:toc: macro


== oc adm build-chain
Output the inputs and dependencies of your builds


  # Build the dependency tree for the 'latest' tag in <image-stream>
  oc adm build-chain <image-stream>

  # Build the dependency tree for 'v2' tag in dot format and visualize it via the dot utility
  oc adm build-chain <image-stream>:v2 -o dot | dot -T svg -o deps.svg

  # Build the dependency tree across all namespaces for the specified image stream tag found in 'test' namespace
  oc adm build-chain <image-stream> -n test --all

== oc adm ca decrypt
Decrypt data encrypted with "oc adm ca encrypt"


	# Decrypt an encrypted file to a cleartext file:
	oc adm ca decrypt --key=secret.key --in=secret.encrypted --out=secret.decrypted
	# Decrypt from stdin to stdout:
	oc adm ca decrypt --key=secret.key < secret2.encrypted > secret2.decrypted


== oc adm ca encrypt
Encrypt data with AES-256-CBC encryption


	# Encrypt the content of secret.txt with a generated key:
	oc adm ca encrypt --genkey=secret.key --in=secret.txt --out=secret.encrypted
	# Encrypt the content of secret2.txt with an existing key:
	oc adm ca encrypt --key=secret.key < secret2.txt > secret2.encrypted


== oc adm completion
Output shell completion code for the given shell (bash or zsh)


  # Generate the oc adm completion code for bash
  oc adm completion bash > bash_completion.sh
  source bash_completion.sh

  # The above example depends on the bash-completion
framework. It must be sourced before sourcing the openshift cli completion, i.e. on the Mac:

  brew install bash-completion
  source $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion
  oc adm completion bash > bash_completion.sh
  source bash_completion.sh

  # In zsh, the following will load openshift cli zsh completion:
  source <(oc adm completion zsh)

== oc adm config
Change configuration files for the client


  # Change the config context to use
  oc adm config use-context my-context
  # Set the value of a config preference
  oc adm config set preferences.some true

== oc adm config current-context
Displays the current-context


  # Display the current-context
  oc adm config current-context

== oc adm config set-cluster
Sets a cluster entry in kubeconfig


  # Set only the server field on the e2e cluster entry without touching other values.
  oc adm config set-cluster e2e --server=
  # Embed certificate authority data for the e2e cluster entry
  oc adm config set-cluster e2e --certificate-authority=~/.kube/e2e/kubernetes.ca.crt
  # Disable cert checking for the dev cluster entry
  oc adm config set-cluster e2e --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true

== oc adm config set-context
Sets a context entry in kubeconfig


  # Set the user field on the gce context entry without touching other values
  oc adm config set-context gce --user=cluster-admin

== oc adm config set-credentials
Sets a user entry in kubeconfig


  # Set only the "client-key" field on the "cluster-admin"
  # entry, without touching other values:
  oc adm config set-credentials cluster-admin --client-key=~/.kube/admin.key
  # Set basic auth for the "cluster-admin" entry
  oc adm config set-credentials cluster-admin --username=admin --password=uXFGweU9l35qcif
  # Embed client certificate data in the "cluster-admin" entry
  oc adm config set-credentials cluster-admin --client-certificate=~/.kube/admin.crt --embed-certs=true

== oc adm config view
Displays merged kubeconfig settings or a specified kubeconfig file.


  # Show Merged kubeconfig settings.
  oc adm config view
  # Get the password for the e2e user
  oc adm config view -o jsonpath='{.users[?(@.name == "e2e")].user.password}'

== oc adm cordon
Mark node as unschedulable


# Mark node "foo" as unschedulable.
oc adm cordon foo


== oc adm drain
Drain node in preparation for maintenance


# Drain node "foo", even if there are pods not managed by a ReplicationController, ReplicaSet, Job, or DaemonSet on it.
$ oc adm drain foo --force

# As above, but abort if there are pods not managed by a ReplicationController, ReplicaSet, Job, or DaemonSet, and use a grace period of 15 minutes.
$ oc adm drain foo --grace-period=900


== oc adm groups add-users
Add users to a group


  # Add user1 and user2 to my-group
  oc adm groups add-users my-group user1 user2

== oc adm groups new
Create a new group


  # Add a group with no users
  oc adm groups new my-group

  # Add a group with two users
  oc adm groups new my-group user1 user2

== oc adm groups prune
Prune OpenShift groups referencing missing records on an external provider.


  # Prune all orphaned groups
  oc adm groups prune --sync-config=/path/to/ldap-sync-config.yaml --confirm

  # Prune all orphaned groups except the ones from the blacklist file
  oc adm groups prune --blacklist=/path/to/blacklist.txt --sync-config=/path/to/ldap-sync-config.yaml --confirm

  # Prune all orphaned groups from a list of specific groups specified in a whitelist file
  oc adm groups prune --whitelist=/path/to/whitelist.txt --sync-config=/path/to/ldap-sync-config.yaml --confirm

  # Prune all orphaned groups from a list of specific groups specified in a whitelist
  oc adm groups prune groups/group_name groups/other_name --sync-config=/path/to/ldap-sync-config.yaml --confirm


== oc adm groups remove-users
Remove users from a group


  # Remove user1 and user2 from my-group
  oc adm groups remove-users my-group user1 user2

== oc adm groups sync
Sync OpenShift groups with records from an external provider.


  # Sync all groups from an LDAP server
  oc adm groups sync --sync-config=/path/to/ldap-sync-config.yaml --confirm

  # Sync all groups except the ones from the blacklist file from an LDAP server
  oc adm groups sync --blacklist=/path/to/blacklist.txt --sync-config=/path/to/ldap-sync-config.yaml --confirm

  # Sync specific groups specified in a whitelist file with an LDAP server
  oc adm groups sync --whitelist=/path/to/whitelist.txt --sync-config=/path/to/sync-config.yaml --confirm

  # Sync all OpenShift Groups that have been synced previously with an LDAP server
  oc adm groups sync --type=openshift --sync-config=/path/to/ldap-sync-config.yaml --confirm

  # Sync specific OpenShift Groups if they have been synced previously with an LDAP server
  oc adm groups sync groups/group1 groups/group2 groups/group3 --sync-config=/path/to/sync-config.yaml --confirm


== oc adm ipfailover
Install an IP failover group to a set of nodes


  # Check the default IP failover configuration ("ipfailover"):
  oc adm ipfailover

  # See what the IP failover configuration would look like if it is created:
  oc adm ipfailover -o json

  # Create an IP failover configuration if it does not already exist:
  oc adm ipfailover ipf --virtual-ips="" --create

  # Create an IP failover configuration on a selection of nodes labeled
  # "router=us-west-ha" (on 4 nodes with 7 virtual IPs monitoring a service
  # listening on port 80, such as the router process).
  oc adm ipfailover ipfailover --selector="router=us-west-ha" --virtual-ips=",," --watch-port=80 --replicas=4 --create

