package integration

import (

	docker ""
	kapi ""
	ktestclient ""
	utilerrs ""

	buildapi ""
	client ""
	clicmd ""
	deployapi ""
	apptest ""
	imageapi ""
	templateapi ""

	_ ""

func skipExternalGit(t *testing.T) {
	if len(os.Getenv("SKIP_EXTERNAL_GIT")) > 0 {
		t.Skip("external Git tests are disabled")

func TestNewAppAddArguments(t *testing.T) {
	tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "test-newapp")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
	defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)

	testDir := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "test/one/two/three")
	err = os.MkdirAll(testDir, 0777)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)

	tests := map[string]struct {
		args       []string
		env        []string
		parms      []string
		repos      []string
		components []string
		unknown    []string
		"components": {
			args:       []string{"one", "two+three", "four~five"},
			components: []string{"one", "two+three", "four~five"},
			unknown:    []string{},
		"source": {
			args:    []string{".", testDir, "git://"},
			repos:   []string{".", testDir, "git://"},
			unknown: []string{},
		"source custom ref": {
			args:    []string{""},
			repos:   []string{""},
			unknown: []string{},
		"env": {
			args:    []string{"first=one", "second=two", "third=three"},
			env:     []string{"first=one", "second=two", "third=three"},
			unknown: []string{},
		"mix 1": {
			args:       []string{"git://", "", "env1=test", "ruby-helloworld-sample"},
			repos:      []string{"git://"},
			components: []string{"", "ruby-helloworld-sample"},
			env:        []string{"env1=test"},
			unknown:    []string{},

	for n, c := range tests {
		a := &cmd.AppConfig{}
		unknown := a.AddArguments(c.args)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(a.Environment, c.env) {
			t.Errorf("%s: Different env variables. Expected: %v, Actual: %v", n, c.env, a.Environment)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(a.SourceRepositories, c.repos) {
			t.Errorf("%s: Different source repos. Expected: %v, Actual: %v", n, c.repos, a.SourceRepositories)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(a.Components, c.components) {
			t.Errorf("%s: Different components. Expected: %v, Actual: %v", n, c.components, a.Components)
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(unknown, c.unknown) {
			t.Errorf("%s: Different unknown result. Expected: %v, Actual: %v", n, c.unknown, unknown)


func TestNewAppResolve(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		name        string
		cfg         cmd.AppConfig
		components  app.ComponentReferences
		expectedErr string
			name: "Resolver error",
			components: app.ComponentReferences{
					Value: "mysql:invalid",
					Resolver: app.UniqueExactOrInexactMatchResolver{
						Searcher: app.DockerRegistrySearcher{
							Client: dockerregistry.NewClient(10*time.Second, true),
			expectedErr: `no match for "mysql:invalid`,
			name: "Successful mysql builder",
			components: app.ComponentReferences{
					Value: "mysql",
					ResolvedMatch: &app.ComponentMatch{
						Builder: true,
			expectedErr: "",
			name: "Unable to build source code",
			components: app.ComponentReferences{
					Value:         "mysql",
					ExpectToBuild: true,
			expectedErr: "no resolver",
			name: "Successful docker build",
			cfg: cmd.AppConfig{
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					Strategy: generate.StrategyDocker,
			components: app.ComponentReferences{
					Value:         "mysql",
					ExpectToBuild: true,
			expectedErr: "",

	for _, test := range tests {
		err := test.components.Resolve()
		if err != nil {
			if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), test.expectedErr) {
				t.Errorf("%s: Invalid error: Expected %s, got %v",, test.expectedErr, err)
		} else if len(test.expectedErr) != 0 {
			t.Errorf("%s: Expected %s error but got none",, test.expectedErr)

func TestNewAppDetectSource(t *testing.T) {
	gitLocalDir := test.CreateLocalGitDirectory(t)
	defer os.RemoveAll(gitLocalDir)

	dockerSearcher := app.DockerRegistrySearcher{
		Client: dockerregistry.NewClient(10*time.Second, true),
	mocks := MockSourceRepositories(t, gitLocalDir)
	tests := []struct {
		name         string
		cfg          *cmd.AppConfig
		repositories []*app.SourceRepository
		expectedLang string
		expectedErr  string
			name: "detect source - ruby",
			cfg: &cmd.AppConfig{
				Resolvers: cmd.Resolvers{
					Detector: app.SourceRepositoryEnumerator{
						Detectors:         source.DefaultDetectors,
						DockerfileTester:  dockerfile.NewTester(),
						JenkinsfileTester: jenkinsfile.NewTester(),
					DockerSearcher: dockerSearcher,
			repositories: []*app.SourceRepository{mocks[0]},
			expectedLang: "ruby",
			expectedErr:  "",

	for _, test := range tests {
		err := cmd.DetectSource(test.repositories, test.cfg.Detector, &test.cfg.GenerationInputs)
		if err != nil {
			if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), test.expectedErr) {
				t.Errorf("%s: Invalid error: Expected %s, got %v",, test.expectedErr, err)
		} else if len(test.expectedErr) != 0 {
			t.Errorf("%s: Expected %s error but got none",, test.expectedErr)

		for _, repo := range test.repositories {
			info := repo.Info()
			if info == nil {
				t.Errorf("%s: expected repository info to be populated; it is nil",
			if term := strings.Join(info.Terms(), ","); term != test.expectedLang {
				t.Errorf("%s: expected repository info term to be %s; got %s\n",, test.expectedLang, term)

func mapContains(a, b map[string]string) bool {
	for k, v := range a {
		if v2, exists := b[k]; !exists || v != v2 {
			return false
	return true

// ExactMatchDockerSearcher returns a match with the value that was passed in
// and a march score of 0.0(exact)
type ExactMatchDockerSearcher struct {
	Errs []error

// Search always returns a match for every term passed in
func (r *ExactMatchDockerSearcher) Search(precise bool, terms ...string) (app.ComponentMatches, []error) {
	matches := app.ComponentMatches{}
	for _, value := range terms {
		matches = append(matches, &app.ComponentMatch{
			Value:       value,
			Name:        value,
			Argument:    fmt.Sprintf("--docker-image=%q", value),
			Description: fmt.Sprintf("Docker image %q", value),
			Score:       0.0,
	return matches, r.Errs

// Some circular reference detection requires ImageStreams to
// be created with Tag support. The ExactMatchDirectTagDockerSearcher
// creates a Matcher which triggers the logic to enable tag support.
type ExactMatchDirectTagDockerSearcher struct {
	Errs []error

func (r *ExactMatchDirectTagDockerSearcher) Search(precise bool, terms ...string) (app.ComponentMatches, []error) {
	matches := app.ComponentMatches{}
	for _, value := range terms {
		matches = append(matches, &app.ComponentMatch{
			Value:       value,
			Name:        value,
			Argument:    fmt.Sprintf("--docker-image=%q", value),
			Description: fmt.Sprintf("Docker image %q", value),
			Score:       0.0,
			Image:       &imageapi.DockerImage{},
			Meta:        map[string]string{"direct-tag": "1"},
	return matches, r.Errs

