package origin

import (

	restful ""

	kapi ""
	kerrs ""
	kuser ""
	knet ""

	configapi ""
	cmdutil ""
	oauthapi ""
	accesstokenregistry ""
	accesstokenetcd ""
	authorizetokenregistry ""
	authorizetokenetcd ""
	clientregistry ""
	clientetcd ""
	clientauthregistry ""
	clientauthetcd ""
	saoauth ""

const (
	OpenShiftOAuthAPIPrefix      = "/oauth"
	openShiftLoginPrefix         = "/login"
	OpenShiftApprovePrefix       = "/oauth/approve"
	OpenShiftOAuthCallbackPrefix = "/oauth2callback"
	OpenShiftWebConsoleClientID  = "openshift-web-console"
	OpenShiftBrowserClientID     = "openshift-browser-client"
	OpenShiftCLIClientID         = "openshift-challenging-client"

// InstallAPI registers endpoints for an OAuth2 server into the provided mux,
// then returns an array of strings indicating what endpoints were started
// (these are format strings that will expect to be sent a single string value).
func (c *AuthConfig) InstallAPI(container *restful.Container) ([]string, error) {
	mux := c.getMux(container)

	clientStorage, err := clientetcd.NewREST(c.RESTOptionsGetter)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	clientRegistry := clientregistry.NewRegistry(clientStorage)
	combinedOAuthClientGetter := saoauth.NewServiceAccountOAuthClientGetter(c.KubeClient.Core(), c.KubeClient.Core(), c.OpenShiftClient, clientRegistry, oauthapi.GrantHandlerType(c.Options.GrantConfig.ServiceAccountMethod))

	accessTokenStorage, err := accesstokenetcd.NewREST(c.RESTOptionsGetter, combinedOAuthClientGetter, c.EtcdBackends...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	accessTokenRegistry := accesstokenregistry.NewRegistry(accessTokenStorage)

	authorizeTokenStorage, err := authorizetokenetcd.NewREST(c.RESTOptionsGetter, combinedOAuthClientGetter)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	authorizeTokenRegistry := authorizetokenregistry.NewRegistry(authorizeTokenStorage)

	clientAuthStorage, err := clientauthetcd.NewREST(c.RESTOptionsGetter, combinedOAuthClientGetter)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	clientAuthRegistry := clientauthregistry.NewRegistry(clientAuthStorage)

	errorPageHandler, err := c.getErrorHandler()
	if err != nil {

	authRequestHandler, authHandler, authFinalizer, err := c.getAuthorizeAuthenticationHandlers(mux, errorPageHandler)
	if err != nil {

	storage := registrystorage.New(accessTokenRegistry, authorizeTokenRegistry, combinedOAuthClientGetter, registry.NewUserConversion())
	config := osinserver.NewDefaultServerConfig()
	if c.Options.TokenConfig.AuthorizeTokenMaxAgeSeconds > 0 {
		config.AuthorizationExpiration = c.Options.TokenConfig.AuthorizeTokenMaxAgeSeconds
	if c.Options.TokenConfig.AccessTokenMaxAgeSeconds > 0 {
		config.AccessExpiration = c.Options.TokenConfig.AccessTokenMaxAgeSeconds

	grantChecker := registry.NewClientAuthorizationGrantChecker(clientAuthRegistry)
	grantHandler := c.getGrantHandler(mux, authRequestHandler, combinedOAuthClientGetter, clientAuthRegistry)

	server := osinserver.New(
	server.Install(mux, OpenShiftOAuthAPIPrefix)

	if err := CreateOrUpdateDefaultOAuthClients(c.Options.MasterPublicURL, c.AssetPublicAddresses, clientRegistry); err != nil {
	browserClient, err := clientRegistry.GetClient(kapi.NewContext(), OpenShiftBrowserClientID)
	if err != nil {
	osOAuthClientConfig := c.NewOpenShiftOAuthClientConfig(browserClient)
	osOAuthClientConfig.RedirectUrl = c.Options.MasterPublicURL + path.Join(OpenShiftOAuthAPIPrefix, tokenrequest.DisplayTokenEndpoint)