  # Use a different IP failover config image and see the configuration:
  oc adm ipfailover ipf-alt --selector="hagroup=us-west-ha" --virtual-ips="" -o yaml --images=myrepo/myipfailover:mytag

== oc adm manage-node
Manage nodes - list pods, evacuate, or mark ready


	# Block accepting any pods on given nodes
	oc adm manage-node <mynode> --schedulable=false

	# Mark selected nodes as schedulable
	oc adm manage-node --selector="<env=dev>" --schedulable=true

	# Migrate selected pods
	oc adm manage-node <mynode> --evacuate --pod-selector="<service=myapp>"

	# Show pods that will be migrated
	oc adm manage-node <mynode> --evacuate --dry-run --pod-selector="<service=myapp>"

	# List all pods on given nodes
	oc adm manage-node <mynode1> <mynode2> --list-pods

== oc adm migrate image-references
Update embedded Docker image references


  # Perform a dry-run of migrating all "docker.io" references to "myregistry.com"
  oc adm migrate image-references docker.io/*=myregistry.com/*

  # To actually perform the migration, the confirm flag must be appended
  oc adm migrate image-references docker.io/*=myregistry.com/* --confirm

  # To see more details of what will be migrated, use the loglevel and output flags
  oc adm migrate image-references docker.io/*=myregistry.com/* --loglevel=2 -o yaml

  # Migrate from a service IP to an internal service DNS name
  oc adm migrate image-references*=registry.openshift.svc.cluster.local/*

  # Migrate from a service IP to an internal service DNS name for all deployment configs and builds
  oc adm migrate image-references*=registry.openshift.svc.cluster.local/* --include=buildconfigs,deploymentconfigs

== oc adm migrate storage
Update the stored version of API objects


  # Perform a dry-run of updating all objects
  oc adm migrate storage

  # To actually perform the update, the confirm flag must be appended
  oc adm migrate storage --confirm

  # Only migrate pods
  oc adm migrate storage --include=pods --confirm

  # Only pods that are in namespaces starting with "bar"
  oc adm migrate storage --include=pods --confirm --from-key=bar/ --to-key=bar/\xFF


== oc adm pod-network join-projects
Join project network


	# Allow project p2 to use project p1 network
	oc adm pod-network join-projects --to=<p1> <p2>

	# Allow all projects with label name=top-secret to use project p1 network
	oc adm pod-network join-projects --to=<p1> --selector='name=top-secret'

== oc adm pod-network make-projects-global
Make project network global


	# Allow project p1 to access all pods in the cluster and vice versa
	oc adm pod-network make-projects-global <p1>

	# Allow all projects with label name=share to access all pods in the cluster and vice versa
	oc adm pod-network make-projects-global --selector='name=share'

== oc adm policy add-role-to-user
Add users or serviceaccounts to a role in the current project


  # Add the 'view' role to user1 in the current project
  oc adm policy add-role-to-user view user1

  # Add the 'edit' role to serviceaccount1 in the current project
  oc adm policy add-role-to-user edit -z serviceaccount1

== oc adm policy add-scc-to-user
Add users or serviceaccount to a security context constraint


  # Add the 'restricted' security context contraint to user1 and user2
  oc adm policy add-scc-to-user restricted user1 user2

  # Add the 'privileged' security context contraint to the service account serviceaccount1 in the current namespace
  oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z serviceaccount1

== oc adm policy reconcile-cluster-role-bindings
Update cluster role bindings to match the recommended bootstrap policy


  # Display the names of cluster role bindings that would be modified
  oc adm policy reconcile-cluster-role-bindings -o name

  # Display the cluster role bindings that would be modified, removing any extra subjects
  oc adm policy reconcile-cluster-role-bindings --additive-only=false

  # Update cluster role bindings that don't match the current defaults
  oc adm policy reconcile-cluster-role-bindings --confirm

  # Update cluster role bindings that don't match the current defaults, avoid adding roles to the system:authenticated group
  oc adm policy reconcile-cluster-role-bindings --confirm --exclude-groups=system:authenticated

  # Update cluster role bindings that don't match the current defaults, removing any extra subjects from the binding
  oc adm policy reconcile-cluster-role-bindings --confirm --additive-only=false

== oc adm policy reconcile-cluster-roles
Update cluster roles to match the recommended bootstrap policy


  # Display the names of cluster roles that would be modified
  oc adm policy reconcile-cluster-roles -o name

  # Add missing permissions to cluster roles that don't match the current defaults
  oc adm policy reconcile-cluster-roles --confirm

  # Add missing permissions and remove extra permissions from
  # cluster roles that don't match the current defaults
  oc adm policy reconcile-cluster-roles --additive-only=false --confirm

  # Display the union of the default and modified cluster roles
  oc adm policy reconcile-cluster-roles --additive-only

== oc adm policy reconcile-sccs
Replace cluster SCCs to match the recommended bootstrap policy


  # Display the cluster SCCs that would be modified
  oc adm policy reconcile-sccs

  # Update cluster SCCs that don't match the current defaults preserving additional grants
  # for users and group and keeping any priorities that are already set
  oc adm policy reconcile-sccs --confirm

  # Replace existing users, groups, and priorities that do not match defaults
  oc adm policy reconcile-sccs --additive-only=false --confirm

== oc adm prune builds
Remove old completed and failed builds


  # Dry run deleting older completed and failed builds and also including
  # all builds whose associated BuildConfig no longer exists
  oc adm prune builds --orphans

  # To actually perform the prune operation, the confirm flag must be appended
  oc adm prune builds --orphans --confirm

== oc adm prune deployments
Remove old completed and failed deployments


  # Dry run deleting all but the last complete deployment for every deployment config
  oc adm prune deployments --keep-complete=1

  # To actually perform the prune operation, the confirm flag must be appended
  oc adm prune deployments --keep-complete=1 --confirm

== oc adm prune groups
Prune OpenShift groups referencing missing records on an external provider.


  # Prune all orphaned groups
  oc adm prune groups --sync-config=/path/to/ldap-sync-config.yaml --confirm

  # Prune all orphaned groups except the ones from the blacklist file
  oc adm prune groups --blacklist=/path/to/blacklist.txt --sync-config=/path/to/ldap-sync-config.yaml --confirm

  # Prune all orphaned groups from a list of specific groups specified in a whitelist file
  oc adm prune groups --whitelist=/path/to/whitelist.txt --sync-config=/path/to/ldap-sync-config.yaml --confirm

  # Prune all orphaned groups from a list of specific groups specified in a whitelist
  oc adm prune groups groups/group_name groups/other_name --sync-config=/path/to/ldap-sync-config.yaml --confirm


== oc adm prune images
Remove unreferenced images


  # See, what the prune command would delete if only images more than an hour old and obsoleted
  # by 3 newer revisions under the same tag were considered.
  oc adm prune images --keep-tag-revisions=3 --keep-younger-than=60m

  # To actually perform the prune operation, the confirm flag must be appended
  oc adm prune images --keep-tag-revisions=3 --keep-younger-than=60m --confirm