func TestNewAppRunAll(t *testing.T) {
	dockerSearcher := app.DockerRegistrySearcher{
		Client: dockerregistry.NewClient(10*time.Second, true),
	tests := []struct {
		name            string
		config          *cmd.AppConfig
		expected        map[string][]string
		expectedName    string
		expectedErr     error
		errFn           func(error) bool
		expectInsecure  sets.String
		expectedVolumes map[string]string
		checkPort       string
			name: "successful ruby app generation",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
					SourceRepositories: []string{""},
				Resolvers: cmd.Resolvers{
					ImageStreamByAnnotationSearcher: app.NewImageStreamByAnnotationSearcher(&client.Fake{}, &client.Fake{}, []string{"default"}),
					TemplateSearcher: app.TemplateSearcher{
						Client: &client.Fake{},
						TemplateConfigsNamespacer: &client.Fake{},
						Namespaces:                []string{"openshift", "default"},
					DockerSearcher: fakeDockerSearcher(),
					ImageStreamSearcher: app.ImageStreamSearcher{
						Client:            &client.Fake{},
						ImageStreamImages: &client.Fake{},
						Namespaces:        []string{"default"},
					Detector: app.SourceRepositoryEnumerator{
						Detectors:         source.DefaultDetectors,
						DockerfileTester:  dockerfile.NewTester(),
						JenkinsfileTester: jenkinsfile.NewTester(),
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					Strategy: generate.StrategySource,
				Typer:           kapi.Scheme,
				OSClient:        &client.Fake{},
				OriginNamespace: "default",
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"imageStream":      {"ruby-hello-world", "ruby"},
				"buildConfig":      {"ruby-hello-world"},
				"deploymentConfig": {"ruby-hello-world"},
				"service":          {"ruby-hello-world"},
			expectedName:    "ruby-hello-world",
			expectedVolumes: nil,
			expectedErr:     nil,
			name: "successful ruby app generation with labels",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
					SourceRepositories: []string{""},

				Resolvers: cmd.Resolvers{
					DockerSearcher: fakeDockerSearcher(),
					ImageStreamSearcher: app.ImageStreamSearcher{
						Client:            &client.Fake{},
						ImageStreamImages: &client.Fake{},
						Namespaces:        []string{"default"},
					ImageStreamByAnnotationSearcher: app.NewImageStreamByAnnotationSearcher(&client.Fake{}, &client.Fake{}, []string{"default"}),
					TemplateSearcher: app.TemplateSearcher{
						Client: &client.Fake{},
						TemplateConfigsNamespacer: &client.Fake{},
						Namespaces:                []string{"openshift", "default"},
					Detector: app.SourceRepositoryEnumerator{
						Detectors:         source.DefaultDetectors,
						DockerfileTester:  dockerfile.NewTester(),
						JenkinsfileTester: jenkinsfile.NewTester(),

				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					Strategy: generate.StrategySource,
					Labels:   map[string]string{"label1": "value1", "label2": "value2"},
				Typer:           kapi.Scheme,
				OSClient:        &client.Fake{},
				OriginNamespace: "default",
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"imageStream":      {"ruby-hello-world", "ruby"},
				"buildConfig":      {"ruby-hello-world"},
				"deploymentConfig": {"ruby-hello-world"},
				"service":          {"ruby-hello-world"},
			expectedName:    "ruby-hello-world",
			expectedVolumes: nil,
			expectedErr:     nil,
			name: "successful docker app generation",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
					SourceRepositories: []string{""},

				Resolvers: cmd.Resolvers{
					DockerSearcher: fakeSimpleDockerSearcher(),
					ImageStreamSearcher: app.ImageStreamSearcher{
						Client:            &client.Fake{},
						ImageStreamImages: &client.Fake{},
						Namespaces:        []string{"default"},
					ImageStreamByAnnotationSearcher: app.NewImageStreamByAnnotationSearcher(&client.Fake{}, &client.Fake{}, []string{"default"}),
					TemplateSearcher: app.TemplateSearcher{
						Client: &client.Fake{},
						TemplateConfigsNamespacer: &client.Fake{},
						Namespaces:                []string{"openshift", "default"},
					Detector: app.SourceRepositoryEnumerator{
						Detectors:         source.DefaultDetectors,
						DockerfileTester:  dockerfile.NewTester(),
						JenkinsfileTester: jenkinsfile.NewTester(),
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					Strategy: generate.StrategyDocker,
				Typer:           kapi.Scheme,
				OSClient:        &client.Fake{},
				OriginNamespace: "default",
			checkPort: "8080",
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"imageStream":      {"ruby-hello-world", "ruby-22-centos7"},
				"buildConfig":      {"ruby-hello-world"},
				"deploymentConfig": {"ruby-hello-world"},
				"service":          {"ruby-hello-world"},
			expectedName: "ruby-hello-world",
			expectedErr:  nil,
			name: "app generation using context dir",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
					SourceRepositories: []string{""},
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					ContextDir: "2.0/test/rack-test-app",

				Resolvers: cmd.Resolvers{
					DockerSearcher:                  dockerSearcher,
					ImageStreamSearcher:             fakeImageStreamSearcher(),
					ImageStreamByAnnotationSearcher: app.NewImageStreamByAnnotationSearcher(&client.Fake{}, &client.Fake{}, []string{"default"}),
					TemplateSearcher: app.TemplateSearcher{
						Client: &client.Fake{},
						TemplateConfigsNamespacer: &client.Fake{},
						Namespaces:                []string{"openshift", "default"},
					Detector: app.SourceRepositoryEnumerator{
						Detectors:         source.DefaultDetectors,
						DockerfileTester:  dockerfile.NewTester(),
						JenkinsfileTester: jenkinsfile.NewTester(),

				Typer:           kapi.Scheme,
				OSClient:        &client.Fake{},
				OriginNamespace: "default",
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"imageStream":      {"sti-ruby"},
				"buildConfig":      {"sti-ruby"},
				"deploymentConfig": {"sti-ruby"},
				"service":          {"sti-ruby"},
			expectedName:    "sti-ruby",
			expectedVolumes: nil,
			expectedErr:     nil,
			name: "insecure registry generation",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
					Components:         []string{"myrepo:5000/myco/example"},
					SourceRepositories: []string{""},
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					Strategy:         generate.StrategySource,
					InsecureRegistry: true,

				Resolvers: cmd.Resolvers{
					DockerSearcher: app.DockerClientSearcher{
						Client: &apptest.FakeDockerClient{
							Images: []docker.APIImages{{RepoTags: []string{"myrepo:5000/myco/example"}}},
							Image:  dockerBuilderImage(),
						Insecure:         true,
						RegistrySearcher: &ExactMatchDockerSearcher{},
					ImageStreamSearcher: app.ImageStreamSearcher{
						Client:            &client.Fake{},
						ImageStreamImages: &client.Fake{},
						Namespaces:        []string{"default"},
					TemplateSearcher: app.TemplateSearcher{
						Client: &client.Fake{},
						TemplateConfigsNamespacer: &client.Fake{},
						Namespaces:                []string{},
					TemplateFileSearcher: &app.TemplateFileSearcher{},
					Detector: app.SourceRepositoryEnumerator{
						Detectors:         source.DefaultDetectors,
						DockerfileTester:  dockerfile.NewTester(),
						JenkinsfileTester: jenkinsfile.NewTester(),
				Typer:           kapi.Scheme,
				OSClient:        &client.Fake{},
				OriginNamespace: "default",
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"imageStream":      {"example", "ruby-hello-world"},
				"buildConfig":      {"ruby-hello-world"},
				"deploymentConfig": {"ruby-hello-world"},
				"service":          {"ruby-hello-world"},
			expectedName:    "ruby-hello-world",
			expectedErr:     nil,
			expectedVolumes: nil,
			expectInsecure:  sets.NewString("example"),
			name: "emptyDir volumes",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
					DockerImages: []string{"mysql"},

