package version

import (


var (
	// commitFromGit is a constant representing the source version that
	// generated this build. It should be set during build via -ldflags.
	commitFromGit string
	// versionFromGit is a constant representing the version tag that
	// generated this build. It should be set during build via -ldflags.
	versionFromGit string
	// major version
	majorFromGit string
	// minor version
	minorFromGit string
	// build date in ISO8601 format, output of $(date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
	buildDate string

// Info contains versioning information.
// TODO: Add []string of api versions supported? It's still unclear
// how we'll want to distribute that information.
type Info struct {
	Major      string `json:"major"`
	Minor      string `json:"minor"`
	GitCommit  string `json:"gitCommit"`
	GitVersion string `json:"gitVersion"`
	BuildDate  string `json:"buildDate"`

// Get returns the overall codebase version. It's for detecting
// what code a binary was built from.
func Get() Info {
	return Info{
		Major:      majorFromGit,
		Minor:      minorFromGit,
		GitCommit:  commitFromGit,
		GitVersion: versionFromGit,
		BuildDate:  buildDate,

// String returns info as a human-friendly version string.
func (info Info) String() string {
	version := info.GitVersion
	if version == "" {
		version = "unknown"
	return version

// LastSemanticVersion attempts to return a semantic version from the GitVersion - which
// is either <semver>+<commit> or <semver> on release boundaries.
func (info Info) LastSemanticVersion() string {
	version := info.GitVersion
	parts := strings.Split(version, "+")
	return parts[0]

func init() {
	buildInfo := prometheus.NewGaugeVec(
			Name: "openshift_build_info",
			Help: "A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by major, minor, git commit & git version from which OpenShift was built.",
		[]string{"major", "minor", "gitCommit", "gitVersion"},
	buildInfo.WithLabelValues(majorFromGit, minorFromGit, commitFromGit, versionFromGit).Set(1)
