package api

import (


// GetNameValidationFunc returns a name validation function that includes the standard restrictions we want for all types
func GetNameValidationFunc(nameFunc validation.ValidateNameFunc) validation.ValidateNameFunc {
	return func(name string, prefix bool) []string {
		if reasons := validation.ValidatePathSegmentName(name, prefix); len(reasons) != 0 {
			return reasons

		return nameFunc(name, prefix)

// GetFieldLabelConversionFunc returns a field label conversion func, which does the following:
// * returns overrideLabels[label], value, nil if the specified label exists in the overrideLabels map
// * returns label, value, nil if the specified label exists as a key in the supportedLabels map (values in this map are unused, it is intended to be a prototypical label/value map)
// * otherwise, returns an error
func GetFieldLabelConversionFunc(supportedLabels map[string]string, overrideLabels map[string]string) func(label, value string) (string, string, error) {
	return func(label, value string) (string, string, error) {
		if label, overridden := overrideLabels[label]; overridden {
			return label, value, nil
		if _, supported := supportedLabels[label]; supported {
			return label, value, nil
		return "", "", fmt.Errorf("field label not supported: %s", label)