package integration import ( "crypto/tls" "fmt" "net/http" "net/http/cookiejar" "net/http/httptest" "net/http/httputil" "reflect" "testing" "time" "" "" "" kapi "" kapierrors "" "" kclient "" "" "" "" "" oauthapi "" "" saoauth "" testutil "" htmlutil "" testserver "" ) func TestSAAsOAuthClient(t *testing.T) { testutil.RequireEtcd(t) defer testutil.DumpEtcdOnFailure(t) _, clusterAdminKubeConfig, err := testserver.StartTestMaster() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err) } authorizationCodes := make(chan string, 1) authorizationErrors := make(chan string, 1) oauthServer := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { t.Logf("fake pod server got %v", req.URL) if code := req.URL.Query().Get("code"); len(code) > 0 { authorizationCodes <- code } if err := req.URL.Query().Get("error"); len(err) > 0 { authorizationErrors <- err } })) defer oauthServer.Close() redirectURL := oauthServer.URL + "/oauthcallback" clusterAdminClient, err := testutil.GetClusterAdminClient(clusterAdminKubeConfig) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err) } clusterAdminKubeClientset, err := testutil.GetClusterAdminKubeClient(clusterAdminKubeConfig) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err) } clusterAdminClientConfig, err := testutil.GetClusterAdminClientConfig(clusterAdminKubeConfig) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err) } projectName := "hammer-project" if _, err := testserver.CreateNewProject(clusterAdminClient, *clusterAdminClientConfig, projectName, "harold"); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err) } if err := testserver.WaitForServiceAccounts(clusterAdminKubeClientset, projectName, []string{"default"}); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err) } promptingClient, err := clusterAdminClient.OAuthClients().Create(&oauthapi.OAuthClient{ ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "prompting-client"}, Secret: "prompting-client-secret", RedirectURIs: []string{redirectURL}, GrantMethod: oauthapi.GrantHandlerPrompt, RespondWithChallenges: true, }) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err) } // get the SA ready with redirect URIs and secret annotations var defaultSA *kapi.ServiceAccount // retry this a couple times. We seem to be flaking on update conflicts and missing secrets all together err = kclient.RetryOnConflict(kclient.DefaultRetry, func() error { defaultSA, err = clusterAdminKubeClientset.Core().ServiceAccounts(projectName).Get("default") if err != nil { return err } if defaultSA.Annotations == nil { defaultSA.Annotations = map[string]string{} } defaultSA.Annotations[saoauth.OAuthRedirectModelAnnotationURIPrefix+"one"] = redirectURL defaultSA.Annotations[saoauth.OAuthWantChallengesAnnotationPrefix] = "true" defaultSA, err = clusterAdminKubeClientset.Core().ServiceAccounts(projectName).Update(defaultSA) return err }) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err) } var oauthSecret *kapi.Secret // retry this a couple times. We seem to be flaking on update conflicts and missing secrets all together err = wait.PollImmediate(30*time.Millisecond, 10*time.Second, func() (done bool, err error) { allSecrets, err := clusterAdminKubeClientset.Core().Secrets(projectName).List(kapi.ListOptions{}) if err != nil { return false, err } for i := range allSecrets.Items { secret := allSecrets.Items[i] if serviceaccount.IsServiceAccountToken(&secret, defaultSA) { oauthSecret = &secret return true, nil } } return false, nil }) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err) } // Test with a normal OAuth client { oauthClientConfig := &osincli.ClientConfig{ ClientId: promptingClient.Name, ClientSecret: promptingClient.Secret, AuthorizeUrl: clusterAdminClientConfig.Host + "/oauth/authorize", TokenUrl: clusterAdminClientConfig.Host + "/oauth/token", RedirectUrl: redirectURL, SendClientSecretInParams: true, } t.Log("Testing unrestricted scope") oauthClientConfig.Scope = "" // approval steps are needed for unscoped access runOAuthFlow(t, clusterAdminClientConfig, projectName, oauthClientConfig, nil, authorizationCodes, authorizationErrors, true, true, []string{ "GET /oauth/authorize", "received challenge", "GET /oauth/authorize", "redirect