#!/bin/bash source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/lib/init.sh" echo "===== Verifying Generated Bootstrap Bindata =====" TMP_GENERATED_BOOTSTRAP_DIR="_output/verify-bootstrap-bindata" echo "Generating bootstrap bindata..." if ! output=`OUTPUT_ROOT=${TMP_GENERATED_BOOTSTRAP_DIR} ${OS_ROOT}/hack/update-generated-bootstrap-bindata.sh 2>&1` then echo "FAILURE: Generation of fresh bindata failed:" echo "$output" exit 1 fi echo "Diffing current bootstrap bindata against freshly generated bindata" ret=0 diff -Naup "${OS_ROOT}/pkg/bootstrap/bindata.go" "${TMP_GENERATED_BOOTSTRAP_DIR}/pkg/bootstrap/bindata.go" || ret=$? rm -rf "${TMP_GENERATED_BOOTSTRAP_DIR}" if [[ $ret -eq 0 ]] then echo "SUCCESS: Generated bootstrap bindata up to date." else echo "FAILURE: Generated bootstrap bindata out of date. Please run hack/update-generated-bootstrap-bindata.sh" exit 1 fi