#!/bin/bash # Provides simple utility functions TIME_SEC=1000 TIME_MIN=$((60 * $TIME_SEC)) # setup_env_vars exports all the necessary environment variables for configuring and # starting OS server. function setup_env_vars { # set path so OpenShift is available GO_OUT="${OS_ROOT}/_output/local/bin/$(os::util::host_platform)" export PATH="${GO_OUT}:${PATH}" export ETCD_PORT="${ETCD_PORT:-4001}" export ETCD_PEER_PORT="${ETCD_PEER_PORT:-7001}" export API_BIND_HOST="${API_BIND_HOST:-$(openshift start --print-ip)}" export API_HOST="${API_HOST:-${API_BIND_HOST}}" export API_PORT="${API_PORT:-8443}" export LOG_DIR="${LOG_DIR:-${BASETMPDIR}/logs}" export ETCD_DATA_DIR="${BASETMPDIR}/etcd" export VOLUME_DIR="${BASETMPDIR}/volumes" export FAKE_HOME_DIR="${BASETMPDIR}/openshift.local.home" export API_SCHEME="${API_SCHEME:-https}" export MASTER_ADDR="${API_SCHEME}://${API_HOST}:${API_PORT}" export PUBLIC_MASTER_HOST="${PUBLIC_MASTER_HOST:-${API_HOST}}" export KUBELET_SCHEME="${KUBELET_SCHEME:-https}" export KUBELET_BIND_HOST="${KUBELET_BIND_HOST:-$(openshift start --print-ip)}" export KUBELET_HOST="${KUBELET_HOST:-${KUBELET_BIND_HOST}}" export KUBELET_PORT="${KUBELET_PORT:-10250}" export SERVER_CONFIG_DIR="${BASETMPDIR}/openshift.local.config" export MASTER_CONFIG_DIR="${SERVER_CONFIG_DIR}/master" export NODE_CONFIG_DIR="${SERVER_CONFIG_DIR}/node-${KUBELET_HOST}" export ARTIFACT_DIR="${ARTIFACT_DIR:-${BASETMPDIR}/artifacts}" if [ -z ${SUDO+x} ]; then export SUDO="${SUDO:-1}" fi # Use either the latest release built images, or latest. if [[ -z "${USE_IMAGES-}" ]]; then IMAGES='openshift/origin-${component}:latest' export TAG=latest export USE_IMAGES=${IMAGES} if [[ -e "${OS_ROOT}/_output/local/releases/.commit" ]]; then COMMIT="$(cat "${OS_ROOT}/_output/local/releases/.commit")" IMAGES="openshift/origin-\${component}:${COMMIT}" export TAG=${COMMIT} export USE_IMAGES=${IMAGES} fi fi if [[ "${API_SCHEME}" == "https" ]]; then export CURL_CA_BUNDLE="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/ca.crt" export CURL_CERT="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/admin.crt" export CURL_KEY="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/admin.key" fi # change the location of $HOME so no one does anything naughty export HOME="${FAKE_HOME_DIR}" } # configure_and_start_os will create and write OS master certificates, node config, # OS config. function configure_os_server { # find the same IP that openshift start will bind to. This allows access from pods that have to talk back to master if [[ -z "${ALL_IP_ADDRESSES-}" ]]; then ALL_IP_ADDRESSES="$(openshift start --print-ip)" SERVER_HOSTNAME_LIST="${PUBLIC_MASTER_HOST},localhost," SERVER_HOSTNAME_LIST="${SERVER_HOSTNAME_LIST},kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local,kubernetes.default.svc,kubernetes.default,kubernetes" SERVER_HOSTNAME_LIST="${SERVER_HOSTNAME_LIST},openshift.default.svc.cluster.local,openshift.default.svc,openshift.default,openshift" while read -r IP_ADDRESS do SERVER_HOSTNAME_LIST="${SERVER_HOSTNAME_LIST},${IP_ADDRESS}" done <<< "${ALL_IP_ADDRESSES}" export ALL_IP_ADDRESSES export SERVER_HOSTNAME_LIST fi echo "[INFO] Creating certificates for the OpenShift server" openshift admin ca create-master-certs \ --overwrite=false \ --cert-dir="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}" \ --hostnames="${SERVER_HOSTNAME_LIST}" \ --master="${MASTER_ADDR}" \ --public-master="${API_SCHEME}://${PUBLIC_MASTER_HOST}:${API_PORT}" echo "[INFO] Creating OpenShift node config" openshift admin create-node-config \ --listen="${KUBELET_SCHEME}://${KUBELET_BIND_HOST}:${KUBELET_PORT}" \ --node-dir="${NODE_CONFIG_DIR}" \ --node="${KUBELET_HOST}" \ --hostnames="${KUBELET_HOST}" \ --master="${MASTER_ADDR}" \ --node-client-certificate-authority="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/ca.crt" \ --certificate-authority="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/ca.crt" \ --signer-cert="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/ca.crt" \ --signer-key="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/ca.key" \ --signer-serial="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/ca.serial.txt" oadm create-bootstrap-policy-file --filename="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/policy.json" echo "[INFO] Creating OpenShift config" openshift start \ --write-config=${SERVER_CONFIG_DIR} \ --create-certs=false \ --listen="${API_SCHEME}://${API_BIND_HOST}:${API_PORT}" \ --master="${MASTER_ADDR}" \ --public-master="${API_SCHEME}://${PUBLIC_MASTER_HOST}:${API_PORT}" \ --hostname="${KUBELET_HOST}" \ --volume-dir="${VOLUME_DIR}" \ --etcd-dir="${ETCD_DATA_DIR}" \ --images="${USE_IMAGES}" # Don't try this at home. We don't have flags for setting etcd ports in the config, but we want deconflicted ones. Use sed to replace defaults in a completely unsafe way os::util::sed "s/:4001$/:${ETCD_PORT}/g" ${SERVER_CONFIG_DIR}/master/master-config.yaml os::util::sed "s/:7001$/:${ETCD_PEER_PORT}/g" ${SERVER_CONFIG_DIR}/master/master-config.yaml # Make oc use ${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/admin.kubeconfig, and ignore anything in the running user's $HOME dir export ADMIN_KUBECONFIG="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/admin.kubeconfig" export CLUSTER_ADMIN_CONTEXT=$(oc config view --config=${ADMIN_KUBECONFIG} --flatten -o template --template='{{index . "current-context"}}') local sudo="${SUDO:+sudo}" ${sudo} chmod -R a+rwX "${ADMIN_KUBECONFIG}" echo "[INFO] To debug: export KUBECONFIG=$ADMIN_KUBECONFIG" } # start_os_server starts the OS server, exports the PID of the OS server # and waits until OS server endpoints are available function start_os_server { local sudo="${SUDO:+sudo}" echo "[INFO] `openshift version`" echo "[INFO] Server logs will be at: ${LOG_DIR}/openshift.log" echo "[INFO] Test artifacts will be in: ${ARTIFACT_DIR}" echo "[INFO] Volumes dir is: ${VOLUME_DIR}" echo "[INFO] Config dir is: ${SERVER_CONFIG_DIR}" echo "[INFO] Using images: ${USE_IMAGES}" echo "[INFO] MasterIP is: ${MASTER_ADDR}" mkdir -p ${LOG_DIR} echo "[INFO] Scan of OpenShift related processes already up via ps -ef | grep openshift : " ps -ef | grep openshift echo "[INFO] Starting OpenShift server" ${sudo} env "PATH=${PATH}" OPENSHIFT_PROFILE=web OPENSHIFT_ON_PANIC=crash openshift start \ --master-config=${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/master-config.yaml \ --node-config=${NODE_CONFIG_DIR}/node-config.yaml \ --loglevel=4 \ &>"${LOG_DIR}/openshift.log" & export OS_PID=$! echo "[INFO] OpenShift server start at: " date wait_for_url "${API_SCHEME}://${API_HOST}:${API_PORT}/healthz" "apiserver: " 0.25 80 wait_for_url "${KUBELET_SCHEME}://${KUBELET_HOST}:${KUBELET_PORT}/healthz" "[INFO] kubelet: " 0.5 60 wait_for_url "${API_SCHEME}://${API_HOST}:${API_PORT}/healthz/ready" "apiserver(ready): " 0.25 80 wait_for_url "${API_SCHEME}://${API_HOST}:${API_PORT}/api/v1/nodes/${KUBELET_HOST}" "apiserver(nodes): " 0.25 80 echo "[INFO] OpenShift server health checks done at: " date } # start_os_master starts the OS server, exports the PID of the OS server # and waits until OS server endpoints are available function start_os_master { local sudo="${SUDO:+sudo}" echo "[INFO] `openshift version`" echo "[INFO] Server logs will be at: ${LOG_DIR}/openshift.log" echo "[INFO] Test artifacts will be in: ${ARTIFACT_DIR}" echo "[INFO] Config dir is: ${SERVER_CONFIG_DIR}" echo "[INFO] Using images: ${USE_IMAGES}" echo "[INFO] MasterIP is: ${MASTER_ADDR}" mkdir -p ${LOG_DIR} echo "[INFO] Scan of OpenShift related processes already up via ps -ef | grep openshift : " ps -ef | grep openshift echo "[INFO] Starting OpenShift server" ${sudo} env "PATH=${PATH}" OPENSHIFT_PROFILE=web OPENSHIFT_ON_PANIC=crash openshift start master \ --config=${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/master-config.yaml \ --loglevel=4 \ &>"${LOG_DIR}/openshift.log" & export OS_PID=$! echo "[INFO] OpenShift server start at: " date wait_for_url "${API_SCHEME}://${API_HOST}:${API_PORT}/healthz" "apiserver: " 0.25 80 wait_for_url "${API_SCHEME}://${API_HOST}:${API_PORT}/healthz/ready" "apiserver(ready): " 0.25 80 echo "[INFO] OpenShift server health checks done at: " date } # ensure_iptables_or_die tests if the testing machine has iptables available # and in PATH. Also test whether current user has sudo privileges. function ensure_iptables_or_die { if [[ -z "$(which iptables)" ]]; then echo "IPTables not found - the end-to-end test requires a system with iptables for Kubernetes services." exit 1 fi set +e iptables --list > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then sudo iptables --list > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "You do not have iptables or sudo privileges. Kubernetes services will not work without iptables access. See https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/1859. Try 'sudo hack/test-end-to-end.sh'." exit 1 fi fi set -e } # tryuntil loops, retrying an action until it succeeds or times out after 90 seconds. function tryuntil { timeout=$(($(date +%s) + 90)) echo "++ Retrying until success or timeout: ${@}" while [ 1 ]; do if eval "${@}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then return 0 fi if [[ $(date +%s) -gt $timeout ]]; then # run it one more time so we can display the output # for debugging, since above we /dev/null the output if eval "${@}"; then return 0 fi echo "++ timed out" return 1 fi done } # wait_for_command executes a command and waits for it to # complete or times out after max_wait. # # $1 - The command to execute (e.g. curl -fs http://redhat.com) # $2 - Optional maximum time to wait in ms before giving up (Default: 10000ms) # $3 - Optional alternate command to determine if the wait should # exit before the max_wait function wait_for_command { STARTTIME=$(date +%s) cmd=$1 msg="Waiting for command to finish: '${cmd}'..." max_wait=${2:-10*TIME_SEC} fail=${3:-""} wait=0.2 echo "[INFO] $msg" expire=$(($(time_now) + $max_wait)) set +e while [[ $(time_now) -lt $expire ]]; do eval $cmd if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then set -e ENDTIME=$(date +%s) echo "[INFO] Success running command: '$cmd' after $(($ENDTIME - $STARTTIME)) seconds" return 0 fi #check a failure condition where the success #command may never be evaulated before timing #out if [[ ! -z $fail ]]; then eval $fail if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then set -e echo "[FAIL] Returning early. Command Failed '$cmd'" return 1 fi fi sleep $wait done echo "[ ERR] Gave up waiting for: '$cmd'" set -e return 1 } # wait_for_url_timed attempts to access a url in order to # determine if it is available to service requests. # # $1 - The URL to check # $2 - Optional prefix to use when echoing a successful result # $3 - Optional maximum time to wait before giving up (Default: 10s) function wait_for_url_timed { STARTTIME=$(date +%s) url=$1 prefix=${2:-} max_wait=${3:-10*TIME_SEC} wait=0.2 expire=$(($(time_now) + $max_wait)) set +e while [[ $(time_now) -lt $expire ]]; do out=$(curl --max-time 2 -fs $url 2>/dev/null) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then set -e echo ${prefix}${out} ENDTIME=$(date +%s) echo "[INFO] Success accessing '$url' after $(($ENDTIME - $STARTTIME)) seconds" return 0 fi sleep $wait done echo "ERROR: gave up waiting for $url" set -e return 1 } # wait_for_file returns 0 if a file exists, 1 if it does not exist # # $1 - The file to check for existence # $2 - Optional time to sleep between attempts (Default: 0.2s) # $3 - Optional number of attemps to make (Default: 10) function wait_for_file { file=$1 wait=${2:-0.2} times=${3:-10} for i in $(seq 1 $times); do if [ -f "${file}" ]; then return 0 fi sleep $wait done echo "ERROR: gave up waiting for file ${file}" return 1 } # wait_for_url attempts to access a url in order to # determine if it is available to service requests. # # $1 - The URL to check # $2 - Optional prefix to use when echoing a successful result # $3 - Optional time to sleep between attempts (Default: 0.2s) # $4 - Optional number of attemps to make (Default: 10) function wait_for_url { url=$1 prefix=${2:-} wait=${3:-0.2} times=${4:-10} set_curl_args $wait $times set +e cmd="env -i CURL_CA_BUNDLE=${CURL_CA_BUNDLE:-} $(which curl) ${clientcert_args} -fs ${url}" for i in $(seq 1 $times); do out=$(${cmd}) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then set -e echo "${prefix}${out}" return 0 fi sleep $wait done echo "ERROR: gave up waiting for ${url}" echo $(${cmd}) set -e return 1 } # set_curl_args tries to export CURL_ARGS for a program to use. # will do a wait for the files to exist when using curl with # SecureTransport (because we must convert the keys to a different # form). # # $1 - Optional time to sleep between attempts (Default: 0.2s) # $2 - Optional number of attemps to make (Default: 10) function set_curl_args { wait=${1:-0.2} times=${2:-10} CURL_CERT=${CURL_CERT:-} CURL_KEY=${CURL_KEY:-} clientcert_args="${CURL_EXTRA:-} " if [ -n "${CURL_CERT}" ]; then if [ -n "${CURL_KEY}" ]; then if [[ `curl -V` == *"SecureTransport"* ]]; then # Convert to a p12 cert for SecureTransport export CURL_CERT_DIR=$(dirname "${CURL_CERT}") export CURL_CERT_P12=${CURL_CERT_P12:-${CURL_CERT_DIR}/cert.p12} export CURL_CERT_P12_PASSWORD=${CURL_CERT_P12_PASSWORD:-password} if [ ! -f "${CURL_CERT_P12}" ]; then wait_for_file "${CURL_CERT}" $wait $times wait_for_file "${CURL_KEY}" $wait $times openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey "${CURL_KEY}" -in "${CURL_CERT}" -out "${CURL_CERT_P12}" -password "pass:${CURL_CERT_P12_PASSWORD}" fi clientcert_args="--cert ${CURL_CERT_P12}:${CURL_CERT_P12_PASSWORD} ${CURL_EXTRA:-}" else clientcert_args="--cert ${CURL_CERT} --key ${CURL_KEY} ${CURL_EXTRA:-}" fi fi fi export CURL_ARGS="${clientcert_args}" } # Search for a regular expression in a HTTP response. # # $1 - a valid URL (e.g.: # $2 - a regular expression or text function validate_response { url=$1 expected_response=$2 wait=${3:-0.2} times=${4:-10} set +e for i in $(seq 1 $times); do response=`curl $url` echo $response | grep -q "$expected_response" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "[INFO] Response is valid." set -e return 0 fi sleep $wait done echo "[INFO] Response is invalid: $response" set -e return 1 } # reset_tmp_dir will try to delete the testing directory. # If it fails will unmount all the mounts associated with # the test. # # $1 expression for which the mounts should be checked reset_tmp_dir() { local sudo="${SUDO:+sudo}" set +e ${sudo} rm -rf ${BASETMPDIR} &>/dev/null if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "[INFO] Unmounting previously used volumes ..." findmnt -lo TARGET | grep ${BASETMPDIR} | xargs -r ${sudo} umount ${sudo} rm -rf ${BASETMPDIR} fi mkdir -p ${BASETMPDIR} ${LOG_DIR} ${ARTIFACT_DIR} ${FAKE_HOME_DIR} ${VOLUME_DIR} set -e } # kill_all_processes function will kill all # all processes created by the test script. function kill_all_processes() { local sudo="${SUDO:+sudo}" pids=($(jobs -pr)) for i in ${pids[@]-}; do ps --ppid=${i} | xargs $sudo kill &> /dev/null $sudo kill ${i} &> /dev/null done } # time_now return the time since the epoch in millis function time_now() { echo $(date +%s000) } # dump_container_logs writes container logs to $LOG_DIR function dump_container_logs() { mkdir -p ${LOG_DIR} echo "[INFO] Dumping container logs to ${LOG_DIR}" for container in $(docker ps -aq); do container_name=$(docker inspect -f "{{.Name}}" $container) # strip off leading / container_name=${container_name:1} if [[ "$container_name" =~ ^k8s_ ]]; then pod_name=$(echo $container_name | awk 'BEGIN { FS="[_.]+" }; { print $4 }') container_name=${pod_name}-$(echo $container_name | awk 'BEGIN { FS="[_.]+" }; { print $2 }') fi docker logs "$container" >&"${LOG_DIR}/container-${container_name}.log" done } # delete_empty_logs deletes empty logs function delete_empty_logs() { # Clean up zero byte log files find "${ARTIFACT_DIR}" "${LOG_DIR}" -type f -name '*.log' \( -empty \) -delete } # truncate_large_logs truncates large logs so we only download the last 20MB function truncate_large_logs() { # Clean up large log files so they don't end up on jenkins local large_files=$(find "${ARTIFACT_DIR}" "${LOG_DIR}" -type f -name '*.log' \( -size +20M \)) for file in "${large_files}"; do cp "${file}" "${file}.tmp" echo "LOGFILE TOO LONG, PREVIOUS BYTES TRUNCATED. LAST 20M BYTES OF LOGFILE:" > "${file}" tail -c 20M "${file}.tmp" > "${file}" rm "${file}.tmp" done } ###### # start of common functions for extended test group's run.sh scripts ###### # exit run if ginkgo not installed function ensure_ginkgo_or_die { which ginkgo &>/dev/null || (echo 'Run: "go get github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo"' && exit 1) } # cleanup_openshift saves container logs, saves resources, and kills all processes and containers function cleanup_openshift { ADMIN_KUBECONFIG="${ADMIN_KUBECONFIG:-${BASETMPDIR}/openshift.local.config/master/admin.kubeconfig}" LOG_DIR="${LOG_DIR:-${BASETMPDIR}/logs}" ARTIFACT_DIR="${ARTIFACT_DIR:-${LOG_DIR}}" API_HOST="${API_HOST:-}" API_SCHEME="${API_SCHEME:-https}" ETCD_PORT="${ETCD_PORT:-4001}" set +e dump_container_logs echo "[INFO] Dumping all resources to ${LOG_DIR}/export_all.json" oc login -u system:admin -n default --config=${ADMIN_KUBECONFIG} oc export all --all-namespaces --raw -o json --config=${ADMIN_KUBECONFIG} > ${LOG_DIR}/export_all.json echo "[INFO] Dumping etcd contents to ${ARTIFACT_DIR}/etcd_dump.json" set_curl_args 0 1 curl -s ${clientcert_args} -L "${API_SCHEME}://${API_HOST}:${ETCD_PORT}/v2/keys/?recursive=true" > "${ARTIFACT_DIR}/etcd_dump.json" echo if [[ -z "${SKIP_TEARDOWN-}" ]]; then echo "[INFO] Tearing down test" kill_all_processes echo "[INFO] Stopping k8s docker containers"; docker ps | awk 'index($NF,"k8s_")==1 { print $1 }' | xargs -l -r docker stop -t 1 >/dev/null if [[ -z "${SKIP_IMAGE_CLEANUP-}" ]]; then echo "[INFO] Removing k8s docker containers"; docker ps -a | awk 'index($NF,"k8s_")==1 { print $1 }' | xargs -l -r docker rm >/dev/null fi set -u fi delete_empty_logs truncate_large_logs echo "[INFO] Cleanup complete" set -e } # create a .gitconfig for test-cmd secrets function create_gitconfig { USERNAME=sample-user PASSWORD=password TMPDIR="${TMPDIR:-"/tmp"}" GITCONFIG_DIR=$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR}/test-gitconfig.XXXX) touch ${GITCONFIG_DIR}/.gitconfig git config --file ${GITCONFIG_DIR}/.gitconfig user.name ${USERNAME} git config --file ${GITCONFIG_DIR}/.gitconfig user.token ${PASSWORD} echo ${GITCONFIG_DIR}/.gitconfig } function create_valid_file { TMPDIR="${TMPDIR:-"/tmp"}" FILE_DIR=$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR}/test-file.XXXX) touch ${FILE_DIR}/${1} echo ${FILE_DIR}/${1} } # install the router for the extended tests function install_router { echo "[INFO] Installing the router" echo '{"kind":"ServiceAccount","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{"name":"router"}}' | oc create -f - --config="${ADMIN_KUBECONFIG}" oc get scc privileged -o json --config="${ADMIN_KUBECONFIG}" | sed '/\"users\"/a \"system:serviceaccount:default:router\",' | oc replace scc privileged -f - --config="${ADMIN_KUBECONFIG}" # Create a TLS certificate for the router if [[ -n "${CREATE_ROUTER_CERT-}" ]]; then echo "[INFO] Generating router TLS certificate" oadm ca create-server-cert --signer-cert=${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/ca.crt \ --signer-key=${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/ca.key \ --signer-serial=${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/ca.serial.txt \ --hostnames="*.${API_HOST}.xip.io" \ --cert=${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/router.crt --key=${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/router.key cat ${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/router.crt ${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/router.key \ ${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/ca.crt > ${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/router.pem ROUTER_DEFAULT_CERT="--default-cert=${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/router.pem" fi openshift admin router --create --credentials="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/openshift-router.kubeconfig" --config="${ADMIN_KUBECONFIG}" --images="${USE_IMAGES}" --service-account=router ${ROUTER_DEFAULT_CERT-} } # install registry for the extended tests function install_registry { # The --mount-host option is provided to reuse local storage. echo "[INFO] Installing the registry" openshift admin registry --create --credentials="${MASTER_CONFIG_DIR}/openshift-registry.kubeconfig" --config="${ADMIN_KUBECONFIG}" --images="${USE_IMAGES}" } function wait_for_registry { wait_for_command '[[ "$(oc get endpoints docker-registry --output-version=v1 --template="{{ if .subsets }}{{ len .subsets }}{{ else }}0{{ end }}" --config=${ADMIN_KUBECONFIG} || echo "0")" != "0" ]]' $((5*TIME_MIN)) } # Wait for builds to start # $1 namespace function os::build:wait_for_start() { echo "[INFO] Waiting for $1 namespace build to start" wait_for_command "oc get -n $1 builds | grep -i running" $((10*TIME_MIN)) "oc get -n $1 builds | grep -i -e failed -e error" BUILD_ID=`oc get -n $1 builds --output-version=v1 --template="{{with index .items 0}}{{.metadata.name}}{{end}}"` echo "[INFO] Build ${BUILD_ID} started" } # Wait for builds to complete # $1 namespace function os::build:wait_for_end() { echo "[INFO] Waiting for $1 namespace build to complete" wait_for_command "oc get -n $1 builds | grep -i complete" $((10*TIME_MIN)) "oc get -n $1 builds | grep -i -e failed -e error" BUILD_ID=`oc get -n $1 builds --output-version=v1 --template="{{with index .items 0}}{{.metadata.name}}{{end}}"` echo "[INFO] Build ${BUILD_ID} finished" # TODO: fix set +e oc build-logs -n $1 $BUILD_ID > $LOG_DIR/$1build.log set -e } # enable-selinux/disable-selinux use the shared control variable # SELINUX_DISABLED to determine whether to re-enable selinux after it # has been disabled. The goal is to