apiVersion: v1
kind: List

# The gitserver is deployed as a singleton pod and uses a very small amount
# of resources. It can host or transiently serve Git repositories, as well
# as automatically integrate with builds in a namespace.
- apiVersion: v1
  kind: DeploymentConfig
    name: gitserver
      app: gitserver
    replicas: 1 # the gitserver is not HA and should not be scaled past 1
      run-container: gitserver
          run-container: gitserver
        serviceAccountName: gitserver
        - name: gitserver
          image: openshift/origin-gitserver
          - containerPort: 8080

          # Each environment variable matching GIT_INITIAL_CLONE_* will
          # be cloned when the process starts; failures will be logged.
          # <name> must be [A-Z0-9_\-\.], the cloned directory name will
          # be lowercased. If the name is invalid the pod will halt. If
          # the repository already exists on disk, it will be updated
          # from the remote.
          #- name: GIT_INITIAL_CLONE_1
          #  value:  <url>[;<name>]

          # The namespace of the pod is required for implicit config
          # (passing '-' to AUTOLINK_KUBECONFIG or REQUIRE_SERVER_AUTH)
          # and can also be used to target a specific namespace.
          - name: POD_NAMESPACE
                fieldPath: metadata.namespace

          # The URL that builds must use to access the Git repositories
          # stored in this app.
          # TOOD: support HTTPS
          - name: PUBLIC_URL
            value: http://gitserver.$(POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local:8080
          # The directory to store Git repositories in. If not backed
          # by a persistent volume, repositories will be lost when
          # deployments occur. Use INITIAL_GIT_CLONE and AUTOLINK_*
          # to remove the need to use a persistent volume.
          - name: GIT_HOME
            value: /var/lib/git

          # The directory to use as the default hook directory for any
          # cloned or autolinked directories.
          - name: HOOK_PATH
          # value: /var/lib/git-hooks

          # Authentication and authorization

          # If 'yes', clients may push to the server with git push.
          - name: ALLOW_GIT_PUSH
            value: "yes"
          # If 'yes', clients may set hooks via the API. However, unless
          # the Git home is backed by a persistent volume, any deployment
          # will result in the hooks being lost.
          - name: ALLOW_GIT_HOOKS
            value: "yes"
          # If 'yes', clients can create new git repositories on demand
          # by pushing. If the data on disk is not backed by a persistent
          # volume, the Git repo will be deleted if the deployment is
          # updated.
          - name: ALLOW_LAZY_CREATE
            value: "yes"
          # If 'yes', clients can pull without being authenticated.
          - name: ALLOW_ANON_GIT_PULL

          # Provides the path to a kubeconfig file in the image that
          # should be used to authorize against the server. The value
          # '-' will use the pod's service account.
          # May not be used in combination with REQUIRE_GIT_AUTH
          - name: REQUIRE_SERVER_AUTH
            value: "-"
          # The namespace to check authorization against when
          # REQUIRE_SERVICE_AUTH is used. Users must have 'get' on
          # 'pods' to pull and 'create' on 'pods' to push.
          - name: AUTH_NAMESPACE
            value: $(POD_NAMESPACE)
          # Require BASIC authentication with a username and password
          # to push or pull.
          # May not be used in combination with REQUIRE_SERVER_AUTH
          - name: REQUIRE_GIT_AUTH
          # value: <username>:<password>

          # Autolinking:
          # The gitserver can automatically clone Git repositories
          # associated with a build config and replace the URL with
          # a link to the repo on PUBLIC_URL. The default post-receive
          # hook on the cloned repo will then trigger a build. You
          # may customize the hook with AUTOLINK_HOOK (path to hook).
          # To autolink, the account the pod runs under must have 'edit'
          # on the AUTOLINK_NAMESPACE:
          #    oc policy add-role-to-user \
          #      system:serviceaccount:${namespace}:gitserver edit
          # Links are checked every time the pod starts.

          # The location to read auth configuration from for autolinking.
          # If '-', use the service account token to link. The account
          # represented by this config must have the edit role on the
          # namespace.
          - name: AUTOLINK_KUBECONFIG
            value: "-"

          # The namespace to autolink
          - name: AUTOLINK_NAMESPACE
            value: $(POD_NAMESPACE)

          # The path to a script in the image to use as the default
          # post-receive hook - only set during link, so has no effect
          # on cloned repositories. See the "hooks" directory in the
          # image for examples.
          - name: AUTOLINK_HOOK

          # The master service host is not signed with the service IP
          # so we override with the consistent DNS name. Required for
          # connections to the server.
            value: kubernetes.default

          - mountPath: /var/lib/git/
            name: git
        - name: git
    - type: ConfigChange

# The gitserver service is required for DNS resolution
- apiVersion: v1
  kind: Service
    name: gitserver
      app: gitserver
    - port: 8080
      targetPort: 8080
      run-container: gitserver

# The service account for the gitserver must be granted the edit role if
# you wish to use autolinking.
- apiVersion: v1
  kind: ServiceAccount
    name: gitserver
      app: gitserver