  # See, what the prune command would delete if we're interested in removing images
  # exceeding currently set LimitRanges ('openshift.io/Image')
  oc adm prune images --prune-over-size-limit

  # To actually perform the prune operation, the confirm flag must be appended
  oc adm prune images --prune-over-size-limit --confirm

== oc adm registry
Install the integrated Docker registry


  # Check if default Docker registry ("docker-registry") has been created
  oc adm registry --dry-run

  # See what the registry will look like if created
  oc adm registry -o yaml

  # Create a registry with two replicas if it does not exist
  oc adm registry --replicas=2

  # Use a different registry image
  oc adm registry --images=myrepo/docker-registry:mytag

  # Enforce quota and limits on images
  oc adm registry --enforce-quota

== oc adm router
Install a router


  # Check the default router ("router")
  oc adm router --dry-run

  # See what the router would look like if created
  oc adm router -o yaml

  # Create a router with two replicas if it does not exist
  oc adm router router-west --replicas=2

  # Use a different router image
  oc adm router region-west --images=myrepo/somerouter:mytag

  # Run the router with a hint to the underlying implementation to _not_ expose statistics.
  oc adm router router-west --stats-port=0

== oc adm taint
Update the taints on one or more nodes


# Update node 'foo' with a taint with key 'dedicated' and value 'special-user' and effect 'NoSchedule'.
# If a taint with that key already exists, its value and effect are replaced as specified.
oc adm taint nodes foo dedicated=special-user:NoSchedule
# Remove from node 'foo' the taint with key 'dedicated' if one exists.
oc adm taint nodes foo dedicated-

== oc adm top images
Show usage statistics for Images


  # Show usage statistics for Images
  oc adm top images

== oc adm top imagestreams
Show usage statistics for ImageStreams


  # Show usage statistics for ImageStreams
  oc adm top imagestreams

== oc adm uncordon
Mark node as schedulable


# Mark node "foo" as schedulable.
$ oc adm uncordon foo


== oc annotate
Update the annotations on a resource


  # Update pod 'foo' with the annotation 'description' and the value 'my frontend'.
  # If the same annotation is set multiple times, only the last value will be applied
  oc annotate pods foo description='my frontend'

  # Update pod 'foo' with the annotation 'description' and the value
  # 'my frontend running nginx', overwriting any existing value.
  oc annotate --overwrite pods foo description='my frontend running nginx'

  # Update all pods in the namespace
  oc annotate pods --all description='my frontend running nginx'

  # Update pod 'foo' only if the resource is unchanged from version 1.
  oc annotate pods foo description='my frontend running nginx' --resource-version=1

  # Update pod 'foo' by removing an annotation named 'description' if it exists.
  # Does not require the --overwrite flag.
  oc annotate pods foo description-

== oc apply
Apply a configuration to a resource by filename or stdin


# Apply the configuration in pod.json to a pod.
oc apply -f ./pod.json

# Apply the JSON passed into stdin to a pod.
cat pod.json | oc apply -f -

== oc attach
Attach to a running container.


  # Get output from running pod 123456-7890, using the first container by default
  oc attach 123456-7890

  # Get output from ruby-container from pod 123456-7890
  oc attach 123456-7890 -c ruby-container

  # Switch to raw terminal mode, sends stdin to 'bash' in ruby-container from pod 123456-780
  # and sends stdout/stderr from 'bash' back to the client
  oc attach 123456-7890 -c ruby-container -i -t

== oc autoscale
Autoscale a deployment config or replication controller


  # Auto scale a deployment config "foo", with the number of pods between 2 to 10, target CPU utilization at a default value that server applies:
  oc autoscale dc/foo --min=2 --max=10

  # Auto scale a replication controller "foo", with the number of pods between 1 to 5, target CPU utilization at 80%
  oc autoscale rc/foo --max=5 --cpu-percent=80

== oc cancel-build
Cancel running, pending, or new builds


  # Cancel the build with the given name
  oc cancel-build ruby-build-2

  # Cancel the named build and print the build logs
  oc cancel-build ruby-build-2 --dump-logs

  # Cancel the named build and create a new one with the same parameters
  oc cancel-build ruby-build-2 --restart

  # Cancel multiple builds
  oc cancel-build ruby-build-1 ruby-build-2 ruby-build-3

  # Cancel all builds created from 'ruby-build' build configuration that are in 'new' state
  oc cancel-build bc/ruby-build --state=new

== oc cluster down
Stop OpenShift on Docker



  # Stop local Docker cluster
  oc cluster down

  # Stop cluster running on Docker machine 'mymachine'
  oc cluster down --docker-machine=mymachine


== oc cluster up
Start OpenShift on Docker with reasonable defaults



  # Start OpenShift on a new docker machine named 'openshift'
  oc cluster up --create-machine

  # Start OpenShift using a specific public host name
  oc cluster up --public-hostname=my.address.example.com

  # Start OpenShift and preserve data and config between restarts
  oc cluster up --host-data-dir=/mydata --use-existing-config

  # Use a different set of images
  oc cluster up --image="registry.example.com/origin" --version="v1.1"


== oc completion
Output shell completion code for the given shell (bash or zsh)


  # Generate the oc completion code for bash
  oc completion bash > bash_completion.sh
  source bash_completion.sh

  # The above example depends on the bash-completion
framework. It must be sourced before sourcing the openshift cli completion, i.e. on the Mac:

  brew install bash-completion
  source $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion
  oc completion bash > bash_completion.sh
  source bash_completion.sh

  # In zsh, the following will load openshift cli zsh completion:
  source <(oc completion zsh)

== oc config
Change configuration files for the client


  # Change the config context to use
  oc config use-context my-context
  # Set the value of a config preference
  oc config set preferences.some true

== oc config current-context
Displays the current-context


  # Display the current-context
  oc config current-context

== oc config set-cluster
Sets a cluster entry in kubeconfig


  # Set only the server field on the e2e cluster entry without touching other values.
  oc config set-cluster e2e --server=
  # Embed certificate authority data for the e2e cluster entry
  oc config set-cluster e2e --certificate-authority=~/.kube/e2e/kubernetes.ca.crt
  # Disable cert checking for the dev cluster entry
  oc config set-cluster e2e --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true

== oc config set-context
Sets a context entry in kubeconfig


  # Set the user field on the gce context entry without touching other values
  oc config set-context gce --user=cluster-admin

== oc config set-credentials
Sets a user entry in kubeconfig


  # Set only the "client-key" field on the "cluster-admin"
  # entry, without touching other values:
  oc config set-credentials cluster-admin --client-key=~/.kube/admin.key
  # Set basic auth for the "cluster-admin" entry
  oc config set-credentials cluster-admin --username=admin --password=uXFGweU9l35qcif
  # Embed client certificate data in the "cluster-admin" entry
  oc config set-credentials cluster-admin --client-certificate=~/.kube/admin.crt --embed-certs=true

== oc config view
Displays merged kubeconfig settings or a specified kubeconfig file.