allow temporary disablement of # selinux enforcement while avoiding enabling enforcement in an # environment where it is not already enabled. SELINUX_DISABLED=0 function enable-selinux { if [ "${SELINUX_DISABLED}" = "1" ]; then os::log::info "Re-enabling selinux enforcement" sudo setenforce 1 SELINUX_DISABLED=0 fi } function disable-selinux { if selinuxenabled && [ "$(getenforce)" = "Enforcing" ]; then os::log::info "Temporarily disabling selinux enforcement" sudo setenforce 0 SELINUX_DISABLED=1 fi } ###### # end of common functions for extended test group's run.sh scripts ###### # Handler for when we exit automatically on an error. # Borrowed from https://gist.github.com/ahendrix/7030300 os::log::errexit() { local err="${PIPESTATUS[@]}" # If the shell we are in doesn't have errexit set (common in subshells) then # don't dump stacks. set +o | grep -qe "-o errexit" || return set +o xtrace local code="${1:-1}" os::log::error_exit "'${BASH_COMMAND}' exited with status $err" "${1:-1}" 1 } os::log::install_errexit() { # trap ERR to provide an error handler whenever a command exits nonzero this # is a more verbose version of set -o errexit trap 'os::log::errexit' ERR # setting errtrace allows our ERR trap handler to be propagated to functions, # expansions and subshells set -o errtrace } # Print out the stack trace # # Args: # $1 The number of stack frames to skip when printing. os::log::stack() { local stack_skip=${1:-0} stack_skip=$((stack_skip + 1)) if [[ ${#FUNCNAME[@]} -gt $stack_skip ]]; then echo "Call stack:" >&2 local i for ((i=1 ; i <= ${#FUNCNAME[@]} - $stack_skip ; i++)) do local frame_no=$((i - 1 + stack_skip)) local source_file=${BASH_SOURCE[$frame_no]} local source_lineno=${BASH_LINENO[$((frame_no - 1))]} local funcname=${FUNCNAME[$frame_no]} echo " $i: ${source_file}:${source_lineno} ${funcname}(...)" >&2 done fi } # Log an error and exit. # Args: # $1 Message to log with the error # $2 The error code to return # $3 The number of stack frames to skip when printing. os::log::error_exit() { local message="${1:-}" local code="${2:-1}" local stack_skip="${3:-0}" stack_skip=$((stack_skip + 1)) local source_file=${BASH_SOURCE[$stack_skip]} local source_line=${BASH_LINENO[$((stack_skip - 1))]} echo "!!! Error in ${source_file}:${source_line}" >&2 [[ -z ${1-} ]] || { echo " ${1}" >&2 } os::log::stack $stack_skip echo "Exiting with status ${code}" >&2 exit "${code}" } os::log::with-severity() { local msg=$1 local severity=$2 echo "[$2] ${1}" } os::log::info() { os::log::with-severity "${1}" "INFO" } os::log::warn() { os::log::with-severity "${1}" "WARNING" } os::log::error() { os::log::with-severity "${1}" "ERROR" } find_files() { find . -not \( \ \( \ -wholename './_output' \ -o -wholename './_tools' \ -o -wholename './.*' \ -o -wholename './pkg/assets/bindata.go' \ -o -wholename './pkg/assets/*/bindata.go' \ -o -wholename './openshift.local.*' \ -o -wholename '*/Godeps/*' \ -o -wholename './assets/bower_components/*' \ \) -prune \ \) -name '*.go' | sort -u } # Asks golang what it thinks the host platform is. The go tool chain does some # slightly different things when the target platform matches the host platform. os::util::host_platform() { echo "$(go env GOHOSTOS)/$(go env GOHOSTARCH)" } os::util::sed() { if [[ "$(go env GOHOSTOS)" == "darwin" ]]; then sed -i '' $@ else sed -i'' $@ fi } os::util::get_object_assert() { local object=$1 local request=$2 local expected=$3 res=$(eval oc get $object -o go-template=\"$request\") if [[ "$res" =~ ^$expected$ ]]; then echo "Successful get $object $request: $res" return 0 else echo "FAIL!" echo "Get $object $request" echo " Expected: $expected" echo " Got: $res" return 1 fi }