#!/bin/bash # This starts a Docker container using the release image (openshift/origin-release:golang-1.6) # and syncs the local directory into that image. The default mode performs a 'git archive' of # the current HEAD, so you get a reproducible environment. You can also set # OS_BUILD_ENV_REUSE_VOLUME to a docker volume name to rsync (or docker cp) the contents of # the current directory into the image. # # Examples: # # sync local dir into the volume and print the Docker create command # $ hack/env # # # builds the current HEAD in the container # $ hack/env make # # # builds the current HEAD and copy _output/releases back locally afterwards # $ OS_BUILD_ENV_PRESERVE=_output/releases hack/env make release # # # run all update tasks and copy the api, pkg, and docs directories back out # $ OS_BUILD_ENV_PRESERVE=api:docs:pkg hack/env make update # # # rsync the contents of the current directory into the 'local' docker volume # # and iteratively build # $ export OS_BUILD_ENV_REUSE_VOLUME=local # $ export OS_BUILD_ENV_DOCKER_ARGS='-e OS_VERSION_FILE= ' # $ hack/env make # slow # $ hack/env make # fast! # # NOTE: only committed code is built. source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")/lib/init.sh" os::build::environment::run "$@"