	osOAuthClient, _ := osincli.NewClient(osOAuthClientConfig)
	if len(*c.Options.MasterCA) > 0 {
		rootCAs, err := cmdutil.CertPoolFromFile(*c.Options.MasterCA)
		if err != nil {

		osOAuthClient.Transport = knet.SetTransportDefaults(&http.Transport{
			TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{RootCAs: rootCAs},

	tokenRequestEndpoints := tokenrequest.NewEndpoints(c.Options.MasterPublicURL, osOAuthClient)
	tokenRequestEndpoints.Install(mux, OpenShiftOAuthAPIPrefix)

	// glog.Infof("oauth server configured as: %#v", server)
	// glog.Infof("auth handler: %#v", authHandler)
	// glog.Infof("auth request handler: %#v", authRequestHandler)
	// glog.Infof("grant checker: %#v", grantChecker)
	// glog.Infof("grant handler: %#v", grantHandler)

	return []string{
		fmt.Sprintf("Started OAuth2 API at %%s%s", OpenShiftOAuthAPIPrefix),
	}, nil

func (c *AuthConfig) getMux(container *restful.Container) cmdutil.Mux {
	// Register directly into the container's mux
	if c.HandlerWrapper == nil {
		return container.ServeMux

	// Wrap all handlers before registering into the container's mux
	// This lets us do things like defer session clearing to the end of a request
	return &handlerWrapperMux{
		mux:     container.ServeMux,
		wrapper: c.HandlerWrapper,

func (c *AuthConfig) getErrorHandler() (*errorpage.ErrorPage, error) {
	errorTemplate := ""
	if c.Options.Templates != nil {
		errorTemplate = c.Options.Templates.Error
	errorPageRenderer, err := errorpage.NewErrorPageTemplateRenderer(errorTemplate)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return errorpage.NewErrorPageHandler(errorPageRenderer), nil

// NewOpenShiftOAuthClientConfig provides config for OpenShift OAuth client
func (c *AuthConfig) NewOpenShiftOAuthClientConfig(client *oauthapi.OAuthClient) *osincli.ClientConfig {
	config := &osincli.ClientConfig{
		ClientId:                 client.Name,
		ClientSecret:             client.Secret,
		ErrorsInStatusCode:       true,
		SendClientSecretInParams: true,
		AuthorizeUrl:             OpenShiftOAuthAuthorizeURL(c.Options.MasterPublicURL),
		TokenUrl:                 OpenShiftOAuthTokenURL(c.Options.MasterURL),
		Scope:                    "",
	return config

func OpenShiftOAuthAuthorizeURL(masterAddr string) string {
	return masterAddr + path.Join(OpenShiftOAuthAPIPrefix, osinserver.AuthorizePath)
func OpenShiftOAuthTokenURL(masterAddr string) string {
	return masterAddr + path.Join(OpenShiftOAuthAPIPrefix, osinserver.TokenPath)
func OpenShiftOAuthTokenRequestURL(masterAddr string) string {
	return masterAddr + path.Join(OpenShiftOAuthAPIPrefix, tokenrequest.RequestTokenEndpoint)

func ensureOAuthClient(client oauthapi.OAuthClient, clientRegistry clientregistry.Registry, preserveExistingRedirects, preserveExistingSecret bool) error {
	ctx := kapi.NewContext()
	_, err := clientRegistry.CreateClient(ctx, &client)
	if err == nil || !kerrs.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
		return err

	return unversioned.RetryOnConflict(unversioned.DefaultRetry, func() error {
		existing, err := clientRegistry.GetClient(ctx, client.Name)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Ensure the correct challenge setting
		existing.RespondWithChallenges = client.RespondWithChallenges
		// Preserve an existing client secret
		if !preserveExistingSecret || len(existing.Secret) == 0 {
			existing.Secret = client.Secret

