package clusterquotamapping

import (

	kapi ""
	ktestclient ""

	quotaapi ""

var (
	keys             = []string{"different", "used", "important", "every", "large"}
	values           = []string{"time", "person"}
	annotationKeys   = []string{"different", "used", "important", "every", "large", "", "whitespace key"}
	annotationValues = []string{"Person", "time and place", "Thing", "", "system:admin"}
	namespaceNames   = []string{
		"tokillamockingbird", "harrypotter", "1984", "prideandprejudice", "thediaryofayounggirl", "animalfarm", "thehobbit",
		"thelittleprince", "thegreatgatsby", "thecatcherintherye", "lordoftherings", "janeeyre", "romeoandjuliet", "thechroniclesofnarnia",
		"lordoftheflies", "thegivingtree", "charlottesweb", "greeneggsandham", "alicesadventuresinwonderland", "littlewomen",
		"ofmiceandmend", "wutheringheights", "thehungergames", "gonewiththewind", "thepictureofdoriangray", "theadventuresofhuckleberryfinn",
		"fahrenheit451", "hamlet", "thehitchhikersguidetothegalaxy", "bravenewworld", "lesmiserables", "crimeandpunishment", "memoirsofageisha",
	quotaNames = []string{"emma", "olivia", "sophia", "ava", "isabella", "mia", "abigail", "emily", "charlotte", "harper"}

	maxSelectorKeys = 2
	maxLabels       = 5

func TestClusterQuotaFuzzer(t *testing.T) {
	for j := 0; j < 100; j++ {
		t.Logf("attempt %d", (j + 1))

func runFuzzer(t *testing.T) {
	stopCh := make(chan struct{})
	defer close(stopCh)

	startingNamespaces := CreateStartingNamespaces()
	kubeclient := fake.NewSimpleClientset(startingNamespaces...)
	nsWatch := watch.NewFake()
	kubeclient.PrependWatchReactor("namespaces", core.DefaultWatchReactor(nsWatch, nil))

	startingQuotas := CreateStartingQuotas()
	originclient := testclient.NewSimpleFake(startingQuotas...)
	quotaWatch := watch.NewFake()
	originclient.AddWatchReactor("clusterresourcequotas", ktestclient.DefaultWatchReactor(quotaWatch, nil))

	informerFactory := shared.NewInformerFactory(kubeclient, originclient, shared.DefaultListerWatcherOverrides{}, 10*time.Minute)
	controller := NewClusterQuotaMappingController(informerFactory.Namespaces(), informerFactory.ClusterResourceQuotas())
	go controller.Run(5, stopCh)

	finalNamespaces := map[string]*kapi.Namespace{}
	finalQuotas := map[string]*quotaapi.ClusterResourceQuota{}
	quotaActions := map[string][]string{}
	namespaceActions := map[string][]string{}
	finishedNamespaces := make(chan struct{})
	finishedQuotas := make(chan struct{})

	for _, quota := range startingQuotas {
		name := quota.(*quotaapi.ClusterResourceQuota).Name
		quotaActions[name] = append(quotaActions[name], fmt.Sprintf("inserting %v to %v", name, quota.(*quotaapi.ClusterResourceQuota).Spec.Selector))
		finalQuotas[name] = quota.(*quotaapi.ClusterResourceQuota)
	for _, namespace := range startingNamespaces {
		name := namespace.(*kapi.Namespace).Name
		namespaceActions[name] = append(namespaceActions[name], fmt.Sprintf("inserting %v to %v", name, namespace.(*kapi.Namespace).Labels))
		finalNamespaces[name] = namespace.(*kapi.Namespace)

	go func() {
		for i := 0; i < 200; i++ {
			name := quotaNames[rand.Intn(len(quotaNames))]
			_, exists := finalQuotas[name]
			if rand.Intn(50) == 0 {
				if !exists {
				// due to the compression race (see big comment for impl), clear the queue then delete
				for {
					if len(quotaWatch.ResultChan()) == 0 {
					time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)

				quotaActions[name] = append(quotaActions[name], "deleting "+name)
				delete(finalQuotas, name)

			quota := NewQuota(name)
			finalQuotas[name] = quota
			copied, err := kapi.Scheme.Copy(quota)
			if err != nil {
			if exists {
				quotaActions[name] = append(quotaActions[name], fmt.Sprintf("updating %v to %v", name, quota.Spec.Selector))
			} else {
				quotaActions[name] = append(quotaActions[name], fmt.Sprintf("adding %v to %v", name, quota.Spec.Selector))

	go func() {
		for i := 0; i < 200; i++ {
			name := namespaceNames[rand.Intn(len(namespaceNames))]
			_, exists := finalNamespaces[name]
			if rand.Intn(50) == 0 {
				if !exists {
				// due to the compression race (see big comment for impl), clear the queue then delete
				for {
					if len(nsWatch.ResultChan()) == 0 {
					time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)

				namespaceActions[name] = append(namespaceActions[name], "deleting "+name)
				delete(finalNamespaces, name)

			ns := NewNamespace(name)
			finalNamespaces[name] = ns
			copied, err := kapi.Scheme.Copy(ns)
			if err != nil {
			if exists {
				namespaceActions[name] = append(namespaceActions[name], fmt.Sprintf("updating %v to %v", name, ns.Labels))
			} else {
				namespaceActions[name] = append(namespaceActions[name], fmt.Sprintf("adding %v to %v", name, ns.Labels))


