFromUser(identity *api.Identity, user *api.User) bool {
	identities := sets.NewString(user.Identities...)
	if !identities.Has(identity.Name) {
		return false
	user.Identities = identities.List()
	return true

// setIdentityUser sets the identity to reference the given user
// returns true if the identity's user reference was modified
func setIdentityUser(identity *api.Identity, user *api.User) bool {
	if identityReferencesUser(identity, user) {
		return false
	identity.User = kapi.ObjectReference{
		Name: user.Name,
		UID:  user.UID,
	return true

// unsetIdentityUser clears the identity's user reference
// returns true if the identity's user reference was modified
func unsetIdentityUser(identity *api.Identity) bool {
	if !hasUserMapping(identity) {
		return false
	identity.User = kapi.ObjectReference{}
	return true

// mappingFor returns a UserIdentityMapping for the given user and identity
// The name and resource version of the identity mapping match the identity
func mappingFor(user *api.User, identity *api.Identity) (*api.UserIdentityMapping, error) {
	return &api.UserIdentityMapping{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name:            identity.Name,
			ResourceVersion: identity.ResourceVersion,
			UID:             identity.UID,
		Identity: kapi.ObjectReference{
			Name: identity.Name,
			UID:  identity.UID,
		User: kapi.ObjectReference{
			Name: user.Name,
			UID:  user.UID,
	}, nil