to /oauth/approve", "form", "POST /oauth/approve", "redirect to /oauth/authorize", "redirect to /oauthcallback", "code", "scope:user:full", }) // verify the persisted client authorization looks like we expect if clientAuth, err := clusterAdminClient.OAuthClientAuthorizations().Get("harold:" + oauthClientConfig.ClientId); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err) } else if !reflect.DeepEqual(clientAuth.Scopes, []string{"user:full"}) { t.Fatalf("Unexpected scopes: %v", clientAuth.Scopes) } else { // update the authorization to not contain any approved scopes clientAuth.Scopes = nil if _, err := clusterAdminClient.OAuthClientAuthorizations().Update(clientAuth); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err) } } // approval steps are needed again for unscoped access runOAuthFlow(t, clusterAdminClientConfig, projectName, oauthClientConfig, nil, authorizationCodes, authorizationErrors, true, true, []string{ "GET /oauth/authorize", "received challenge", "GET /oauth/authorize", "redirect to /oauth/approve", "form", "POST /oauth/approve", "redirect to /oauth/authorize", "redirect to /oauthcallback", "code", "scope:user:full", }) // with the authorization stored, approval steps are skipped runOAuthFlow(t, clusterAdminClientConfig, projectName, oauthClientConfig, nil, authorizationCodes, authorizationErrors, true, true, []string{ "GET /oauth/authorize", "received challenge", "GET /oauth/authorize", "redirect to /oauthcallback", "code", "scope:user:full", }) // Approval step is needed again t.Log("Testing restricted scope") oauthClientConfig.Scope = "user:info user:check-access" // filter to disapprove of granting the user:check-access scope deniedScope := false inputFilter := func(inputType, name, value string) bool { if inputType == "checkbox" && name == "scope" && value == "user:check-access" { deniedScope = true return false } return true } // our token only gets the approved one runOAuthFlow(t, clusterAdminClientConfig, projectName, oauthClientConfig, inputFilter, authorizationCodes, authorizationErrors, true, false, []string{ "GET /oauth/authorize", "received challenge", "GET /oauth/authorize", "redirect to /oauth/approve", "form", "POST /oauth/approve", "redirect to /oauth/authorize", "redirect to /oauthcallback", "code", "scope:user:info", }) if !deniedScope { t.Errorf("Expected form filter to deny user:info scope") } // second time, we approve all, and our token gets all requested scopes runOAuthFlow(t, clusterAdminClientConfig, projectName, oauthClientConfig, nil, authorizationCodes, authorizationErrors, true, false, []string{ "GET /oauth/authorize", "received challenge", "GET /oauth/authorize", "redirect to /oauth/approve", "form", "POST /oauth/approve", "redirect to /oauth/authorize", "redirect to /oauthcallback", "code", "scope:" + oauthClientConfig.Scope, }) // third time, the approval steps is not needed, and the token gets all requested scopes runOAuthFlow(t, clusterAdminClientConfig, projectName, oauthClientConfig, nil, authorizationCodes, authorizationErrors, true, false, []string{ "GET /oauth/authorize", "received challenge", "GET /oauth/authorize", "redirect to /oauthcallback", "code", "scope:" + oauthClientConfig.Scope, }) // Now request an unscoped token again, and no approval should be needed t.Log("Testing unrestricted scope") oauthClientConfig.Scope = "" runOAuthFlow(t, clusterAdminClientConfig, projectName, oauthClientConfig, nil, authorizationCodes, authorizationErrors, true, true, []string{ "GET /oauth/authorize", "received challenge", "GET /oauth/authorize", "redirect to /oauthcallback", "code", "scope:user:full", }) clusterAdminClient.OAuthClientAuthorizations().Delete("harold:" + oauthClientConfig.ClientId) } { oauthClientConfig := &osincli.ClientConfig{ ClientId: serviceaccount.MakeUsername(defaultSA.Namespace, defaultSA.Name), ClientSecret: string(oauthSecret.Data[kapi.ServiceAccountTokenKey]), AuthorizeUrl: clusterAdminClientConfig.Host + "/oauth/authorize", TokenUrl: clusterAdminClientConfig.Host + "/oauth/token", RedirectUrl: redirectURL, Scope: scope.Join([]string{"user:info", "role:edit:" + projectName}), SendClientSecretInParams: true, } t.Log("Testing allowed scopes") // First