				Resolvers: cmd.Resolvers{
					DockerSearcher: dockerSearcher,
					ImageStreamSearcher: app.ImageStreamSearcher{
						Client:            &client.Fake{},
						ImageStreamImages: &client.Fake{},
						Namespaces:        []string{"default"},
					TemplateSearcher: app.TemplateSearcher{
						Client: &client.Fake{},
						TemplateConfigsNamespacer: &client.Fake{},
						Namespaces:                []string{"openshift", "default"},
					Detector: app.SourceRepositoryEnumerator{
						Detectors:         source.DefaultDetectors,
						DockerfileTester:  dockerfile.NewTester(),
						JenkinsfileTester: jenkinsfile.NewTester(),

				Typer:           kapi.Scheme,
				OSClient:        &client.Fake{},
				OriginNamespace: "default",

			expected: map[string][]string{
				"imageStream":      {"mysql"},
				"deploymentConfig": {"mysql"},
				"service":          {"mysql"},
				"volumeMounts":     {"mysql-volume-1"},
			expectedName: "mysql",
			expectedVolumes: map[string]string{
				"mysql-volume-1": "EmptyDir",
			expectedErr: nil,
			name: "Docker build",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
					SourceRepositories: []string{""},

				Resolvers: cmd.Resolvers{
					DockerSearcher: app.DockerClientSearcher{
						Client: &apptest.FakeDockerClient{
							Images: []docker.APIImages{{RepoTags: []string{"centos/ruby-22-centos7"}}},
							Image:  dockerBuilderImage(),
						Insecure:         true,
						RegistrySearcher: &ExactMatchDockerSearcher{},
					ImageStreamSearcher: app.ImageStreamSearcher{
						Client:            &client.Fake{},
						ImageStreamImages: &client.Fake{},
						Namespaces:        []string{"default"},
					ImageStreamByAnnotationSearcher: app.NewImageStreamByAnnotationSearcher(&client.Fake{}, &client.Fake{}, []string{"default"}),
					TemplateSearcher: app.TemplateSearcher{
						Client: &client.Fake{},
						TemplateConfigsNamespacer: &client.Fake{},
						Namespaces:                []string{"openshift", "default"},
					Detector: app.SourceRepositoryEnumerator{
						Detectors:         source.DefaultDetectors,
						DockerfileTester:  dockerfile.NewTester(),
						JenkinsfileTester: jenkinsfile.NewTester(),
				Typer:           kapi.Scheme,
				OSClient:        &client.Fake{},
				OriginNamespace: "default",
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"imageStream":      {"ruby-hello-world", "ruby-22-centos7"},
				"buildConfig":      {"ruby-hello-world"},
				"deploymentConfig": {"ruby-hello-world"},
				"service":          {"ruby-hello-world"},
			expectedName: "ruby-hello-world",
			expectedErr:  nil,
			name: "Docker build with no registry image",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
					SourceRepositories: []string{""},

				Resolvers: cmd.Resolvers{
					DockerSearcher: app.DockerClientSearcher{
						Client: &apptest.FakeDockerClient{
							Images: []docker.APIImages{{RepoTags: []string{"centos/ruby-22-centos7"}}},
							Image:  dockerBuilderImage(),
						Insecure: true,
					ImageStreamSearcher: app.ImageStreamSearcher{
						Client:            &client.Fake{},
						ImageStreamImages: &client.Fake{},
						Namespaces:        []string{"default"},
					ImageStreamByAnnotationSearcher: app.NewImageStreamByAnnotationSearcher(&client.Fake{}, &client.Fake{}, []string{"default"}),
					TemplateSearcher: app.TemplateSearcher{
						Client: &client.Fake{},
						TemplateConfigsNamespacer: &client.Fake{},
						Namespaces:                []string{"openshift", "default"},
					Detector: app.SourceRepositoryEnumerator{
						Detectors:         source.DefaultDetectors,
						DockerfileTester:  dockerfile.NewTester(),
						JenkinsfileTester: jenkinsfile.NewTester(),
				Typer:           kapi.Scheme,
				OSClient:        &client.Fake{},
				OriginNamespace: "default",
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"imageStream":      {"ruby-hello-world"},
				"buildConfig":      {"ruby-hello-world"},
				"deploymentConfig": {"ruby-hello-world"},
				"service":          {"ruby-hello-world"},
			expectedName: "ruby-hello-world",
			expectedErr:  nil,
			name: "custom name",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
					DockerImages: []string{"mysql"},
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					Name: "custom",
				Resolvers: cmd.Resolvers{
					DockerSearcher: app.DockerClientSearcher{
						Client: &apptest.FakeDockerClient{
							Images: []docker.APIImages{{RepoTags: []string{"mysql"}}},
							Image: &docker.Image{
								Config: &docker.Config{
									ExposedPorts: map[docker.Port]struct{}{
										"8080/tcp": {},
						RegistrySearcher: &ExactMatchDockerSearcher{},
					ImageStreamSearcher: app.ImageStreamSearcher{
						Client:            &client.Fake{},
						ImageStreamImages: &client.Fake{},
						Namespaces:        []string{"default"},
					TemplateSearcher: app.TemplateSearcher{
						Client: &client.Fake{},
						TemplateConfigsNamespacer: &client.Fake{},
						Namespaces:                []string{"openshift", "default"},
				Typer:           kapi.Scheme,
				OSClient:        &client.Fake{},
				OriginNamespace: "default",
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"imageStream":      {"custom"},
				"deploymentConfig": {"custom"},
				"service":          {"custom"},
			expectedName: "custom",
			expectedErr:  nil,
			name: "partial matches",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
					DockerImages: []string{"mysql"},
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					Name: "custom",
				Resolvers: cmd.Resolvers{
					DockerSearcher: app.DockerClientSearcher{
						RegistrySearcher: &ExactMatchDockerSearcher{Errs: []error{errors.NewInternalError(fmt.Errorf("test error"))}},
					ImageStreamSearcher: app.ImageStreamSearcher{
						Client: client.NewSimpleFake(&unversioned.Status{
							Status: unversioned.StatusFailure,
							Code:   http.StatusInternalServerError,
							Reason: unversioned.StatusReasonInternalError,
						ImageStreamImages: &client.Fake{},
						Namespaces:        []string{"default"},
					TemplateSearcher: app.TemplateSearcher{
						Client: &client.Fake{},
						TemplateConfigsNamespacer: &client.Fake{},
						Namespaces:                []string{"openshift", "default"},
				Typer:           kapi.Scheme,
				OSClient:        &client.Fake{},
				OriginNamespace: "default",
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"imageStream":      {"custom"},
				"deploymentConfig": {"custom"},
				"service":          {"custom"},
			expectedName: "custom",
			errFn: func(err error) bool {
				err = err.(utilerrs.Aggregate).Errors()[0]
				match, ok := err.(app.ErrNoMatch)
				if !ok {
					return false
				if match.Value != "mysql" {
					return false
				t.Logf("%#v", match.Errs[0])
				return len(match.Errs) == 1 && strings.Contains(match.Errs[0].Error(), "test error")