  # Show Merged kubeconfig settings.
  oc config view
  # Get the password for the e2e user
  oc config view -o jsonpath='{.users[?(@.name == "e2e")].user.password}'

== oc convert
Convert config files between different API versions


  # Convert 'pod.yaml' to latest version and print to stdout.
  oc convert -f pod.yaml

  # Convert the live state of the resource specified by 'pod.yaml' to the latest version
  # and print to stdout in json format.
  oc convert -f pod.yaml --local -o json

  # Convert all files under current directory to latest version and create them all.
  oc convert -f . | oc create -f -


== oc create
Create a resource by filename or stdin


  # Create a pod using the data in pod.json.
  oc create -f pod.json
  # Create a pod based on the JSON passed into stdin.
  cat pod.json | oc create -f -

== oc create clusterresourcequota
Create cluster resource quota resource.


  # Create an cluster resource quota limited to 10 pods
  oc create clusterresourcequota limit-bob --project-label-selector=openshift.io/requester=user-bob --hard=pods=10

== oc create configmap
Create a configMap from a local file, directory or literal value.


  # Create a new configmap named my-config with keys for each file in folder bar
  oc create configmap my-config --from-file=path/to/bar
  # Create a new configmap named my-config with specified keys instead of names on disk
  oc create configmap my-config --from-file=key1=/path/to/bar/file1.txt --from-file=key2=/path/to/bar/file2.txt
  # Create a new configMap named my-config with key1=config1 and key2=config2
  oc create configmap my-config --from-literal=key1=config1 --from-literal=key2=config2

== oc create deploymentconfig
Create deployment config with default options that uses a given image.


  # Create an nginx deployment config named my-nginx
  oc create deploymentconfig my-nginx --image=nginx

== oc create identity
Manually create an identity (only needed if automatic creation is disabled).


  # Create an identity with identity provider "acme_ldap" and the identity provider username "adamjones"
  oc create identity acme_ldap:adamjones

== oc create imagestream
Create a new empty image stream.


  # Create a new image stream
  oc create imagestream mysql

== oc create namespace
Create a namespace with the specified name.


  # Create a new namespace named my-namespace
  oc create namespace my-namespace

== oc create policybinding
Create a policy binding that references the policy in the targetted namespace.


  # Create a policy binding in namespace "foo" that references the policy in namespace "bar"
  oc create policybinding bar -n foo

== oc create quota
Create a quota with the specified name.


  // Create a new resourcequota named my-quota
  $ oc create quota my-quota --hard=cpu=1,memory=1G,pods=2,services=3,replicationcontrollers=2,resourcequotas=1,secrets=5,persistentvolumeclaims=10
  // Create a new resourcequota named best-effort
  $ oc create quota best-effort --hard=pods=100 --scopes=BestEffort

== oc create route edge
Create a route that uses edge TLS termination


  # Create an edge route named "my-route" that exposes frontend service.
  oc create route edge my-route --service=frontend
  # Create an edge route that exposes the frontend service and specify a path.
  # If the route name is omitted, the service name will be re-used.
  oc create route edge --service=frontend --path /assets

== oc create route passthrough
Create a route that uses passthrough TLS termination


  # Create a passthrough route named "my-route" that exposes the frontend service.
  oc create route passthrough my-route --service=frontend
  # Create a passthrough route that exposes the frontend service and specify
  # a hostname. If the route name is omitted, the service name will be re-used.
  oc create route passthrough --service=frontend --hostname=www.example.com

== oc create route reencrypt
Create a route that uses reencrypt TLS termination


  # Create a route named "my-route" that exposes the frontend service.
  oc create route reencrypt my-route --service=frontend --dest-ca-cert cert.cert
  # Create a reencrypt route that exposes the frontend service and re-use
  # the service name as the route name.
  oc create route reencrypt --service=frontend --dest-ca-cert cert.cert

== oc create secret docker-registry
Create a secret for use with a Docker registry.


  # If you don't already have a .dockercfg file, you can create a dockercfg secret directly by using:
  oc create secret docker-registry my-secret --docker-server=DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER --docker-username=DOCKER_USER --docker-password=DOCKER_PASSWORD --docker-email=DOCKER_EMAIL

== oc create secret generic
Create a secret from a local file, directory or literal value.


  # Create a new secret named my-secret with keys for each file in folder bar
  oc create secret generic my-secret --from-file=path/to/bar
  # Create a new secret named my-secret with specified keys instead of names on disk
  oc create secret generic my-secret --from-file=ssh-privatekey=~/.ssh/id_rsa --from-file=ssh-publickey=~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
  # Create a new secret named my-secret with key1=supersecret and key2=topsecret
  oc create secret generic my-secret --from-literal=key1=supersecret --from-literal=key2=topsecret

== oc create secret tls
Create a TLS secret.


  # Create a new TLS secret named tls-secret with the given key pair:
  oc create secret tls tls-secret --cert=path/to/tls.cert --key=path/to/tls.key

== oc create serviceaccount
Create a service account with the specified name.


  # Create a new service account named my-service-account
  $ oc create serviceaccount my-service-account

== oc create user
Manually create a user (only needed if automatic creation is disabled).


  # Create a user with the username "ajones" and the display name "Adam Jones"
  oc create user ajones --full-name="Adam Jones"

== oc create useridentitymapping
Manually map an identity to a user.


  # Map the identity "acme_ldap:adamjones" to the user "ajones"
  oc create useridentitymapping acme_ldap:adamjones ajones

== oc debug
Launch a new instance of a pod for debugging



  # Debug a currently running deployment
  oc debug dc/test

  # Test running a deployment as a non-root user
  oc debug dc/test --as-user=1000000

  # Debug a specific failing container by running the env command in the 'second' container
  oc debug dc/test -c second -- /bin/env

  # See the pod that would be created to debug
  oc debug dc/test -o yaml

== oc delete
Delete one or more resources


  # Delete a pod using the type and ID specified in pod.json.
  oc delete -f pod.json

  # Delete a pod based on the type and ID in the JSON passed into stdin.
  cat pod.json | oc delete -f -

  # Delete pods and services with label name=myLabel.
  oc delete pods,services -l name=myLabel

  # Delete a pod with name node-1-vsjnm.
  oc delete pod node-1-vsjnm

  # Delete all resources associated with a running app, includes
  # buildconfig,deploymentconfig,service,imagestream,route and pod,
  # where 'appName' is listed in 'Labels' of 'oc describe [resource] [resource name]' output.
  oc delete all -l app=appName

  # Delete all pods
  oc delete pods --all

== oc deploy
View, start, cancel, or retry a deployment


  # Display the latest deployment for the 'database' deployment config
  oc deploy database

  # Start a new deployment based on the 'database'
  oc deploy database --latest

  # Start a new deployment and follow its log
  oc deploy database --latest --follow

  # Retry the latest failed deployment based on 'frontend'
  # The deployer pod and any hook pods are deleted for the latest failed deployment
  oc deploy frontend --retry

