package client

import (
	kapi ""

	sdnapi ""

// HostSubnetInterface has methods to work with HostSubnet resources
type HostSubnetsInterface interface {
	HostSubnets() HostSubnetInterface

// HostSubnetInterface exposes methods on HostSubnet resources.
type HostSubnetInterface interface {
	List(opts kapi.ListOptions) (*sdnapi.HostSubnetList, error)
	Get(name string) (*sdnapi.HostSubnet, error)
	Create(sub *sdnapi.HostSubnet) (*sdnapi.HostSubnet, error)
	Update(sub *sdnapi.HostSubnet) (*sdnapi.HostSubnet, error)
	Delete(name string) error
	Watch(opts kapi.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)

// hostSubnet implements HostSubnetInterface interface
type hostSubnet struct {
	r *Client

// newHostSubnet returns a hostsubnet
func newHostSubnet(c *Client) *hostSubnet {
	return &hostSubnet{
		r: c,

// List returns a list of hostsubnets that match the label and field selectors.
func (c *hostSubnet) List(opts kapi.ListOptions) (result *sdnapi.HostSubnetList, err error) {
	result = &sdnapi.HostSubnetList{}
	err = c.r.Get().
		VersionedParams(&opts, kapi.ParameterCodec).

// Get returns host subnet information for a given host or an error
func (c *hostSubnet) Get(hostName string) (result *sdnapi.HostSubnet, err error) {
	result = &sdnapi.HostSubnet{}
	err = c.r.Get().Resource("hostSubnets").Name(hostName).Do().Into(result)

// Create creates a new host subnet. Returns the server's representation of the host subnet and error if one occurs.
func (c *hostSubnet) Create(hostSubnet *sdnapi.HostSubnet) (result *sdnapi.HostSubnet, err error) {
	result = &sdnapi.HostSubnet{}
	err = c.r.Post().Resource("hostSubnets").Body(hostSubnet).Do().Into(result)

// Update updates existing host subnet. Returns the server's representation of the host subnet and error if one occurs.
func (c *hostSubnet) Update(hostSubnet *sdnapi.HostSubnet) (result *sdnapi.HostSubnet, err error) {
	result = &sdnapi.HostSubnet{}
	err = c.r.Put().Resource("hostSubnets").Name(hostSubnet.Name).Body(hostSubnet).Do().Into(result)

// Delete takes the name of the host, and returns an error if one occurs during deletion of the subnet
func (c *hostSubnet) Delete(name string) error {
	return c.r.Delete().Resource("hostSubnets").Name(name).Do().Error()

// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested subnets
func (c *hostSubnet) Watch(opts kapi.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
	return c.r.Get().
		VersionedParams(&opts, kapi.ParameterCodec).