package openshift

import (

	kapi ""
	apierrors ""


const (
	infraNamespace         = "openshift-infra"
	svcMetrics             = "hawkular-metrics"
	metricsDeployerSA      = "metrics-deployer"
	metricsDeployerSecret  = "metrics-deployer"
	metricsDeployerPodName = "metrics-deployer-pod"

// InstallMetrics checks whether metrics is installed and installs it if not already installed
func (h *Helper) InstallMetrics(f *clientcmd.Factory, hostName, imagePrefix, imageVersion string) error {
	osClient, kubeClient, _, err := f.Clients()
	if err != nil {
		return errors.NewError("cannot obtain API clients").WithCause(err).WithDetails(h.OriginLog())

	_, err = kubeClient.Services(infraNamespace).Get(svcMetrics)
	if err == nil {
		// If there's no error, the metrics service already exists
		return nil
	if !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
		return errors.NewError("error retrieving metrics service").WithCause(err).WithDetails(h.OriginLog())

	// Create metrics deployer service account
	routerSA := &kapi.ServiceAccount{}
	routerSA.Name = metricsDeployerSA
	_, err = kubeClient.ServiceAccounts(infraNamespace).Create(routerSA)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.NewError("cannot create metrics deployer service account").WithCause(err).WithDetails(h.OriginLog())

	// Add edit role to deployer service account
	if err = AddRoleToServiceAccount(osClient, "edit", metricsDeployerSA, infraNamespace); err != nil {
		return errors.NewError("cannot add edit role to metrics deployer service account").WithCause(err).WithDetails(h.OriginLog())

	// Add view role to the hawkular service account
	if err = AddRoleToServiceAccount(osClient, "view", "hawkular", infraNamespace); err != nil {
		return errors.NewError("cannot add view role to the hawkular service account").WithCause(err).WithDetails(h.OriginLog())

	// Add cluster reader role to heapster service account
	if err = AddClusterRole(osClient, "cluster-reader", "system:serviceaccount:openshift-infra:heapster"); err != nil {
		return errors.NewError("cannot add cluster reader role to heapster service account").WithCause(err).WithDetails(h.OriginLog())

	// Create metrics deployer secret
	deployerSecret := &kapi.Secret{}
	deployerSecret.Name = metricsDeployerSecret
	deployerSecret.Data = map[string][]byte{"nothing": []byte("/dev/null")}
	if _, err = kubeClient.Secrets(infraNamespace).Create(deployerSecret); err != nil {
		return errors.NewError("cannot create metrics deployer secret").WithCause(err).WithDetails(h.OriginLog())

	// Create deployer Pod
	deployerPod := metricsDeployerPod(hostName, imagePrefix, imageVersion)
	if _, err = kubeClient.Pods(infraNamespace).Create(deployerPod); err != nil {
		return errors.NewError("cannot create metrics deployer pod").WithCause(err).WithDetails(h.OriginLog())
	return nil

func metricsDeployerPod(hostName, imagePrefix, imageVersion string) *kapi.Pod {
	env := []kapi.EnvVar{
			Name: "PROJECT",
			ValueFrom: &kapi.EnvVarSource{
				FieldRef: &kapi.ObjectFieldSelector{
					FieldPath: "metadata.namespace",
			Name: "POD_NAME",
			ValueFrom: &kapi.EnvVarSource{
				FieldRef: &kapi.ObjectFieldSelector{
					FieldPath: "",
			Name:  "IMAGE_PREFIX",
			Value: fmt.Sprintf("%s-", imagePrefix),
			Name:  "IMAGE_VERSION",
			Value: imageVersion,
			Name:  "MASTER_URL",
			Value: "https://kubernetes.default.svc:443",
			Value: hostName,
			Name:  "MODE",
			Value: "deploy",
			Name:  "REDEPLOY",
			Value: "false",
			Value: "false",
			Value: "false",
			Value: "1",
			Value: "10Gi",
			Value: "7",
			Value: "nodename",
			Value: "10s",
	pod := &kapi.Pod{
		Spec: kapi.PodSpec{
			DNSPolicy:          kapi.DNSClusterFirst,
			RestartPolicy:      kapi.RestartPolicyNever,
			ServiceAccountName: metricsDeployerSA,
			Volumes: []kapi.Volume{
					Name: "empty",
					VolumeSource: kapi.VolumeSource{
						EmptyDir: &kapi.EmptyDirVolumeSource{},
					Name: "secret",
					VolumeSource: kapi.VolumeSource{
						Secret: &kapi.SecretVolumeSource{
							SecretName: metricsDeployerSecret,
	pod.Name = metricsDeployerPodName
	pod.Spec.Containers = []kapi.Container{
			Image: fmt.Sprintf("%s-metrics-deployer:%s", imagePrefix, imageVersion),
			Name:  "deployer",
			VolumeMounts: []kapi.VolumeMount{
					Name:      "secret",
					MountPath: "/secret",
					ReadOnly:  true,
					Name:      "empty",
					MountPath: "/etc/deploy",
			Env: env,
	return pod

func MetricsHost(routingSuffix, serverIP string) string {
	if len(routingSuffix) > 0 {
		return fmt.Sprintf("metrics-openshift-infra.%s", routingSuffix)
	return fmt.Sprintf("", serverIP)