		// Preserve redirects for clients other than the CLI client
		// The CLI client doesn't care about the redirect URL, just the token or error fragment
		if preserveExistingRedirects {
			// Add in any redirects from the existing one
			// This preserves any additional customized redirects in the default clients
			redirects := sets.NewString(client.RedirectURIs...)
			for _, redirect := range existing.RedirectURIs {
				if !redirects.Has(redirect) {
					client.RedirectURIs = append(client.RedirectURIs, redirect)
		existing.RedirectURIs = client.RedirectURIs

		// If the GrantMethod is present, keep it for compatibility
		// If it is empty, assign the requested strategy.
		if len(existing.GrantMethod) == 0 {
			existing.GrantMethod = client.GrantMethod

		_, err = clientRegistry.UpdateClient(ctx, existing)
		return err

func CreateOrUpdateDefaultOAuthClients(masterPublicAddr string, assetPublicAddresses []string, clientRegistry clientregistry.Registry) error {
		webConsoleClient := oauthapi.OAuthClient{
			ObjectMeta:            kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: OpenShiftWebConsoleClientID},
			Secret:                "",
			RespondWithChallenges: false,
			RedirectURIs:          assetPublicAddresses,
			GrantMethod:           oauthapi.GrantHandlerAuto,
		if err := ensureOAuthClient(webConsoleClient, clientRegistry, true, false); err != nil {
			return err

		browserClient := oauthapi.OAuthClient{
			ObjectMeta:            kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: OpenShiftBrowserClientID},
			Secret:                uuid.New(),
			RespondWithChallenges: false,
			RedirectURIs:          []string{masterPublicAddr + path.Join(OpenShiftOAuthAPIPrefix, tokenrequest.DisplayTokenEndpoint)},
			GrantMethod:           oauthapi.GrantHandlerAuto,
		if err := ensureOAuthClient(browserClient, clientRegistry, true, true); err != nil {
			return err

		cliClient := oauthapi.OAuthClient{
			ObjectMeta:            kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: OpenShiftCLIClientID},
			Secret:                "",
			RespondWithChallenges: true,
			RedirectURIs:          []string{masterPublicAddr + path.Join(OpenShiftOAuthAPIPrefix, tokenrequest.ImplicitTokenEndpoint)},
			GrantMethod:           oauthapi.GrantHandlerAuto,
		if err := ensureOAuthClient(cliClient, clientRegistry, false, false); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil

// getCSRF returns the object responsible for generating and checking CSRF tokens
func (c *AuthConfig) getCSRF() csrf.CSRF {
	secure := isHTTPS(c.Options.MasterPublicURL)
	return csrf.NewCookieCSRF("csrf", "/", "", secure, true)

func (c *AuthConfig) getAuthorizeAuthenticationHandlers(mux cmdutil.Mux, errorHandler handlers.AuthenticationErrorHandler) (authenticator.Request, handlers.AuthenticationHandler, osinserver.AuthorizeHandler, error) {
	authRequestHandler, err := c.getAuthenticationRequestHandler()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, err
	authHandler, err := c.getAuthenticationHandler(mux, errorHandler)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, nil, err
	authFinalizer := c.getAuthenticationFinalizer()

	return authRequestHandler, authHandler, authFinalizer, nil

// getGrantHandler returns the object that handles approving or rejecting grant requests
func (c *AuthConfig) getGrantHandler(mux cmdutil.Mux, auth authenticator.Request, clientregistry clientregistry.Getter, authregistry clientauthregistry.Registry) handlers.GrantHandler {
	// check that the global default strategy is something we honor
	if !configapi.ValidGrantHandlerTypes.Has(string(c.Options.GrantConfig.Method)) {
		glog.Fatalf("No grant handler found that matches %v.  The OAuth server cannot start!", c.Options.GrantConfig.Method)

	// Since any OAuth client could require prompting, we will unconditionally
	// start the GrantServer here.
	grantServer := grant.NewGrant(c.getCSRF(), auth, grant.DefaultFormRenderer, clientregistry, authregistry)
	grantServer.Install(mux, OpenShiftApprovePrefix)

	// Set defaults for standard clients. These can be overridden.
	return handlers.NewPerClientGrant(handlers.NewRedirectGrant(OpenShiftApprovePrefix),