	finalFailures := []string{}
	for i := 0; i < 200; i++ {
		// better suggestions for testing doneness?  Check the condition a few times?
		time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)

		finalFailures = checkState(controller, finalNamespaces, finalQuotas, t, quotaActions, namespaceActions)
		if len(finalFailures) == 0 {

	if len(finalFailures) > 0 {
		t.Logf("have %d quotas and %d namespaces", len(quotaWatch.ResultChan()), len(nsWatch.ResultChan()))
		t.Fatalf("failed on \n%v", strings.Join(finalFailures, "\n"))

func checkState(controller *ClusterQuotaMappingController, finalNamespaces map[string]*kapi.Namespace, finalQuotas map[string]*quotaapi.ClusterResourceQuota, t *testing.T, quotaActions, namespaceActions map[string][]string) []string {
	failures := []string{}

	quotaToNamespaces := map[string]sets.String{}
	for _, quotaName := range quotaNames {
		quotaToNamespaces[quotaName] = sets.String{}
	namespacesToQuota := map[string]sets.String{}
	for _, namespaceName := range namespaceNames {
		namespacesToQuota[namespaceName] = sets.String{}
	for _, quota := range finalQuotas {
		matcherFunc, err := quotaapi.GetMatcher(quota.Spec.Selector)
		if err != nil {
		for _, namespace := range finalNamespaces {
			if matches, _ := matcherFunc(namespace); matches {

	for _, quotaName := range quotaNames {
		namespaces, selector := controller.clusterQuotaMapper.GetNamespacesFor(quotaName)
		nsSet := sets.NewString(namespaces...)
		if !nsSet.Equal(quotaToNamespaces[quotaName]) {
			failures = append(failures, fmt.Sprintf("quota %v, expected %v, got %v", quotaName, quotaToNamespaces[quotaName].List(), nsSet.List()))
			failures = append(failures, quotaActions[quotaName]...)
		if quota, ok := finalQuotas[quotaName]; ok && !reflect.DeepEqual(quota.Spec.Selector, selector) {
			failures = append(failures, fmt.Sprintf("quota %v, expected %v, got %v", quotaName, quota.Spec.Selector, selector))

	for _, namespaceName := range namespaceNames {
		quotas, selectionFields := controller.clusterQuotaMapper.GetClusterQuotasFor(namespaceName)
		quotaSet := sets.NewString(quotas...)
		if !quotaSet.Equal(namespacesToQuota[namespaceName]) {
			failures = append(failures, fmt.Sprintf("namespace %v, expected %v, got %v", namespaceName, namespacesToQuota[namespaceName].List(), quotaSet.List()))
			failures = append(failures, namespaceActions[namespaceName]...)
		if namespace, ok := finalNamespaces[namespaceName]; ok && !reflect.DeepEqual(GetSelectionFields(namespace), selectionFields) {
			failures = append(failures, fmt.Sprintf("namespace %v, expected %v, got %v", namespaceName, GetSelectionFields(namespace), selectionFields))

	return failures

func CreateStartingQuotas() []runtime.Object {
	count := rand.Intn(len(quotaNames))
	used := sets.String{}
	ret := []runtime.Object{}

	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
		name := quotaNames[rand.Intn(len(quotaNames))]
		if !used.Has(name) {
			ret = append(ret, NewQuota(name))

	return ret

func CreateStartingNamespaces() []runtime.Object {
	count := rand.Intn(len(namespaceNames))
	used := sets.String{}
	ret := []runtime.Object{}

	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
		name := namespaceNames[rand.Intn(len(namespaceNames))]
		if !used.Has(name) {
			ret = append(ret, NewNamespace(name))

	return ret

func NewQuota(name string) *quotaapi.ClusterResourceQuota {
	ret := &quotaapi.ClusterResourceQuota{}
	ret.Name = name

	numSelectorKeys := rand.Intn(maxSelectorKeys) + 1
	if numSelectorKeys == 0 {
		return ret

	ret.Spec.Selector.LabelSelector = &unversioned.LabelSelector{MatchLabels: map[string]string{}}
	for i := 0; i < numSelectorKeys; i++ {
		key := keys[rand.Intn(len(keys))]
		value := values[rand.Intn(len(values))]

		ret.Spec.Selector.LabelSelector.MatchLabels[key] = value

	ret.Spec.Selector.AnnotationSelector = map[string]string{}
	for i := 0; i < numSelectorKeys; i++ {
		key := annotationKeys[rand.Intn(len(annotationKeys))]
		value := annotationValues[rand.Intn(len(annotationValues))]

		ret.Spec.Selector.AnnotationSelector[key] = value

	return ret

func NewNamespace(name string) *kapi.Namespace {
	ret := &kapi.Namespace{}
	ret.Name = name

	numLabels := rand.Intn(maxLabels) + 1
	if numLabels == 0 {
		return ret

	ret.Labels = map[string]string{}
	for i := 0; i < numLabels; i++ {
		key := keys[rand.Intn(len(keys))]
		value := values[rand.Intn(len(values))]

		ret.Labels[key] = value

	ret.Annotations = map[string]string{}
	for i := 0; i < numLabels; i++ {
		key := annotationKeys[rand.Intn(len(annotationKeys))]
		value := annotationValues[rand.Intn(len(annotationValues))]

		ret.Annotations[key] = value

	return ret