package policy

import (


	kapi ""
	kcmdutil ""

	authorizationapi ""

const CanIRecommendedName = "can-i"

type canIOptions struct {
	AllNamespaces         bool
	ListAll               bool
	Quiet                 bool
	IgnoreScopes          bool
	User                  string
	Groups                []string
	Scopes                []string
	Namespace             string
	SelfRulesReviewClient client.SelfSubjectRulesReviewsNamespacer
	RulesReviewClient     client.SubjectRulesReviewsNamespacer
	SARClient             client.SubjectAccessReviews

	Verb         string
	Resource     unversioned.GroupVersionResource
	ResourceName string

	Out io.Writer

func NewCmdCanI(name, fullName string, f *clientcmd.Factory, out io.Writer) *cobra.Command {
	o := &canIOptions{
		Out: out,

	cmd := &cobra.Command{
		Use:   name + " VERB RESOURCE [NAME]",
		Short: "Check whether an action is allowed",
		Long:  "Check whether an action is allowed",
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			if reflect.DeepEqual(args, []string{"educate", "dolphins"}) {
				fmt.Fprintln(o.Out, "Only liggitt can educate dolphins.")

			if err := o.Complete(f, args); err != nil {
				kcmdutil.CheckErr(kcmdutil.UsageError(cmd, err.Error()))

			allowed, err := o.Run()
			if o.Quiet && !allowed {

	cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&o.AllNamespaces, "all-namespaces", o.AllNamespaces, "If true, check the specified action in all namespaces.")
	cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&o.ListAll, "list", o.ListAll, "If true, list all the actions you can perform in a namespace, cannot be specified with --all-namespaces or a VERB RESOURCE")
	cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&o.Quiet, "quiet", "q", o.Quiet, "If true, suppress output and just return the exit code.")
	cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&o.IgnoreScopes, "ignore-scopes", o.IgnoreScopes, "If true, disregard any scopes present on this request and evaluate considering full permissions.")
	cmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&o.Scopes, "scopes", o.Scopes, "Check the specified action using these scopes.  By default, the scopes on the current token will be used.")
	cmd.Flags().StringVar(&o.User, "user", o.User, "Check the specified action using this user instead of your user.")
	cmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&o.Groups, "groups", o.Groups, "Check the specified action using these groups instead of your groups.")

	return cmd

const (
	tabwriterMinWidth = 10
	tabwriterWidth    = 4
	tabwriterPadding  = 3
	tabwriterPadChar  = ' '
	tabwriterFlags    = 0

func (o *canIOptions) Complete(f *clientcmd.Factory, args []string) error {
	if o.ListAll && o.AllNamespaces {
		return errors.New("--list and --all-namespaces are mutually exclusive")

	if o.IgnoreScopes && len(o.Scopes) > 0 {
		return errors.New("--scopes and --ignore-scopes are mutually exclusive")

	switch len(args) {
	case 3:
		o.ResourceName = args[2]
	case 2:
		if o.ListAll {
			return errors.New("VERB RESOURCE and --list are mutually exclusive")
		restMapper, _ := f.Object(false)
		o.Verb = args[0]
		o.Resource = resourceFor(restMapper, args[1])
		if !o.ListAll {
			return errors.New("you must specify two or three arguments: verb, resource, and optional resourceName")

	var err error
	oclient, _, _, err := f.Clients()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	o.SelfRulesReviewClient = oclient
	o.RulesReviewClient = oclient
	o.SARClient = oclient

	o.Namespace = kapi.NamespaceAll
	if !o.AllNamespaces {
		o.Namespace, _, err = f.DefaultNamespace()
		if err != nil {
			return err

	if o.Quiet {
		o.Out = ioutil.Discard

	return nil

func (o *canIOptions) Run() (bool, error) {
	if o.ListAll {
		return true, o.listAllPermissions()

	sar := &authorizationapi.SubjectAccessReview{
		Action: authorizationapi.Action{
			Namespace:    o.Namespace,
			Verb:         o.Verb,
			Group:        o.Resource.Group,
			Resource:     o.Resource.Resource,
			ResourceName: o.ResourceName,
		User:   o.User,
		Groups: sets.NewString(o.Groups...),
	if o.IgnoreScopes {
		sar.Scopes = []string{}
	if len(o.Scopes) > 0 {
		sar.Scopes = o.Scopes

	response, err := o.SARClient.SubjectAccessReviews().Create(sar)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	if response.Allowed {
		fmt.Fprintln(o.Out, "yes")
	} else {
		fmt.Fprint(o.Out, "no")
		if len(response.EvaluationError) > 0 {
			fmt.Fprintf(o.Out, " - %v", response.EvaluationError)

	return response.Allowed, nil

func (o *canIOptions) listAllPermissions() error {
	var rulesReviewStatus authorizationapi.SubjectRulesReviewStatus

	if len(o.User) == 0 && len(o.Groups) == 0 {
		rulesReview := &authorizationapi.SelfSubjectRulesReview{}
		if len(o.Scopes) > 0 {
			rulesReview.Spec.Scopes = o.Scopes

		whatCanIDo, err := o.SelfRulesReviewClient.SelfSubjectRulesReviews(o.Namespace).Create(rulesReview)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		rulesReviewStatus = whatCanIDo.Status

	} else {
		rulesReview := &authorizationapi.SubjectRulesReview{
			Spec: authorizationapi.SubjectRulesReviewSpec{
				User:   o.User,
				Groups: o.Groups,
				Scopes: o.Scopes,

		whatCanYouDo, err := o.RulesReviewClient.SubjectRulesReviews(o.Namespace).Create(rulesReview)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		rulesReviewStatus = whatCanYouDo.Status


	writer := tabwriter.NewWriter(o.Out, tabwriterMinWidth, tabwriterWidth, tabwriterPadding, tabwriterPadChar, tabwriterFlags)
	fmt.Fprint(writer, describe.PolicyRuleHeadings+"\n")
	for _, rule := range rulesReviewStatus.Rules {
		describe.DescribePolicyRule(writer, rule, "")


	return nil