// getAuthenticationFinalizer returns an authentication finalizer which is called just prior to writing a response to an authorization request
func (c *AuthConfig) getAuthenticationFinalizer() osinserver.AuthorizeHandler {
	if c.SessionAuth != nil {
		// The session needs to know the authorize flow is done so it can invalidate the session
		return osinserver.AuthorizeHandlerFunc(func(ar *osin.AuthorizeRequest, resp *osin.Response, w http.ResponseWriter) (bool, error) {
			_ = c.SessionAuth.InvalidateAuthentication(w, ar.HttpRequest)
			return false, nil

	// Otherwise return a no-op finalizer
	return osinserver.AuthorizeHandlerFunc(func(ar *osin.AuthorizeRequest, resp *osin.Response, w http.ResponseWriter) (bool, error) {
		return false, nil

func (c *AuthConfig) getAuthenticationHandler(mux cmdutil.Mux, errorHandler handlers.AuthenticationErrorHandler) (handlers.AuthenticationHandler, error) {
	// TODO: make this ordered once we can have more than one
	challengers := map[string]handlers.AuthenticationChallenger{}

	redirectors := new(handlers.AuthenticationRedirectors)

	// Determine if we have more than one password-based Identity Provider
	multiplePasswordProviders := false
	passwordProviderCount := 0
	for _, identityProvider := range c.Options.IdentityProviders {
		if configapi.IsPasswordAuthenticator(identityProvider) && identityProvider.UseAsLogin {
			if passwordProviderCount > 1 {
				multiplePasswordProviders = true

	for _, identityProvider := range c.Options.IdentityProviders {
		identityMapper, err := identitymapper.NewIdentityUserMapper(c.IdentityRegistry, c.UserRegistry, identitymapper.MappingMethodType(identityProvider.MappingMethod))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// TODO: refactor handler building per type
		if configapi.IsPasswordAuthenticator(identityProvider) {
			passwordAuth, err := c.getPasswordAuthenticator(identityProvider)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			if identityProvider.UseAsLogin {
				// Password auth requires:
				// 1. a session success handler (to remember you logged in)
				// 2. a redirectSuccessHandler (to go back to the "then" param)
				if c.SessionAuth == nil {
					return nil, errors.New("SessionAuth is required for password-based login")
				passwordSuccessHandler := handlers.AuthenticationSuccessHandlers{c.SessionAuth, redirectSuccessHandler{}}

				var (
					// loginPath is unescaped, the way the mux will see it once URL-decoding is done
					loginPath = openShiftLoginPrefix
					// redirectLoginPath is escaped, the way we would need to send a Location redirect to a client
					redirectLoginPath = openShiftLoginPrefix

				if multiplePasswordProviders {
					// If there is more than one Identity Provider acting as a login
					// provider, we need to give each of them their own login path,
					// to avoid ambiguity.
					loginPath = path.Join(openShiftLoginPrefix, identityProvider.Name)
					// url-encode the provider name for redirecting
					redirectLoginPath = path.Join(openShiftLoginPrefix, (&url.URL{Path: identityProvider.Name}).String())

				// Since we're redirecting to a local login page, we don't need to force absolute URL resolution
				redirectors.Add(identityProvider.Name, redirector.NewRedirector(nil, redirectLoginPath+"?then=${url}"))

				var loginTemplateFile string
				if c.Options.Templates != nil {
					loginTemplateFile = c.Options.Templates.Login
				loginFormRenderer, err := login.NewLoginFormRenderer(loginTemplateFile)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err

				login := login.NewLogin(identityProvider.Name, c.getCSRF(), &callbackPasswordAuthenticator{passwordAuth, passwordSuccessHandler}, loginFormRenderer)
				login.Install(mux, loginPath)
			if identityProvider.UseAsChallenger {
				// For now, all password challenges share a single basic challenger, since they'll all respond to any basic credentials
				challengers["basic-challenge"] = passwordchallenger.NewBasicAuthChallenger("openshift")
		} else if configapi.IsOAuthIdentityProvider(identityProvider) {
			oauthProvider, err := c.getOAuthProvider(identityProvider)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			// Default state builder, combining CSRF and return URL handling
			state := external.CSRFRedirectingState(c.getCSRF())