  # Cancel the in-progress deployment based on 'frontend'
  oc deploy frontend --cancel

== oc describe
Show details of a specific resource or group of resources


  # Provide details about the ruby-22-centos7 image repository
  oc describe imageRepository ruby-22-centos7

  # Provide details about the ruby-sample-build build configuration
  oc describe bc ruby-sample-build

== oc edit
Edit a resource on the server


  # Edit the service named 'docker-registry':
  oc edit svc/docker-registry

  # Edit the DeploymentConfig named 'my-deployment':
  oc edit dc/my-deployment

  # Use an alternative editor
  OC_EDITOR="nano" oc edit dc/my-deployment

  # Edit the service 'docker-registry' in JSON using the v1 API format:
  oc edit svc/docker-registry --output-version=v1 -o json

== oc env


  # Update deployment 'registry' with a new environment variable
  oc env dc/registry STORAGE_DIR=/local

  # List the environment variables defined on a build config 'sample-build'
  oc env bc/sample-build --list

  # List the environment variables defined on all pods
  oc env pods --all --list

  # Output modified build config in YAML, and does not alter the object on the server
  oc env bc/sample-build STORAGE_DIR=/data -o yaml

  # Update all containers in all replication controllers in the project to have ENV=prod
  oc env rc --all ENV=prod

  # Import environment from a secret
  oc env --from=secret/mysecret dc/myapp

  # Import environment from a config map with a prefix
  oc env --from=configmap/myconfigmap --prefix=MYSQL_ dc/myapp

  # Remove the environment variable ENV from container 'c1' in all deployment configs
  oc env dc --all --containers="c1" ENV-

  # Remove the environment variable ENV from a deployment config definition on disk and
  # update the deployment config on the server
  oc env -f dc.json ENV-

  # Set some of the local shell environment into a deployment config on the server
  env | grep RAILS_ | oc env -e - dc/registry

== oc ex dockerbuild
Perform a direct Docker build


  # Build the current directory into a single layer and tag
  oc ex dockerbuild . myimage:latest

  # Mount a client secret into the build at a certain path
  oc ex dockerbuild . myimage:latest --mount ~/mysecret.pem:/etc/pki/secret/mysecret.pem

== oc exec
Execute a command in a container.


  # Get output from running 'date' in ruby-container from pod 'mypod'
  oc exec mypod -c ruby-container date

  # Switch to raw terminal mode, sends stdin to 'bash' in ruby-container from pod 'mypod' and sends stdout/stderr from 'bash' back to the client
  oc exec mypod -c ruby-container -i -t -- bash -il

== oc explain
Documentation of resources.


# Get the documentation of the resource and its fields
oc explain pods

# Get the documentation of a specific field of a resource
oc explain pods.spec.containers

== oc export
Export resources so they can be used elsewhere


  # export the services and deployment configurations labeled name=test
  oc export svc,dc -l name=test

  # export all services to a template
  oc export service --as-template=test

  # export to JSON
  oc export service -o json

== oc expose
Expose a replicated application as a service or route


  # Create a route based on service nginx. The new route will re-use nginx's labels
  oc expose service nginx

  # Create a route and specify your own label and route name
  oc expose service nginx -l name=myroute --name=fromdowntown

  # Create a route and specify a hostname
  oc expose service nginx --hostname=www.example.com

  # Expose a deployment configuration as a service and use the specified port
  oc expose dc ruby-hello-world --port=8080

  # Expose a service as a route in the specified path
  oc expose service nginx --path=/nginx

== oc extract
Extract secrets or config maps to disk


  # extract the secret "test" to the current directory
  oc extract secret/test

  # extract the config map "nginx" to the /tmp directory
  oc extract configmap/nginx --to=/tmp

  # extract only the key "nginx.conf" from config map "nginx" to the /tmp directory
  oc extract configmap/nginx --to=/tmp --keys=nginx.conf

== oc get
Display one or many resources


  # List all pods in ps output format.
  oc get pods

  # List a single replication controller with specified ID in ps output format.
  oc get rc redis

  # List all pods and show more details about them.
  oc get -o wide pods

  # List a single pod in JSON output format.
  oc get -o json pod redis-pod

  # Return only the status value of the specified pod.
  oc get -o template pod redis-pod --template={{.currentState.status}}

== oc idle
Idle scalable resources


  # Idle the scalable controllers associated with the services listed in to-idle.txt
  $ oc idle -f to-idle.txt

== oc import app.json
Import an app.json definition into OpenShift (experimental)


  # Import a directory containing an app.json file
  $ oc import app.json -f .

  # Turn an app.json file into a template
  $ oc import app.json -f ./app.json -o yaml --as-template


== oc import docker-compose
Import a docker-compose.yml project into OpenShift (experimental)


  # Import a docker-compose.yml file into OpenShift
  oc import docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml

	# Turn a docker-compose.yml file into a template
  oc import docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -o yaml --as-template


== oc import-image
Imports images from a Docker registry


  oc import-image mystream

== oc label
Update the labels on a resource


  # Update pod 'foo' with the label 'unhealthy' and the value 'true'.
  oc label pods foo unhealthy=true

  # Update pod 'foo' with the label 'status' and the value 'unhealthy', overwriting any existing value.
  oc label --overwrite pods foo status=unhealthy

  # Update all pods in the namespace
  oc label pods --all status=unhealthy

  # Update pod 'foo' only if the resource is unchanged from version 1.
  oc label pods foo status=unhealthy --resource-version=1

  # Update pod 'foo' by removing a label named 'bar' if it exists.
  # Does not require the --overwrite flag.
  oc label pods foo bar-

== oc login
Log in to a server


  # Log in interactively
  oc login

  # Log in to the given server with the given certificate authority file
  oc login localhost:8443 --certificate-authority=/path/to/cert.crt

  # Log in to the given server with the given credentials (will not prompt interactively)
  oc login localhost:8443 --username=myuser --password=mypass

== oc logout
End the current server session



  # Logout
  oc logout

== oc logs
Print the logs for a resource.


