 Running Rocket containers on Photon
 Rocket is a new container runtime, created by [CoreOS]( and designed for composability, security, and speed. 
 rkt (pronounced _"rock-it"_) is a CLI for running app containers, and an implementation of the [App Container Spec](
 rkt is available as an optional package in Photon, to install it:
 mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom
 tdnf install rocket
 ### Running an App Container Image (ACI)
 rkt uses content addressable storage (CAS) for storing an ACI on disk. In this example, the image is downloaded and added to the CAS.
 Since rkt verifies signatures by default, you will need to first [trust]( the [CoreOS public key]( used to sign the image:
 $ sudo rkt trust --prefix
 Prefix: ""
 Key: ""
 GPG key fingerprint is: 8B86 DE38 890D DB72 9186  7B02 5210 BD88 8818 2190
         CoreOS ACI Builder <>
 Are you sure you want to trust this key (yes/no)? yes
 Trusting "" for prefix "".
 Added key for prefix "" at "/etc/rkt/trustedkeys/prefix.d/"
 Now that we've trusted the CoreOS public key, we can bring up a simple etcd instance using the ACI format:
 $ privateIp=$(ip -4 -o addr show eth0 | cut -d' ' -f7 | cut -d'/' -f1)
 $ sudo rkt run -- -name vmware-cna \
 > -listen-client-urls \
 > -advertise-client-urls http://${privateIp}:2379 \
 > -listen-peer-urls \
 > -initial-advertise-peer-urls http://${privateIp}:2380 \
 > -initial-cluster vmware-cna=http://${privateIp}:2380 \
 > -initial-cluster-state new
 rkt: searching for app image
 rkt: fetching image from
 Downloading signature from
 Downloading ACI: [========================================     ] 3.38 MB/3.76 MB
 rkt: signature verified:
   CoreOS ACI Builder <>
 Timezone UTC does not exist in container, not updating container timezone.
 2015/04/02 13:18:39 no data-dir provided, using default data-dir ./vmware-cna.etcd
 2015/04/02 13:18:39 etcd: listening for peers on
 2015/04/02 13:18:39 etcd: listening for client requests on
 2015/04/02 13:18:39 etcdserver: name = vmware-cna
 2015/04/02 13:18:39 etcdserver: data dir = vmware-cna.etcd
 2015/04/02 13:18:39 etcdserver: member dir = vmware-cna.etcd/member
 2015/04/02 13:18:39 etcdserver: heartbeat = 100ms
 2015/04/02 13:18:39 etcdserver: election = 1000ms
 2015/04/02 13:18:39 etcdserver: snapshot count = 10000
 2015/04/02 13:18:39 etcdserver: advertise client URLs =
 2015/04/02 13:18:39 etcdserver: initial advertise peer URLs =
 2015/04/02 13:18:39 etcdserver: initial cluster = vmware-cna=
 2015/04/02 13:18:39 etcdserver: start member 8f79fa9a50a1689 in cluster 75c533bd1f49730b
 2015/04/02 13:18:39 raft: 8f79fa9a50a1689 became follower at term 0
 2015/04/02 13:18:39 raft: newRaft 8f79fa9a50a1689 [peers: [], term: 0, commit: 0, applied: 0, lastindex: 0, lastterm: 0]
 2015/04/02 13:18:39 raft: 8f79fa9a50a1689 became follower at term 1
 2015/04/02 13:18:39 etcdserver: added local member 8f79fa9a50a1689 [] to cluster 75c533bd1f49730b
 2015/04/02 13:18:41 raft: 8f79fa9a50a1689 is starting a new election at term 1
 2015/04/02 13:18:41 raft: 8f79fa9a50a1689 became candidate at term 2
 2015/04/02 13:18:41 raft: 8f79fa9a50a1689 received vote from 8f79fa9a50a1689 at term 2
 2015/04/02 13:18:41 raft: 8f79fa9a50a1689 became leader at term 2
 2015/04/02 13:18:41 raft.node: 8f79fa9a50a1689 elected leader 8f79fa9a50a1689 at term 2
 2015/04/02 13:18:41 etcdserver: published {Name:vmware-cna ClientURLs:[]} to cluster 75c533bd1f49730b
 At any time you can press ^] three times to kill container.