	for _, test := range tests {
		test.config.Out, test.config.ErrOut = os.Stdout, os.Stderr
		test.config.Deploy = true
		res, err := test.config.Run()
		if test.errFn != nil {
			if !test.errFn(err) {
				t.Errorf("%s: Error mismatch! Unexpected error: %#v",, err)
		} else if err != test.expectedErr {
			t.Errorf("%s: Error mismatch! Expected %v, got %v",, test.expectedErr, err)
		if err != nil {
		if res.Name != test.expectedName {
			t.Errorf("%s: Name was not correct: %v",, res.Name)
		imageStreams := []*imageapi.ImageStream{}
		got := map[string][]string{}
		gotVolumes := map[string]string{}
		for _, obj := range res.List.Items {
			switch tp := obj.(type) {
			case *buildapi.BuildConfig:
				got["buildConfig"] = append(got["buildConfig"], tp.Name)
			case *kapi.Service:
				if test.checkPort != "" {
					if len(tp.Spec.Ports) == 0 {
						t.Errorf("%s: did not get any ports in service",
					expectedPort, _ := strconv.Atoi(test.checkPort)
					if tp.Spec.Ports[0].Port != int32(expectedPort) {
						t.Errorf("%s: did not get expected port in service. Expected: %d. Got %d\n",, expectedPort, tp.Spec.Ports[0].Port)
				if test.config.Labels != nil {
					if !mapContains(test.config.Labels, tp.Spec.Selector) {
						t.Errorf("%s: did not get expected service selector. Expected: %v. Got: %v",, test.config.Labels, tp.Spec.Selector)
				got["service"] = append(got["service"], tp.Name)
			case *imageapi.ImageStream:
				got["imageStream"] = append(got["imageStream"], tp.Name)
				imageStreams = append(imageStreams, tp)
			case *deployapi.DeploymentConfig:
				got["deploymentConfig"] = append(got["deploymentConfig"], tp.Name)
				if podTemplate := tp.Spec.Template; podTemplate != nil {
					for _, volume := range podTemplate.Spec.Volumes {
						if volume.VolumeSource.EmptyDir != nil {
							gotVolumes[volume.Name] = "EmptyDir"
						} else {
							gotVolumes[volume.Name] = "UNKNOWN"
					for _, container := range podTemplate.Spec.Containers {
						for _, volumeMount := range container.VolumeMounts {
							got["volumeMounts"] = append(got["volumeMounts"], volumeMount.Name)
				if test.config.Labels != nil {
					if !mapContains(test.config.Labels, tp.Spec.Selector) {
						t.Errorf("%s: did not get expected deployment config rc selector. Expected: %v. Got: %v",, test.config.Labels, tp.Spec.Selector)

		if len(test.expected) != len(got) {
			t.Errorf("%s: Resource kind size mismatch! Expected %d, got %d",, len(test.expected), len(got))
		for k, exp := range test.expected {
			g, ok := got[k]
			if !ok {
				t.Errorf("%s: Didn't find expected kind %s",, k)


			if !reflect.DeepEqual(g, exp) {
				t.Errorf("%s: %s resource names mismatch! Expected %v, got %v",, k, exp, g)

		if len(test.expectedVolumes) != len(gotVolumes) {
			t.Errorf("%s: Volume count mismatch! Expected %d, got %d",, len(test.expectedVolumes), len(gotVolumes))
		for k, exp := range test.expectedVolumes {
			g, ok := gotVolumes[k]
			if !ok {
				t.Errorf("%s: Didn't find expected volume %s",, k)

			if g != exp {
				t.Errorf("%s: Expected volume of type %s, got %s",, g, exp)

		if test.expectedName != res.Name {
			t.Errorf("%s: Unexpected name: %s",, test.expectedName)

		if test.expectInsecure == nil {
		for _, stream := range imageStreams {
			_, hasAnnotation := stream.Annotations[imageapi.InsecureRepositoryAnnotation]
			if test.expectInsecure.Has(stream.Name) && !hasAnnotation {
				t.Errorf("%s: Expected insecure annotation for stream: %s, but did not get one.",, stream.Name)
			if !test.expectInsecure.Has(stream.Name) && hasAnnotation {
				t.Errorf("%s: Got insecure annotation for stream: %s, and was not expecting one.",, stream.Name)


func TestNewAppRunBuilds(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		name   string
		config *cmd.AppConfig

		expected    map[string][]string
		expectedErr func(error) bool
		checkResult func(*cmd.AppResult) error
		checkOutput func(stdout, stderr io.Reader) error
			name: "successful build from dockerfile",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					Dockerfile: "FROM openshift/origin:v1.0.6\nUSER foo",
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"buildConfig": {"origin"},
				// There's a single image stream, but different tags: input from
				// openshift/origin:v1.0.6, output to openshift/origin:latest.
				"imageStream": {"origin"},
			name: "successful ruby app generation",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
					SourceRepositories: []string{""},
					DockerImages:       []string{"centos/ruby-22-centos7", "openshift/nodejs-010-centos7"},
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					OutputDocker: true,
			expected: map[string][]string{
				// TODO: this test used to silently ignore components that were not builders (i.e. user input)
				//   That's bad, so the code should either error in this case or be a bit smarter.
				"buildConfig": {"ruby-hello-world", "ruby-hello-world-1"},
				"imageStream": {"nodejs-010-centos7", "ruby-22-centos7"},
			name: "successful build with no output",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					Dockerfile: "FROM centos",
					NoOutput:   true,
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"buildConfig": {"centos"},
				"imageStream": {"centos"},
			checkResult: func(res *cmd.AppResult) error {
				for _, item := range res.List.Items {
					switch t := item.(type) {
					case *buildapi.BuildConfig:
						got := t.Spec.Output.To
						want := (*kapi.ObjectReference)(nil)
						if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
							return fmt.Errorf("build.Spec.Output.To = %v; want %v", got, want)
						return nil
				return fmt.Errorf("BuildConfig not found; got %v", res.List.Items)
			name: "successful build from dockerfile with custom name",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					Dockerfile: "FROM openshift/origin-base\nUSER foo",
					Name:       "foobar",
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"buildConfig": {"foobar"},
				"imageStream": {"origin-base", "foobar"},
			name: "successful build from dockerfile with --to",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					Dockerfile: "FROM openshift/origin-base\nUSER foo",
					Name:       "foobar",
					To:         "destination/reference:tag",
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"buildConfig": {"foobar"},
				"imageStream": {"origin-base", "reference"},
			name: "successful build from dockerfile with --to and --to-docker=true",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					Dockerfile:   "FROM openshift/origin-base\nUSER foo",
					Name:         "foobar",
					To:           "destination/reference:tag",
					OutputDocker: true,
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"buildConfig": {"foobar"},
				"imageStream": {"origin-base"},
			checkResult: func(res *cmd.AppResult) error {
				for _, item := range res.List.Items {
					switch t := item.(type) {
					case *buildapi.BuildConfig:
						got := t.Spec.Output.To
						want := &kapi.ObjectReference{
							Kind: "DockerImage",
							Name: "destination/reference:tag",
						if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
							return fmt.Errorf("build.Spec.Output.To = %v; want %v", got, want)
						return nil
				return fmt.Errorf("BuildConfig not found; got %v", res.List.Items)
			name: "successful generation of BC with multiple sources: repo + Dockerfile",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
					SourceRepositories: []string{""},
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					Dockerfile: "FROM centos/ruby-22-centos7\nRUN false",
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"buildConfig": {"ruby-hello-world"},
				"imageStream": {"ruby-22-centos7", "ruby-hello-world"},
			checkResult: func(res *cmd.AppResult) error {
				var bc *buildapi.BuildConfig
				for _, item := range res.List.Items {
					switch v := item.(type) {
					case *buildapi.BuildConfig:
						if bc != nil {
							return fmt.Errorf("want one BuildConfig got multiple: %#v", res.List.Items)
						bc = v
				if bc == nil {
					return fmt.Errorf("want one BuildConfig got none: %#v", res.List.Items)
				var got string
				if bc.Spec.Source.Dockerfile != nil {
					got = *bc.Spec.Source.Dockerfile
				want := "FROM centos/ruby-22-centos7\nRUN false"
				if got != want {
					return fmt.Errorf("bc.Spec.Source.Dockerfile = %q; want %q", got, want)
				return nil
			name: "unsuccessful build from dockerfile due to strategy conflict",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					Dockerfile: "FROM openshift/origin-base\nUSER foo",
					Strategy:   generate.StrategySource,
			expectedErr: func(err error) bool {
				return err.Error() == "when directly referencing a Dockerfile, the strategy must must be 'docker'"
			name: "unsuccessful build from dockerfile due to missing FROM instruction",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					Dockerfile: "USER foo",
					Strategy:   generate.StrategyDocker,
			expectedErr: func(err error) bool {
				return err.Error() == "the Dockerfile in the repository \"\" has no FROM instruction"
			name: "unsuccessful generation of BC with multiple repos and Dockerfile",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
					SourceRepositories: []string{
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					Dockerfile: "FROM centos/ruby-22-centos7\nRUN false",
			expectedErr: func(err error) bool {
				return err.Error() == "--dockerfile cannot be used with multiple source repositories"
			name: "successful input image source build with a repository",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
					SourceRepositories: []string{
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					SourceImage:     "centos/mongodb-26-centos7",
					SourceImagePath: "/src:dst",
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"buildConfig": {"ruby-hello-world"},
				"imageStream": {"mongodb-26-centos7", "ruby-22-centos7", "ruby-hello-world"},
			checkResult: func(res *cmd.AppResult) error {
				var bc *buildapi.BuildConfig
				for _, item := range res.List.Items {
					switch v := item.(type) {
					case *buildapi.BuildConfig:
						if bc != nil {
							return fmt.Errorf("want one BuildConfig got multiple: %#v", res.List.Items)
						bc = v
				if bc == nil {
					return fmt.Errorf("want one BuildConfig got none: %#v", res.List.Items)
				var got string

