package dns

import (

	etcd ""

	kapi ""
	kendpoints ""
	kcoreclient ""


// ServiceResolver is a SkyDNS backend that will serve lookups for DNS entries
// based on Kubernetes service entries. The default DNS name for each service
// will be `<name>.<namespace>.<base>` where base can be an arbitrary depth
// DNS suffix. Queries not recognized within this base will return an error.
type ServiceResolver struct {
	config    *server.Config
	accessor  ServiceAccessor
	endpoints kcoreclient.EndpointsGetter
	base      string
	fallback  FallbackFunc

// ServiceResolver implements server.Backend
var _ server.Backend = &ServiceResolver{}

// TODO: abstract in upstream SkyDNS
var errNoSuchName = etcd.Error{Code: etcd.ErrorCodeKeyNotFound}

type FallbackFunc func(name string, exact bool) (string, bool)

// NewServiceResolver creates an object that will return DNS record entries for
// SkyDNS based on service names.
func NewServiceResolver(config *server.Config, accessor ServiceAccessor, endpoints kcoreclient.EndpointsGetter, fn FallbackFunc) *ServiceResolver {
	domain := config.Domain
	if !strings.HasSuffix(domain, ".") {
		domain = domain + "."
	return &ServiceResolver{
		config:    config,
		accessor:  accessor,
		endpoints: endpoints,
		base:      domain,
		fallback:  fn,

// Records implements the SkyDNS Backend interface and returns standard records for
// a name.
// The standard pattern is <prefix>.<service_name>.<namespace>.(svc|endpoints|pod).<base>
// * prefix may be any series of prefix values
//   * _endpoints is a special prefix that returns the same as <service_name>.<namespace>.svc.<base>
// * service_name and namespace must locate a real service
//   * unless a fallback is defined, in which case the fallback name will be looked up
// * svc indicates standard service rules apply (clusterIP or endpoints as A records)
//   * reverse lookup of IP is only possible for clusterIP
//   * SRV records are returned for each host+port combination as:
//     _<port_name>._<port_protocol>.<dns>
//     _<port_name>.<endpoint_id>.<dns>
// * endpoints always returns each individual endpoint as A records
//   * SRV records for endpoints are similar to SVC, but are prefixed with a single label
//     that is a hash of the endpoint IP
// * pods is of the form <IP_with_dashes>.<namespace>.pod.<base> and resolves to <IP>
func (b *ServiceResolver) Records(dnsName string, exact bool) ([]msg.Service, error) {
	if !strings.HasSuffix(dnsName, b.base) {
		return nil, errNoSuchName
	prefix := strings.Trim(strings.TrimSuffix(dnsName, b.base), ".")
	segments := strings.Split(prefix, ".")
	for i, j := 0, len(segments)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
		segments[i], segments[j] = segments[j], segments[i]
	if len(segments) == 0 {
		return nil, errNoSuchName
	glog.V(4).Infof("Answering query %s:%t", dnsName, exact)
	switch base := segments[0]; base {
	case "pod":
		if len(segments) != 3 {
			return nil, errNoSuchName
		namespace, encodedIP := segments[1], segments[2]
		ip := convertDashIPToIP(encodedIP)
		if net.ParseIP(ip) == nil {
			return nil, errNoSuchName
		return []msg.Service{
				Host: ip,
				Port: 0,

				Priority: 10,
				Weight:   10,
				Ttl:      30,

				Key: msg.Path(buildDNSName(b.base, "pod", namespace, getHash(ip))),
		}, nil

	case "svc", "endpoints":
		if len(segments) < 3 {
			return nil, errNoSuchName
		namespace, name := segments[1], segments[2]
		svc, err := b.accessor.Services(namespace).Get(name)
		if err != nil {
			if errors.IsNotFound(err) && b.fallback != nil {
				if fallback, ok := b.fallback(prefix, exact); ok {
					return b.Records(fallback+b.base, exact)
				return nil, errNoSuchName
			return nil, errNoSuchName

		// no clusterIP and not headless, no DNS
		if len(svc.Spec.ClusterIP) == 0 && svc.Spec.Type != kapi.ServiceTypeExternalName {
			return nil, errNoSuchName

		subdomain := buildDNSName(b.base, base, namespace, name)
		endpointPrefix := base == "endpoints"
		retrieveEndpoints := endpointPrefix || (len(segments) > 3 && segments[3] == "_endpoints")

		includePorts := len(segments) > 3 && hasAllPrefixedSegments(segments[3:], "_") && segments[3] != "_endpoints"

		// if has a portal IP and looking at svc
		if svc.Spec.ClusterIP != kapi.ClusterIPNone && !retrieveEndpoints {
			hostValue := svc.Spec.ClusterIP
			targetStripValue := 2
			if svc.Spec.Type == kapi.ServiceTypeExternalName {
				hostValue = svc.Spec.ExternalName
				targetStripValue = 0

			defaultService := msg.Service{
				Host: hostValue,
				Port: 0,

				Priority: 10,
				Weight:   10,
				Ttl:      30,
			defaultHash := getHash(defaultService.Host)
			defaultName := buildDNSName(subdomain, defaultHash)
			defaultService.Key = msg.Path(defaultName)

			if len(svc.Spec.Ports) == 0 || !includePorts {
				glog.V(4).Infof("Answered %s:%t with %#v", dnsName, exact, defaultService)
				return []msg.Service{defaultService}, nil

			services := []msg.Service{}
			protocolMatch, portMatch := segments[3], "*"
			if len(segments) > 4 {
				portMatch = segments[4]
			for _, p := range svc.Spec.Ports {
				portSegment, protocolSegment, ok := matchesPortAndProtocol(p.Name, string(p.Protocol), portMatch, protocolMatch)
				if !ok {

				port := p.Port
				if port == 0 {
					port = int32(p.TargetPort.IntVal)

				keyName := buildDNSName(defaultName, protocolSegment, portSegment)
				services = append(services,
						Host: hostValue,
						Port: int(port),

