package api

import "encoding/xml"

// The below types are directly marshalled into XML. The types correspond to jUnit
// XML schema, but do not contain all valid fields. For instance, the class name
// field for test cases is omitted, as this concept does not directly apply to Go.
// For XML specifications see
// or view the XSD included in this package as 'junit.xsd'

// TestSuites represents a flat collection of jUnit test suites.
type TestSuites struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"testsuites"`

	// Suites are the jUnit test suites held in this collection
	Suites []*TestSuite `xml:"testsuite"`

// TestSuite represents a single jUnit test suite, potentially holding child suites.
type TestSuite struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"testsuite"`

	// Name is the name of the test suite
	Name string `xml:"name,attr"`

	// NumTests records the number of tests in the TestSuite
	NumTests uint `xml:"tests,attr"`

	// NumSkipped records the number of skipped tests in the suite
	NumSkipped uint `xml:"skipped,attr"`

	// NumFailed records the number of failed tests in the suite
	NumFailed uint `xml:"failures,attr"`

	// Duration is the time taken in seconds to run all tests in the suite
	Duration float64 `xml:"time,attr"`

	// Properties holds other properties of the test suite as a mapping of name to value
	Properties []*TestSuiteProperty `xml:"properties,omitempty"`

	// TestCases are the test cases contained in the test suite
	TestCases []*TestCase `xml:"testcase"`

	// Children holds nested test suites
	Children []*TestSuite `xml:"testsuite"`

// TestSuiteProperty contains a mapping of a property name to a value
type TestSuiteProperty struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"property"`

	Name  string `xml:"name,attr"`
	Value string `xml:"value,attr"`

// TestCase represents a jUnit test case
type TestCase struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"testcase"`

	// Name is the name of the test case
	Name string `xml:"name,attr"`

	// Classname is an attribute set by the package type and is required
	Classname string `xml:"classname,attr,omitempty"`

	// Duration is the time taken in seconds to run the test
	Duration float64 `xml:"time,attr"`

	// SkipMessage holds the reason why the test was skipped
	SkipMessage *SkipMessage `xml:"skipped"`

	// FailureOutput holds the output from a failing test
	FailureOutput *FailureOutput `xml:"failure"`

	// SystemOut is output written to stdout during the execution of this test case
	SystemOut string `xml:"system-out,omitempty"`

	// SystemErr is output written to stderr during the execution of this test case
	SystemErr string `xml:"system-err,omitempty"`

// SkipMessage holds a message explaining why a test was skipped
type SkipMessage struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"skipped"`

	// Message explains why the test was skipped
	Message string `xml:"message,attr,omitempty"`

// FailureOutput holds the output from a failing test
type FailureOutput struct {
	XMLName xml.Name `xml:"failure"`

	// Message holds the failure message from the test
	Message string `xml:"message,attr"`

	// Output holds verbose failure output from the test
	Output string `xml:",chardata"`

// TestResult is the result of a test case
type TestResult string

const (
	TestResultPass TestResult = "pass"
	TestResultSkip TestResult = "skip"
	TestResultFail TestResult = "fail"