				want := "mongodb-26-centos7:latest"
				got = bc.Spec.Source.Images[0].From.Name
				if got != want {
					return fmt.Errorf("bc.Spec.Source.Image.From.Name = %q; want %q", got, want)

				want = "ImageStreamTag"
				got = bc.Spec.Source.Images[0].From.Kind
				if got != want {
					return fmt.Errorf("bc.Spec.Source.Image.From.Kind = %q; want %q", got, want)

				want = "/src"
				got = bc.Spec.Source.Images[0].Paths[0].SourcePath
				if got != want {
					return fmt.Errorf("bc.Spec.Source.Image.Paths[0].SourcePath = %q; want %q", got, want)

				want = "dst"
				got = bc.Spec.Source.Images[0].Paths[0].DestinationDir
				if got != want {
					return fmt.Errorf("bc.Spec.Source.Image.Paths[0].DestinationDir = %q; want %q", got, want)
				return nil
			name: "successful input image source build with no repository",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
					Components: []string{"openshift/nodejs-010-centos7"},
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					To:              "outputimage",
					SourceImage:     "centos/mongodb-26-centos7",
					SourceImagePath: "/src:dst",
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"buildConfig": {"outputimage"},
				"imageStream": {"mongodb-26-centos7", "nodejs-010-centos7", "outputimage"},
			checkResult: func(res *cmd.AppResult) error {
				var bc *buildapi.BuildConfig
				for _, item := range res.List.Items {
					switch v := item.(type) {
					case *buildapi.BuildConfig:
						if bc != nil {
							return fmt.Errorf("want one BuildConfig got multiple: %#v", res.List.Items)
						bc = v
				if bc == nil {
					return fmt.Errorf("want one BuildConfig got none: %#v", res.List.Items)
				var got string

				want := "mongodb-26-centos7:latest"
				got = bc.Spec.Source.Images[0].From.Name
				if got != want {
					return fmt.Errorf("bc.Spec.Source.Image.From.Name = %q; want %q", got, want)

				want = "ImageStreamTag"
				got = bc.Spec.Source.Images[0].From.Kind
				if got != want {
					return fmt.Errorf("bc.Spec.Source.Image.From.Kind = %q; want %q", got, want)

				want = "/src"
				got = bc.Spec.Source.Images[0].Paths[0].SourcePath
				if got != want {
					return fmt.Errorf("bc.Spec.Source.Image.Paths[0].SourcePath = %q; want %q", got, want)

				want = "dst"
				got = bc.Spec.Source.Images[0].Paths[0].DestinationDir
				if got != want {
					return fmt.Errorf("bc.Spec.Source.Image.Paths[0].DestinationDir = %q; want %q", got, want)
				return nil
			name: "successful build from source with autodetected jenkinsfile",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
					SourceRepositories: []string{
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					ContextDir: "openshift/pipeline",
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"buildConfig": {"nodejs-ex"},
			checkResult: func(res *cmd.AppResult) error {
				if len(res.List.Items) != 1 {
					return fmt.Errorf("expected one Item returned")
				bc, ok := res.List.Items[0].(*buildapi.BuildConfig)
				if !ok {
					return fmt.Errorf("expected Item of type *buildapi.BuildConfig")
				if !reflect.DeepEqual(bc.Spec.Output, buildapi.BuildOutput{}) {
					return fmt.Errorf("invalid bc.Spec.Output, got %#v", bc.Spec.Output)
				if !reflect.DeepEqual(bc.Spec.Source, buildapi.BuildSource{
					ContextDir: "openshift/pipeline",
					Git:        &buildapi.GitBuildSource{URI: ""},
					Secrets:    []buildapi.SecretBuildSource{},
				}) {
					return fmt.Errorf("invalid bc.Spec.Source, got %#v", bc.Spec.Source)
				if !reflect.DeepEqual(bc.Spec.Strategy, buildapi.BuildStrategy{JenkinsPipelineStrategy: &buildapi.JenkinsPipelineBuildStrategy{}}) {
					return fmt.Errorf("invalid bc.Spec.Strategy, got %#v", bc.Spec.Strategy)
				return nil
			name: "successful build from component with source with pipeline strategy",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
					Components: []string{
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					ContextDir: "openshift/pipeline",
					Strategy:   generate.StrategyPipeline,
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"buildConfig": {"nodejs-ex"},
			checkResult: func(res *cmd.AppResult) error {
				if len(res.List.Items) != 1 {
					return fmt.Errorf("expected one Item returned")
				bc, ok := res.List.Items[0].(*buildapi.BuildConfig)
				if !ok {
					return fmt.Errorf("expected Item of type *buildapi.BuildConfig")
				if !reflect.DeepEqual(bc.Spec.Output, buildapi.BuildOutput{}) {
					return fmt.Errorf("invalid bc.Spec.Output, got %#v", bc.Spec.Output)
				if !reflect.DeepEqual(bc.Spec.Source, buildapi.BuildSource{
					ContextDir: "openshift/pipeline",
					Git:        &buildapi.GitBuildSource{URI: ""},
					Secrets:    []buildapi.SecretBuildSource{},
				}) {
					return fmt.Errorf("invalid bc.Spec.Source, got %#v", bc.Spec.Source.Git)
				if !reflect.DeepEqual(bc.Spec.Strategy, buildapi.BuildStrategy{JenkinsPipelineStrategy: &buildapi.JenkinsPipelineBuildStrategy{}}) {
					return fmt.Errorf("invalid bc.Spec.Strategy, got %#v", bc.Spec.Strategy)
				return nil
			name: "successful build from source with jenkinsfile with pipeline strategy",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
					SourceRepositories: []string{
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					ContextDir: "openshift/pipeline",
					Strategy:   generate.StrategyPipeline,
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"buildConfig": {"nodejs-ex"},
			name: "failed build from source with jenkinsfile with docker strategy",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
					SourceRepositories: []string{
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					ContextDir: "openshift/pipeline",
					Strategy:   generate.StrategyDocker,
			expectedErr: func(err error) bool {
				return strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "No Dockerfile was found in the repository")
			name: "failed build from source without jenkinsfile with pipeline strategy",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
					SourceRepositories: []string{
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					Strategy: generate.StrategyPipeline,
			expectedErr: func(err error) bool {
				return strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "No Jenkinsfile was found in the repository")
	for _, test := range tests {
		stdout, stderr := PrepareAppConfig(test.config)