time, the approval steps are needed // Second time, the approval steps are skipped runOAuthFlow(t, clusterAdminClientConfig, projectName, oauthClientConfig, nil, authorizationCodes, authorizationErrors, true, true, []string{ "GET /oauth/authorize", "received challenge", "GET /oauth/authorize", "redirect to /oauth/approve", "form", "POST /oauth/approve", "redirect to /oauth/authorize", "redirect to /oauthcallback", "code", "scope:" + oauthClientConfig.Scope, }) runOAuthFlow(t, clusterAdminClientConfig, projectName, oauthClientConfig, nil, authorizationCodes, authorizationErrors, true, true, []string{ "GET /oauth/authorize", "received challenge", "GET /oauth/authorize", "redirect to /oauthcallback", "code", "scope:" + oauthClientConfig.Scope, }) clusterAdminClient.OAuthClientAuthorizations().Delete("harold:" + oauthClientConfig.ClientId) } { oauthClientConfig := &osincli.ClientConfig{ ClientId: serviceaccount.MakeUsername(defaultSA.Namespace, defaultSA.Name), ClientSecret: string(oauthSecret.Data[kapi.ServiceAccountTokenKey]), AuthorizeUrl: clusterAdminClientConfig.Host + "/oauth/authorize", TokenUrl: clusterAdminClientConfig.Host + "/oauth/token", RedirectUrl: redirectURL, Scope: scope.Join([]string{"user:info", "role:edit:other-ns"}), SendClientSecretInParams: true, } t.Log("Testing disallowed scopes") runOAuthFlow(t, clusterAdminClientConfig, projectName, oauthClientConfig, nil, authorizationCodes, authorizationErrors, false, false, []string{ "GET /oauth/authorize", "received challenge", "GET /oauth/authorize", "redirect to /oauthcallback", "error:access_denied", }) clusterAdminClient.OAuthClientAuthorizations().Delete("harold:" + oauthClientConfig.ClientId) } { t.Log("Testing invalid scopes") oauthClientConfig := &osincli.ClientConfig{ ClientId: serviceaccount.MakeUsername(defaultSA.Namespace, defaultSA.Name), ClientSecret: string(oauthSecret.Data[kapi.ServiceAccountTokenKey]), AuthorizeUrl: clusterAdminClientConfig.Host + "/oauth/authorize", TokenUrl: clusterAdminClientConfig.Host + "/oauth/token", RedirectUrl: redirectURL, Scope: scope.Join([]string{"unknown-scope"}), SendClientSecretInParams: true, } runOAuthFlow(t, clusterAdminClientConfig, projectName, oauthClientConfig, nil, authorizationCodes, authorizationErrors, false, false, []string{ "GET /oauth/authorize", "received challenge", "GET /oauth/authorize", "redirect to /oauthcallback", "error:invalid_scope", }) clusterAdminClient.OAuthClientAuthorizations().Delete("harold:" + oauthClientConfig.ClientId) } { t.Log("Testing allowed scopes with failed API call") oauthClientConfig := &osincli.ClientConfig{ ClientId: serviceaccount.MakeUsername(defaultSA.Namespace, defaultSA.Name), ClientSecret: string(oauthSecret.Data[kapi.ServiceAccountTokenKey]), AuthorizeUrl: clusterAdminClientConfig.Host + "/oauth/authorize", TokenUrl: clusterAdminClientConfig.Host + "/oauth/token", RedirectUrl: redirectURL, Scope: scope.Join([]string{"user:info"}), SendClientSecretInParams: true, } // First time, the approval is needed // Second time, the approval is skipped runOAuthFlow(t, clusterAdminClientConfig, projectName, oauthClientConfig, nil, authorizationCodes, authorizationErrors, true, false, []string{ "GET /oauth/authorize", "received challenge", "GET /oauth/authorize", "redirect to /oauth/approve", "form", "POST /oauth/approve", "redirect to /oauth/authorize", "redirect to /oauthcallback", "code", "scope:" + oauthClientConfig.Scope, }) runOAuthFlow(t, clusterAdminClientConfig, projectName, oauthClientConfig, nil, authorizationCodes, authorizationErrors, true, false, []string{ "GET /oauth/authorize", "received challenge", "GET /oauth/authorize", "redirect to /oauthcallback", "code", "scope:" + oauthClientConfig.Scope, }) clusterAdminClient.OAuthClientAuthorizations().Delete("harold:" + oauthClientConfig.ClientId) } } func drain(ch chan string) { for { select { case <-ch: default: return } } } type basicAuthTransport struct { rt http.RoundTripper username string password string } func (b *basicAuthTransport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { if len(b.username) > 0 || len(b.password) > 0 { req.SetBasicAuth(b.username, b.password) } return b.rt.RoundTrip(req) } func runOAuthFlow( t *testing.T, clusterAdminClientConfig *restclient.Config, projectName string, oauthClientConfig *osincli.ClientConfig, inputFilter htmlutil.InputFilterFunc, authorizationCodes chan string, authorizationErrors chan string, expectGrantSuccess bool, expectBuildSuccess bool, expectOperations []string, ) { drain(authorizationCodes) drain(authorizationErrors) oauthRuntimeClient, err := osincli.NewClient(oauthClientConfig) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err) } testTransport := &basicAuthTransport{rt: &http.Transport{TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}}} oauthRuntimeClient.Transport = testTransport authorizeRequest := oauthRuntimeClient.NewAuthorizeRequest(osincli.CODE) req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", authorizeRequest.GetAuthorizeUrlWithParams("opaque-state").String(), nil) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err) } operations := []string{} jar, _ := cookiejar.New(nil) directHTTPClient := &http.Client{ Transport: testTransport, CheckRedirect: func(redirectReq *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error { glog.Infof("302 Location: %s", redirectReq.URL.String()) req = redirectReq operations = append(operations, "redirect to "+redirectReq.URL.Path) return nil }, Jar: jar, } for { glog.Infof("%s %s", req.Method, req.URL.String()) operations = append(operations, req.Method+" "+req.URL.Path) // Always set the csrf header req.Header.Set("X-CSRF-Token", "1") resp, err := directHTTPClient.Do(req) if err != nil { glog.Infof("%#v", operations) glog.Infof("%#v", jar) glog.Errorf("Error %v\n%#v\n%#v", err, err, resp) t.Errorf("Error %v\n%#v\n%#v", err, err, resp) return } defer resp.Body.Close() // Save the current URL for reference currentURL := req.URL if resp.StatusCode == 401 { // Set up a username and password once we're challenged testTransport.username = "harold" testTransport.password = "any-pass" operations = append(operations, "received challenge") continue } if resp.StatusCode != 200 { responseDump, _ := httputil.DumpResponse(resp, true) t.Errorf("Unexpected response %s", string(responseDump)) return } doc, err := html.Parse(resp.Body) if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } forms := htmlutil.GetElementsByTagName(doc, "form") // if there's a single form, submit it if len(forms) > 1 { t.Errorf("More than one form encountered: %d", len(forms)) return } if len(forms) == 0 { break } req, err = htmlutil.NewRequestFromForm(forms[0], currentURL, inputFilter) if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } operations = append(operations, "form") } authorizationCode := "" select { case authorizationCode = <-authorizationCodes: operations = append(operations, "code") case authorizationError := <-authorizationErrors: operations = append(operations, "error:"+authorizationError) case <-time.After(5 * time.Second): t.Error("didn't get a code or an error") } if len(authorizationCode) > 0 { accessRequest := oauthRuntimeClient.NewAccessRequest(osincli.AUTHORIZATION_CODE, &osincli.AuthorizeData{Code: authorizationCode}) accessData, err := accessRequest.GetToken() if err != nil { t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err) return } operations = append(operations, fmt.Sprintf("scope:%v", accessData.ResponseData["scope"])) whoamiConfig := clientcmd.AnonymousClientConfig(clusterAdminClientConfig) whoamiConfig.BearerToken = accessData.AccessToken whoamiClient, err := client.New(&whoamiConfig) if err != nil { t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err) return } _, err = whoamiClient.Builds(projectName).List(kapi.ListOptions{}) if expectBuildSuccess && err != nil { t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err) return } if !expectBuildSuccess && !kapierrors.IsForbidden(err) { t.Errorf("expected forbidden error, got %v", err) return } user, err := whoamiClient.Users().Get("~") if err != nil { t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err) return } if user.Name != "harold" { t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", "harold", user.Name) return } } if !reflect.DeepEqual(operations, expectOperations) { t.Errorf("Expected:\n%#v\nGot\n%#v", expectOperations, operations) } }