source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/../../hack/lib/init.sh"
trap os::test::junit::reconcile_output EXIT

# Cleanup cluster resources created by this test
  set +e
  oc delete all,templates --all
  exit 0
) &>/dev/null

project="$(oc project -q)"
idled_at_template="{{index .metadata.annotations \"${idled_at_annotation}\"}}"
unidle_target_template="{{index .metadata.annotations \"${unidle_target_annotation}\"}}"
prev_scale_template="{{index .metadata.annotations \"${prev_scale_annotation}\"}}"

setup_idling_resources() {
    os::cmd::expect_success 'oc delete all --all'

    # set up resources for the idle command
    os::cmd::expect_success 'oc create -f test/extended/testdata/idling-echo-server.yaml'
    os::cmd::expect_success 'oc describe deploymentconfigs idling-echo'
    os::cmd::try_until_success 'oc describe endpoints idling-echo'
    local endpoints_json
    endpoints_json="$(oc get endpoints idling-echo -o json)"
    os::cmd::expect_success 'oc delete service idling-echo'
    os::cmd::expect_success "echo '${endpoints_json}' | oc create -f -"
    os::cmd::expect_success 'oc describe endpoints idling-echo'
    # deployer pod won't work, so just scale up the rc ourselves
    os::cmd::expect_success 'oc scale replicationcontroller idling-echo-1 --replicas=2'
    os::cmd::try_until_text "oc get pod -l app=idling-echo -o go-template='{{ len .items }}'" "2"
    local pod_name
    pod_name="$(oc get pod -l app=idling-echo -o go-template='{{ (index .items 0).metadata.name }}')"
    fake_endpoints_patch=$(cat <<EOF
    "subsets": [{
        "addresses": [{
            "ip": "",
            "targetRef": {
                "kind": "Pod",
                "name": "${pod_name}",
                "namespace": "${project}"
        "ports": [{"name": "foo", "port": 80}]

    os::cmd::expect_success "oc patch endpoints idling-echo -p '${fake_endpoints_patch}'"
    os::cmd::try_until_text 'oc get endpoints idling-echo -o go-template="{{ len .subsets }}"' '1'

os::test::junit::declare_suite_start "cmd/idle/by-name"
os::cmd::expect_failure 'oc idle dc/idling-echo' # make sure manually passing non-endpoints resources fails
os::cmd::expect_success_and_text 'oc idle idling-echo' "Marked service ${project}/idling-echo to unidle resource DeploymentConfig ${project}/idling-echo \(unidle to 2 replicas\)"
os::cmd::expect_success_and_text "oc get endpoints idling-echo -o go-template='${idled_at_template}'" '.'
os::cmd::expect_success_and_text "oc get endpoints idling-echo -o go-template='${unidle_target_template}' | jq 'length == 1 and (.[0] | .replicas == 2 and .name == \"idling-echo\" and .kind == \"DeploymentConfig\")'" 'true'

os::test::junit::declare_suite_start "cmd/idle/by-label"
os::cmd::expect_success_and_text 'oc idle -l app=idling-echo' "Marked service ${project}/idling-echo to unidle resource DeploymentConfig ${project}/idling-echo \(unidle to 2 replicas\)"
os::cmd::expect_success_and_text "oc get endpoints idling-echo -o go-template='${idled_at_template}'" '.'
os::cmd::expect_success_and_text "oc get endpoints idling-echo -o go-template='${unidle_target_template}' | jq 'length == 1 and (.[0] | .replicas == 2 and .name == \"idling-echo\" and .kind == \"DeploymentConfig\")'" 'true'

os::test::junit::declare_suite_start "cmd/idle/all"
os::cmd::expect_success_and_text 'oc idle --all' "Marked service ${project}/idling-echo to unidle resource DeploymentConfig ${project}/idling-echo \(unidle to 2 replicas\)"
os::cmd::expect_success_and_text "oc get endpoints idling-echo -o go-template='${idled_at_template}'" '.'
os::cmd::expect_success_and_text "oc get endpoints idling-echo -o go-template='${unidle_target_template}' | jq 'length == 1 and (.[0] | .replicas == 2 and .name == \"idling-echo\" and .kind == \"DeploymentConfig\")'" 'true'

os::test::junit::declare_suite_start "cmd/idle/check-previous-scale"
setup_idling_resources  # scales up to 2 replicas
os::cmd::expect_success_and_text 'oc idle idling-echo' "Marked service ${project}/idling-echo to unidle resource DeploymentConfig ${project}/idling-echo \(unidle to 2 replicas\)"
os::cmd::expect_success_and_text "oc get dc idling-echo -o go-template='${prev_scale_template}'" '2'  # we see the result of the initial scale as the previous scale