#!/bin/bash # Script to create latest swagger spec. source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/lib/init.sh" function cleanup() { out=$? cleanup_openshift if [ $out -ne 0 ]; then echo "[FAIL] !!!!! Generate Failed !!!!" echo tail -100 "${LOG_DIR}/openshift.log" echo echo ------------------------------------- echo fi exit $out } trap "exit" INT TERM trap "cleanup" EXIT export ALL_IP_ADDRESSES= export SERVER_HOSTNAME_LIST= export API_BIND_HOST= export API_PORT=38443 export ETCD_PORT=34001 export ETCD_PEER_PORT=37001 os::util::environment::setup_all_server_vars "generate-swagger-spec/" os::start::configure_server SWAGGER_SPEC_REL_DIR="${1:-}" SWAGGER_SPEC_OUT_DIR="${OS_ROOT}/${SWAGGER_SPEC_REL_DIR}/api/swagger-spec" mkdir -p "${SWAGGER_SPEC_OUT_DIR}" # Start openshift os::start::master os::log::info "Updating ${SWAGGER_SPEC_OUT_DIR}:" endpoint_types=("oapi" "api") for type in "${endpoint_types[@]}"; do endpoints=("v1") for endpoint in "${endpoints[@]}"; do generated_file="${SWAGGER_SPEC_OUT_DIR}/${type}-${endpoint}.json" os::log::info "Updating ${generated_file} from /swaggerapi/${type}/${endpoint}..." oc get --raw "/swaggerapi/${type}/${endpoint}" --config="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/admin.kubeconfig" > "${generated_file}" os::util::sed 's|||g' "${generated_file}" printf '\n' >> "${generated_file}" done done # Swagger 2.0 / OpenAPI docs generated_file="${SWAGGER_SPEC_OUT_DIR}/openshift-openapi-spec.json" oc get --raw "/swagger.json" --config="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/admin.kubeconfig" > "${generated_file}" os::util::sed 's|||g' "${generated_file}" os::util::sed -r 's|"version": "[^\"]+"|"version": "latest"|g' "${generated_file}" printf '\n' >> "${generated_file}" # Copy all protobuf generated specs into the api/protobuf-spec directory proto_spec_out_dir="${OS_ROOT}/${SWAGGER_SPEC_REL_DIR}/api/protobuf-spec" mkdir -p "${proto_spec_out_dir}" for proto_file in $( find "${OS_ROOT}/pkg" "${OS_ROOT}/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg" -name generated.proto ); do # package declaration lines will always begin with # `package ` and end with `;` so to extract the # package name without lookarounds we can simply # strip characters package_declaration="$( grep -E '^package .+;$' "${proto_file}" )" package="$( echo "${package_declaration}" | cut -c 9- | cut -f 1-1 -d ';' )" # we want our OpenAPI documents to use underscores # as separators for package specifiers, not periods # as in the proto files openapi_file="${package//./_}.proto" cp "${proto_file}" "${proto_spec_out_dir}/${openapi_file}" done os::log::info "SUCCESS"