package template

import (


	. ""

// match ${KEY}, KEY will be grouped
var stringParameterExp = regexp.MustCompile(`\$\{([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+?)\}`)

// match ${{KEY}} exact match only, KEY will be grouped
var nonStringParameterExp = regexp.MustCompile(`^\$\{\{([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)\}\}$`)

// Processor process the Template into the List with substituted parameters
type Processor struct {
	Generators map[string]Generator

// NewProcessor creates new Processor and initializes its set of generators.
func NewProcessor(generators map[string]Generator) *Processor {
	return &Processor{Generators: generators}

// Process transforms Template object into List object. It generates
// Parameter values using the defined set of generators first, and then it
// substitutes all Parameter expression occurrences with their corresponding
// values (currently in the containers' Environment variables only).
func (p *Processor) Process(template *api.Template) field.ErrorList {
	templateErrors := field.ErrorList{}

	if fieldError := p.GenerateParameterValues(template); fieldError != nil {
		return append(templateErrors, fieldError)

	// Place parameters into a map for efficient lookup
	paramMap := make(map[string]api.Parameter)
	for _, param := range template.Parameters {
		paramMap[param.Name] = param

	// Perform parameter substitution on the template's user message. This can be used to
	// instruct a user on next steps for the template.
	template.Message, _ = p.EvaluateParameterSubstitution(paramMap, template.Message)

	itemPath := field.NewPath("item")
	for i, item := range template.Objects {
		idxPath := itemPath.Index(i)
		if obj, ok := item.(*runtime.Unknown); ok {
			// TODO: use runtime.DecodeList when it returns ValidationErrorList
			decodedObj, err := runtime.Decode(runtime.UnstructuredJSONScheme, obj.Raw)
			if err != nil {
				templateErrors = append(templateErrors, field.Invalid(idxPath.Child("objects"), obj, fmt.Sprintf("unable to handle object: %v", err)))
			item = decodedObj

		newItem, err := p.SubstituteParameters(paramMap, item)
		if err != nil {
			templateErrors = append(templateErrors, field.Invalid(idxPath.Child("parameters"), template.Parameters, err.Error()))
		// If an object definition's metadata includes a namespace field, the field will be stripped out of
		// the definition during template instantiation.  This is necessary because all objects created during
		// instantiation are placed into the target namespace, so it would be invalid for the object to declare
		//a different namespace.
		if err := util.AddObjectLabels(newItem, template.ObjectLabels); err != nil {
			templateErrors = append(templateErrors, field.Invalid(idxPath.Child("labels"),
				template.ObjectLabels, fmt.Sprintf("label could not be applied: %v", err)))
		template.Objects[i] = newItem

	return templateErrors

func stripNamespace(obj runtime.Object) {
	// Remove namespace from the item
	if itemMeta, err := meta.Accessor(obj); err == nil && len(itemMeta.GetNamespace()) > 0 {
	// TODO: allow meta.Accessor to handle runtime.Unstructured
	if unstruct, ok := obj.(*runtime.Unstructured); ok && unstruct.Object != nil {
		if obj, ok := unstruct.Object["metadata"]; ok {
			if m, ok := obj.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
				if _, ok := m["namespace"]; ok {
					m["namespace"] = ""
		if _, ok := unstruct.Object["namespace"]; ok {
			unstruct.Object["namespace"] = ""

// AddParameter adds new custom parameter to the Template. It overrides
// the existing parameter, if already defined.
func AddParameter(t *api.Template, param api.Parameter) {
	if existing := GetParameterByName(t, param.Name); existing != nil {
		*existing = param
	} else {
		t.Parameters = append(t.Parameters, param)

// GetParameterByName searches for a Parameter in the Template
// based on its name.
func GetParameterByName(t *api.Template, name string) *api.Parameter {
	for i, param := range t.Parameters {
		if param.Name == name {
			return &(t.Parameters[i])
	return nil

// EvaluateParameterSubstitution replaces escaped parameters in a string with values from the
// provided map.  Returns the substituted value (if any substitution applied) and a boolean
// indicating if the resulting value should be treated as a string(true) or a non-string
// value(false) for purposes of json encoding.
func (p *Processor) EvaluateParameterSubstitution(params map[string]api.Parameter, in string) (string, bool) {
	out := in
	// First check if the value matches the "${{KEY}}" substitution syntax, which
	// means replace and drop the quotes because the parameter value is to be used
	// as a non-string value.  If we hit a match here, we're done because the
	// "${{KEY}}" syntax is exact match only, it cannot be used in a value like
	// "FOO_${{KEY}}_BAR", no substitution will be performed if it is used in that way.
	for _, match := range nonStringParameterExp.FindAllStringSubmatch(in, -1) {
		if len(match) > 1 {
			if paramValue, found := params[match[1]]; found {
				out = strings.Replace(out, match[0], paramValue.Value, 1)
				return out, false

	// If we didn't do a non-string substitution above, do normal string substitution
	// on the value here if it contains a "${KEY}" reference.  This substitution does
	// allow multiple matches and prefix/postfix, eg "FOO_${KEY1}_${KEY2}_BAR"
	for _, match := range stringParameterExp.FindAllStringSubmatch(in, -1) {
		if len(match) > 1 {
			if paramValue, found := params[match[1]]; found {
				out = strings.Replace(out, match[0], paramValue.Value, 1)
	return out, true

// SubstituteParameters loops over all values defined in structured
// and unstructured types that are children of item.
// Example of Parameter expression:
func (p *Processor) SubstituteParameters(params map[string]api.Parameter, item runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, error) {
	stringreplace.VisitObjectStrings(item, func(in string) (string, bool) {
		return p.EvaluateParameterSubstitution(params, in)
	return item, nil

// GenerateParameterValues generates Value for each Parameter of the given
// Template that has Generate field specified where Value is not already
// supplied.
// Examples:
// from             | value
// -----------------------------
// "test[0-9]{1}x"  | "test7x"
// "[0-1]{8}"       | "01001100"
// "0x[A-F0-9]{4}"  | "0xB3AF"
// "[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}" | "hW4yQU5i"
// If an error occurs, the parameter that caused the error is returned along with the error message.
func (p *Processor) GenerateParameterValues(t *api.Template) *field.Error {
	for i := range t.Parameters {
		param := &t.Parameters[i]
		if len(param.Value) > 0 {
		templatePath := field.NewPath("template").Child("parameters").Index(i)
		if param.Generate != "" {
			generator, ok := p.Generators[param.Generate]
			if !ok {
				err := fmt.Errorf("Unknown generator name '%v' for parameter %s", param.Generate, param.Name)
				return field.Invalid(templatePath, param.Generate, err.Error())
			if generator == nil {
				err := fmt.Errorf("template.parameters[%v]: Invalid '%v' generator for parameter %s", i, param.Generate, param.Name)
				return field.Invalid(templatePath, param, err.Error())
			value, err := generator.GenerateValue(param.From)
			if err != nil {
				return field.Invalid(templatePath, param, err.Error())
			param.Value, ok = value.(string)
			if !ok {
				err := fmt.Errorf("template.parameters[%v]: Unable to convert the generated value '%#v' to string for parameter %s", i, value, param.Name)
				return field.Invalid(templatePath, param, err.Error())
		if len(param.Value) == 0 && param.Required {
			err := fmt.Errorf("template.parameters[%v]: parameter %s is required and must be specified", i, param.Name)
			return field.Required(templatePath, err.Error())
	return nil