						Priority: 10,
						Weight:   10,
						Ttl:      30,

						TargetStrip: targetStripValue,

						Key: msg.Path(keyName),
			if len(services) == 0 {
				services = append(services, defaultService)
			glog.V(4).Infof("Answered %s:%t with %#v", dnsName, exact, services)
			return services, nil

		// return endpoints
		endpoints, err := b.endpoints.Endpoints(namespace).Get(name)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errNoSuchName

		hostnameMappings := noHostnameMappings
		if savedHostnames := endpoints.Annotations[kendpoints.PodHostnamesAnnotation]; len(savedHostnames) > 0 {
			mapped := make(map[string]kendpoints.HostRecord)
			if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(savedHostnames), &mapped); err == nil {
				hostnameMappings = mapped

		matchHostname := len(segments) > 3 && !hasAllPrefixedSegments(segments[3:4], "_")

		services := make([]msg.Service, 0, len(endpoints.Subsets)*4)
		for _, s := range endpoints.Subsets {
			for _, a := range s.Addresses {
				defaultService := msg.Service{
					Host: a.IP,
					Port: 0,

					Priority: 10,
					Weight:   10,
					Ttl:      30,
				var endpointName string
				if hostname, ok := getHostname(&a, hostnameMappings); ok {
					endpointName = hostname
				} else {
					endpointName = getHash(defaultService.Host)
				if matchHostname && endpointName != segments[3] {

				defaultName := buildDNSName(subdomain, endpointName)
				defaultService.Key = msg.Path(defaultName)

				if !includePorts {
					services = append(services, defaultService)

				protocolMatch, portMatch := segments[3], "*"
				if len(segments) > 4 {
					portMatch = segments[4]
				for _, p := range s.Ports {
					portSegment, protocolSegment, ok := matchesPortAndProtocol(p.Name, string(p.Protocol), portMatch, protocolMatch)
					if !ok || p.Port == 0 {
					keyName := buildDNSName(defaultName, protocolSegment, portSegment)
					services = append(services, msg.Service{
						Host: a.IP,
						Port: int(p.Port),

						Priority: 10,
						Weight:   10,
						Ttl:      30,

						TargetStrip: 2,

						Key: msg.Path(keyName),
		glog.V(4).Infof("Answered %s:%t with %#v", dnsName, exact, services)
		return services, nil
	return nil, errNoSuchName

// ReverseRecord implements the SkyDNS Backend interface and returns standard records for
// a name.
func (b *ServiceResolver) ReverseRecord(name string) (*msg.Service, error) {
	clusterIP, ok := extractIP(name)
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("does not support reverse lookup with %s", name)

	svc, err := b.accessor.ServiceByClusterIP(clusterIP)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	port := 0
	if len(svc.Spec.Ports) > 0 {
		port = int(svc.Spec.Ports[0].Port)
	hostName := buildDNSName(b.base, "svc", svc.Namespace, svc.Name)
	return &msg.Service{
		Host: hostName,
		Port: port,

		Priority: 10,
		Weight:   10,
		Ttl:      30,

		Key: msg.Path(name),
	}, nil

// arpaSuffix is the standard suffix for PTR IP reverse lookups.
const arpaSuffix = ""

func matchesPortAndProtocol(name, protocol, matchPortSegment, matchProtocolSegment string) (portSegment string, protocolSegment string, match bool) {
	if len(name) == 0 {
		return "", "", false
	portSegment = "_" + name
	if portSegment != matchPortSegment && matchPortSegment != "*" {
		return "", "", false
	protocolSegment = "_" + strings.ToLower(string(protocol))
	if protocolSegment != matchProtocolSegment && matchProtocolSegment != "*" {
		return "", "", false
	return portSegment, protocolSegment, true

// extractIP turns a standard PTR reverse record lookup name
// into an IP address
func extractIP(reverseName string) (string, bool) {
	if !strings.HasSuffix(reverseName, arpaSuffix) {
		return "", false
	search := strings.TrimSuffix(reverseName, arpaSuffix)

	// reverse the segments and then combine them
	segments := strings.Split(search, ".")
	for i := 0; i < len(segments)/2; i++ {
		j := len(segments) - i - 1
		segments[i], segments[j] = segments[j], segments[i]
	return strings.Join(segments, "."), true

// buildDNSName reverses the labels order and joins them with dots.
func buildDNSName(labels ...string) string {
	var res string
	for _, label := range labels {
		if len(res) == 0 {
			res = label
		} else {
			res = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", label, res)
	return res

// getHostname returns true if the provided address has a hostname, or false otherwise.
func getHostname(address *kapi.EndpointAddress, podHostnames map[string]kendpoints.HostRecord) (string, bool) {
	if len(address.Hostname) > 0 {
		return address.Hostname, true
	if hostRecord, exists := podHostnames[address.IP]; exists && len(validation.IsDNS1123Label(hostRecord.HostName)) == 0 {
		return hostRecord.HostName, true
	return "", false

// return a hash for the key name
func getHash(text string) string {
	h := fnv.New32a()
	return fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum32())

// convertDashIPToIP takes an encoded IP (with dashes) and replaces them with
// dots.
func convertDashIPToIP(ip string) string {
	return strings.Join(strings.Split(ip, "-"), ".")

// hasAllPrefixedSegments returns true if all provided segments have the given prefix.
func hasAllPrefixedSegments(segments []string, prefix string) bool {
	for _, s := range segments {
		if !strings.HasPrefix(s, prefix) {
			return false
	return true

var noHostnameMappings = map[string]kendpoints.HostRecord{}