			// OAuth auth requires
			// 1. a session success handler (to remember you logged in)
			// 2. a state success handler (to go back to the URL encoded in the state)
			if c.SessionAuth == nil {
				return nil, errors.New("SessionAuth is required for OAuth-based login")
			oauthSuccessHandler := handlers.AuthenticationSuccessHandlers{c.SessionAuth, state}

			// If the specified errorHandler doesn't handle the login error, let the state error handler attempt to propagate specific errors back to the token requester
			oauthErrorHandler := handlers.AuthenticationErrorHandlers{errorHandler, state}

			callbackPath := path.Join(OpenShiftOAuthCallbackPrefix, identityProvider.Name)
			oauthRedirector, oauthHandler, err := external.NewExternalOAuthRedirector(oauthProvider, state, c.Options.MasterPublicURL+callbackPath, oauthSuccessHandler, oauthErrorHandler, identityMapper)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)

			mux.Handle(callbackPath, oauthHandler)
			if identityProvider.UseAsLogin {
				redirectors.Add(identityProvider.Name, oauthRedirector)
			if identityProvider.UseAsChallenger {
				// For now, all password challenges share a single basic challenger, since they'll all respond to any basic credentials
				challengers["basic-challenge"] = passwordchallenger.NewBasicAuthChallenger("openshift")
		} else if requestHeaderProvider, isRequestHeader := identityProvider.Provider.(*configapi.RequestHeaderIdentityProvider); isRequestHeader {
			// We might be redirecting to an external site, we need to fully resolve the request URL to the public master
			baseRequestURL, err := url.Parse(c.Options.MasterPublicURL + OpenShiftOAuthAPIPrefix + osinserver.AuthorizePath)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if identityProvider.UseAsChallenger {
				challengers["requestheader-"+identityProvider.Name+"-redirect"] = redirector.NewChallenger(baseRequestURL, requestHeaderProvider.ChallengeURL)
			if identityProvider.UseAsLogin {
				redirectors.Add(identityProvider.Name, redirector.NewRedirector(baseRequestURL, requestHeaderProvider.LoginURL))

	if redirectors.Count() > 0 && len(challengers) == 0 {
		// Add a default challenger that will warn and give a link to the web browser token-granting location
		challengers["placeholder"] = placeholderchallenger.New(OpenShiftOAuthTokenRequestURL(c.Options.MasterPublicURL))

	var selectProviderTemplateFile string
	if c.Options.Templates != nil {
		selectProviderTemplateFile = c.Options.Templates.ProviderSelection
	selectProviderRenderer, err := selectprovider.NewSelectProviderRenderer(selectProviderTemplateFile)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	selectProvider := selectprovider.NewSelectProvider(selectProviderRenderer, c.Options.AlwaysShowProviderSelection)

	authHandler := handlers.NewUnionAuthenticationHandler(challengers, redirectors, errorHandler, selectProvider)
	return authHandler, nil

func (c *AuthConfig) getOAuthProvider(identityProvider configapi.IdentityProvider) (external.Provider, error) {
	switch provider := identityProvider.Provider.(type) {
	case (*configapi.GitHubIdentityProvider):
		clientSecret, err := configapi.ResolveStringValue(provider.ClientSecret)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return github.NewProvider(identityProvider.Name, provider.ClientID, clientSecret, provider.Organizations, provider.Teams), nil

	case (*configapi.GitLabIdentityProvider):
		transport, err := cmdutil.TransportFor(provider.CA, "", "")
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		clientSecret, err := configapi.ResolveStringValue(provider.ClientSecret)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return gitlab.NewProvider(identityProvider.Name, transport, provider.URL, provider.ClientID, clientSecret)

	case (*configapi.GoogleIdentityProvider):
		clientSecret, err := configapi.ResolveStringValue(provider.ClientSecret)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return google.NewProvider(identityProvider.Name, provider.ClientID, clientSecret, provider.HostedDomain)

	case (*configapi.OpenIDIdentityProvider):
		transport, err := cmdutil.TransportFor(provider.CA, "", "")
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		clientSecret, err := configapi.ResolveStringValue(provider.ClientSecret)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// OpenID Connect requests MUST contain the openid scope value
		scopes := sets.NewString("openid")

		config := openid.Config{
			ClientID:     provider.ClientID,
			ClientSecret: clientSecret,

