#!/bin/bash # This script tests the high level end-to-end functionality demonstrated # as part of the examples/sample-app if [[ -z "$(which iptables)" ]]; then echo "IPTables not found - the end-to-end test requires a system with iptables for Kubernetes services." exit 1 fi iptables --list > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then sudo iptables --list > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "You do not have iptables or sudo privileges. Kubernetes services will not work without iptables access. See https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/issues/1859. Try 'sudo hack/test-end-to-end.sh'." exit 1 fi fi set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail OS_ROOT=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/.. source "${OS_ROOT}/hack/util.sh" echo "[INFO] Starting end-to-end test" # Use either the latest release built images, or latest. if [[ -z "${USE_IMAGES-}" ]]; then USE_IMAGES='openshift/origin-${component}:latest' if [[ -e "${OS_ROOT}/_output/local/releases/.commit" ]]; then COMMIT="$(cat "${OS_ROOT}/_output/local/releases/.commit")" USE_IMAGES="openshift/origin-\${component}:${COMMIT}" fi fi ROUTER_TESTS_ENABLED="${ROUTER_TESTS_ENABLED:-true}" TEST_ASSETS="${TEST_ASSETS:-false}" if [[ -z "${BASETMPDIR-}" ]]; then TMPDIR="${TMPDIR:-"/tmp"}" BASETMPDIR="${TMPDIR}/openshift-e2e" sudo rm -rf "${BASETMPDIR}" mkdir -p "${BASETMPDIR}" fi ETCD_DATA_DIR="${BASETMPDIR}/etcd" VOLUME_DIR="${BASETMPDIR}/volumes" FAKE_HOME_DIR="${BASETMPDIR}/openshift.local.home" LOG_DIR="${LOG_DIR:-${BASETMPDIR}/logs}" ARTIFACT_DIR="${ARTIFACT_DIR:-${BASETMPDIR}/artifacts}" mkdir -p $LOG_DIR mkdir -p $ARTIFACT_DIR DEFAULT_SERVER_IP=`ifconfig | grep -Ev "(|" | grep "inet " | head -n 1 | sed 's/adr://' | awk '{print $2}'` API_HOST="${API_HOST:-${DEFAULT_SERVER_IP}}" API_PORT="${API_PORT:-8443}" API_SCHEME="${API_SCHEME:-https}" MASTER_ADDR="${API_SCHEME}://${API_HOST}:${API_PORT}" PUBLIC_MASTER_HOST="${PUBLIC_MASTER_HOST:-${API_HOST}}" KUBELET_SCHEME="${KUBELET_SCHEME:-https}" KUBELET_HOST="${KUBELET_HOST:-}" KUBELET_PORT="${KUBELET_PORT:-10250}" SERVER_CONFIG_DIR="${BASETMPDIR}/openshift.local.config" MASTER_CONFIG_DIR="${SERVER_CONFIG_DIR}/master" NODE_CONFIG_DIR="${SERVER_CONFIG_DIR}/node-${KUBELET_HOST}" # use the docker bridge ip address until there is a good way to get the auto-selected address from master # this address is considered stable # used as a resolve IP to test routing CONTAINER_ACCESSIBLE_API_HOST="${CONTAINER_ACCESSIBLE_API_HOST:-}" STI_CONFIG_FILE="${LOG_DIR}/stiAppConfig.json" DOCKER_CONFIG_FILE="${LOG_DIR}/dockerAppConfig.json" CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE="${LOG_DIR}/customAppConfig.json" GO_OUT="${OS_ROOT}/_output/local/go/bin" # set path so OpenShift is available export PATH="${GO_OUT}:${PATH}" function cleanup() { out=$? echo if [ $out -ne 0 ]; then echo "[FAIL] !!!!! Test Failed !!!!" else echo "[INFO] Test Succeeded" fi echo set +e echo "[INFO] Dumping container logs to ${LOG_DIR}" for container in $(docker ps -aq); do docker logs "$container" >&"${LOG_DIR}/container-$container.log" done echo "[INFO] Dumping build log to ${LOG_DIR}" osc get -n test builds --output-version=v1beta1 -t '{{ range .items }}{{.metadata.name}}{{ "\n" }}{{end}}' | xargs -r -l osc build-logs -n test >"${LOG_DIR}/stibuild.log" osc get -n docker builds --output-version=v1beta1 -t '{{ range .items }}{{.metadata.name}}{{ "\n" }}{{end}}' | xargs -r -l osc build-logs -n docker >"${LOG_DIR}/dockerbuild.log" osc get -n custom builds --output-version=v1beta1 -t '{{ range .items }}{{.metadata.name}}{{ "\n" }}{{end}}' | xargs -r -l osc build-logs -n custom >"${LOG_DIR}/custombuild.log" echo "[INFO] Dumping etcd contents to ${ARTIFACT_DIR}/etcd_dump.json" set_curl_args 0 1 curl ${clientcert_args} -L "${API_SCHEME}://${API_HOST}:4001/v2/keys/?recursive=true" > "${ARTIFACT_DIR}/etcd_dump.json" echo if [[ -z "${SKIP_TEARDOWN-}" ]]; then echo "[INFO] Tearing down test" pids="$(jobs -pr)" echo "[INFO] Children: ${pids}" sudo kill ${pids} sudo ps f set +u echo "[INFO] Stopping k8s docker