		res, err := test.config.Run()
		if (test.expectedErr == nil && err != nil) || (test.expectedErr != nil && !test.expectedErr(err)) {
			t.Errorf("%s: unexpected error: %v",, err)
		if err != nil {
		if test.checkOutput != nil {
			if err := test.checkOutput(stdout, stderr); err != nil {
		got := map[string][]string{}
		for _, obj := range res.List.Items {
			switch tp := obj.(type) {
			case *buildapi.BuildConfig:
				got["buildConfig"] = append(got["buildConfig"], tp.Name)
			case *imageapi.ImageStream:
				got["imageStream"] = append(got["imageStream"], tp.Name)

		if len(test.expected) != len(got) {
			t.Errorf("%s: Resource kind size mismatch! Expected %d, got %d",, len(test.expected), len(got))

		for k, exp := range test.expected {
			g, ok := got[k]
			if !ok {
				t.Errorf("%s: Didn't find expected kind %s",, k)


			if !reflect.DeepEqual(g, exp) {
				t.Errorf("%s: Resource names mismatch! Expected %v, got %v",, exp, g)

		if test.checkResult != nil {
			if err := test.checkResult(res); err != nil {
				t.Errorf("%s: unexpected result: %v",, err)

func TestNewAppBuildOutputCycleDetection(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		name   string
		config *cmd.AppConfig

		expected    map[string][]string
		expectedErr func(error) bool
		checkOutput func(stdout, stderr io.Reader) error
			name: "successful build with warning that output docker-image may trigger input ImageStream change; legacy ImageStream without tags",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					OutputDocker: true,
					To:           "centos/ruby-22-centos7",
					Dockerfile:   "FROM centos/ruby-22-centos7:latest",
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"buildConfig": {"ruby-22-centos7"},
				"imageStream": {"ruby-22-centos7"},
			checkOutput: func(stdout, stderr io.Reader) error {
				got, err := ioutil.ReadAll(stderr)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				want := "--> WARNING: output image of \"centos/ruby-22-centos7:latest\" should be different than input\n"
				if string(got) != want {
					return fmt.Errorf("stderr: got %q; want %q", got, want)
				return nil
			name: "successful build from dockerfile with identical input and output image references with warning(1)",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					Dockerfile: "FROM centos\nRUN yum install -y httpd",
					To:         "centos",
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"buildConfig": {"centos"},
				"imageStream": {"centos"},
			checkOutput: func(stdout, stderr io.Reader) error {
				got, err := ioutil.ReadAll(stderr)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				want := "--> WARNING: output image of \"centos:latest\" should be different than input\n"
				if string(got) != want {
					return fmt.Errorf("stderr: got %q; want %q", got, want)
				return nil
			name: "successful build from dockerfile with identical input and output image references with warning(2)",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					Dockerfile: "FROM openshift/ruby-22-centos7\nRUN yum install -y httpd",
					To:         "ruby-22-centos7",
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"buildConfig": {"ruby-22-centos7"},
				"imageStream": {"ruby-22-centos7"},
			checkOutput: func(stdout, stderr io.Reader) error {
				got, err := ioutil.ReadAll(stderr)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				want := "--> WARNING: output image of \"openshift/ruby-22-centos7:latest\" should be different than input\n"
				if string(got) != want {
					return fmt.Errorf("stderr: got %q; want %q", got, want)
				return nil
			name: "unsuccessful build from dockerfile due to identical input and output image references(1)",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					Dockerfile: "FROM centos\nRUN yum install -y httpd",
			expectedErr: func(err error) bool {
				e := app.CircularOutputReferenceError{
					Reference: "centos:latest",
				return err.Error() == fmt.Errorf("%v, set a different tag with --to", e).Error()
			name: "unsuccessful build from dockerfile due to identical input and output image references(2)",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					Dockerfile: "FROM openshift/ruby-22-centos7\nRUN yum install -y httpd",
			expectedErr: func(err error) bool {
				e := app.CircularOutputReferenceError{
					Reference: "openshift/ruby-22-centos7:latest",
				return err.Error() == fmt.Errorf("%v, set a different tag with --to", e).Error()
			name: "successful build with warning that output docker-image may trigger input ImageStream change",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					OutputDocker: true,
					To:           "centos/ruby-22-centos7",
					Dockerfile:   "FROM centos/ruby-22-centos7",
				Resolvers: cmd.Resolvers{
					DockerSearcher: app.DockerClientSearcher{
						Client:           &apptest.FakeDockerClient{},
						Insecure:         true,
						RegistrySearcher: &ExactMatchDirectTagDockerSearcher{},
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"buildConfig": {"ruby-22-centos7"},
				"imageStream": {"ruby-22-centos7"},
			checkOutput: func(stdout, stderr io.Reader) error {
				got, err := ioutil.ReadAll(stderr)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				want := "--> WARNING: output image of \"centos/ruby-22-centos7:latest\" should be different than input\n"
				if string(got) != want {
					return fmt.Errorf("stderr: got %q; want %q", got, want)
				return nil
			name: "successful build with warning that output docker-image may trigger input ImageStream change; latest variation",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					OutputDocker: true,
					To:           "centos/ruby-22-centos7",
					Dockerfile:   "FROM centos/ruby-22-centos7:latest",
				Resolvers: cmd.Resolvers{
					DockerSearcher: app.DockerClientSearcher{
						Client:           &apptest.FakeDockerClient{},
						Insecure:         true,
						RegistrySearcher: &ExactMatchDirectTagDockerSearcher{},
			expected: map[string][]string{
				"buildConfig": {"ruby-22-centos7"},
				"imageStream": {"ruby-22-centos7"},
			checkOutput: func(stdout, stderr io.Reader) error {
				got, err := ioutil.ReadAll(stderr)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				want := "--> WARNING: output image of \"centos/ruby-22-centos7:latest\" should be different than input\n"
				if string(got) != want {
					return fmt.Errorf("stderr: got %q; want %q", got, want)
				return nil
	for _, test := range tests {
		stdout, stderr := PrepareAppConfig(test.config)

		res, err := test.config.Run()
		if (test.expectedErr == nil && err != nil) || (test.expectedErr != nil && !test.expectedErr(err)) {
			t.Errorf("%s: unexpected error: %v",, err)
		if err != nil {
		if test.checkOutput != nil {
			if err := test.checkOutput(stdout, stderr); err != nil {
				t.Errorf("Error during test %q: %v",, err)
		got := map[string][]string{}
		for _, obj := range res.List.Items {
			switch tp := obj.(type) {
			case *buildapi.BuildConfig:
				got["buildConfig"] = append(got["buildConfig"], tp.Name)
			case *imageapi.ImageStream:
				got["imageStream"] = append(got["imageStream"], tp.Name)

		if len(test.expected) != len(got) {
			t.Errorf("%s: Resource kind size mismatch! Expected %d, got %d",, len(test.expected), len(got))

		for k, exp := range test.expected {
			g, ok := got[k]
			if !ok {
				t.Errorf("%s: Didn't find expected kind %s",, k)


			if !reflect.DeepEqual(g, exp) {
				t.Errorf("%s: Resource names mismatch! Expected %v, got %v",, exp, g)


func TestNewAppNewBuildEnvVars(t *testing.T) {
	dockerSearcher := app.DockerRegistrySearcher{
		Client: dockerregistry.NewClient(10*time.Second, true),

	tests := []struct {
		name        string
		config      *cmd.AppConfig
		expected    []kapi.EnvVar
		expectedErr error
			name: "explicit environment variables for buildConfig and deploymentConfig",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
					SourceRepositories: []string{""},
					DockerImages:       []string{"centos/ruby-22-centos7", "openshift/nodejs-010-centos7"},
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					AddEnvironmentToBuild: true,
					OutputDocker:          true,
					Environment:           []string{"BUILD_ENV_1=env_value_1", "BUILD_ENV_2=env_value_2"},