			Scopes: scopes.List(),

			ExtraAuthorizeParameters: provider.ExtraAuthorizeParameters,

			AuthorizeURL: provider.URLs.Authorize,
			TokenURL:     provider.URLs.Token,
			UserInfoURL:  provider.URLs.UserInfo,

			IDClaims:                provider.Claims.ID,
			PreferredUsernameClaims: provider.Claims.PreferredUsername,
			EmailClaims:             provider.Claims.Email,
			NameClaims:              provider.Claims.Name,

		return openid.NewProvider(identityProvider.Name, transport, config)

		return nil, fmt.Errorf("No OAuth provider found that matches %v.  The OAuth server cannot start!", identityProvider)


func (c *AuthConfig) getPasswordAuthenticator(identityProvider configapi.IdentityProvider) (authenticator.Password, error) {
	identityMapper, err := identitymapper.NewIdentityUserMapper(c.IdentityRegistry, c.UserRegistry, identitymapper.MappingMethodType(identityProvider.MappingMethod))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	switch provider := identityProvider.Provider.(type) {
	case (*configapi.AllowAllPasswordIdentityProvider):
		return allowanypassword.New(identityProvider.Name, identityMapper), nil

	case (*configapi.DenyAllPasswordIdentityProvider):
		return denypassword.New(), nil

	case (*configapi.LDAPPasswordIdentityProvider):
		url, err := ldaputil.ParseURL(provider.URL)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing LDAPPasswordIdentityProvider URL: %v", err)

		bindPassword, err := configapi.ResolveStringValue(provider.BindPassword)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		clientConfig, err := ldaputil.NewLDAPClientConfig(provider.URL,
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		opts := ldappassword.Options{
			URL:                  url,
			ClientConfig:         clientConfig,
			UserAttributeDefiner: ldaputil.NewLDAPUserAttributeDefiner(provider.Attributes),
		return ldappassword.New(identityProvider.Name, opts, identityMapper)

	case (*configapi.HTPasswdPasswordIdentityProvider):
		htpasswdFile := provider.File
		if len(htpasswdFile) == 0 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("HTPasswdFile is required to support htpasswd auth")
		if htpasswordAuth, err := htpasswd.New(identityProvider.Name, htpasswdFile, identityMapper); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error loading htpasswd file %s: %v", htpasswdFile, err)
		} else {
			return htpasswordAuth, nil

	case (*configapi.BasicAuthPasswordIdentityProvider):
		connectionInfo := provider.RemoteConnectionInfo
		if len(connectionInfo.URL) == 0 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("URL is required for BasicAuthPasswordIdentityProvider")
		transport, err := cmdutil.TransportFor(connectionInfo.CA, connectionInfo.ClientCert.CertFile, connectionInfo.ClientCert.KeyFile)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error building BasicAuthPasswordIdentityProvider client: %v", err)
		return basicauthpassword.New(identityProvider.Name, connectionInfo.URL, transport, identityMapper), nil

	case (*configapi.KeystonePasswordIdentityProvider):
		connectionInfo := provider.RemoteConnectionInfo
		if len(connectionInfo.URL) == 0 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("URL is required for KeystonePasswordIdentityProvider")
		transport, err := cmdutil.TransportFor(connectionInfo.CA, connectionInfo.ClientCert.CertFile, connectionInfo.ClientCert.KeyFile)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error building KeystonePasswordIdentityProvider client: %v", err)

		return keystonepassword.New(identityProvider.Name, connectionInfo.URL, transport, provider.DomainName, identityMapper), nil

		return nil, fmt.Errorf("No password auth found that matches %v.  The OAuth server cannot start!", identityProvider)