containers"; docker ps | awk 'index($NF,"k8s_")==1 { print $1 }' | xargs -l -r docker stop if [[ -z "${SKIP_IMAGE_CLEANUP-}" ]]; then echo "[INFO] Removing k8s docker containers"; docker ps -a | awk 'index($NF,"k8s_")==1 { print $1 }' | xargs -l -r docker rm fi set -u fi set -e # clean up zero byte log files # Clean up large log files so they don't end up on jenkins find ${ARTIFACT_DIR} -name *.log -size +20M -exec echo Deleting {} because it is too big. \; -exec rm -f {} \; find ${LOG_DIR} -name *.log -size +20M -exec echo Deleting {} because it is too big. \; -exec rm -f {} \; find ${LOG_DIR} -name *.log -size 0 -exec echo Deleting {} because it is empty. \; -exec rm -f {} \; echo "[INFO] Exiting" exit $out } trap "exit" INT TERM trap "cleanup" EXIT function wait_for_app() { echo "[INFO] Waiting for app in namespace $1" echo "[INFO] Waiting for database pod to start" wait_for_command "osc get -n $1 pods -l name=database | grep -i Running" $((60*TIME_SEC)) echo "[INFO] Waiting for database service to start" wait_for_command "osc get -n $1 services | grep database" $((20*TIME_SEC)) DB_IP=$(osc get -n $1 --output-version=v1beta1 --template="{{ .portalIP }}" service database) echo "[INFO] Waiting for frontend pod to start" wait_for_command "osc get -n $1 pods | grep frontend | grep -i Running" $((120*TIME_SEC)) echo "[INFO] Waiting for frontend service to start" wait_for_command "osc get -n $1 services | grep frontend" $((20*TIME_SEC)) FRONTEND_IP=$(osc get -n $1 --output-version=v1beta1 --template="{{ .portalIP }}" service frontend) echo "[INFO] Waiting for database to start..." wait_for_url_timed "http://${DB_IP}:5434" "[INFO] Database says: " $((3*TIME_MIN)) echo "[INFO] Waiting for app to start..." wait_for_url_timed "http://${FRONTEND_IP}:5432" "[INFO] Frontend says: " $((2*TIME_MIN)) echo "[INFO] Testing app" wait_for_command '[[ "$(curl -s -X POST http://${FRONTEND_IP}:5432/keys/foo -d value=1337)" = "Key created" ]]' wait_for_command '[[ "$(curl -s http://${FRONTEND_IP}:5432/keys/foo)" = "1337" ]]' } # Wait for builds to complete # $1 namespace function wait_for_build() { echo "[INFO] Waiting for $1 namespace build to complete" wait_for_command "osc get -n $1 builds | grep -i complete" $((10*TIME_MIN)) "osc get -n $1 builds | grep -i -e failed -e error" BUILD_ID=`osc get -n $1 builds --output-version=v1beta1 -t "{{with index .items 0}}{{.metadata.name}}{{end}}"` echo "[INFO] Build ${BUILD_ID} finished" # TODO: fix set +e osc build-logs -n $1 $BUILD_ID > $LOG_DIR/$1build.log set -e } # Setup stop_openshift_server echo "[INFO] `openshift version`" echo "[INFO] Server logs will be at: ${LOG_DIR}/openshift.log" echo "[INFO] Test artifacts will be in: ${ARTIFACT_DIR}" echo "[INFO] Volumes dir is: ${VOLUME_DIR}" echo "[INFO] Config dir is: ${SERVER_CONFIG_DIR}" echo "[INFO] Using images: ${USE_IMAGES}" # Start All-in-one server and wait for health echo "[INFO] Create certificates for the OpenShift server" # find the same IP that openshift start will bind to. This allows access from pods that have to talk back to master ALL_IP_ADDRESSES=`ifconfig | grep "inet " | sed 's/adr://' | awk '{print $2}'` SERVER_HOSTNAME_LIST="${PUBLIC_MASTER_HOST},localhost" while read -r IP_ADDRESS do SERVER_HOSTNAME_LIST="${SERVER_HOSTNAME_LIST},${IP_ADDRESS}" done <<< "${ALL_IP_ADDRESSES}" openshift admin create-master-certs \ --overwrite=false \ --cert-dir="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}" \ --hostnames="${SERVER_HOSTNAME_LIST}" \ --master="${MASTER_ADDR}" \ --public-master="${API_SCHEME}://${PUBLIC_MASTER_HOST}" openshift admin create-node-config \ --listen="${KUBELET_SCHEME}://${KUBELET_PORT}" \ --node-dir="${NODE_CONFIG_DIR}" \ --node="${KUBELET_HOST}" \ --hostnames="${KUBELET_HOST}" \ --master="${MASTER_ADDR}" \ --node-client-certificate-authority="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/ca.crt" \ --certificate-authority="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/ca.crt" \ --signer-cert="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/ca.crt" \ --signer-key="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/ca.key" \ --signer-serial="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/ca.serial.txt" osadm create-bootstrap-policy-file --filename="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/policy.json" # create openshift config openshift start \ --write-config=${SERVER_CONFIG_DIR} \ --create-certs=false \ --listen="${API_SCHEME}://${API_PORT}" \ --master="${MASTER_ADDR}" \ --public-master="${API_SCHEME}://${PUBLIC_MASTER_HOST}" \ --hostname="${KUBELET_HOST}" \ --volume-dir="${VOLUME_DIR}" \ --etcd-dir="${ETCD_DATA_DIR}" \ --images="${USE_IMAGES}" echo "[INFO] Starting OpenShift server" sudo env "PATH=${PATH}" OPENSHIFT_PROFILE=web OPENSHIFT_ON_PANIC=crash openshift start \ --master-config=${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/master-config.yaml \ --node-config=${NODE_CONFIG_DIR}/node-config.yaml \ --loglevel=4 \ &> "${LOG_DIR}/openshift.log" & OS_PID=$! export HOME="${FAKE_HOME_DIR}" if [[ "${API_SCHEME}" == "https" ]]; then export CURL_CA_BUNDLE="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/ca.crt" export CURL_CERT="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/admin.crt" export CURL_KEY="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/admin.key" # Make osc use ${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/admin.kubeconfig, and ignore anything in the running user's $HOME dir export OPENSHIFTCONFIG="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/admin.kubeconfig" sudo chmod -R a+rwX "${OPENSHIFTCONFIG}" echo "[INFO] To debug: export OPENSHIFTCONFIG=$OPENSHIFTCONFIG" fi wait_for_url "${KUBELET_SCHEME}://${KUBELET_HOST}:${KUBELET_PORT}/healthz" "[INFO] kubelet: " 0.5 60 wait_for_url "${API_SCHEME}://${API_HOST}:${API_PORT}/healthz" "apiserver: " 0.25 80 wait_for_url "${API_SCHEME}://${API_HOST}:${API_PORT}/api/v1beta1/minions/${KUBELET_HOST}" "apiserver(minions): " 0.25 80 # add e2e-user as a viewer for the default namespace so we can see infrastructure pieces appear openshift admin policy add-role-to-user view e2e-user --namespace=default # create test project so that this shows up in the console openshift admin new-project test --description="This is an example project to demonstrate OpenShift v3" --admin="e2e-user" openshift admin new-project docker --description="This is an example project to demonstrate OpenShift v3" --admin="e2e-user" openshift admin new-project custom --description="This is an example project to demonstrate OpenShift v3" --admin="e2e-user" openshift admin new-project cache --description="This is an example project to demonstrate OpenShift v3" --admin="e2e-user" echo "The console should be available at ${API_SCHEME}://${PUBLIC_MASTER_HOST}:${API_PORT}/console." echo "Log in as 'e2e-user' to see the 'test' project." # install the router echo "[INFO] Installing the router" openshift admin router --create --credentials="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/openshift-router.kubeconfig" --images="${USE_IMAGES}" # install the registry. The --mount-host option is provided to reuse local storage. echo "[INFO] Installing the registry" openshift admin registry --create --credentials="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/openshift-registry.kubeconfig" --mount-host="/tmp/openshift.local.registry" --images="${USE_IMAGES}" echo "[INFO] Pre-pulling and pushing ruby-20-centos7" docker pull openshift/ruby-20-centos7:latest echo "[INFO] Pulled ruby-20-centos7" echo "[INFO] Waiting for Docker registry pod to start" # TODO: simplify when #4702 is fixed upstream wait_for_command '[[ "$(osc get endpoints docker-registry --output-version=v1beta1 -t "{{ if .endpoints }}{{ len .endpoints }}{{ else }}0{{ end }}" || echo "0")" != "0" ]]' $((5*TIME_MIN)) # services can end up on any IP. Make sure we get the IP we need for the docker registry DOCKER_REGISTRY=$(osc get --output-version=v1beta3 --template="{{ .spec.portalIP }}:{{ with index .spec.ports 0 }}{{ .port }}{{ end }}" service docker-registry) echo "[INFO] Verifying the docker-registry is up at ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}" wait_for_url_timed "http://${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/v2/" "[INFO] Docker registry says: " $((2*TIME_MIN)) [ "$(dig @${API_HOST} "docker-registry.default.local." A)" ] # Client setup (log in as e2e-user and set 'test' as the default project) # This is required to be able to push to the registry! echo "[INFO] Logging in as a regular user (e2e-user:pass) with project 'test'..." osc login -u e2e-user -p pass osc project cache token=$(osc config view --flatten -o template -t '{{with index .users 0}}{{.user.token}}{{end}}') [[ -n ${token} ]] # TODO reenable this once we've got docker push secrets 100% ready #docker login -u e2e-user -p ${token} -e e2e-user@openshift.com ${DOCKER_REGISTRY} # TODO remove the following line once we've got docker push secrets 100% ready echo '{"apiVersion": "v1beta1", "kind": "ImageStream", "metadata": {"name": "ruby-20-centos7"}}' | osc create -f - docker tag -f openshift/ruby-20-centos7:latest ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/cache/ruby-20-centos7:latest docker push ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/cache/ruby-20-centos7:latest echo "[INFO] Pushed ruby-20-centos7" echo "[INFO] Back to 'master' context with 'admin' user..." osc project default # Process template and create echo "[INFO] Submitting application template json for processing..." osc process -n test -f examples/sample-app/application-template-stibuild.json > "${STI_CONFIG_FILE}" osc process -n docker -f examples/sample-app/application-template-dockerbuild.json > "${DOCKER_CONFIG_FILE}" osc process -n custom -f examples/sample-app/application-template-custombuild.json > "${CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE}" echo "[INFO] Back to 'test' context with 'e2e-user' user" osc project test echo "[INFO] Applying STI application config" osc create -f "${STI_CONFIG_FILE}" # this needs to be done before waiting for the build because right now only cluster-admins can see build logs, because that uses proxy echo "[INFO] Back to 'master' context with 'admin' user..." osc project default # Trigger build echo "[INFO] Starting build from ${STI_CONFIG_FILE} and streaming its logs..." #osc start-build -n test ruby-sample-build --follow wait_for_build "test" wait_for_app "test" #echo "[INFO] Applying Docker application config" #osc create -n docker -f "${DOCKER_CONFIG_FILE}" #echo "[INFO] Invoking generic web hook to trigger new docker build using curl" #curl -k -X POST $API_SCHEME://$API_HOST:$API_PORT/osapi/v1beta1/buildConfigHooks/ruby-sample-build/secret101/generic?namespace=docker && sleep 3 #wait_for_build "docker" #wait_for_app "docker" #echo "[INFO] Applying Custom application config" #osc create -n custom -f "${CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE}" #echo "[INFO] Invoking generic web hook to trigger new custom build using curl" #curl -k -X POST $API_SCHEME://$API_HOST:$API_PORT/osapi/v1beta1/buildConfigHooks/ruby-sample-build/secret101/generic?namespace=custom && sleep 3 #wait_for_build "custom" #wait_for_app "custom" # ensure the router is started # TODO: simplify when #4702 is fixed upstream wait_for_command '[[ "$(osc get endpoints router --output-version=v1beta1 -t "{{ if .endpoints }}{{ len .endpoints }}{{ else }}0{{ end }}" || echo "0")" != "0" ]]' $((5*TIME_MIN)) echo "[INFO] Validating routed app response..." validate_response "-s -k --resolve www.example.com:443:${CONTAINER_ACCESSIBLE_API_HOST} https://www.example.com" "Hello from OpenShift" 0.2 50 # Remote command execution echo "[INFO] Validating exec" registry_pod=$(osc get pod | grep deployment=docker-registry | grep docker-registry | awk '{print $1}') osc exec -p ${registry_pod} whoami | grep root # Port forwarding echo "[INFO] Validating port-forward" osc port-forward -p ${registry_pod} 5001:5000 &> "${LOG_DIR}/port-forward.log" & wait_for_url_timed "http://localhost:5001/healthz" "[INFO] Docker registry says: " $((10*TIME_SEC)) # UI e2e tests can be found in assets/test/e2e if [[ "$TEST_ASSETS" == "true" ]]; then echo "[INFO] Running UI e2e tests..." pushd ${OS_ROOT}/assets > /dev/null grunt test-e2e popd > /dev/null fi