				Resolvers: cmd.Resolvers{
					DockerSearcher: dockerSearcher,
					Detector: app.SourceRepositoryEnumerator{
						Detectors:         source.DefaultDetectors,
						DockerfileTester:  dockerfile.NewTester(),
						JenkinsfileTester: jenkinsfile.NewTester(),
				Typer:           kapi.Scheme,
				OSClient:        &client.Fake{},
				OriginNamespace: "default",
			expected: []kapi.EnvVar{
				{Name: "BUILD_ENV_1", Value: "env_value_1"},
				{Name: "BUILD_ENV_2", Value: "env_value_2"},
			expectedErr: nil,

	for _, test := range tests {
		test.config.Out, test.config.ErrOut = os.Stdout, os.Stderr
		test.config.ExpectToBuild = true
		res, err := test.config.Run()
		if err != test.expectedErr {
			t.Errorf("%s: Error mismatch! Expected %v, got %v",, test.expectedErr, err)
		got := []kapi.EnvVar{}
		for _, obj := range res.List.Items {
			switch tp := obj.(type) {
			case *buildapi.BuildConfig:
				got = tp.Spec.Strategy.SourceStrategy.Env

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.expected, got) {
			t.Errorf("%s: unexpected output. Expected: %#v, Got: %#v",, test.expected, got)

func TestNewAppBuildConfigEnvVarsAndSecrets(t *testing.T) {
	dockerSearcher := app.DockerRegistrySearcher{
		Client: dockerregistry.NewClient(10*time.Second, true),

	tests := []struct {
		name            string
		config          *cmd.AppConfig
		expected        []kapi.EnvVar
		expectedSecrets map[string]string
		expectedErr     error
			name: "explicit environment variables for buildConfig and deploymentConfig",
			config: &cmd.AppConfig{
				ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
					SourceRepositories: []string{""},
					DockerImages:       []string{"centos/ruby-22-centos7", "centos/mongodb-26-centos7"},
				GenerationInputs: cmd.GenerationInputs{
					OutputDocker: true,
					Environment:  []string{"BUILD_ENV_1=env_value_1", "BUILD_ENV_2=env_value_2"},
					Secrets:      []string{"foo:/var", "bar"},

				Resolvers: cmd.Resolvers{
					DockerSearcher: dockerSearcher,
					Detector: app.SourceRepositoryEnumerator{
						Detectors:         source.DefaultDetectors,
						DockerfileTester:  dockerfile.NewTester(),
						JenkinsfileTester: jenkinsfile.NewTester(),
				Typer:           kapi.Scheme,
				OSClient:        &client.Fake{},
				OriginNamespace: "default",
			expected:        []kapi.EnvVar{},
			expectedSecrets: map[string]string{"foo": "/var", "bar": "."},
			expectedErr:     nil,

	for _, test := range tests {
		test.config.Out, test.config.ErrOut = os.Stdout, os.Stderr
		test.config.Deploy = true
		res, err := test.config.Run()
		if err != test.expectedErr {
			t.Errorf("%s: Error mismatch! Expected %v, got %v",, test.expectedErr, err)
		got := []kapi.EnvVar{}
		gotSecrets := []buildapi.SecretBuildSource{}
		for _, obj := range res.List.Items {
			switch tp := obj.(type) {
			case *buildapi.BuildConfig:
				got = tp.Spec.Strategy.SourceStrategy.Env
				gotSecrets = tp.Spec.Source.Secrets

		for secretName, destDir := range test.expectedSecrets {
			found := false
			for _, got := range gotSecrets {
				if got.Secret.Name == secretName && got.DestinationDir == destDir {
					found = true
			if !found {
				t.Errorf("expected secret %q and destination %q, got %#v", secretName, destDir, gotSecrets)

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.expected, got) {
			t.Errorf("%s: unexpected output. Expected: %#v, Got: %#v",, test.expected, got)

func TestNewAppSourceAuthRequired(t *testing.T) {

	tests := []struct {
		name               string
		passwordProtected  bool
		useProxy           bool
		expectAuthRequired bool
			name:               "no auth",
			passwordProtected:  false,
			useProxy:           false,
			expectAuthRequired: false,
			name:               "basic auth",
			passwordProtected:  true,
			useProxy:           false,
			expectAuthRequired: true,
			name:               "proxy required",
			passwordProtected:  false,
			useProxy:           true,
			expectAuthRequired: true,
			name:               "basic auth and proxy required",
			passwordProtected:  true,
			useProxy:           true,
			expectAuthRequired: true,

	for _, test := range tests {
		url, tempRepoDir := setupLocalGitRepo(t, test.passwordProtected, test.useProxy)

		sourceRepo, err := app.NewSourceRepository(url, generate.StrategySource)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%v", err)

		detector := app.SourceRepositoryEnumerator{
			Detectors:         source.DefaultDetectors,
			DockerfileTester:  dockerfile.NewTester(),
			JenkinsfileTester: jenkinsfile.NewTester(),

		if err = sourceRepo.Detect(detector, true); err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%v", err)

		_, sourceRef, err := app.StrategyAndSourceForRepository(sourceRepo, nil)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%v", err)

		if test.expectAuthRequired != sourceRef.RequiresAuth {
			t.Errorf("%s: unexpected auth required result. Expected: %v. Actual: %v",, test.expectAuthRequired, sourceRef.RequiresAuth)

func TestNewAppListAndSearch(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		name           string
		options        clicmd.NewAppOptions
		expectedOutput string
			name: "search, no oldversion",
			options: clicmd.NewAppOptions{
				Config: &cmd.AppConfig{
					ComponentInputs: cmd.ComponentInputs{
						ImageStreams: []string{"ruby"},
					AsSearch: true,
			expectedOutput: "Image streams (oc new-app --image-stream=<image-stream> [--code=<source>])\n-----\nruby\n  Project: default\n  Tags:    latest\n\n",
			name: "list, no oldversion",
			options: clicmd.NewAppOptions{
				Config: &cmd.AppConfig{
					AsList: true,
			expectedOutput: "Image streams (oc new-app --image-stream=<image-stream> [--code=<source>])\n-----\nruby\n  Project: default\n  Tags:    latest\n\n",
	for _, test := range tests {
		stdout, stderr := PrepareAppConfig(test.options.Config)
		test.options.Out, test.options.ErrOut = stdout, stderr
		test.options.BaseName = "oc"
		test.options.CommandName = "new-app"

		err := test.options.RunNewApp()
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("expected err == nil, got err == %v", err)
		if stderr.Len() > 0 {
			t.Errorf("expected stderr == %q, got stderr == %q", "", stderr.Bytes())
		if string(stdout.Bytes()) != test.expectedOutput {
			t.Errorf("expected stdout == %q, got stdout == %q", test.expectedOutput, stdout.Bytes())

func setupLocalGitRepo(t *testing.T, passwordProtected bool, requireProxy bool) (string, string) {
	// Create test directories
	testDir, err := ioutil.TempDir(util.GetBaseDir(), "gitauth")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("%v", err)
	initialRepoDir := filepath.Join(testDir, "initial-repo")
	if err = os.Mkdir(initialRepoDir, 0755); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("%v", err)
	gitHomeDir := filepath.Join(testDir, "git-home")
	if err = os.Mkdir(gitHomeDir, 0755); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("%v", err)
	testRepoDir := filepath.Join(gitHomeDir, "test-repo")
	if err = os.Mkdir(testRepoDir, 0755); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("%v", err)
	userHomeDir := filepath.Join(testDir, "user-home")
	if err = os.Mkdir(userHomeDir, 0755); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("%v", err)