func (c *AuthConfig) getAuthenticationRequestHandler() (authenticator.Request, error) {
	var authRequestHandlers []authenticator.Request

	if c.SessionAuth != nil {
		authRequestHandlers = append(authRequestHandlers, c.SessionAuth)

	for _, identityProvider := range c.Options.IdentityProviders {
		identityMapper, err := identitymapper.NewIdentityUserMapper(c.IdentityRegistry, c.UserRegistry, identitymapper.MappingMethodType(identityProvider.MappingMethod))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if configapi.IsPasswordAuthenticator(identityProvider) {
			passwordAuthenticator, err := c.getPasswordAuthenticator(identityProvider)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			authRequestHandlers = append(authRequestHandlers, basicauthrequest.NewBasicAuthAuthentication(identityProvider.Name, passwordAuthenticator, true))

		} else if identityProvider.UseAsChallenger && configapi.IsOAuthIdentityProvider(identityProvider) {
			oauthProvider, err := c.getOAuthProvider(identityProvider)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			oauthPasswordAuthenticator, err := external.NewOAuthPasswordAuthenticator(oauthProvider, identityMapper)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)

			authRequestHandlers = append(authRequestHandlers, basicauthrequest.NewBasicAuthAuthentication(identityProvider.Name, oauthPasswordAuthenticator, true))

		} else {
			switch provider := identityProvider.Provider.(type) {
			case (*configapi.RequestHeaderIdentityProvider):
				var authRequestHandler authenticator.Request

				authRequestConfig := &headerrequest.Config{
					IDHeaders:                provider.Headers,
					NameHeaders:              provider.NameHeaders,
					EmailHeaders:             provider.EmailHeaders,
					PreferredUsernameHeaders: provider.PreferredUsernameHeaders,
				authRequestHandler = headerrequest.NewAuthenticator(identityProvider.Name, authRequestConfig, identityMapper)

				// Wrap with an x509 verifier
				if len(provider.ClientCA) > 0 {
					caData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(provider.ClientCA)
					if err != nil {
						return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error reading %s: %v", provider.ClientCA, err)
					opts := x509request.DefaultVerifyOptions()
					opts.Roots = x509.NewCertPool()
					if ok := opts.Roots.AppendCertsFromPEM(caData); !ok {
						return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error loading certs from %s: %v", provider.ClientCA, err)

					authRequestHandler = x509request.NewVerifier(opts, authRequestHandler, sets.NewString(provider.ClientCommonNames...))
				authRequestHandlers = append(authRequestHandlers, authRequestHandler)


	authRequestHandler := unionrequest.NewUnionAuthentication(authRequestHandlers...)
	return authRequestHandler, nil

// callbackPasswordAuthenticator combines password auth, successful login callback,
// and "then" param redirection
type callbackPasswordAuthenticator struct {

// redirectSuccessHandler redirects to the then param on successful authentication
type redirectSuccessHandler struct{}

// AuthenticationSucceeded informs client when authentication was successful
func (redirectSuccessHandler) AuthenticationSucceeded(user kuser.Info, then string, w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (bool, error) {
	if len(then) == 0 {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("Auth succeeded, but no redirect existed - user=%#v", user)

	http.Redirect(w, req, then, http.StatusFound)
	return true, nil

// authenticationHandlerFilter creates a filter object that will enforce authentication directly
func authenticationHandlerFilter(handler http.Handler, authenticator authenticator.Request, contextMapper kapi.RequestContextMapper) http.Handler {
	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		user, ok, err := authenticator.AuthenticateRequest(req)
		if err != nil || !ok {
			http.Error(w, "Unauthorized", http.StatusUnauthorized)

		ctx, ok := contextMapper.Get(req)
		if !ok {
			http.Error(w, "Unable to find request context", http.StatusInternalServerError)
		if err := contextMapper.Update(req, kapi.WithUser(ctx, user)); err != nil {
			glog.V(4).Infof("Error setting authenticated context: %v", err)
			http.Error(w, "Unable to set authenticated request context", http.StatusInternalServerError)

		handler.ServeHTTP(w, req)