  # Start streaming the logs of the most recent build of the openldap build config.
  oc logs -f bc/openldap

  # Start streaming the logs of the latest deployment of the mysql deployment config.
  oc logs -f dc/mysql

  # Get the logs of the first deployment for the mysql deployment config. Note that logs
  # from older deployments may not exist either because the deployment was successful
  # or due to deployment pruning or manual deletion of the deployment.
  oc logs --version=1 dc/mysql

  # Return a snapshot of ruby-container logs from pod backend.
  oc logs backend -c ruby-container

  # Start streaming of ruby-container logs from pod backend.
  oc logs -f pod/backend -c ruby-container

== oc new-app
Create a new application



  # List all local templates and image streams that can be used to create an app
  oc new-app --list

  # Search all templates, image streams, and Docker images for the ones that match "ruby"
  oc new-app --search ruby

  # Create an application based on the source code in the current git repository (with a public remote)
  # and a Docker image
  oc new-app . --docker-image=repo/langimage

  # Create a Ruby application based on the provided [image]~[source code] combination
  oc new-app centos/ruby-22-centos7~https://github.com/openshift/ruby-ex.git

  # Use the public Docker Hub MySQL image to create an app. Generated artifacts will be labeled with db=mysql
  oc new-app mysql MYSQL_USER=user MYSQL_PASSWORD=pass MYSQL_DATABASE=testdb -l db=mysql

  # Use a MySQL image in a private registry to create an app and override application artifacts' names
  oc new-app --docker-image=myregistry.com/mycompany/mysql --name=private

  # Create an application from a remote repository using its beta4 branch
  oc new-app https://github.com/openshift/ruby-hello-world#beta4

  # Create an application based on a stored template, explicitly setting a parameter value
  oc new-app --template=ruby-helloworld-sample --param=MYSQL_USER=admin

  # Create an application from a remote repository and specify a context directory
  oc new-app https://github.com/youruser/yourgitrepo --context-dir=src/build

  # Create an application based on a template file, explicitly setting a parameter value
  oc new-app --file=./example/myapp/template.json --param=MYSQL_USER=admin

  # Search for "mysql" in all image repositories and stored templates
  oc new-app --search mysql

  # Search for "ruby", but only in stored templates (--template, --image and --docker-image
  # can be used to filter search results)
  oc new-app --search --template=ruby

  # Search for "ruby" in stored templates and print the output as an YAML
  oc new-app --search --template=ruby --output=yaml

== oc new-build
Create a new build configuration



  # Create a build config based on the source code in the current git repository (with a public
  # remote) and a Docker image
  oc new-build . --docker-image=repo/langimage

  # Create a NodeJS build config based on the provided [image]~[source code] combination
  oc new-build openshift/nodejs-010-centos7~https://github.com/openshift/nodejs-ex.git

  # Create a build config from a remote repository using its beta2 branch
  oc new-build https://github.com/openshift/ruby-hello-world#beta2

  # Create a build config using a Dockerfile specified as an argument
  oc new-build -D $'FROM centos:7\nRUN yum install -y httpd'

  # Create a build config from a remote repository and add custom environment variables
  oc new-build https://github.com/openshift/ruby-hello-world RACK_ENV=development

  # Create a build config from a remote repository and inject the npmrc into a build
  oc new-build https://github.com/openshift/ruby-hello-world --build-secret npmrc:.npmrc

  # Create a build config that gets its input from a remote repository and another Docker image
  oc new-build https://github.com/openshift/ruby-hello-world --source-image=openshift/jenkins-1-centos7 --source-image-path=/var/lib/jenkins:tmp

== oc new-project
Request a new project


  # Create a new project with minimal information
  oc new-project web-team-dev

  # Create a new project with a display name and description
  oc new-project web-team-dev --display-name="Web Team Development" --description="Development project for the web team."

== oc patch
Update field(s) of a resource using strategic merge patch.


  # Partially update a node using strategic merge patch
  oc patch node k8s-node-1 -p '{"spec":{"unschedulable":true}}'

== oc policy add-role-to-user
Add users or serviceaccounts to a role in the current project


  # Add the 'view' role to user1 in the current project
  oc policy add-role-to-user view user1

  # Add the 'edit' role to serviceaccount1 in the current project
  oc policy add-role-to-user edit -z serviceaccount1

== oc port-forward
Forward one or more local ports to a pod.


  # Listens on ports 5000 and 6000 locally, forwarding data to/from ports 5000 and 6000 in the pod
  oc port-forward mypod 5000 6000

  # Listens on port 8888 locally, forwarding to 5000 in the pod
  oc port-forward mypod 8888:5000

  # Listens on a random port locally, forwarding to 5000 in the pod
  oc port-forward mypod :5000

  # Listens on a random port locally, forwarding to 5000 in the pod
  oc port-forward mypod 0:5000

== oc process
Process a template into list of resources


  # Convert template.json file into resource list and pass to create
  oc process -f template.json | oc create -f -

  # Process template while passing a user-defined label
  oc process -f template.json -l name=mytemplate

  # Convert stored template into resource list
  oc process foo

  # Convert stored template into resource list by setting/overriding parameter values
  oc process foo PARM1=VALUE1 PARM2=VALUE2

  # Convert template stored in different namespace into a resource list
  oc process openshift//foo

  # Convert template.json into resource list
  cat template.json | oc process -f -

== oc project
Switch to another project


  # Switch to 'myapp' project
  oc project myapp

  # Display the project currently in use
  oc project

== oc projects
Display existing projects


  # Display the projects that currently exist

== oc proxy
Run a proxy to the Kubernetes API server


  # Run a proxy to the api server on port 8011, serving static content from ./local/www/
  oc proxy --port=8011 --www=./local/www/

  # Run a proxy to the api server on an arbitrary local port.
  # The chosen port for the server will be output to stdout.
  oc proxy --port=0

  # Run a proxy to the api server, changing the api prefix to my-api
  # This makes e.g. the pods api available at localhost:8011/my-api/api/v1/pods/
  oc proxy --api-prefix=/my-api

== oc replace
Replace a resource by filename or stdin.


  # Replace a pod using the data in pod.json.
  oc replace -f pod.json

  # Replace a pod based on the JSON passed into stdin.
  cat pod.json | oc replace -f -

  # Force replace, delete and then re-create the resource
  oc replace --force -f pod.json

== oc rollback
Revert part of an application back to a previous deployment


  # Perform a rollback to the last successfully completed deployment for a deploymentconfig
  oc rollback frontend

  # See what a rollback to version 3 will look like, but don't perform the rollback
  oc rollback frontend --to-version=3 --dry-run

  # Perform a rollback to a specific deployment
  oc rollback frontend-2

  # Perform the rollback manually by piping the JSON of the new config back to oc
  oc rollback frontend -o json | oc replace dc/frontend -f -

== oc rollout history
view rollout history


  # View the rollout history of a deployment
  oc rollout history dc/nginx

  # View the details of deployment revision 3
  oc rollout history dc/nginx --revision=3

== oc rollout pause
Mark the provided resource as paused


  # Mark the nginx deployment as paused. Any current state of
  # the deployment will continue its function, new updates to the deployment will not
  # have an effect as long as the deployment is paused.
  oc rollout pause dc/nginx

== oc rollout resume
Resume a paused resource


  # Resume an already paused deployment
  oc rollout resume dc/nginx

== oc rollout undo
undoes a previous rollout


  # Rollback to the previous deployment
  oc rollout undo dc/nginx

  # Rollback to deployment revision 3. The replication controller for that version must exist.
  oc rollout undo dc/nginx --to-revision=3

== oc rsh
Start a shell session in a pod



  # Open a shell session on the first container in pod 'foo'
  oc rsh foo

  # Run the command 'cat /etc/resolv.conf' inside pod 'foo'
  oc rsh foo cat /etc/resolv.conf

  # See the configuration of your internal registry
  oc rsh dc/docker-registry cat config.yml

  # Open a shell session on the container named 'index' inside a pod of your job
  # oc rsh -c index job/sheduled

== oc rsync
Copy files between local filesystem and a pod



  # Synchronize a local directory with a pod directory
  oc rsync ./local/dir/ POD:/remote/dir

  # Synchronize a pod directory with a local directory
  oc rsync POD:/remote/dir/ ./local/dir

== oc run
Run a particular image on the cluster.