	// Set initial repo contents
	gitRepo := git.NewRepository()
	if err = gitRepo.Init(initialRepoDir, false); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("%v", err)
	if err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(initialRepoDir, "Dockerfile"), []byte("FROM mysql\nLABEL mylabel=myvalue\n"), 0644); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("%v", err)
	if err = gitRepo.Add(initialRepoDir, "."); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("%v", err)
	if err = gitRepo.Commit(initialRepoDir, "initial commit"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("%v", err)

	// Clone to repository inside gitHomeDir
	if err = gitRepo.CloneBare(testRepoDir, initialRepoDir); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("%v", err)

	// Initialize test git server
	var gitHandler http.Handler
	gitHandler = githttp.New(gitHomeDir)

	// If password protected, set handler to require password
	user := "gituser"
	password := "gitpass"
	if passwordProtected {
		authenticator := auth.Authenticator(func(info auth.AuthInfo) (bool, error) {
			if info.Username != user && info.Password != password {
				return false, nil
			return true, nil
		gitHandler = authenticator(gitHandler)
	gitServer := httptest.NewServer(gitHandler)
	gitURLString := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", gitServer.URL, "test-repo")

	var proxyServer *httptest.Server

	// If proxy required, create a simple proxy server that will forward any host to the git server
	if requireProxy {
		gitURL, err := url.Parse(gitURLString)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%v", err)
		proxy := goproxy.NewProxyHttpServer()
			func(r *http.Request, ctx *goproxy.ProxyCtx) (*http.Request, *http.Response) {
				r.URL.Host = gitURL.Host
				return r, nil
		gitURLString = ""
		proxyServer = httptest.NewServer(proxy)

	gitConfig := `
name = developer
email =
	if passwordProtected {
		authSection := `
[url %q]
insteadOf = %s
		urlWithAuth, err := url.Parse(gitURLString)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%v", err)
		urlWithAuth.User = url.UserPassword(user, password)
		authSection = fmt.Sprintf(authSection, urlWithAuth.String(), gitURLString)
		gitConfig += authSection

	if requireProxy {
		proxySection := `
	proxy = %s
		proxySection = fmt.Sprintf(proxySection, proxyServer.URL)
		gitConfig += proxySection

	if err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(userHomeDir, ".gitconfig"), []byte(gitConfig), 0644); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("%v", err)
	os.Setenv("HOME", userHomeDir)
	os.Setenv("GIT_ASKPASS", "true")

	return gitURLString, testDir


func builderImageStream() *imageapi.ImageStream {
	return &imageapi.ImageStream{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name:            "ruby",
			Namespace:       "default",
			ResourceVersion: "1",
		Spec: imageapi.ImageStreamSpec{
			Tags: map[string]imageapi.TagReference{
				"oldversion": {
					Annotations: map[string]string{
						"tags": "hidden",
		Status: imageapi.ImageStreamStatus{
			Tags: map[string]imageapi.TagEventList{
				"latest": {
					Items: []imageapi.TagEvent{
							Image: "the-image-id",
				"oldversion": {
					Items: []imageapi.TagEvent{
							Image: "the-image-id",
			DockerImageRepository: "example/ruby:latest",


func builderImageStreams() *imageapi.ImageStreamList {
	return &imageapi.ImageStreamList{
		Items: []imageapi.ImageStream{*builderImageStream()},

func builderImage() *imageapi.ImageStreamImage {
	return &imageapi.ImageStreamImage{
		Image: imageapi.Image{
			DockerImageReference: "example/ruby:latest",
			DockerImageMetadata: imageapi.DockerImage{
				Config: &imageapi.DockerConfig{
					Env: []string{
					ExposedPorts: map[string]struct{}{
						"8080/tcp": {},

func dockerBuilderImage() *docker.Image {
	return &docker.Image{
		ID: "ruby",
		Config: &docker.Config{
			Env: []string{
			ExposedPorts: map[docker.Port]struct{}{
				"8080/tcp": {},

func fakeImageStreamSearcher() app.Searcher {
	client := &client.Fake{}
	client.AddReactor("get", "imagestreams", func(action ktestclient.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		return true, builderImageStream(), nil
	client.AddReactor("list", "imagestreams", func(action ktestclient.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		return true, builderImageStreams(), nil
	client.AddReactor("get", "imagestreamimages", func(action ktestclient.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		return true, builderImage(), nil

	return app.ImageStreamSearcher{
		Client:            client,
		ImageStreamImages: client,
		Namespaces:        []string{"default"},

func fakeTemplateSearcher() app.Searcher {
	client := &client.Fake{}
	client.AddReactor("list", "templates", func(action ktestclient.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
		return true, templateList(), nil

	return app.TemplateSearcher{
		Client:     client,
		Namespaces: []string{"default"},

func templateList() *templateapi.TemplateList {
	return &templateapi.TemplateList{
		Items: []templateapi.Template{
				Objects: []runtime.Object{},
				ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
					Name:      "first-stored-template",
					Namespace: "default",

func fakeDockerSearcher() app.Searcher {
	return app.DockerClientSearcher{
		Client: &apptest.FakeDockerClient{
			Images: []docker.APIImages{{RepoTags: []string{"library/ruby:latest"}}},
			Image:  dockerBuilderImage(),
		Insecure:         true,
		RegistrySearcher: &ExactMatchDockerSearcher{},

func fakeSimpleDockerSearcher() app.Searcher {
	return app.DockerClientSearcher{
		Client: &apptest.FakeDockerClient{
			Images: []docker.APIImages{{RepoTags: []string{"centos/ruby-22-centos7"}}},
			Image: &docker.Image{
				ID: "ruby",
				Config: &docker.Config{
					Env: []string{},
		RegistrySearcher: &ExactMatchDockerSearcher{},

// MockSourceRepositories is a set of mocked source repositories used for
// testing
func MockSourceRepositories(t *testing.T, file string) []*app.SourceRepository {
	var b []*app.SourceRepository
	for _, location := range []string{
	} {
		s, err := app.NewSourceRepository(location, generate.StrategySource)
		if err != nil {
		b = append(b, s)
	return b

// PrepareAppConfig sets fields in config appropriate for running tests. It
// returns two buffers bound to stdout and stderr.
func PrepareAppConfig(config *cmd.AppConfig) (stdout, stderr *bytes.Buffer) {
	config.ExpectToBuild = true
	stdout, stderr = new(bytes.Buffer), new(bytes.Buffer)
	config.Out, config.ErrOut = stdout, stderr

	config.Detector = app.SourceRepositoryEnumerator{
		Detectors:         source.DefaultDetectors,
		DockerfileTester:  dockerfile.NewTester(),
		JenkinsfileTester: jenkinsfile.NewTester(),
	if config.DockerSearcher == nil {
		config.DockerSearcher = app.DockerRegistrySearcher{
			Client: dockerregistry.NewClient(10*time.Second, true),
	config.ImageStreamByAnnotationSearcher = fakeImageStreamSearcher()
	config.ImageStreamSearcher = fakeImageStreamSearcher()
	config.OriginNamespace = "default"
	config.OSClient = &client.Fake{}
	config.TemplateSearcher = app.TemplateSearcher{
		Client: &client.Fake{},
		TemplateConfigsNamespacer: &client.Fake{},
		Namespaces:                []string{"openshift", "default"},
	config.Typer = kapi.Scheme