package buildlog

import (

	kapi ""
	kclient ""
	genericrest ""


type testPodGetter struct{}

func (p *testPodGetter) Get(ctx kapi.Context, name string) (runtime.Object, error) {
	pod := &kapi.Pod{}
	switch name {
	case "pending-build":
		pod = mockPod(kapi.PodPending)
	case "running-build":
		pod = mockPod(kapi.PodRunning)
	case "succeeded-build":
		pod = mockPod(kapi.PodSucceeded)
	case "failed-build":
		pod = mockPod(kapi.PodFailed)
	case "unknown-build":
		pod = mockPod(kapi.PodUnknown)
	return pod, nil

// TestRegistryResourceLocation tests if proper resource location URL is returner
// for different build states.
// Note: For this test, the mocked pod is set to "Running" phase, so the test
// is evaluating the outcome based only on build state.
func TestRegistryResourceLocation(t *testing.T) {
	expectedLocations := map[api.BuildPhase]string{
		api.BuildPhaseComplete:  fmt.Sprintf("https://foo-host:12345/containerLogs/%s/running-build/foo-container", kapi.NamespaceDefault),
		api.BuildPhaseFailed:    fmt.Sprintf("https://foo-host:12345/containerLogs/%s/running-build/foo-container", kapi.NamespaceDefault),
		api.BuildPhaseRunning:   fmt.Sprintf("https://foo-host:12345/containerLogs/%s/running-build/foo-container", kapi.NamespaceDefault),
		api.BuildPhaseNew:       "",
		api.BuildPhasePending:   "",
		api.BuildPhaseError:     "",
		api.BuildPhaseCancelled: "",

	ctx := kapi.NewDefaultContext()

	for BuildPhase, expectedLocation := range expectedLocations {
		location, err := resourceLocationHelper(BuildPhase, "running", ctx)
		switch BuildPhase {
		case api.BuildPhaseError, api.BuildPhaseCancelled:
			if err == nil {
				t.Errorf("Expected error when Build is in %s state, got nothing", BuildPhase)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %v", err)

		if location != expectedLocation {
			t.Errorf("Status: %s Expected Location: %s, Got %s", BuildPhase, expectedLocation, location)

func TestWaitForBuild(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := kapi.NewDefaultContext()
	tests := []struct {
		name        string
		status      []api.BuildPhase
		expectError bool
			name:        "New -> Running",
			status:      []api.BuildPhase{api.BuildPhaseNew, api.BuildPhaseRunning},
			expectError: false,
			name:        "New -> Pending -> Complete",
			status:      []api.BuildPhase{api.BuildPhaseNew, api.BuildPhasePending, api.BuildPhaseComplete},
			expectError: false,
			name:        "New -> Pending -> Failed",
			status:      []api.BuildPhase{api.BuildPhaseNew, api.BuildPhasePending, api.BuildPhaseFailed},
			expectError: false,
			name:        "New -> Pending -> Error",
			status:      []api.BuildPhase{api.BuildPhaseNew, api.BuildPhasePending, api.BuildPhaseError},
			expectError: true,
			name:        "Pending -> Cancelled",
			status:      []api.BuildPhase{api.BuildPhasePending, api.BuildPhaseCancelled},
			expectError: true,
			name:        "Error",
			status:      []api.BuildPhase{api.BuildPhaseError},
			expectError: true,

	for _, tt := range tests {
		build := mockBuild(api.BuildPhasePending, "running")
		ch := make(chan watch.Event)
		registry := &buildRegistryWithWatch{
			BuildRegistry: &test.BuildRegistry{},
			Watch: &fakeWatch{
				Channel: ch,
		storage := REST{
			BuildRegistry: registry,
			Timeout:       defaultTimeout,
		go func() {
			for _, status := range tt.status {
				ch <- watch.Event{
					Type:   watch.Modified,
					Object: mockBuild(status, "running"),
		err := storage.waitForBuild(ctx, build)
		if tt.expectError && err == nil {
			t.Errorf("%s: Expected an error but got nil from waitFromBuild",
		if !tt.expectError && err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%s: Unexpected error from watchBuild: %v",, err)

func TestWaitForBuildTimeout(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := kapi.NewDefaultContext()
	build := mockBuild(api.BuildPhasePending, "running")
	ch := make(chan watch.Event)
	registry := &buildRegistryWithWatch{
		BuildRegistry: &test.BuildRegistry{},
		Watch: &fakeWatch{
			Channel: ch,
	storage := REST{
		BuildRegistry: registry,
		Timeout:       100 * time.Millisecond,
	go func() {
		time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
		ch <- watch.Event{
			Type:   watch.Modified,
			Object: mockBuild(api.BuildPhaseRunning, "running"),
	err := storage.waitForBuild(ctx, build)
	if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "timed out") {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected error result from waitForBuild: %v\n", err)

type buildRegistryWithWatch struct {
	Watch watch.Interface

func (r *buildRegistryWithWatch) WatchBuilds(ctx kapi.Context, label labels.Selector, field fields.Selector, resourceVersion string) (watch.Interface, error) {
	return r.Watch, r.Err

type fakeWatch struct {
	Channel chan watch.Event

func (w *fakeWatch) Stop() {

func (w *fakeWatch) ResultChan() <-chan watch.Event {
	return w.Channel

func resourceLocationHelper(BuildPhase api.BuildPhase, podPhase string, ctx kapi.Context) (string, error) {
	expectedBuild := mockBuild(BuildPhase, podPhase)
	buildRegistry := test.BuildRegistry{Build: expectedBuild}

	storage := REST{
		BuildRegistry:  &buildRegistry,
		PodGetter:      &testPodGetter{},
		ConnectionInfo: &kclient.HTTPKubeletClient{Config: &kclient.KubeletConfig{EnableHttps: true, Port: 12345}, Client: &http.Client{}},
		Timeout:        defaultTimeout,
	getter := rest.GetterWithOptions(&storage)
	obj, err := getter.Get(ctx, "foo-build", &api.BuildLogOptions{NoWait: true})
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	streamer, ok := obj.(*genericrest.LocationStreamer)
	if !ok {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Result of get not LocationStreamer")
	if streamer.Location != nil {
		return streamer.Location.String(), nil
	return "", nil


func mockPod(podPhase kapi.PodPhase) *kapi.Pod {
	return &kapi.Pod{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      "foo-pod",
			Namespace: kapi.NamespaceDefault,
		Spec: kapi.PodSpec{
			Containers: []kapi.Container{
					Name: "foo-container",
			NodeName: "foo-host",
		Status: kapi.PodStatus{
			Phase: podPhase,

func mockBuild(status api.BuildPhase, podName string) *api.Build {
	return &api.Build{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name: podName,
		Status: api.BuildStatus{
			Phase: status,