  # Starts a single instance of nginx.
  oc run nginx --image=nginx

  # Starts a replicated instance of nginx.
  oc run nginx --image=nginx --replicas=5

  # Dry run. Print the corresponding API objects without creating them.
  oc run nginx --image=nginx --dry-run

  # Start a single instance of nginx, but overload the spec of the replication
  # controller with a partial set of values parsed from JSON.
  oc run nginx --image=nginx --overrides='{ "apiVersion": "v1", "spec": { ... } }'

  # Start a single instance of nginx and keep it in the foreground, don't restart it if it exits.
  oc run -i --tty nginx --image=nginx --restart=Never

== oc scale
Change the number of pods in a deployment


  # Scale replication controller named 'foo' to 3.
  oc scale --replicas=3 replicationcontrollers foo

  # If the replication controller named foo's current size is 2, scale foo to 3.
  oc scale --current-replicas=2 --replicas=3 replicationcontrollers foo

  # Scale the latest deployment of 'bar'. In case of no deployment, bar's template
  # will be scaled instead.
  oc scale --replicas=10 dc bar

== oc secrets add
DEPRECATED: secrets link


  # Add an image pull secret to a service account to automatically use it for pulling pod images:
  oc serviceaccount-name pull-secret --for=pull

  # Add an image pull secret to a service account to automatically use it for both pulling and pushing build images:
  oc builder builder-image-secret --for=pull,mount

  # If the cluster's serviceAccountConfig is operating with limitSecretReferences: True, secrets must be added to the pod's service account whitelist in order to be available to the pod:
  oc pod-sa pod-secret

== oc secrets link
Link secrets to a ServiceAccount


  # Add an image pull secret to a service account to automatically use it for pulling pod images:
  oc secrets link serviceaccount-name pull-secret --for=pull

  # Add an image pull secret to a service account to automatically use it for both pulling and pushing build images:
  oc secrets link builder builder-image-secret --for=pull,mount

  # If the cluster's serviceAccountConfig is operating with limitSecretReferences: True, secrets must be added to the pod's service account whitelist in order to be available to the pod:
  oc secrets link pod-sa pod-secret

== oc secrets new
Create a new secret based on a key file or on files within a directory


  # Create a new secret named my-secret with a key named ssh-privatekey
  oc secrets new my-secret ~/.ssh/ssh-privatekey

  # Create a new secret named my-secret with keys named ssh-privatekey and ssh-publickey instead of the names of the keys on disk
  oc secrets new my-secret ssh-privatekey=~/.ssh/id_rsa ssh-publickey=~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

  # Create a new secret named my-secret with keys for each file in the folder "bar"
  oc secrets new my-secret path/to/bar

  # Create a new .dockercfg secret named my-secret
  oc secrets new my-secret path/to/.dockercfg

  # Create a new .docker/config.json secret named my-secret
  oc secrets new my-secret .dockerconfigjson=path/to/.docker/config.json

== oc secrets new-basicauth
Create a new secret for basic authentication


  // If your basic authentication method requires only username and password or token, add it by using:
  oc secrets new-basicauth SECRET --username=USERNAME --password=PASSWORD

  // If your basic authentication method requires also CA certificate, add it by using:
  oc secrets new-basicauth SECRET --username=USERNAME --password=PASSWORD --ca-cert=FILENAME

  // If you do already have a .gitconfig file needed for authentication, you can create a gitconfig secret by using:
  oc secrets new SECRET path/to/.gitconfig

== oc secrets new-dockercfg
Create a new dockercfg secret


  # Create a new .dockercfg secret:
  oc secrets new-dockercfg SECRET --docker-server=DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER --docker-username=DOCKER_USER --docker-password=DOCKER_PASSWORD --docker-email=DOCKER_EMAIL

  # Create a new .dockercfg secret from an existing file:
  oc secrets new SECRET path/to/.dockercfg

  # Create a new .docker/config.json secret from an existing file:
  oc secrets new SECRET .dockerconfigjson=path/to/.docker/config.json

  # To add new secret to 'imagePullSecrets' for the node, or 'secrets' for builds, use:

== oc secrets new-sshauth
Create a new secret for SSH authentication


  // If your SSH authentication method requires only private SSH key, add it by using:
  oc secrets new-sshauth SECRET --ssh-privatekey=FILENAME

  // If your SSH authentication method requires also CA certificate, add it by using:
  oc secrets new-sshauth SECRET --ssh-privatekey=FILENAME --ca-cert=FILENAME

  // If you do already have a .gitconfig file needed for authentication, you can create a gitconfig secret by using:
  oc secrets new SECRET path/to/.gitconfig

== oc secrets unlink
Detach secrets from a ServiceAccount


 # Unlink a secret currently associated with a service account:
oc secrets unlink serviceaccount-name secret-name another-secret-name ...

== oc serviceaccounts get-token
Get a token assigned to a service account.


  # Get the service account token from service account 'default'
  oc serviceaccounts get-token 'default'


== oc serviceaccounts new-token
Generate a new token for a service account.


  # Generate a new token for service account 'default'
  oc serviceaccounts new-token 'default'

  # Generate a new token for service account 'default' and apply
  # labels 'foo' and 'bar' to the new token for identification
  # oc serviceaccounts new-token 'default' --labels foo=foo-value,bar=bar-value


== oc set build-hook
Update a build hook on a build config


  # Clear post-commit hook on a build config
  oc set build-hook bc/mybuild --post-commit --remove

  # Set the post-commit hook to execute a test suite using a new entrypoint
  oc set build-hook bc/mybuild --post-commit --command -- /bin/bash -c /var/lib/test-image.sh

  # Set the post-commit hook to execute a shell script
  oc set build-hook bc/mybuild --post-commit --script="/var/lib/test-image.sh param1 param2 && /var/lib/done.sh"

  # Set the post-commit hook as a set of arguments to the default image entrypoint
  oc set build-hook bc/mybuild --post-commit  -- arg1 arg2

== oc set deployment-hook
Update a deployment hook on a deployment config


  # Clear pre and post hooks on a deployment config
  oc set deployment-hook dc/myapp --remove --pre --post

  # Set the pre deployment hook to execute a db migration command for an application
  # using the data volume from the application
  oc set deployment-hook dc/myapp --pre -v data -- /var/lib/migrate-db.sh

  # Set a mid deployment hook along with additional environment variables
  oc set deployment-hook dc/myapp --mid -v data -e VAR1=value1 -e VAR2=value2 -- /var/lib/prepare-deploy.sh

== oc set env
Update environment variables on a pod template


  # Update deployment 'registry' with a new environment variable
  oc set env dc/registry STORAGE_DIR=/local

  # List the environment variables defined on a build config 'sample-build'
  oc set env bc/sample-build --list

  # List the environment variables defined on all pods
  oc set env pods --all --list

  # Output modified build config in YAML, and does not alter the object on the server
  oc set env bc/sample-build STORAGE_DIR=/data -o yaml

  # Update all containers in all replication controllers in the project to have ENV=prod
  oc set env rc --all ENV=prod

  # Import environment from a secret
  oc set env --from=secret/mysecret dc/myapp

  # Import environment from a config map with a prefix
  oc set env --from=configmap/myconfigmap --prefix=MYSQL_ dc/myapp

  # Remove the environment variable ENV from container 'c1' in all deployment configs
  oc set env dc --all --containers="c1" ENV-

  # Remove the environment variable ENV from a deployment config definition on disk and
  # update the deployment config on the server
  oc set env -f dc.json ENV-

  # Set some of the local shell environment into a deployment config on the server
  env | grep RAILS_ | oc set env -e - dc/registry

== oc set probe
Update a probe on a pod template


  # Clear both readiness and liveness probes off all containers
  oc set probe dc/registry --remove --readiness --liveness

  # Set an exec action as a liveness probe to run 'echo ok'
  oc set probe dc/registry --liveness -- echo ok

  # Set a readiness probe to try to open a TCP socket on 3306
  oc set probe rc/mysql --readiness --open-tcp=3306

  # Set an HTTP readiness probe for port 8080 and path /healthz over HTTP on the pod IP
  oc set probe dc/webapp --readiness --get-url=http://:8080/healthz

  # Set an HTTP readiness probe over HTTPS on for a hostNetwork pod
  oc set probe dc/router --readiness --get-url=

  # Set only the initial-delay-seconds field on all deployments
  oc set probe dc --all --readiness --initial-delay-seconds=30

== oc set triggers
Update the triggers on a build or deployment config


  # Print the triggers on the registry
  oc set triggers dc/registry

  # Set all triggers to manual
  oc set triggers dc/registry --manual

  # Enable all automatic triggers
  oc set triggers dc/registry --auto

  # Reset the GitHub webhook on a build to a new, generated secret
  oc set triggers bc/webapp --from-github
  oc set triggers bc/webapp --from-webhook

  # Remove all triggers
  oc set triggers bc/webapp --remove-all

  # Stop triggering on config change
  oc set triggers dc/registry --from-config --remove

  # Add an image trigger to a build config
  oc set triggers bc/webapp --from-image=namespace1/image:latest

== oc set volumes
Update volumes on a pod template


  # List volumes defined on all deployment configs in the current project
  oc set volume dc --all

  # Add a new empty dir volume to deployment config (dc) 'registry' mounted under
  # /var/lib/registry
  oc set volume dc/registry --add --mount-path=/var/lib/registry

  # Use an existing persistent volume claim (pvc) to overwrite an existing volume 'v1'
  oc set volume dc/registry --add --name=v1 -t pvc --claim-name=pvc1 --overwrite

  # Remove volume 'v1' from deployment config 'registry'
  oc set volume dc/registry --remove --name=v1

  # Create a new persistent volume claim that overwrites an existing volume 'v1'
  oc set volume dc/registry --add --name=v1 -t pvc --claim-size=1G --overwrite

  # Change the mount point for volume 'v1' to /data
  oc set volume dc/registry --add --name=v1 -m /data --overwrite

  # Modify the deployment config by removing volume mount "v1" from container "c1"
  # (and by removing the volume "v1" if no other containers have volume mounts that reference it)
  oc set volume dc/registry --remove --name=v1 --containers=c1

  # Add new volume based on a more complex volume source (Git repo, AWS EBS, GCE PD,
  # Ceph, Gluster, NFS, ISCSI, ...)
  oc set volume dc/registry --add -m /repo --source=<json-string>

== oc start-build
Start a new build


  # Starts build from build config "hello-world"
  oc start-build hello-world

  # Starts build from a previous build "hello-world-1"
  oc start-build --from-build=hello-world-1

  # Use the contents of a directory as build input
  oc start-build hello-world --from-dir=src/

  # Send the contents of a Git repository to the server from tag 'v2'
  oc start-build hello-world --from-repo=../hello-world --commit=v2

  # Start a new build for build config "hello-world" and watch the logs until the build
  # completes or fails.
  oc start-build hello-world --follow

  # Start a new build for build config "hello-world" and wait until the build completes. It
  # exits with a non-zero return code if the build fails.
  oc start-build hello-world --wait

== oc status
Show an overview of the current project


  # See an overview of the current project.
  oc status

  # Export the overview of the current project in an svg file.
  oc status -o dot | dot -T svg -o project.svg

  # See an overview of the current project including details for any identified issues.
  oc status -v

== oc tag
Tag existing images into image streams


  # Tag the current image for the image stream 'openshift/ruby' and tag '2.0' into the image stream 'yourproject/ruby with tag 'tip'.
  oc tag openshift/ruby:2.0 yourproject/ruby:tip

  # Tag a specific image.
  oc tag openshift/ruby@sha256:6b646fa6bf5e5e4c7fa41056c27910e679c03ebe7f93e361e6515a9da7e258cc yourproject/ruby:tip

  # Tag an external Docker image.
  oc tag --source=docker openshift/origin:latest yourproject/ruby:tip

  # Remove the specified spec tag from an image stream.
  oc tag openshift/origin:latest -d

== oc types
An introduction to concepts and types


  # View all projects you have access to
  oc get projects

  # See a list of all services in the current project
  oc get svc

  # Describe a deployment configuration in detail
  oc describe dc mydeploymentconfig

  # Show the images tagged into an image stream
  oc describe is ruby-centos7

== oc volumes
DEPRECATED: set volume


  # List volumes defined on all deployment configs in the current project
  oc volume dc --all

  # Add a new empty dir volume to deployment config (dc) 'registry' mounted under
  # /var/lib/registry
  oc volume dc/registry --add --mount-path=/var/lib/registry

  # Use an existing persistent volume claim (pvc) to overwrite an existing volume 'v1'
  oc volume dc/registry --add --name=v1 -t pvc --claim-name=pvc1 --overwrite

  # Remove volume 'v1' from deployment config 'registry'
  oc volume dc/registry --remove --name=v1

  # Create a new persistent volume claim that overwrites an existing volume 'v1'
  oc volume dc/registry --add --name=v1 -t pvc --claim-size=1G --overwrite

  # Change the mount point for volume 'v1' to /data
  oc volume dc/registry --add --name=v1 -m /data --overwrite

  # Modify the deployment config by removing volume mount "v1" from container "c1"
  # (and by removing the volume "v1" if no other containers have volume mounts that reference it)
  oc volume dc/registry --remove --name=v1 --containers=c1

  # Add new volume based on a more complex volume source (Git repo, AWS EBS, GCE PD,
  # Ceph, Gluster, NFS, ISCSI, ...)
  oc volume dc/registry --add -m /repo --source=<json-string>